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Do you retract the foreskin when taking a piss?

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Started by #112574 at 18,Feb,11 15:21
I know this is not a burning question---I'm just curious. I prefer not to pull back the foreskin but get a steadier stream if I do. So sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. What abut you? (Obviously for uncut guys only)

Similar topics: 1.Foreskin retraction   2.Who can't retract their foreskin?   3.pissing   4.My foreskin won't retract   5.piss fantasy  

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By TonythetigeR at 10,Mar,24 09:22 other posts of TonythetigeR 
My foreskin only covers half my head so no need 2

By Zainn122 at 06,Mar,24 04:38 other posts of Zainn122 
When I was younger and uncut, I never once pulled it back as it was too tight and never really cared until I got told by guys about my smelly cock I still got sucked but was hard to shoot a load when foreskin is in the way or even pee so you must pull it back if you can.

By galaxy123 at 02,Oct,23 14:46 other posts of galaxy123 
I retract mine, especially in public when using urinals as my foreskin is very long and loose (see pic). Otherwise the flow can be unpredictable and spray a little. When young my mother also encouraged me to retract the foreskin when peeing to keep it clean.

By tb1 at 04,Oct,23 21:53 other posts of tb1 

By routemaster at 18,Jul,19 07:22 other posts of routemaster 
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By tb1 at 29,Sep,23 18:05 other posts of tb1 
By routemaster at 30,Sep,23 08:44 other posts of routemaster 

By twax at 28,Sep,23 02:02 other posts of twax 
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By Iluvmycock at 26,Sep,23 04:15 other posts of Iluvmycock 
I sit down 😇
By Moench at 26,Sep,23 21:25 other posts of Moench 
Oh why,you have a beautiful long dick

By Lickm25 at 18,Jul,19 10:57 other posts of Lickm25 
Just enough for the stream not touching the skin....
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By tb1 at 26,Sep,23 04:18 other posts of tb1 
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By Moench at 24,Sep,23 21:52 other posts of Moench 
My dick with foreskin is soft only one inch ,if I not pull my foreskin back to pee, I will wetting my pants. It’s for me very difficult,so most time I must sit down on toilet

By puli88 at 24,Sep,23 05:19 other posts of puli88 
I'm uncut guy, my foreskin is always retract, I don't know why but I feel ok with that. So always I take a piss my foreskin is not taking contact with piss and my gland remain almost dry when I pulled back in pants.

By #536913 at 18,Jul,19 06:44
Depends. Sometimes I get a steadier stream one way and sometimes it's the other way. Usually, I have to adjust by the moment.

By #586354 at 17,Jul,19 19:14
I pull it back then back down, or sometimes pull it back just enough to get a good stream and for shaking

By wycowboy at 15,Jul,19 21:08 other posts of wycowboy 
I'm cut but when flaccid I still have some foreskin and if it covers the head I pull it back so I don't piss on myself

By #578931 at 15,Jul,19 19:35
Always, I don't like pissing on myself.

By #202392 at 15,Jul,19 18:11
If I had a foreskin I would never retract it to pee

By #573046 at 13,Dec,18 20:26
I do that all the time when I am peeing.When I was younger I peed with my foreskin around the head and sometimes I got double stream or I peed on myself so I started retract foreskin before peeing.

By lilwillie at 10,Dec,18 15:28 other posts of lilwillie 
3I was circumstised at 40 years old ( not recomended) and about 20 years later I started having painwhen I was erect. The cut had always been a bit uneven and tight on the lowerside, but now the "expansion joint" had disappeared between my Glans and the shaft on the lower side, where the folded skin had sort of merged. I had another operation which seperated it, but now if I don't pull what remains back it is half over the hole and sprays anywhere! but I do like showing it anyway

By #557060 at 08,Dec,18 01:29

By HardAtWork at 06,Dec,18 23:24 other posts of HardAtWork 
Definitely better aim with it pulled back...

By #529487 at 03,Dec,18 15:42
always, I like to know it's going in the right direction.

By uncutjoy at 03,Dec,18 15:07 other posts of uncutjoy 
I usually never retract to pee unless I need to get some distance, then I'll pull back my tight foreskin and frenulum so my urethra streams it a long distance.

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By #571440 at 03,Dec,18 10:39
fuck no! i **** uncut. It's like peeling a banana

By #559941 at 30,Nov,18 19:58
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What foreskin?

By #451923 at 18,Mar,16 05:42
My friends mother taught me how to pee properly when I was a young boy. It was embarrassing at the time but she cornered me one day and told me to pull back my foreskin to clear the head before pissing. I guess she knew I was uncut because she had to clean up my spray every time I was over. She had older brothers and a father who were uncut. Later in life she divorced her husband and got a new boyfriend. They took us to a water park and when we changed out of our wet clothes I noticed her boyfriend had a huge uncut cock. Since that day I always found myself jacking off to the vision of her with his big uncut cock.
By #20115 at 30,Nov,18 07:55
Were you imagining her freaking out at that big dirty foreskin?

By #476377 at 14,Aug,16 09:57
Yeah, otherwise it will fly in all directions
By #20115 at 30,Nov,18 07:54
Not necessarily

By Carrot at 19,Aug,16 15:15 other posts of Carrot 
I retract half way. But if someone is looking i retract full.
By #455846 at 27,Aug,16 14:07
thats what all men with foreskin should be like . Show everything off and give it some air

By #20115 at 30,Nov,18 07:52
Don't do that for me man, I like to glimpse an overhang!

By #513166 at 12,Oct,16 10:40
i always do it, i think its better for the hygiene
By #285354 at 14,Apr,17 22:02
I agree- 99.9% of the time I pull it back- On a rare occasion, for example outdoors, on a cold day, I allow the piss to warm my head.

By #20115 at 30,Nov,18 07:51
Did you know urine is bacteria free when it is expelled? True,

By #20115 at 30,Nov,18 07:46
I'm a cut dude, but I love to see uncut dudes use their foreskin to piss at the piss trough or wherever! So dig it!!
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Mind you, if I were uncut I'd like to piss with my skin forward, use it like a piss spout that it is!

By #509938 at 14,Apr,17 18:25
In private,every time, just NOT in public lavs or something with others around...just couldn't.

By Nevermore at 14,Apr,17 11:58 other posts of Nevermore 
I don't but I'm thinking maybe I should start.

By qhaos at 14,Apr,17 11:17 other posts of qhaos 
Sometimes i enjoy peeing without retracting my foreskin, i think it feels better, but i usually retract it, but not completely, for better hygene, i **** having my cock dirty, i girl may want to suck him in any moment and he must be alwais ready!

By #93 at 20,Feb,17 23:47
I pull mine back. Otherwise it goes everywhere. I also stops dripping. I **** to visit public urinals where there is a puddle on the floor, either because a guy can't be bothered standing closer or just dribbles. Would they do the same at home? You'd hope not!
By #485312 at 14,Apr,17 05:04
yeah sadly they do the same at home and every where they go.. *lix*

By #513416 at 13,Apr,17 23:00
I keep the head covered when peeing, as it goes everywhere. After masturbation I have to pull foreskin to end of cock as it does go everywhere.

By Greek18cm at 10,Apr,17 00:01 other posts of Greek18cm 
When we were younger as childs a female cousin came from geemany for summer as always...

Ww were at the beach and she caught me peeing. After we talked,she noticed that i have a foreskin and taught me to retract it when peeing...

But this lessons had an other purpose...and ending

By niceonebighead at 20,Feb,17 19:51 other posts of niceonebighead 
alway skin it when pissinan stroke it if i got anyone watchin

By #61033 at 12,Oct,16 19:20
Mine is permanently pulled back

By #74896 at 12,Oct,16 06:25
I hav a very small forskin, so may forskin is always pulled back. Nice if the gay besides me tak a look

By #496814 at 21,Aug,16 10:20
No need to. This is my foreskins natural state when peeing:

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By #511422 at 20,Aug,16 10:54
sometimes not...
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By leopoldij at 19,Aug,16 21:24 other posts of leopoldij 
I don't. I don't have any.

By #206678 at 19,Aug,16 20:25
Yes if standing at a public urinal. No if sitting down. No in the shower. No if playing in the nude outside.

By doedeldi at 19,Aug,16 14:45 other posts of doedeldi 
a litle
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By #356167 at 15,Aug,16 20:20
No i don't. I like the feeling of the piss touching my foreskin. No bad odour either if you keep it all clean down there.
By #515780 at 16,Aug,16 15:09

By sigma30 at 15,Aug,16 20:42 other posts of sigma30 
yes I always retract it while pissing.

By #121361 at 14,Aug,16 11:17
Sometimes YES [deleted image]

By #121361 at 14,Aug,16 11:16
Sometimes NO [deleted image]

By #121361 at 14,Aug,16 11:14
Feels Good [deleted image]

By #174339 at 14,Aug,16 02:01
I always retract it

By #174339 at 14,Aug,16 02:00
yes always retracted

By foreskinlover52 at 18,Mar,16 14:56 other posts of foreskinlover52 
I almost never do..I enjoy the feeling pissing through my foreskin..

By iowaguy at 06,Aug,14 23:33 other posts of iowaguy 
I always pull the skin back when I go helps not build up odor.

By #463304 at 06,Aug,14 16:25
I pull the skin back when i piss...its a habbit i guess

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