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heads straight on view

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Started by #314336 at 23,Jan,13 03:14 has lots of nice views of extended boners from the side but you don't see a nice big head looking at you straight on. This is the view you experience just before you (he or she) decides to insert it in your mouth or wrap your hand around it, etc. Maybe it would be good if members posted pics of face on heads sporting a nice big drop of precum which magnifies the cum hole. Lets get a good view of where all the action takes place!

Similar topics: 1.Why SYD if you are straight ? cocks with pink heads   3.Why do straight guys visit this site?   4.Big hard sexy suckable cock heads that make us hard and excited !!!   5.Question for gay or bisexual men.  

New Comment

By Smalljhbcock at 12,Apr,24 05:03 other posts of Smalljhbcock 

By Louis at 11,Apr,24 09:57 other posts of Louis 

By castroper at 01,Apr,24 10:02 other posts of castroper 

By hornymat at 01,Apr,24 06:44 other posts of hornymat 

By Yando at 01,Apr,24 06:32 other posts of Yando 

By Yando at 01,Apr,24 06:31 other posts of Yando 

By quint at 01,Apr,24 01:08 other posts of quint 

By Fixittight at 31,Mar,24 22:27 other posts of Fixittight 
That there is a view I like the best

By curious10 at 19,Dec,23 13:46 other posts of curious10 

By asiandude at 15,Dec,23 05:54 other posts of asiandude 

By Alan81 at 13,Dec,23 08:24 other posts of Alan81 
That’s an interesting observation as it’s never a shot porn uses? So for the #bi (curious) among us, Q: what’s more appealing to you as a giver, the head straight on (hehe) or the sight of spreed pussy waiting to be licked? YES the answers should be both but if both are ready and waiting what’s your… POV?

By hornymat at 28,Oct,21 05:52 other posts of hornymat 

By Gntlmn at 28,Oct,21 03:59 other posts of Gntlmn 

By #463848 at 26,Oct,21 12:09
and an extra too!

By corby at 18,Oct,21 20:02 other posts of corby 

By Justin20 at 28,Aug,21 09:07 other posts of Justin20 
By 3fdfd at 17,Oct,21 23:45 other posts of 3fdfd 
Very inviting

By #652316 at 17,Oct,21 08:13
[deleted image]

[deleted image]

By galaxy123 at 15,Oct,21 13:10 other posts of galaxy123 

By corby at 27,Aug,21 17:50 other posts of corby 
By german_guy at 27,Aug,21 18:22 other posts of german_guy 
I do like what I see

By #645870 at 24,Jul,21 15:12
[deleted image]

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

By asiandude at 18,Jul,21 19:00 other posts of asiandude 
Looking at you...

By fozzieberra at 02,Feb,21 18:12 other posts of fozzieberra 
By LGA6969 at 16,Jul,21 20:41 other posts of LGA6969 
Nice big swollen head

By kupreanoff at 16,Jul,21 17:39 other posts of kupreanoff 

By heylittleman at 16,Jul,21 14:49 other posts of heylittleman 

By DeepThroatThis at 13,Jul,21 14:10 other posts of DeepThroatThis 

By quint at 12,Jul,21 21:38 other posts of quint 

By Ozmen666 at 11,Jul,21 23:22 other posts of Ozmen666 

By PoloFields at 03,Sep,20 18:00 other posts of PoloFields 

By jocstfr at 03,Sep,20 17:46 other posts of jocstfr 

By jocstfr at 03,Sep,20 16:04 other posts of jocstfr 

By cut5x5 at 02,Sep,20 14:11 other posts of cut5x5 

By asiandude at 02,Sep,20 04:57 other posts of asiandude 
Here's mine really upclose...

[deleted image]

By earthy at 02,Sep,20 01:24 other posts of earthy 

By #623140 at 01,Sep,20 19:23
Here is mine with balls ringed tight.
[deleted image]

By wanka at 21,Feb,20 11:59 other posts of wanka 
Here's my contribution:

By shavedpubis at 16,Feb,20 07:59 other posts of shavedpubis 

By shavedpubis at 16,Feb,20 07:58 other posts of shavedpubis 

By shavedpubis at 16,Feb,20 07:58 other posts of shavedpubis 

By shavedpubis at 16,Feb,20 07:57 other posts of shavedpubis 

By shavedpubis at 16,Feb,20 07:57 other posts of shavedpubis 

By shavedpubis at 16,Feb,20 07:57 other posts of shavedpubis 

By DJS at 11,Feb,20 17:51 other posts of DJS 

By #518391 at 11,Feb,20 10:22
This is mine, 'head on'...[deleted image]

By massco at 11,Feb,20 04:54 other posts of massco 

By Alwaysnude at 10,Feb,20 20:42 other posts of Alwaysnude 
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 19 seconds

here is my head on

By leopoldij at 08,Feb,20 03:04 other posts of leopoldij 
I think my cock head looks great under her pretty pussy, don't you think?
[deleted image]

By Louis at 02,Feb,20 12:20 other posts of Louis 

By doedeldi at 02,Feb,20 11:57 other posts of doedeldi 

By jimes104 at 02,Feb,20 11:22 other posts of jimes104 
I have plenty on my profile. Heres two

By Cock112 at 02,Feb,20 06:32 other posts of Cock112 

Heres my cock head

Adult Discussion Forum