Started by hypoboy at 01,Jul,19 03:15  other posts of hypoboy
Similar topics: it too small? 2.Rate my penis 3.Please rate and Inform me if I am small 4.Tell me my legit erected size can i see my own erected penis and feel confident with my size? New CommentComments: |
Still to small to do much more that allow me to wiz standing up in the woods.
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What would mine be?? 😅
What do you think
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Above 5 and going up to 6.5 is moderately large. 7-8 is large; above 8 is large + and 10 upwards is very large.
Of course all of this can be modified according to width. I once had a friend who had a cock 5 ins long but 3 ins wide (wide not circumference). I always reckoned on that being big. At the age I was when I first saw it, I could not get my fingers closed around it.
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Average or biggie ? What do you think ?
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I am a small just under 5 inches
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honesty is a crucial part in accepting one's own penis size in life - if i wouldn't accept and confirm my real candid measurement it would be like denying my dick - therefore, i would never lie about my size! here it is:
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