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Married? Does your wife know?

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Started by Small4inch at 04,Jun,17 10:59  other posts of Small4inch
After many years of marriage, I finally told my wife about some bi experiences I had when I was younger. She was shocked. Now she knows and I find it a relief. I didn't tell her the extent of my current curiousness. I might "accidentally" leave this website open in the browser for her to see.

Similar topics: 1.Bi married, Wife photo share   2.I love sex! My wife hates sex!   3.married man   4.How many of you guys are married?   5.Married Gay it normal?  

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By #654585 at 29,Oct,21 18:26
My wife knows I'm bi and she loves it. She says it's so exciting to watch me suck cock, and she wants to see me fucked too. She's constantly urging me to find men to service.
By leopoldij at 30,Oct,21 01:14 other posts of leopoldij 
Is that a fantasy or has she actually watched you suck dick?

How about her? Do you allow her to fuck other men? Have you watched her being fucked?

By Sir-Skittles at 29,Oct,21 14:28 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Better check her browser history as well
By Dev01 at 29,Oct,21 14:39 other posts of Dev01 
Fuck it just use Tor

Or just use Tails Os

By #574505 at 29,Oct,21 14:39
Now how would you know...

By Small4inch at 29,Oct,21 04:18 other posts of Small4inch 
2021 Update from small4inch: Still haven't left the site open for her to see. Several conversations with her since and she is still uncomfortable with it. Maybe one day she will participate in my fantasies.

By #618489 at 29,May,20 17:21
No she doesn't know I was long time ago

By #275407 at 21,May,20 18:30
Yes, my wife knows I'm married

By #292697 at 24,Nov,19 17:41
I did tell her of past experience when growing up not in too much details but mostly having a friend to jerk off with. She didn’t seem to care didn’t tell her bout oral or recent experiences and would never try with another woman think she would forgive more bout jerking with another man than anything with another woman
By Small4inch at 20,May,20 13:25 other posts of Small4inch 
My wife was pissed when she found out I was with a girl while dating her. She was less pissed when she found out about the cocks.

By #64328 at 04,Dec,19 19:20
I have shared about my bi experiences and experiencing growing up with friends. She thought it was kind of hot and told me she did the same with a few girls growing up too. We both had over active hormones and very just horny kids
By Small4inch at 18,Apr,20 13:44 other posts of Small4inch 
Did she ask you if you would still suck cock now?

By #518526 at 18,Dec,19 18:47
I have told my wife about my fantasy and she likes it during sex, even told me to try it out. So I found a guy with a tight ass and a big cock, had him cum over one night and we fucked and sucked each other. Then she told me she was disappointed that I really went through with it.
By #599868 at 18,Dec,19 19:22
should have included her in the action!!

By Small4inch at 09,Mar,20 15:33 other posts of Small4inch 
I'm still waiting for an opportunity to do it in front of my wife. Came close at a buddies cottage in the hot tub but it just didn't happen.

By onthelose at 04,Dec,19 21:35 other posts of onthelose 
I wonder why some feel the need to bare their soul when they know its going to cause problems. Maybe that's the whole point!
By Small4inch at 16,Dec,19 13:32 other posts of Small4inch 
It didn't really cause problems for me.

By #604077 at 06,Dec,19 04:44
Married and she doesn't know I have sex with men and take hard cocks up my ass. Sometimes I wish she knew and would be okay with it. I would love to have her watch me getting fucked. She does know I like things in my ass. She used to suck my cock while shoving a dildo up my ass. Also, used to regularly fuck me with a strap on in the good old days.

By #554242 at 29,Apr,18 23:13
I think she suspects I have bi-fantasies but we have never broached the topic. I hint around, because I would like to be more honest with her about my fantasies, but she doesn't take the bait (no pun intended).
By Small4inch at 12,Oct,18 10:18 other posts of Small4inch 
That's how I started, I hinted around at first then one night after we both had a few drinks I told her some stories.

By vab69cpl at 05,Dec,19 14:20 other posts of vab69cpl 
Exactly same situation for me. I'd like to chat with other guys in same situation. Maybe we should get drung and I could conffess?

By SluttySarah069 at 04,Dec,19 23:33 other posts of SluttySarah069 
My wife found out when she found a load of condoms and lube. A difficult time for a bit when I confessed that I was Bi and a CD and had been to adult cinemas and male saunas to perform.
She guesses I dress occasionally but doesn't like me going with men.
Best that she knows. She is still with me I'm glad to say.

By #604494 at 04,Dec,19 15:44
no way my wife would kill she know a bit about me before we married but doesn't know what ive been up to over the last 10years,beeing suck off,wanked off video wanking nude beach ect ect she would have a fit
By DJS at 04,Dec,19 19:31 other posts of DJS 
So still won't be going to the Xmas party form here then

By cumcouplessa at 04,Dec,19 16:54 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Hubby here. My lovely wife knows how much I love cock and the best is when I can share with her. We both crave sucking dick and are pretty open about it. I also love licking pussy, but dont think she's OVERLY keen to share in this experience as she isn't THAT keen to eat pussy herself. However, she isnt jelous and wouldn't have a problem watching. I also love rimming, but have only rimmed her. And yes, it drives her wild.

By #548028 at 07,Mar,18 17:19
Married and no, she doesn't know I stray with women or men on occasion. She would freak out either way.
By kebmo at 11,Mar,18 20:37 other posts of kebmo 
Would it be worse to be caught with a woman or a man?
By Small4inch at 24,Nov,19 13:23 other posts of Small4inch 
For me, it would be worse to be caught with a woman. I told her about an encounter with a female friend of ours and she was pissed.

By icumalot at 13,Oct,18 01:07 other posts of icumalot 
Contrary to most comments , I find it extremely stimulating that I cum on Skype with guys. I luv that my gf has no clue. I often fantasize of cock as I suck her clit.
By bella! at 13,Oct,18 02:39 other posts of bella! 
Would you be kind enough to elaborate on your answer, please? What do find extremely stimulating? Is it that you have an audience, or because it kicks it up a notch as far as being an exhibitionist?

I'm just curious. Thank you.
By icumalot at 13,Oct,18 14:22 other posts of icumalot 
I keep it a **** because I like that it is forbidden. This excites me. I like to touch other men's cocks . My heart races just thinking about it
By bella! at 13,Oct,18 14:37 other posts of bella! 
Ahhh..., of course. Thank you.

But I suspect that the "boundaries" that you established are what make you feel that your desires are forbidden. I kinda think that you are in the ranks with many men.

By #556510 at 13,Jun,18 23:47
COME ON GUYS DO YOU TELL YOUR WIFE EVERY THING YOU DO Don't you have some things you keep 2 your self.
l no l do even after long years of marrage over 45.
By stroker11 at 14,Jun,18 10:16 other posts of stroker11 
Talk about lack of self respect...and respand respect for others? Would you t tell your Mxm? A guilt trip gone bad???
By Dev01 at 14,Jun,18 10:49 other posts of Dev01 
@ stroker. Head trips suck

By #555903 at 29,Apr,18 21:18
Years ago I started fantasizing about sucking cock which worried me so I told my wife. She was fine with it. She told me not to worry about labels and just enjoy the fantasy no matter what it is. So needless to say I still fantasize about cock and love it.

By #547532 at 30,Mar,18 20:45
Not only does she know but a lot of times she watches. We are swingers & both bisexual. There are 5 couples in our group & we have seen all of us have sex. Every year for my birthday I suck off all 5 guys & she gets fucked by all 5 on hers.
By t-rex at 03,Apr,18 01:45 other posts of t-rex 
Way to go 👍

By Small4inch at 15,Apr,18 11:43 other posts of Small4inch 
Wish my wife would watch!

By #503815 at 31,Mar,18 12:16
If she only knew how much I crave cock
By #435701 at 02,Apr,18 16:33
You and me both

By #552680 at 02,Apr,18 16:45

By #551980 at 24,Mar,18 13:33
hell no!!!

By #552722 at 22,Mar,18 20:57
married and she does not know think she would kill me if she found out

By #552035 at 15,Mar,18 15:57
Married and my wife doesn't no. I havn't been fucked by a good looking cock yet, but I am looking. I would like to fuck a guy as well, so lets hope i cum right soon!!!

By #510951 at 11,Mar,18 17:44
I am married and Bisexaul and my wife know, I have had sex with guys with her and with out her.

By #545800 at 11,Mar,18 17:11
Married bi curious she doesn't know I'm on syd and looking

By #549961 at 10,Mar,18 05:07
I'm married and totally bi...and yes I came out to my wife about a year ago and she actually accepted it a d responded by buying a strapon

By #460385 at 07,Mar,18 17:50
Yeap, she knows. I think that's easy to see.
By Small4inch at 09,Mar,18 12:15 other posts of Small4inch 
Wow, Love your pics!

By #551675 at 07,Mar,18 15:12
Married and no, she doesn't know my submissive fantasy of getting fucked. This fantasy predates our relationship. She wouldn't be into pegging.

By Ingot at 16,Oct,17 11:31 other posts of Ingot 
My gf and I actually role played this yesterday. She knows men suck me off. So yesterday she was horny in a different way. She pretended she was part of gay suckoff. She played the role of the submissive gay male cocksucker. Even made her rim me. Sat on her face....VERY INTENSE
By #536019 at 17,Oct,17 12:30
Hot! Now you need to buy her a strap-on, so she can role-play being a dominant gay guy.

By Small4inch at 12,Nov,17 14:06 other posts of Small4inch 
Sounds very hot!

By #505990 at 14,Sep,17 20:28
Been married for 25 years. She's known and watched everything while we were still dating. After all these years we're both like, "you go and enjoy you dick, I'll go over here and enjoy my dick"
By Small4inch at 16,Sep,17 14:15 other posts of Small4inch 
One of these days I hope I can set something up where she watches me suck a cock.
By #505990 at 03,Nov,17 10:05
The first time she watched, I took her to a dirty book store with booths. I sucked one dick on one side and got fucked in the ass from the other side! Happened manytimes since then!

By #505990 at 05,Nov,17 00:27
Don't hope bro, just do it. What do you got to loose!

By TinyLittleGuy at 03,Nov,17 17:22 other posts of TinyLittleGuy 
my wife does not know, i am very bi curious and have never been with a man. would love to try especially on an average size cock. i am rather small in the package area. so average would be big to me , i like to compare and look at other cocks. My wife would kill me if she knew i was on this site.

By RealTitsLover at 17,Oct,17 21:44 other posts of RealTitsLover 
Yes, I'm married, and no, she has no clue. My wife is Princess Zelda from Hyrule. We've been married since I was 10. This is what she looks like, if anyone's curious...

By leopoldij at 18,Oct,17 14:38 other posts of leopoldij 
careful because her ears are designed to detect the most salient gossip.

By #534035 at 16,Oct,17 03:11
I always laugh when I read the title of this thread. Then again I like dumb humor.
By bella! at 16,Oct,17 13:54 other posts of bella! 
And I thought I was the only one, the title makes me chuckle, too!

By #208346 at 17,Oct,17 20:40
I think my wife knew we were married,but we had a boyfriend so I'm not sure.

By #181785 at 16,Oct,17 00:32
My wife kinda knows, after we got married I told her that I had sucked a few guys cocks. Now we've been married 40 years. She has no clue that I crossdress and suck cock. The hard part is I could go fuck some women and she would have a problem, and most likely leave. But if she finds out I suck cock she's out the door faster than I can finish the sentence. Would **** for that to happen, but sucking cock was and is part of me.

By dura2000 at 15,Oct,17 21:54 other posts of dura2000 
My wife wouldn’t understand, I go to a nude beach and have been sucked off there.

By #423426 at 07,Jul,17 20:18
I told my girlfriend I'd sucked cocks and enjoyed it in the first week we were together. She wasn't shocked or surprised. Surprised I'd told her maybe, but not surprised I'd done it.
By Small4inch at 09,Oct,17 11:55 other posts of Small4inch 
Same as me - surprised I told her but not surprised I'd done it.

By #536019 at 10,Jul,17 10:44
For those of you who are married/partnered to a woman who doesn't know you're bi.... Which do you think she would react worse to discovering: that you suck cocks, or that you fuck other women? (Casual no-string sex in both cases.)
By #535819 at 10,Jul,17 16:26
I think my woman would freak out with either situation. However, I do not and don't plan to cheat on her with a woman so that doesn't apply here. I've tried to come to grips with the fact that I prefer men. My gf and I have been together for years so its more than a sexual thing.

By Small4inch at 19,Sep,17 11:58 other posts of Small4inch 
When I told my wife, I also told her about a in our group of friends that I did. That was more of a problem than the guys by a mile.

By Ingot at 14,Sep,17 16:30 other posts of Ingot 
She knows I'm bisexual. But we keep a "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

I'm not married. I'm dating her.

It has made for some hot sexual encounters. Like one early Saturday morning, she peeled her panties off and rubbed her snatch all over my body. That's right. Humped my leg, upper thigh. Then the next legs. Rubbed her cunt on my shoulders.

"In case you meet up with a guy today," she said. "I don't agree with what you do but I marked you with my scent and he'll know you're into women also. Hopefully it'll turn him off."
By Small4inch at 14,Sep,17 20:17 other posts of Small4inch 
That's an amazing story.
By Ingot at 15,Sep,17 02:24 other posts of Ingot 
It only made my hookup with the guy even hotter after I told him she marked me. He licked her scent off me then rimmed me deep spun me around and swallowed my nut

By #537268 at 04,Aug,17 13:39
My wife is the one who got me started in sucking cocks because she loves watching guys having sex together. I am so fucking lucky! Been sucking cock for the past 6Ѕ years. Added getting fucked for her 3 years ago.
By Small4inch at 10,Sep,17 11:53 other posts of Small4inch 
Your wife is a keeper!!

By #530038 at 13,Jul,17 19:58
I've been married to my wife for 16 years. Been curious or other things for 30. The only person in my real life that knows my fantasies is a fenale friend that I've known for 30 years and have shared every sexual fantasy with because we could never be together in a real relationship.

By onthelose at 10,Jul,17 21:52 other posts of onthelose 
I always wonder why you would ever tell her anything about what you do with men or women for that matter. Are you just trying to injure yourself and you relationship. Complete honesty doesn't always work for most of us. I have heard guys say I just couldn't keep it to myself anymore. More like I really want to hurt her.
By #535819 at 13,Jul,17 00:05
I agree totally.

By #531414 at 09,Jul,17 16:24
Not only does my wife know she likes to watch. She is bisexual also so I get to watch her with her gf. BTW my bf is also her bf & her gf is also my gf.
By Small4inch at 10,Jul,17 09:48 other posts of Small4inch 
Sounds like a fun arrangement!

By #536019 at 04,Jun,17 11:18
She has always known I'm bisexual and that I had m/m sexual experiences in my younger years. She knows I masturbate to gay porn. But she doesn't know I occasionally suck cock... and she has said that if I do it, she doesn't want to know.

I find it erotic to imagine her being turned on by my bisexuality and by gay porn, and being a participant in a m/m/f threesome. But she has zero interest, unfortunately.
By Small4inch at 09,Jul,17 10:29 other posts of Small4inch 
I would love to have my wife watch me give a blow job. just don't know how to "arrange" it.

By kebmo at 08,Jul,17 05:14 other posts of kebmo 
I told my ex of five years that I have "discovered" the other side and since we've split, I have been with only men. She's still a good friend and the joke is either that no woman would ever be as good as her or that she turned me off women. Before her I had only one experience with guys and that was when I was a kld.

By #535819 at 07,Jul,17 16:53
I'm not married but I'm in a long-term relationship with a woman. For the last few years, I've blown 5 different men a total of more than 50 times, She doesn't know. I've never even come close to telling her, and if I did, I'm not sure she would even believe me. Basically, I'm very happy with my bi-sexuality and plan to keep it this way.

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