How do you cope with shame? There is nothing to be ashamed of about being naked. Yes, posting a nude with your face can be a bit daunting the first time that you do it, but you will quickly discover that it is fun to do and can be rather addictive. Likely you will never be recognized. I've been posting naked photos (mostly with an erection) online for a couple of decades. Only recently for the first time have I been stopped on the street by someone who recognized me and wanted to meet me.
I’m fascinated by people who upload their drivers license with their name and signature visible then cry foul.
By #716698 at 04,Aug,24 19:58
I almost always show my face. People see me nude at nudist camps, clubs, and change rooms anyway. I like the way they look at me. About 20 years ago, someone at work jokingly asked me if there were any nude pictures of me on the Internet. I told him not that I know of. The other day while walking through a parking lot I saw a man staring at my face. I did not know him. I have a hunch he recognized me from a site like this.
I would love to share my face with someone privately. I don't have the guts to do it publicly on this site. I secretly want the thrill of knowing someone out there has a pic of my face and my pathetic little dick.
I once left my pics un-private on the fabguys website(website for ‘local’ swingers) and got few messages from local people that I knew! Luckily it was only 6 men around my area who knew me but it was enough to give me anxiety for months as I didn’t know who they were!
They all laughed and said my real name but I also made them promise to not tell anyone as they felt bad for my tiny Willy.. but tbh sometimes it turns me on knowing they have now seen my asshole, face and cock
I don't show my face because I live in a small town and it might be recognized. Sure as hell word would get back to my wife and the pistol would appear.
If somebody see me on a site like that and come to talk about it maybe he or she want sex with me , and my family or my freind already know who i am i never hide my self and always tell her truth about me im a little bitch who love to be fuck by old man
If you are looking for the thrill of being exposed on the internet. Do It. Dont be shy, Just do it full frontal with face. So fuck if someone you know recognises you, You could delete it, Thats up to you. What are they doing looking at these sort of images and will they confront you? I am now single and very happy with life, self employed kids grown up, got no fear. I love exposing myself. It makes me so horney.
So This guy this morning was looking for a dom to repost him on another site for a blackmail fun type thing. Sent a few pictures of his arse to me, looks like any old arse, Whats the point! Show your face and be done with it.
I love to show my face and dick online completely naked to expose and humiliate myself. I did not used to do face but it is so much more fun. If you are going to get naked do it. Do not be shy. I am always looking for pic advice or things to do. All comments welcome. Good or bad.
I just am very comfortable with my naked body, and I think just dicpics could be anyone..there is a man attached to his cock right? I respect anyone who shares naked pics and I understand about face pics though. I will say this: women tire of getting blown up with just cock pics, just as I do with pussy pics. Don't get me wrong, but I prefer to see the whole woman myself, not just a gaping pussy. I will never rip on anyone that doesn't show face pics, hell most of my friends think I'm crazy hehe.
I agree. I understand that many people cannot show their face for various reasons but a photo of genitalia is just a photo genitalia while adding a face makes it a photo of a real person. Think about it. Will being recognized from a naked photo be as bad as you imagine? Is it even likely? Gather your courage and just do it.
Consider that thousands, yes thousands, maybe tens of thousands of men have shown their faces sucking cock, licking ass and getting fucked. Have all of these men, many of whom are straight away from a camera, had their lives totally destroyed because they did porn? Porn has gone totally mainstream and lots of regular guys do it. And many nominally straight men like to step away from their usual sexuality and be gay for pay. They find it exciting. Considering that, posting face showing nude photos on this sit seems rather tame. There is life after porn.
Because porn is so mainstream, it's become a rite of passage for young men to post nude photos. It's the thing to do. For young gay men, and many young straight men, they like to kick it up a notch and do a sex video.
I'm sure there are lots of people having trouble getting a 'normal' job after porn.
But up to now, people only got outed, if someone recognized them. Especially for a woman, it's easy to change their hair and make-up, to make people recognize them less. However, that was the past, without AI. AI programs look at your bone structure and that's not so easy to change. It used to be a coincidence to get discovered, but it could be as simple as Google Lens and TinEye very soon.
I admit, I have several female colleagues that I would love to see naked photos of.
I don't think I could resist the temptation of using those AI tools. Would you?
If I found sexual material, I wouldn't out them over it, just jerk off to them, without saying anything, but others wouldn't be as respectful of their privacy.
If it was just the shame, than maybe some people like that.
But can't working people understand that this could hurt their career?
Even if you haven't posted anything humiliating, just being on this site
could become an ongoing joke on the workplace. Employers don't like that.
And that's even in a liberal country like mine. How about in a conservative area?
If you think people will not find you, in such an unknown place, think again.
AI programs can already recognize a person, from millions of photo's in a second.
It's only time, before anyone will be able to use just one photo and search the whole internet for matches, coming up with a site like this one, with your naked pictures.
So unless you don't work and you don't have any acquaintances that you don't want
to know about you being here, don't post photos with your face on it.
Here I am, showing my face - and hard cock on here....
By #642547 at 20,May,21 08:01
Our shame for our bodies is taught. Conditioned by society from religious sexual repression, it is totally unfounded.
Humans are animals, therefore sexual creatures.
There is no one whose opinions I care enough about to be embarrassed by being seen without clothes.
By #555337 at 04,Apr,20 09:28
The fact of the matter is. I don't give a rat's ass what others think of me. It isnt my job to worry about that. Don't like me. Fine. I really try my best not to let what others do is say about me. Rent space in my head
Conversely, I don't know why guys with smoking hot cocks DON"T show their faces if they're just showing off their cocks. They should be proud of their beautiful cocks and want everyone to know who the owner is!
Hmmm does a guy really own his cock or does his cock own him?
-Deep Thoughts by Kebmo
I would say that many don't, like myself, because of the potential ramifications of being "Bi-Sexual". It could still ruin a person. Sadly, many can not be open about that because of the unknowns as to how various others would treat you upon knowing that. Therefore, would it really be worth the risk?
I'd say just think your actions through, if you are a loner or single with nothing to lose, hell, go for it!
I'm talking about straight guys that don't suck cocks, wear panties etc., just "normal" straight guys with nice cocks.
By #551147 at 02,Apr,20 09:57
Ahhhhh --------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
Except! With a full disclaimer, when you sign up, why the fuck come here if your "straight". For the 6 women here?
By #613562 at 02,Apr,20 10:50
It is sad that a lot of people condemn a person for their sexuality, that they have no control over, instead of their personality, which they can control.
By #551147 at 02,Apr,20 18:38
By #485312 at 30,Mar,20 21:33
this is real life, we are humans and some of us don't care if people know we are doing 'human' things, we fuck and we get naked, doesn't everyone??? and what are people going to do if they do recognise you??? say 'gee, we saw you on the same sex site we visit'. l really don't get people who think their life would disintegrate if someone knew they got naked, god we've been doing this for all of time, and now we just have a bigger medium to show it .. its the same as visiting a nudist beach, you don't cover your face there? you don't care who sees you there, so why take pics to share on a sex site without your face, of you laying on a nudist beach, where you have more chance of meeting someone you know, than on a world wide site, where you will never bump into anyone here, l know l wont, lve been doing this since l had an internet connection, and not one person has ever approached me to tell me they'd seen me naked on a sex site. l think you have less chance here of being recognised. and the people that would recognise you here, are just as cool as you are if they visit the same sites aren't they??? ... its not like lm killing someone and have to hide my identity, lm a horny woman, and l have nothing to hide, anyone who really knows me, knows l love sex, l love being naked and they don't treat me like a leper because of that. tell me how your life would be different if someone recognised you?? *lix* --------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes
[deleted image]
By #579885 at 01,Apr,20 12:32
You're right. I think it depends on people mentality too. Besides education. We could call it collective education. I think in my social and working context I could be heavily bullied...Just a fear probably, but who knows...
By #485312 at 01,Apr,20 23:21
Please tell me what you fear?? it couldn't be worse than what l would cop here by being a fat middle aged woman?? lve been called more names here, on this site, by a handful of arseholes, than l have in my entire lifetime. people aren't rude and horrible when they're out in real life. when have you ever heard anyone at the supermarket call out to someone and call them ugly or fat??? the net gives arseholes more room to be arseholes, because no one but you and them hears it here ... in real life people don't behave like they do here. think about when you have ever heard of a story, about someone being outed for being naked on a nudist site???? l have no problem with showing who l am here, l don't need to hide and pretend. and if any one fronted me in real life, ld probably just give them a big smile and say 'pleased to meet you!!!' *Lix*
By #579885 at 02,Apr,20 09:59
Insensitive or stupid people can have the power to destroy you in some contexts. I admire your guts however, it is a great thing to be able to express yourself freely the way you do without worrying about others opinions! The people who offended you are a bunch of idiots and should be banned. Besides how can they they say that when you have the most amazing tits and ass a man can dream 😁
By #613562 at 02,Apr,20 10:42
The more posts I read of yours, the more I like you. You are a beautiful person. Cheers, Paul.
if i saw you and recognised you, i hope we'd sneak off and get naked together
By #485312 at 01,Apr,20 23:22
well that's the kind of response ld like to hear, you know that you have to ask in the world lol, and if you get lucky, you get what you asked for *Lix*
good responses. i am going to start showing my face because i dont care anymore. like the first response said, i have a great cock and want people to know who its attached to
also have been webcamming and selling porn clips the last two years so who really cares now
By #588327 at 31,Mar,20 11:07
I think the more people we see naked the more normal it becomes. It kinda how people are raised also. If your family is real modest. I remember being told as a kid walking around house in my underwear was wrong and put more clothes and on. So then I always thought it was wrong and underwear was privet. Really we all like sex and it fun. The more you see people naked or talk about sex the more normal it seem.
Why do some people show their face on this site? For the same reason that people do porn.
It's a common misconception that the only people doing porn are those who have hit rock bottom and are so desperate that they will sell their bodies for money. I'm not so naive as to say that there is never any exploitation in the sex entertainment industry. Of course there is; there is exploitation in any business. But the truth is that the majority of women doing porn and virtually all men are doing it BECAUSE THEY WANT TO. They derive pleasure, fulfillment and satisfaction from putting their nude bodies including their sex organs (ESPECIALLY their sex organs) and their sexual activity on public display for the world to see.
I am a good example. I've been nude and had sex in public hundreds of times. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of people have seen me in action. The knowledge that people were watching and enjoying my sex along with me enhanced my own pleasure. Doing porn was long a Major Fantasy. But I didn't for family and employment reasons. Now I wish I had.
By #556187 at 30,Mar,20 11:10
Well we also do not like to show our face here (for obvious reasons) but if you do and someone in RL recognizes you there is still the classic: If they know your pics from here, they are also showing off here.
And some of course just like the thrill of it
Also I'm living my life for myself and not to please others. Why be ashamed of your body? Social rules are dumb anyway.
[deleted image]
[deleted image]
They all laughed and said my real name but I also made them promise to not tell anyone as they felt bad for my tiny Willy.. but tbh sometimes it turns me on knowing they have now seen my asshole, face and cock
So This guy this morning was looking for a dom to repost him on another site for a blackmail fun type thing. Sent a few pictures of his arse to me, looks like any old arse, Whats the point! Show your face and be done with it.
--------------------------------------- added after 30 hours
donny rhine dick and face exposed. lol.
face dick naked body. i show everything online
Because porn is so mainstream, it's become a rite of passage for young men to post nude photos. It's the thing to do. For young gay men, and many young straight men, they like to kick it up a notch and do a sex video.
But up to now, people only got outed, if someone recognized them. Especially for a woman, it's easy to change their hair and make-up, to make people recognize them less. However, that was the past, without AI. AI programs look at your bone structure and that's not so easy to change. It used to be a coincidence to get discovered, but it could be as simple as Google Lens and TinEye very soon.
I admit, I have several female colleagues that I would love to see naked photos of.
I don't think I could resist the temptation of using those AI tools. Would you?
If I found sexual material, I wouldn't out them over it, just jerk off to them, without saying anything, but others wouldn't be as respectful of their privacy.
But can't working people understand that this could hurt their career?
Even if you haven't posted anything humiliating, just being on this site
could become an ongoing joke on the workplace. Employers don't like that.
And that's even in a liberal country like mine. How about in a conservative area?
If you think people will not find you, in such an unknown place, think again.
AI programs can already recognize a person, from millions of photo's in a second.
It's only time, before anyone will be able to use just one photo and search the whole internet for matches, coming up with a site like this one, with your naked pictures.
So unless you don't work and you don't have any acquaintances that you don't want
to know about you being here, don't post photos with your face on it.
I love it.
--------------------------------------- added after 22 hours
Who is also stupid enough to post their DL. I am sure the site Indians that lurk here and hack will love that
Here I am, showing my face - and hard cock on here....
Humans are animals, therefore sexual creatures.
There is no one whose opinions I care enough about to be embarrassed by being seen without clothes.
Hmmm does a guy really own his cock or does his cock own him?
-Deep Thoughts by Kebmo
I'd say just think your actions through, if you are a loner or single with nothing to lose, hell, go for it!
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
Except! With a full disclaimer, when you sign up, why the fuck come here if your "straight". For the 6 women here?
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes
[deleted image]
also have been webcamming and selling porn clips the last two years so who really cares now
It's a common misconception that the only people doing porn are those who have hit rock bottom and are so desperate that they will sell their bodies for money. I'm not so naive as to say that there is never any exploitation in the sex entertainment industry. Of course there is; there is exploitation in any business. But the truth is that the majority of women doing porn and virtually all men are doing it BECAUSE THEY WANT TO. They derive pleasure, fulfillment and satisfaction from putting their nude bodies including their sex organs (ESPECIALLY their sex organs) and their sexual activity on public display for the world to see.
I am a good example. I've been nude and had sex in public hundreds of times. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of people have seen me in action. The knowledge that people were watching and enjoying my sex along with me enhanced my own pleasure. Doing porn was long a Major Fantasy. But I didn't for family and employment reasons. Now I wish I had.
And some of course just like the thrill of it