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Saggy has requested the Site Medical Officer help her!

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Started by Sir-Skittles at 13,Oct,24 14:28  other posts of Sir-Skittles
The Saggy Granny (786)530-8870 has lost the plot. She has long suffered from mental illness and the stigma from marrying not once, but twice, a scummy sexual predator. Oh the humiliation and shame!

She is now suffering what is almost certainly dementia.. First she has unbanned me, which has opened her page up to endless attacks. Second, she has now posted what appears to be her phone number as her member number.

This is in addition to her posting a picture of her drivers license. No one can be this stupid. Or can they?

Let's hope the site medical officer can help her through these turbulent and uncertain times.

Similar topics: 1.saggy or perky tits. . what is better?   2.Should good threads in the dumpster-- be "Un-Dumpstered?"   3.Cerebral Palsy   4.The Saggy Granny and Chuckles- The aftermath!   5.The Saggy Granny- now member #610414  

New Comment

By Sir-Skittles at 11,Nov,24 16:03 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Saggy is on suicide watch after Trump pummeled that cunt Kamal toe!

By phart at 12,Nov,24 02:27 other posts of phart 
Well Harvard and several other universities have canceled classes and have set up safe spaces for students to help them cope with the election results. Legos,coloring books and etc.

SO if cat wants to go to 1 of the safe spaces, maybe it will give some relief. coloring books should work fine.

I would hate to think I had the "brains" to get a scholarship to Harvard,and be to big of a pussy to be able to cope with Trump winning a election. my God man, if they can't cope with Trump winning a election, how will they cope with real life after college? I mean, sometimes you don't get a 100,000 dollar a year job right out of school! Sometimes you may have to drink instant coffee instead of Starbucks!

By phart at 13,Oct,24 19:55 other posts of phart 
The 786 area code is located in Florida and covers a large portion of the state, including Miami-Dade County and the Florida Keys:
By CAT52! at 13,Oct,24 19:57 other posts of CAT52! 
But this number is associated with a person that works with the VA and Skittles has made reference to Tecsan not to mess with someone in the VA.
By Cody8789 at 13,Oct,24 23:27 other posts of Cody8789 
786 was given to the Miami area because 305 could not handle the amount of people living in south Florida so they added a new number to the area.

By tecsan at 15,Oct,24 08:03 other posts of tecsan 
You replied to us both (786)530-8870. WTF do you mean by VA anyway?
By Sir-Skittles at 15,Oct,24 21:27 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
She is losing it- a fabricated story... just like when she lied about having heart surgery.

This bitch will say anything to look like a victim. She needs cunts to show her sympathy!
By tecsan at 16,Oct,24 08:07 other posts of tecsan 
She will have to fabricate something more than that. I have already seen many name changes. WTF.

By CAT52! at 17,Oct,24 16:20 other posts of CAT52! 
Tecsan Veteran’s Administration

By PITBULL at 18,Oct,24 18:23 other posts of PITBULL 
She and her sexual predator Charlie live now in Umatilla, Florida.

By bella! at 13,Oct,24 18:31 other posts of bella! 
Gee, I hope she doesn't do anything as careless as posting her phone number..... But who is Precious Green? The reverse search lookup I conducted indicated that this phone number belongs to Precious Green.
By Sir-Skittles at 13,Oct,24 18:53 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Assumed it was hers--- but if she has posted someone else's number... things will escalate.
By AngelofDeath at 13,Oct,24 19:40 other posts of AngelofDeath 
She probably thinks it’s either yours or mine. Like either of us is as stupid as she looks. 😂

By CAT52! at 13,Oct,24 19:40 other posts of CAT52! 
It's the number of the member that sent a text of a pic that was stolen by Skittles to my daughter. The pic was from an old account of mine. It depics me giving a blow job to a man. This person has connections to one of Skittles girlfriend. I'll post the pic with the phone number showing on the text in the next few days.

By CAT52! at 13,Oct,24 20:06 other posts of CAT52! 
Skittles posted in Freddy's thread

I heard your scummy daughter, is looking at joining this site.

"It" has been contacted by a member here...

610414 was my old name

By AngelofDeath at 13,Oct,24 22:20 other posts of AngelofDeath 
Oh boy, I can only imagine how someone named “Precious”, looks like. Probably like Tecsans liver.
By Sir-Skittles at 14,Oct,24 02:06 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Her Cerebral palsy breeder
By AngelofDeath at 14,Oct,24 02:11 other posts of AngelofDeath 
No big black and bloated.

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