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Father's bringing their daughters into men's change rooms.

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Started by #565684 at 12,Aug,21 07:54
I thought it was a little weird when I was showering at the pool and a guy brought his daughter, maybe 6 or 7 years old, into the shower with us. It's totally open no stalls and I was there totally naked. He didn't seem to mind letting her see me and she was very interested in looking...
Would you do that if it was your kid?

Similar topics: 1.changing rooms   2.Comparing with mates   3.URINAL/Changerooms   4.Wrong changing rooms.   5.Good friend daughter  

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By #662360 at 24,Feb,23 08:15
On a related subject...

There’s lots of talk these days about having mixed sex/gender facilities. How would guys feel about having mixed sex/gender gym changing rooms and shower facilities so men and women would get changed and naked together in the changing room and showers?

If that happened I might find myself spending more time in the changing room and shower than in the gym itself!
By galaxy123 at 24,Feb,23 11:28 other posts of galaxy123 
I have been in health clubs in Germany and Switzerland where the changing rooms have been mixed and open. The first time I went in one I thought I had walked in the wrong one but to be honest it felt quite natural and it also meant families could stay together.

By bella! at 24,Feb,23 12:00 other posts of bella! 
Hello. Regarding the possibility of mixed sex/gender gym changing rooms and showers, I find find your last sentence interesting; If that happened I might find myself spending more time in the changing room and shower than in the gym itself!

May I ask WHY you feel that you would need to spend more time in a unisex changing room, unisex shower or at the health club itself? Thank you.

By Mynakedcock at 23,Feb,23 22:49 other posts of Mynakedcock 
I don’t see any issue with it, my single father friend takes his 9 year old daughter to pool and into men’s changing rooms with him, yes she sees lots of naked men but what’s the problem with that she’s going to see guys naked as she grows up isn’t she.

By #294596 at 24,Sep,21 13:56
I was in Cabela's a few days ago and a dad took his daughter (prob 9 or 10 years old) in the men's bathroom. For a split second I thought he might be a **** stealing someone's kid, but he had her stand against the wall at the urinals while he used it. Made me uncomfortable as fuck.
By bella! at 25,Sep,21 09:50 other posts of bella! 
Interesting to find out that men also feel uncomfortable when the script is flipped.
By #652718 at 02,Oct,21 20:44

By dgraff at 12,Aug,21 09:44 other posts of dgraff 
Hell no I get upset when someone brings a 7 year old in to a bar to eat it’s just not right kids get ideas quick enough with out there parents starting them off early
By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Sep,21 14:06 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
There's a principle I can agree with
By dgraff at 23,Sep,21 14:23 other posts of dgraff 
Thank you I knew we would agree on something sooner or later
By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Sep,21 14:57 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Let me know if I ever find something you agree with.
Or I will just need to work harder to change your mind.

By bella! at 25,Sep,21 09:58 other posts of bella! 
If it is a "bar" that serves food, it's no longer a saloon.
By dgraff at 25,Sep,21 10:41 other posts of dgraff 
That’s a good point but still I would not want my young child seeing people sitting around drinking and the language that comes with it maybe when they are a bit older like 18 or 19 they can get some thing to eat and shoot pool

By #613471 at 25,Sep,21 07:38
Sure I would do it and I always did it when my kids were young. There is no other possibility if you go to the pool alone with your children when they are too young go alone to a dressing room.

By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Sep,21 13:13 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Never seen that. But when I was young, my mother took me to the pool several times and then we all changed in the female change rooms. So then I saw many women and girls changing. That bothered no one and it's not so different.

What would you do if you are a single father and you want to take your daughter swimming, in a pool without private change rooms?

By bella! at 13,Aug,21 14:42 other posts of bella! 
It happens in reverse as well, mothers bringing their young sons in the ladies locker room/shower where I've gone to swim. I'm not necessarily keen on that but there are a number of women that are strongly opposed. Two of them who come to mind are women who have had a mastectomy or double mastectomy. These women are not even comfortable being naked amongst women.

Regardless of whether the father and his daughters live the life of naturists or not, he should be respectful toward everyone using the facility. I suspect that all men are not comfortable being naked in front of children.
By #613564 at 23,Sep,21 03:24
Maybe there should be some socially accepted age limit, for bringing opposite sex children into locker rooms, and bathrooms. Don't know of any places that have set those yet, in the US.
I have seen fathers with their children, maybe 6-7, male or female in the locker room, with him, and sometimes they ask the most embarrassing questions, for parents, but they are children, and don't know, or understand sexuality!
They know mommy and daddy have different parts, but when they see others, and their 'parts' are bigger, or maybe, uh, it's more punishment on the parent, for bringing them in there, that situation!!
But what can they do, sometimes? Does the club have a child care place, while the single parent showers or changes?
By bella! at 23,Sep,21 13:01 other posts of bella! 
Perhaps the best solution for this issue is to have "family" changing rooms.

The aquatic center that I've gone to is a 24 year old center that was built to be shared between locak middle schools and high schools. The locker rooms were set up for male or female and that's that. Not sure what schools are doing now, not sure with how health clubs are handling gender identity, either.

By leopoldij at 23,Sep,21 03:44 other posts of leopoldij 
Depends on the country. If you're in the US,i understand your question. If you're in Germany, it's not an issue. I spent time in Finland when I was little and we were all naked in the sauna, young and old, male and female. I remember being very impressed when I saw a woman with totally shaved pussy. She looked old, she might have been in her 30s. I was 10. I'd never seen this before.

By #1102 at 15,Aug,21 16:21
if i was a kid again i wanted to see guys naked i luved cocks then

By wycowboy at 15,Aug,21 13:03 other posts of wycowboy 
I don't think it would bother me but I can see where it would others.

By 450 at 14,Aug,21 04:26 other posts of 450 
What he meant to do?

By #559659 at 13,Aug,21 12:11
Well they may be naturists so it may not be an issue in their lives. Man live and let live as long as no one was doing anything naughty

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