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stroking question

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Started by #5173 at 30,Jun,09 14:53
I stroke my dick with my right hand most of the time,but about a quarter of the time I use my left many of you use either hand????

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New Comment

By Moench at 24,Dec,23 20:47 other posts of Moench 
Left or right doesn’t matter,I use or need only two finger to make mine happy

By lovetolickyou at 24,Dec,23 19:33 other posts of lovetolickyou 
I've always used my right hand. I find the type of grip is the biggest factor in getting a good result. I use the fingers and thumb underneath, on the same side of the shaft, which works a lot better than the kind of grip you'd use on bicycle handlebars with the thumb on the opposite side. I've sometimes humorously told a friend "Try using the wrong hand....It feels like a high school girl who doesn't know how to do it very well". In my experience, using the wrong hand extends the time it takes to get any results - In fact, it sometimes takes forever, and I give up before anything good happens.

By #662360 at 24,Dec,23 19:09
I start with my right hand and use my left hand to tickle my balls and arse. By the time I start getting worked up I don’t want to stop and keep going with my right hand till I cum.

By woody4647 at 24,Dec,23 16:19 other posts of woody4647 
I use both hands. Usually start lefty. Get it nice and hard. Then finish off with a strong right handed wank. If all goes well I get a real good cum

By LGA6969 at 10,Dec,23 13:47 other posts of LGA6969 
I am a lefty, but I have used my right sometimes. The orgasm feels a lot different when I use my right hand

By Lvphose at 09,Dec,23 20:41 other posts of Lvphose 
Use both

By dragonsegg at 09,Dec,23 09:46 other posts of dragonsegg 
Normally aright handed guy but love to change hands when I’m enjoying a solo session, feels like someone else is giving me hand

By Cummingforyou at 09,Dec,23 02:05 other posts of Cummingforyou 
Normally stroke with my left hand and been so used to it. On some occasions stroked with my right and got different sensation

By Cummingforyou at 09,Dec,23 02:03 other posts of Cummingforyou 
Normally stroke with my left hand and been so used to it. On some occasions stroked with my right and got different sensation

By doedeldi at 05,Dec,23 14:36 other posts of doedeldi 
Ich benutze nur die rechte.

By #662360 at 04,Dec,23 12:26
Usually my right hand. But some time ago I experienced a wanking machine like this which an engineering student friend made. It gave a good wank. [deleted image]

By Rachel_G at 14,Nov,22 03:39 other posts of Rachel_G 
I used my right hand on my hubby’s cock

By #625826 at 14,Nov,22 02:07
Mostly stroke with right , though left hand , when i am pumping my tight boi butt , with a nice 6 inch Dildo...omg ,feels so good , i am moaning thru out my orgasms

By exhibit at 14,Nov,22 00:39 other posts of exhibit 
Neither hand. I use a vibrator. Close my eyes and enjoy the ride.

By nekekal at 27,Sep,22 17:56 other posts of nekekal 
Mostly my right hand. On occasion, my left. It feels like a stranger is doing it.

By thebeewolf at 18,Sep,22 15:19 other posts of thebeewolf 
I almost never use a hand, right or left. If I'm getting myself off it's either with my vibrator or every now and then with my Fleshlight quick shot.

By Strongmember# at 14,Sep,22 22:23 other posts of Strongmember# 
left hand habit developed around college when i started typing with right hand for internet porn

By LGA6969 at 14,Sep,22 21:17 other posts of LGA6969 
I am a lefty, but sometimes switch to right which takes longer to cum.

By #662360 at 14,Sep,22 07:28
Right hand mostly but occasionally treat myself to a leftie as shown. It feels like another boy is doing it for me! [deleted image]

By #64328 at 13,Apr,22 13:14
As a boy I was primarily a right handed hacker. But with computers arrival I started with my left hand.

By Averageamount at 13,Apr,22 02:39 other posts of Averageamount 
Mostly use right, even though left feels better for some reason but Unless I'm watching porn on my phone I tend to switch hands anyway

By #664956 at 12,Apr,22 20:44
[deleted image]both left or right I would use my mouth if I could damn I wish I could. I know a guy who can blow himself

By #147052 at 14,Feb,14 15:42
I use my elbows

By t-rex at 13,Feb,14 16:31 other posts of t-rex 
I'm right handed and use my left hand to stroke, it is much more natural for me, it's awkward with my right hand

By #289712 at 13,Feb,14 12:55
Im a right hand guy, and a few times used my left. Its involved a bit more work, not quite as natural and automatic, took s bit of work to orgasm. Couple of times, being a different feeling I blew hard, spurting heaps of cum.

By #291618 at 11,Feb,14 02:44
i use my right hand mostly but i also use my left hand like a 70-30

By #443664 at 10,Feb,14 18:20
I'm right handed but mainly use my left
By Rose at 11,Feb,14 02:40 other posts of Rose 
That is the same with my husband!

By #393930 at 10,Feb,14 20:21
i use left more, but i use right also.

By skot at 10,Feb,14 18:39 other posts of skot 
Left handed and left hand...

By #408718 at 10,Feb,14 17:49
am left handed but i use both cause i can

By steve3095 at 10,Feb,14 15:25 other posts of steve3095 
I'm right handed but use my left hand for stroking and drinking beer. I don't know why either.

By #451069 at 10,Feb,14 09:05
Someone else's would be better

By #18046 at 10,Jul,09 17:51
I use my left hand for stroking my cock (I'm right-handed). It takes longer and prolongs the pleasure!!
By #5173 at 10,Jul,09 19:28
I do that also...if I am real horny or want a quick one I will always use my right,but my left does prolong my pleasure. When mrspudpull is helping me, I almost always use my left hand or otherwise i will cum too fast...
By #18249 at 21,Jul,09 02:07
Same goes for me. Right hand doesn't take too long to cum..left takes me longer too.

By Olddude at 30,Jun,09 21:59 other posts of Olddude 
Use my left hand most all the time!( I am right handed)

By #6568 at 30,Jun,09 20:36
Yep, ambidextrous too!

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