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Are all guys ever so slightly interested in seeing others?

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Started by johnwish at 23,Nov,21 20:18  other posts of johnwish
Does anybody think that whether they admit it or not,that all guys are at least slightly excited and interested by seeing another guys cock or are there those that are 100% not into that at all and totally straight? I'm interested to find out.

Similar topics: 1.cam2cam   2.sounding - which young guys like it   3.What is your perfect cock preference   4.My pictures   5.Who else is interested in small penis humiliation (SPH)  

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By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Feb,22 14:28 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Well, who didn't have an 'I'll show you mine, if you show me yours' phase?
And did we really grow out of it? Where are we now?
By spermkiss at 19,Feb,22 17:42 other posts of spermkiss 
Yes we did have that phase and it's a normal, healthy and wholesome part of growing up. And alas many men do indeed grow out of it, which is really too bad. If guys would get together now and then for a little show and tell, the world would be a better place.
--------------------------------------- added after 59 minutes

Some further thoughts on where we are now, and I hope I'm not getting too heavy duty political.

From the number of times Vladimir Putin has been photographed shirtless, one has to conclude that he really wants to show off his dick. If western Europe and North America were to show some interest in seeing it, perhaps we could take a big step toward world peace. After all, what is the big military buildup along the Ukraine border but a giant phallic symbol.

Just imagine President Biden calling him up and saying "Hey Vlad, how 'bout dropping by The White House and taking off your pants. I'll take mine off too and we can check each other out."

'Just sayin'
By Ananas2xLekker at 19,Feb,22 19:10 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
It would definitively help, if world leaders solved their problems with dick size and pissing distance contests and leave out the rest of us.

The problem is that people are voting for the biggest dicks, because they think those big dicks will protect them. The problem is that those big dicks fuck everyone.
They will have their pissing contest and everyone else has to clean up the mess.

By #613564 at 21,Mar,22 02:34
Maybe he's just pissed off that Zelensky, President of Ukraine, wouldn't blow him?? Hence the invasion? LOL!!
By spermkiss at 21,Mar,22 15:48 other posts of spermkiss 
Could be. And perhaps the reason he and Donald Trump were so chummy is that Trump did blow him.
By Ananas2xLekker at 22,Mar,22 16:49 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
For sure, but Trump definitely rimmed him too.
By spermkiss at 23,Mar,22 16:00 other posts of spermkiss 
You got that right. Putin ha no need for toilet paper as Trump will lick his asshole clean whenever he wishes.
By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Mar,22 16:09 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
And he's now lashing out in anger for losing his bottom bitch. Sad!
By spermkiss at 29,Mar,22 14:51 other posts of spermkiss 
This exchange is reminding me of that old canard: "Beauty may be only skin deep, but ugly goes all the way down to the bone". Donald Trump is living proof of that hypothesis. Ted Cruz too.

By Ablaze at 23,Mar,22 09:36 other posts of Ablaze 
I like to watch the other guys cocks since a child, letter I discovered some of them turn me on and I want to play with them. So, may be yes, but this is personal opinion.

By #662360 at 23,Mar,22 07:36
I’m generally straight and I enjoy seeing both men and women. But with women I’m only turned on by whole body views so I see everything from face to pussy or hair to ass, preferably legs too. But with men I’m turned on by pictures of just cocks, or cock bulges in underwear and don’t need to see the guys face to get a hard. In the changing room I’m always looking for glimpses of decent dicks.
By #64328 at 23,Mar,22 08:42
I feel the same. Well said

By #275407 at 23,Mar,22 06:31
I find myself looking at both sexes and all ages. I guess I'm a people watcher

By lopho at 25,Nov,21 06:13 other posts of lopho 
Well I think most of us guys like to see other cocks be it to compare them with our own or be it to get exited by their size or beauty !
By #6568 at 28,Nov,21 09:53

By #613564 at 23,Mar,22 03:23
Some of us just like to see what some others do!

By new2day at 19,Feb,22 12:50 other posts of new2day 
We all like to look, always fun to see other cocks no matter if you're straight, gay or bi. Probably not something many will admit to enjoying, but I think it's just human nature to look.
By #613564 at 21,Mar,22 02:32
I was taught NOT to look, because it was "Bad" and only 'certain guys' did that, and they were not accepted, back then.
I don't follow rules well, and so I looked anyway, curious, like is TOTALLY normal!
In college, I would purposely show off to a guy in the same row of lockers, in the locker room, and I kind of liked that he watched me, in the showers and sometimes got hard.
Didn't hurt me, in any way, and he was openly gay, but he knew I wasn't, but he liked looking, and so what?
Hope he got off, a lot, and felt great!

By #613564 at 21,Mar,22 02:26
I like women, A LOT, and choose them, all the time, but between GFs, or when she is being a Btch, and I am really horny, what's wrong with liking some pictures of friend's dicks, here, and just getting off? Especially when they like showing, and chatting, when they are in the same place.

By Sir-Skittles at 07,Mar,22 13:31 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Tecsan show your clit and panties lass!
By tecsan at 08,Mar,22 07:01 other posts of tecsan 
Here is a twist, show yours PA shittles............
By dgraff at 21,Mar,22 02:20 other posts of dgraff 
I will show you mine want to see and you know I will

By #625826 at 21,Mar,22 01:13
Enjoy looking at both...get a Hard On from thinking of both...Bi

By #665594 at 21,Mar,22 01:10
Totally agree

By #463848 at 07,Mar,22 13:28
I can't speak for everyone but I am interested in seeing any penis that is shown to me.
By #64328 at 07,Mar,22 22:20
Same here

By #665594 at 21,Mar,22 01:05

By #613564 at 06,Mar,22 08:01
I think every guy wants to know "Is He Bigger" or "Smaller" just as part of the evolutionary competition thing!
Today, it's more accepted, that people can feel a more open, fluid idea of their sexuality, and while many men identify as "Straight" they come to sites like this, and look at other penises, and show theirs, maybe somewhat anonymously!
I think a lot of STRAIGHT guys, come here, on weekends, and just love seeing penises, and masturbate, and feel WONDERFUL things, but in "Secret". It's a start, I guess.
I don't see what the big deal is!! Loving looking at penises, and even masturbating, for whatever fantasy, doesn't make you gay. Besides, what is wrong with being 'gay' or even 'bi'??
By german_guy at 06,Mar,22 19:04 other posts of german_guy 
I do share ur opinion completely

By #64328 at 06,Mar,22 19:51
I agree too

By LGA6969 at 19,Feb,22 10:01 other posts of LGA6969 
Hell yes

By spermkiss at 18,Feb,22 17:13 other posts of spermkiss 
No, all guys are not "ever so slightly" interested in seeing other guys' dicks. They are VERY interested. And this is not just gay and bisexual guys, but ALL guys. Guys like looking at dicks; all guys do. This is a guy thing not a gay thing.

By Beans at 17,Feb,22 04:56 other posts of Beans 
I have zero attraction to men but I love looking at cocks makes me horny. I fantasise all the time about touching and sucking them. Only actually sucked a cock once
By german_guy at 17,Feb,22 19:28 other posts of german_guy 
quite similar with me

By #662360 at 16,Feb,22 19:38
I’m puzzled. With naked women I’m not turned on by just seeing their cunts, I need to see their whole naked body. But with guys just their cocks turn me on and I’m not turned on by their naked bodies. Why?

By knewbi at 16,Feb,22 18:24 other posts of knewbi 
Can't say that all guys are but I know that I just love seeing guys cocks at any time...

By nekekal at 10,Feb,22 19:25 other posts of nekekal 
I think all guys have a slight interest in seeing cocks. Guys are pretty obsessed with their own cock and doing a bit of comparing seems normal.

By #64328 at 10,Feb,22 17:57
I would think so. Probably more than slightly

By #583155 at 10,Feb,22 04:21
i played rugby and hockey and yes we checked each other out.. there was one guy that was hung like a horse so eventually the question how big is that hard gets thrown out there, and he says pretty big, so of course ya well lets see it i end up with four other guys and horse cock comparing our hardons in the locker room and yes he was the biggest

By #463848 at 20,Dec,21 10:18
Yes, all of them; but not necessarily in real time.

By #64328 at 28,Nov,21 20:16
I think they are whether they admit it or not
By routemaster at 04,Dec,21 06:40 other posts of routemaster 
I agree

By #613564 at 04,Dec,21 06:22
It doesn't make you gay if you just like looking at penis pictures and even if you have fantasies!
I think a lot of really Hetero guys are terrified, when they have some involuntary reaction, in a gym, locker room, or just some fantasy chat, online.
It's totally OK, if you identify as Hetero, but still get hard, seeing things on this site!
Confusing, maybe, but just relax. You are still 'Straight' but something makes you feel something you never imagined. . .

By Ohioguy at 28,Nov,21 10:50 other posts of Ohioguy 
I’m Not watching porn for the acting. And we really only wanna see the money shot anyways.

By spermkiss at 25,Nov,21 17:34 other posts of spermkiss 
Absolutely. Looking at other guys' dicks is a guy thing, not just a gay thing. All guys, no matter how straight they are, like to do it.
By #6568 at 28,Nov,21 09:51
Yes +1.....we keep coming back to this.....orientation is not relevant....pilots like looking at planes, drivers like looking at cars, riders like looking at horses and (enthisiastic) cock users like looking at cocks.

.....It's sort of a professional interest!

By Sir-Skittles at 24,Nov,21 16:27 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Tecsan he looks at everything. Cunt hangs out in the mens shower at the gym

His favorite machine at the gym is the vending machine!
By tecsan at 28,Nov,21 09:03 other posts of tecsan 
You are here to cocksurf, do not try to deny it...We can all see the blogs your cocksucking ass posts on...

By cumcouplessa at 28,Nov,21 03:54 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Hubby here. Since as far back as I can remember, I've always liked seeing cock. As a young boy I always got hard in the showers after gym at school. Couldn't help it, the minute I saw cock, mine would grow. At first I got teased a lot, but in high school, we'd compete to see who had the hardest and biggest erection. Only some of the guys found it disgusting, but at least I wasn't alone.

By #648364 at 26,Nov,21 02:35
Nope, short to long, skinny to thick, cut or uncut...I have seen them all. Nothing new. Experiment...go to work and pull it out and see how many people actually want to see it. You might be surprised how people will respond. If you peep on the wrong person you could end up Taking your last breath in a public toilet.

By Ananas2xLekker at 25,Nov,21 10:57 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Are there member who say there are completely not interested in seeing dicks?
They must be only interested in showing their dick then. The site is called showyourdick.

I admit that I didn't find this site with google and then became a member with the (only) intent on showing my dick, but I would be very interested to hear the story of someone
who claims he did.

By #651230 at 24,Nov,21 16:27
I do think that all men should experience something up their ass at least once also.

By #651230 at 24,Nov,21 16:26
I like to think so

By #552761 at 23,Nov,21 21:51
I think that all guys get something out of seeing a guy jerking off, because they all love a good wank
By johnwish at 23,Nov,21 22:33 other posts of johnwish 
That's true Barry.

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