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Pussy sucking

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Started by petunia51 at 18,Jan,24 10:40  other posts of petunia51
Hi! How many pussies have you sucked?

Similar topics: 1.eating pussy   2.I think that sucking cock is far far better than sucking pussy.... what do u thing guys??   3.Bi guys - Prefer eating pussy, or sucking cock?   4.Pussy sucking   5.emoticon for licking pussy?  

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By cumcouplessa at 03,Aug,24 03:53 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Hubby here. I've eaten the pussy of every woman I've ever slept with, but nothing beats eating wifeys pussy after she's been fucked hard by another guy. The texture changes. Lips are swolen and yet soft and very sensitive.the mixture of her and his juices is amazing, and she is usually so turned on she basically face fucks me and can orgasm repeatedly.

By Lik2play at 31,Jul,24 03:23 other posts of Lik2play 
I have lick suck an fuck a few pussy
When I was in my twenties I lick a 18,year old pussy,
An later I lick an fuck a 74 year old fine looking women.
All I can say between the two, they both tasted like pussy, darn good pussy

By Smoothsilk at 26,Jul,24 15:58 other posts of Smoothsilk 
I traveled for work got lucky many times, so I do not know for sure. I have eaten many pussies. A favorite pastime.

By casado at 12,Jul,24 13:02 other posts of casado 
Amo chupar a buceta da minha esposa atй ela gozar.
By petunia51 at 12,Jul,24 13:17 other posts of petunia51 
Englisch Please!
By casado at 15,Jul,24 15:26 other posts of casado 
I love sucking my wife until she cums.

By leopoldij at 14,Jul,24 15:33 other posts of leopoldij 

By spooky at 14,Jul,24 00:52 other posts of spooky 
I don't suck cunts, I make out with them. I have had close to 300 cunts my mouth. I love photographing and videoing the cunts and tits of the women I fuck and then post them on line. I think I have posted the cunts and tits and my cock in those cunts of about 50 different women on this web site. I suck their cunt lips into my mouth and lick and tongue and kiss the cunt as if I were on a dating making out with a woman. I pull her butt tight against me to get my mouth and tongue deep into her cunt. I will have her cunt in my mouth for a long time, sometimes an hour or so. I have even had a cunt in my mouth all night, sleeping with my cock in her mouth and her cunt in my mouth.

By Lvphose at 13,Jul,24 22:06 other posts of Lvphose 
TNTC which is to numerous to count!

By Cummingforyou at 07,Jun,24 00:30 other posts of Cummingforyou 
A few pussies I sucked , should of been more. But loved getting my tongue around her clit and making her squirm

By Sandwind at 06,Jun,24 14:10 other posts of Sandwind 
Stopped counting by time but it's more than 30.

By SexIsLife at 02,Jun,24 19:23 other posts of SexIsLife 
I tried several times but couldn't count exactly the accurate numbers but I can guess that it should be 120 different pussies I've been sucked.

By NewguyM at 24,May,24 18:59 other posts of NewguyM 
I've lost count. I love eating pussy. I have to do it before doing anything else

By t-rex at 22,May,24 23:43 other posts of t-rex 
I have sucked quite a few, I love doing it, as long as it’s clean, I’m there. Some to make them cum, some just to warm them up
By tb1 at 24,May,24 18:11 other posts of tb1 
A good friend of mine told me that he and his wife fucked every day. He’d go down on her to get her ready for intercourse. He bragged that she was hooked on receiving oral and he’d never be cuckolded! Then disaster happened, he caught her cheating on him. Divorce ensued! He thought he had it made but as it turned out, he was not guaranteed a faithful wife
By t-rex at 24,May,24 18:31 other posts of t-rex 
I guess nothing is a guarantee, I was divorced once, will never happen again, I could be committed, but never another marriage.,I still love pussy though, I guess it’s the same power as a blowjob over a guy, making her cum with my mouth still gives me a rush !!!

By nekekal at 24,May,24 17:39 other posts of nekekal 
A few. A few less than I have fucked. Someone told me early that if you are really wanting to get your cock into a woman, and are making out but she seems hesitant, if you just move down and get your tongue between her cunt lips, she will very soon not be able to say no. Pretty soon getting fucked is the best sounding idea in the world. At the very least she will feel compelled to suck my cock which I might like better than fucking her anyway. Feels great with no chance of getting her pregnant.

By #715940 at 22,May,24 22:52
Both are wonderful
But when I am down there doing my thing and she begins to roll her hips creating waves in her stomach. I know she’s about to blow her stack. That’s better just at that moment
But getting a man off is simpler and honestly less effort.

By smallrod at 22,May,24 05:55 other posts of smallrod 
At least 10 probably more, I can’t remember all of them.

By SexIsLife at 22,May,24 05:26 other posts of SexIsLife 
I love to suck my wife's sexy pussy.

By babutsp at 25,Jan,24 16:11 other posts of babutsp 
I have sucked two pussies

By tb1 at 21,Jan,24 12:25 other posts of tb1 
None! I could not stand the fishy smell. I don’t eat fish, why would I eat pussy?

By Cummingforyou at 21,Jan,24 10:09 other posts of Cummingforyou 
Several. Love licking her in and around her pussy and hearing her moan

By cumcouplessa at 21,Jan,24 04:11 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Hubby here. Cannot remember ever having sex with a woman and not eating her pussy 🤷‍♂️. Not sure I could even fuck, without eating first? Always been my starting point lol. I'm very oral. Love sucking cock, and love eating pussy 🙈

By #610414 at 19,Jan,24 16:15
A few.
By hairypussywife at 20,Jan,24 21:26 other posts of hairypussywife 
That's wonderful 👍

By Lvphose at 20,Jan,24 21:20 other posts of Lvphose 
Over a dozen

By hairypussywife at 19,Jan,24 19:05 other posts of hairypussywife 
About 30

By Wrath at 19,Jan,24 18:53 other posts of Wrath 

By wycowboy at 19,Jan,24 15:28 other posts of wycowboy 

By leopoldij at 19,Jan,24 03:37 other posts of leopoldij 

By Gntlmn at 19,Jan,24 02:37 other posts of Gntlmn 
Only 7... not nearly enough

By Cody8789 at 18,Jan,24 20:55 other posts of Cody8789 
To many to give an accurate count

By Jamie at 18,Jan,24 12:42 other posts of Jamie 
Not many about 5
By SluttySarah069 at 18,Jan,24 15:47 other posts of SluttySarah069 
Same here - but fucked many more.

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