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Ever been caught wanking?

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Started by horny_col at 26,Mar,23 02:50  other posts of horny_col
When I was a teenager. I was caught in the act by my younger sister. Very embarrassing. Anyone else had any similar experiences?

Similar topics: 1.History Questions   2.getting caught wanking   3.Ever been caught wanking?   4.Wanking at work   5.Getting caught wanking and/or naked in public.  

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By YoungPapi21 at 13,Oct,24 08:48 other posts of YoungPapi21 
I do all the time. I love going to public places and jerking off and letting people catch me. It’s got me some help a few times

By Kurzer86 at 13,Oct,24 07:53 other posts of Kurzer86 
Yes, several times

By #711401 at 21,Apr,24 14:29
Been watched hundreds of times but never actually caught.

By knewbi at 17,Oct,23 15:29 other posts of knewbi 
Nope, but there was one time that I wanted this particular person to catch me but she never did...

By galaxy123 at 16,Oct,23 14:43 other posts of galaxy123 
I have been caught numerous times. Especially when young. Both my older sisters have caught me, my mother, my father. A friends mother and I went to a boarding school so a couple of teachers caught me ding it there.

There was no privacy at boarding school.

By Jamie at 03,Oct,23 17:12 other posts of Jamie 
It was almost midnight i was jerking. Was naked from my waist down was Cumming when my d@#$^^r came out here room...
By leopoldij at 06,Oct,23 12:26 other posts of leopoldij 
Your daughter saw you cumming???
By Jamie at 13,Oct,23 14:10 other posts of Jamie 
By leopoldij at 13,Oct,23 16:59 other posts of leopoldij 
By Jamie at 13,Oct,23 17:41 other posts of Jamie 
By leopoldij at 13,Oct,23 18:38 other posts of leopoldij 

By leopoldij at 13,Oct,23 18:38 other posts of leopoldij 
And how did she react?
Must have been a shock for both...

By Mynakedcock at 13,Oct,23 10:13 other posts of Mynakedcock 
Got caught yesterday by delivery girl, I live on ground floor and you have to pass my window to get to front door.
I was laying stark bollock naked on my bed having a good wank rubbing my hard cock when the delivery girl came past my window.
She let out a cough which alerted me she was there and I looked up and see her standing outside my open window watching me, she see that I saw her and she said she had a parcel for me that needed signing for.
I got up and went to the door to receive it staying naked and still with a hard on.
By wycowboy at 13,Oct,23 15:19 other posts of wycowboy 
I was having a good jerk one day when someone knocked on my door. I just ignored it. They were persistent though so, irritated, I got up to answer the door. I didn't bother getting dressed. It was a couple of women from a local church asking if I knew Jesus. They were sure shocked to see a man with a hard cock dripping precum answer the door,

By neednopants at 03,Oct,23 12:04 other posts of neednopants 
Many many times. Never took any care about it.
By wycowboy at 03,Oct,23 14:44 other posts of wycowboy 
I have never cared about getting caught either.

By routemaster at 08,Jul,23 07:52 other posts of routemaster 
I was caught by my dad, he just smiled knowingly and walked away
By tb1 at 29,Sep,23 13:40 other posts of tb1 
How old were you when this happened?
By routemaster at 01,Oct,23 05:11 other posts of routemaster 
About 15
By tb1 at 01,Oct,23 09:03 other posts of tb1 
Was your cock fully grown by then or did it get bigger as you got older?
By routemaster at 01,Oct,23 09:34 other posts of routemaster 
I was quite well endowed then although I was very embarrassed that my dad caught me wanking
By tb1 at 01,Oct,23 11:26 other posts of tb1 
How old were you when you started jerking off and where did you learn about it, from other guys or self discovery?

By SexIsLife at 29,Sep,23 02:28 other posts of SexIsLife 
I've been caught by two very younger girls while masturbating at another town where I need to stayed due to an official tour. I've stayed at ground floor. On a holiday noon, I was laying on bed and masturbating. I've forgotten to close the window's slider. During masturbating I suddenly felt that someone was very closed to the window. I've been pretty sure that whoever standing there is watching me jerking my dick. It's made me more aroused so I kept myself jerking. I carefully looked and found two very younger girls there. I've got extremely crazy, I decided to make them watch till I cum. I was turning so on along with a bit embarrassed. Sometimes lose hardness then have to jerk faster to make it harder again. When I've been feeling that I'm getting so close to ejaculate, I was jerking my dick slowly till I came. It's such an exciting experience I never had before!

By #697102 at 23,Sep,23 03:03
I've been cought twice,first time I was jerking with my door
open because my step sister had some friends over and I wanted to get caught and that's exactly what happened and my grumpy step sister yelled close the door but two of her friends came in to my room and watched me until I came, they were quite young and so was I and they had proboble never seen a hard cock and an ejaculation. Unfortunately they wasn't at all interested to touch my still hard cock

By #691730 at 13,Jul,23 12:28
Back during our college days my girlfriend, now wife, unbeknownst to me had started seeing and fucking another boy! I went to visit her during that summer as we lived far apart from each other to attend with her the wedding of a friend. After the reception we went back to the hotel room and of course I was hoping that she and I would Fuck.She allowed me to undress her but then she didn't want to go any further and pulled the sheet over her naked body, kissed me on the forehead and said lets go to sleep I’m tired. I laid there next to her for awhile with an erection that would not go away! Thinking she was asleep I got out of bed and standing there in the moon lit room grabbed my hard cock and started masturbating. I stopped for a moment to gently pull the sheet away from her naked body, and gazing at her small teacup breasts, beautiful thighs and lil pussy, lightly covered with soft brown hair, I once again grabbed my cock and resumed masturbating. Bur she wasn't asleep! She had woken up and had opened her eyelids just enough to be able to watch me jerking off to her! She had never actually seen a boy masturbate so was fascinated watching me playing with myself and the expressions on my face. In hind site I should have noticed that her lil pink nipples were erect and there was some shimmer at the entrance to her pussy! As I stood next to her furiously jerking my 7 inch dick I felt my orgasm approach, I could feel my balls tightened and eventually threw my head back, closed my eyes as warm sticky sperm erupted out of the head of my cock, shooting through the air and landing, some on the bed, some on her thigh, some on her left breast and stomach and even some on her pretty and what I thought was sleeping face! She told me in later years she felt bad she didn’t let me fuck her but on the other hand she had been excited to secretly watch me masturbate!

By Cummingforyou at 09,Jul,23 23:28 other posts of Cummingforyou 
Was going on 16 when a friend a little walked in while I was wanking so he joined me and we had a mutual wank session

By Moench at 09,Jul,23 21:34 other posts of Moench 
The first time, my wife wake up and ask me what I doing and I say I doing it my self and I say that some time I like to do. After this day ,she ask me some times to masturbate and she like to watching me with her hand at her pussy

By Lvphose at 08,Jul,23 22:32 other posts of Lvphose 
I’ve had a pantyhose/nylon fetish for a long time and yet to share my fetish any gf. So I would call a 900 number and speak to a fem dom who of course I shared my pantyhose/nylon fetish with. She would tell me to either put some pantyhose on or just put my hand and arm through a leg and rub myself to a hard on then cum over the nylon.
Well one session I was doing the later and my gf came home unexpectedly and caught me! Didn’t go over well with that night but in time she’d indulge my fetish by letting me fuck her either in pantyhose I ripped crotch open or wearing nylon stockings for me.

By nekekal at 07,Jul,23 23:30 other posts of nekekal 
If you masturbate as much as I do, ofcourse you have been caught as many times as I have. It is sort of like getting caught taking a piss.

By #662360 at 24,May,23 18:08
I’ve been caught by my wife a few times as I try to jerk one off surreptitiously in bed next to her. She usually puts her hand on my thigh, tickles my balls and lets me wank myself through at full power.

By wycowboy at 24,May,23 14:37 other posts of wycowboy 
It would be easier to ask who hasn't, lol. I've been caught by surprise a few times, once by my mom, a few times by my sister and my uncle once. I've always put myself in a position to get caught, and was, several times. The thrill of getting caught is very great and I delight in it.

By JohnRay1122 at 24,May,23 10:10 other posts of JohnRay1122 
I have never been caught that I didn't want to be caught. I set up every time I've ever been caught.

By LGA6969 at 03,Apr,23 11:59 other posts of LGA6969 
I got caught by my dad. I was about 16 lying on my bed naked threw my legs over my head and jerking off into my mouth when my dad walked in ......needless to say I forgot to lock my bedroom door

By Jamie at 03,Apr,23 02:57 other posts of Jamie 
I was caught by my sister fucking her friend

By Bobby95 at 03,Apr,23 02:03 other posts of Bobby95 
I was caught wanking by my mom once

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