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When do you masturbate?

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Started by #37169 at 13,Jun,10 09:30
Just wondered what is your normal [as in when not making a special day of it] routine for masturbation?

I generally masturbate at night when I go to bed - by turning over and fucking th bed. Then arounf 1.30 to 2.00am I awake naturally and do it again - same method. Two or maybe three nights a week I will do it a third time right after the second effort to fall asleep again.

This routine is slightly altered when I begin the night with a fuck. Then after about an hour of ejaculating, I have to masturbate - and I am back into my rooutine after that. My wife usually calms me down by patting my buttock softly if I get too energetic fucking the mattress and wake her but she usually knows when I cum and cuddles up to me after I shoot and unload.

Similar topics: 1.Do you masturbate when getting sex regularly?   2.masturbation with circumcised penis   3.Masturbate before sex   4.Ladies, do you like to masturbate for men to watch?   5.Masturbate-a-Thon  

New Comment

By german_guy at 21,Apr,24 18:17 other posts of german_guy 
when ever I feel like it....

By #711401 at 21,Apr,24 14:59
Since I retired, my cock is in my hand most of the day.

By #682523 at 26,Feb,23 14:51
Different times of day depending on mood and desire

By LGA6969 at 22,Feb,23 23:27 other posts of LGA6969 
To help relieve morning wood
By PITBULL at 22,Feb,23 23:32 other posts of PITBULL 
do you cum too?
By LGA6969 at 26,Feb,23 13:08 other posts of LGA6969 
By PITBULL at 26,Feb,23 14:16 other posts of PITBULL 

By #685481 at 26,Feb,23 14:14
Usually everyday I’ve either got my fingers working my clit, play with my vibrator, use the shower head on my pussy or hump the arm chair to cum. I just love the way it all feels.

By german_guy at 25,Feb,23 16:15 other posts of german_guy 
when ever I feel like it
By tb1 at 25,Feb,23 19:53 other posts of tb1 

By wycowboy at 25,Feb,23 15:25 other posts of wycowboy 
Whenever I feel the need

By doedeldi at 25,Feb,23 13:47 other posts of doedeldi 
2-3 mal die Woche am PC.

By #688512 at 23,Feb,23 13:50
At least twice a day, but usually more. The two regular sessions are once before I go to bed, and as soon as I wake up in the morning. Then, I will add in extra sessions throughout the day depending on how horny I am.

By Lik2play at 23,Feb,23 03:52 other posts of Lik2play 
Anytime I want ..

By #610414 at 22,Feb,23 22:51
In the morning as I'm waking up. During those moments when I'm in a sort of twilight. I start to think how some lover touched me, gently rubbing my lips as he nuzzles my neck. Wow, what a reaction. 🥰😈

By #685481 at 22,Feb,23 18:49
Whenever the urge begins May be in the shower with my shower head or on my mattress corner with my fingers or my vibrator

By #688785 at 16,Feb,23 03:34
I have a power masturbater and vibrator that I use. Thew are awesome

By leopoldij at 16,Feb,23 00:58 other posts of leopoldij 
After I fuck. There's a period of a couple of hours of content but then I start thinking about the fuck itself O get horny and masturbate.

By PITBULL at 14,Feb,23 13:04 other posts of PITBULL 
I masturbate morning, at the gym showers or any time my dick gets hard.

By routemaster at 14,Feb,23 04:56 other posts of routemaster 
Whenever I feel like it although usually mostly in the morning

By Louis at 20,Jun,22 10:09 other posts of Louis 
Mostly in the morning

By yellowman at 18,Jun,22 14:26 other posts of yellowman 
When ever I need to.....

By #574505 at 15,Jun,22 16:34
Every other day when I edges a day

By Leo037 at 15,Jun,22 16:32 other posts of Leo037 
When I wake up at 5am everyday, got to unload to function properly during the day.

By #638193 at 14,Jun,22 21:05
When ever i can I masturbate at least 3 times a day after i Fuck my wife i go in the living room and masturbate

By nekekal at 14,Jun,22 16:11 other posts of nekekal 
Whenever I can and want to. Usually in the shower in the morning. So.etimes in bed after the wife gets up. Sometimes at night after the wife goes to bed. Sometimes in the middle of the day when I am alone.

The wife never helps, she would not touch my cock on a bet.

By #625826 at 12,Jun,22 00:46
Every night usually , oh a nice hot shower and a Hard On , are wonderful too

By Bobbyd73 at 11,Jun,22 14:00 other posts of Bobbyd73 
Any chance I get. I try to masturbate at least once a day. I've been able to as many as 4 times in a day also. I love my dick.

By knewbi at 09,Jun,22 15:18 other posts of knewbi 
Generally week days during the morning or afternoon. Anytime from about 8am to 4pm.

By #667453 at 09,Jun,22 00:21
Around 2 am

By cardinal at 02,Jun,18 20:34 other posts of cardinal 
What's the point of masturbation of you share a bed with your wife?

By #539358 at 02,Jun,18 19:17
Usually late evening when the other half is at work.

By cumaddik at 02,Jun,18 17:02 other posts of cumaddik 
Whenever i can, i masturbate; Anytime is masturbation time for me whenever i'm horny, i masturbate ...some of my favorite times are when i wake up, when i take a shower or a bath, and every night when i go to bed

By #528209 at 31,Jan,17 03:05
When I was younger I would wank every night before I went to **** add_smile(""). Then I would do it again to get rid of my morning woody. add_smile("") I was a horny little bastard because I would often do it again during the day.

By #514663 at 07,Oct,16 12:30
I don't really have a routine it just kinda happens when it happens. Once in awhile I'll get a spontaneous urge, for the most part I like to be alone and have a little time to play and let my orgasm build up nice before letting it go. It's mostly when I'm home alone and naked or in the bath, something will trigger an erection then it just goes from there

By #486758 at 06,Oct,16 18:08
i did last night in the shower
By #519017 at 06,Oct,16 21:10
Me this morning just before I stepped into the shower.

By #519017 at 06,Oct,16 21:10
Most often when I go for a shower. I think about women, stripping, in hot nude poses or having sex with them. That gives me a good hard erection. I oil my cock with baby oil and stroke one off. The other main time is when I'm in bed with my wife and I'm in the mood and she's not. I ask her to put her hand on my thigh, which stretches my cock even harder. Then I masturbate with her stroking my thighs and balls and me running my spare hand over her body. When I've squirted my load she hands me a tissue!

By #521228 at 06,Oct,16 15:09
I masturbate whenever I can.

By #188813 at 30,Dec,12 18:18
Whenever I'm horny, which is all the time haha!

By iluvcox at 30,Dec,12 14:05 other posts of iluvcox 
I get really horny any time I think about feet. So, I usually jack off when I get up and once again right before bed.

By lh015 at 28,Dec,12 13:43 other posts of lh015 
Every time when i'm in the shower or in front of the tv/pc watching porn when i'm horny.

By bimaybe at 24,Dec,12 06:03 other posts of bimaybe 
I only masturbate on days that end in "Y".lol

By slipper at 24,Dec,12 03:20 other posts of slipper 
Every chance I get!!! Like NOW!!!

By #102374 at 23,Dec,12 21:50
Whenever I can. Especially if my dicks hard or I want to taste some delicious cum. Mmmmmm goooooood.

By #310710 at 22,Dec,12 18:21
I usually masturbate in the shower after my morning workouts at the gym. Most times I just edge but sometimes I take my throbbing cock all the way to orgasm!
By spermkiss at 23,Dec,12 20:09 other posts of spermkiss 
Good plan. Many men like to exercise their love muscle just after exercising their other muscles. Doing it at the gym has the added advantage of being able to have company while you do it. Nothing like a good old fashioned circle jerk in a gym shower.

By #303909 at 23,Dec,12 00:59
As often as possible. Right now!

By tb1 at 22,Dec,12 22:28 other posts of tb1 
whenever the urge strikes me

By #279682 at 22,Dec,12 21:37
When it gets hard.........which is ALOTlol

By cocking at 22,Dec,12 21:03 other posts of cocking 
In the shower every day and any other time I get the chance

By #289712 at 08,Dec,12 16:34
i don't have any set routine regarding times i masturbate. although i do prefer it in the morning when i wake up, i;m so relaxed it feels so muxh better.. but it could be anytime of the day. when my penis tells me to play with it, i do..

By #5532 at 16,Jun,10 15:18
When I'm horny.
By #3997 at 16,Jun,10 22:50

By ero2715 at 16,Jun,10 15:27 other posts of ero2715 
everyday sometimes 3 or 4 times. Love to cum when on cam

By fancyabit at 15,Jun,10 16:12 other posts of fancyabit 
I wank when i can, with porn, on some pic from this site, home alone in front of the mirror and (this is a good tip) if you can't sleep at night and are tossing and turning, go in to the toilet and have a wank when you get back in bed just rub your cock with the after-cum which is still oozing out from cock. Feels damn good and very relaxing!!!

By #13898 at 15,Jun,10 11:18
On the hour, 15 minutes past, then at 20 minute intervals until 11 PM. Reduced on Sundays and bank holidays, not stopping at Blackbushe

By #82616 at 15,Jun,10 11:15
whenever i can

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