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Gun **** in America

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Started by #495558 at 01,Oct,15 22:01
First of all, I love guns. I own several and love to go shooting. For me, gun control is a nice tight pattern on the target. Or, my right index finger. I have always respected guns and never in a million years thought of turning one on an unarmed civilian population. I think that is the very definition of cowardice.

I am however interested in hearing everyone's opinion on the matter. Specifically, as it pertains to these mass shootings that keep happening. I don't see gun control or background checks stopping these from happening. It may help to some degree but that is not the end all solve.

In my opinion, and this is not meant to make light of the situation at all, is we have a country full of pussies. To make that sound more professional, I think this country is full of entitled people who think they deserve everything and don't want to work for anything. It is full of politically correct bullshit and kids who don't get graded in school and everyone gets a trophy. Well, that is not how the real world works. We all know this to be true, good bad or indifferent. It just isn't real.

These kids attend college etc and live in this bubble. When they enter the real world the smallest of offenses or setbacks sends them off on a rampage. We have failed to set boundaries and realistic expectations.

Again, just my opinion. You can post anything you want here.

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By #495558 at 17,Oct,15 00:57
So after all that has happened.. would YOU go buy a gun at this point????
By #444412 at 21,Oct,15 05:20
Not a hand gun or an assault weapon. Obviously. But a rifle definitely, I could use a better muzzleloader.
By #495558 at 21,Oct,15 11:52
Muzzleloader Happiness is fire superiority
By #444412 at 25,Oct,15 23:09
A bullet to the chest is a bullet to the chest... The desire to have a more "powerful" firearm just shows -either- your inability to be successful with a less "powerful" firearm. Or your need to compensate for being less of a man.
By #495558 at 27,Oct,15 00:16
Attacking my manhood is a bit of a stretch... but hey that's your opinion

And it DOES matter for the military. Always has...
By #444412 at 27,Oct,15 01:48
How is that even permissible in your mind... You're neither outfitting a military nor are you using your personal firearms in a war zone.

By #420420 at 26,Oct,15 04:27
I REALLY **** how so many people foolishly, unknowingly call semi-automatic weapons "Assault Rifles"!! THEY ARE NOT!!!
An 'Assault Rifle' is a select-fire weapon, capable of fully automatic fire!! THESE HAVE BEEN ****, for Civilian ownership, since 1934, with VERY few exceptions!! Don't believe the 'hype' and perpetuate the 'myth' that the weapons are the problem!! It is the CRAZY FCKS, that use these, to kill, that is the problem!!
By #444412 at 27,Oct,15 01:28
Um, what the fuck are you telling us what an "assault rifle" is? You'd have to be surrounded by a bunch of like minded assholes to use a term like that.
Here in the real world we say assault weapon. This refers to a firearm that is either semi-automatic or fully-automatic. And means absolutely nothing else. And you'd have to be awfully confused to use any other terms.

And I agree, guns aren't the problem the people your country creates are the problem. And that's why the United States needs heavy gun restrictions to keep those problematic people from acquiring firearms, and so l-a-w e-n-f-o-r-c-e-m-e-n-t can halt the trafficking of i-l-l-e-g-a-l firearms.
By #420420 at 10,Nov,15 04:55
Sinjid306, Please, do not misunderstand my post. "Assault Weapons" is the first thing that the media post, to rally the hype, and scare people, confusing them!!
You are incorrect, grouping the full-auto, MILITARY WEAPONS, with the semi-auto, CIVILIAN versions!!
"Assault Weapons" are MILITARY, and **** for civilians in the US, except under special licenses!! DO NOT PERPETUATE THE HYPE that 'Semi-automatics' are the same in ANY WAY, to 'ASSAULT WEAPONS!!'
Just because the weapon is Black, or has a magazine, does not make it an 'ASSAULT WEAPON!!'
Restricting law-abiding citizens from LEGALLY owning weapons, to defend themselves does nothing to stop crime!! I almost ALL of the jurisdictions that allow concealed weapon carry, buy licensed, trained citizens, violent crime has dropped!! It is only in the most RESTRICTIVE places, that violent crime escalates, because the law-abiding citizen has no means to defend or deter the criminals, that DON'T OBEY THE LAWS, and get guns, illegally, and commit crimes!!
Heavy gun restrictions, like in Germany, when the Nazis took the guns from the Jews? Or In Poland, in Cambodia, in China?
It is CRAZY FCKS and Criminals that make crime, murder, etc!! It is armed citizens, defending themselves, and keeping the Crazies and Criminals from having them, that is the answer!
By #444412 at 11,Nov,15 04:39
Well you've convinced me. The firearms aren't necessarily the problem. People like yourself plus guns are the problem. You've bought so heavily into what Fox News, Info Wars, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh,and all the tea baggers are selling you. That you actually believe that the "bad guys" are coming for you. They're coming to break down your doors and ra pe your family and eat your dog and take your 52" TV. You've flown so far away from reality that you now actually believe that a gun can be used to defend yourself. That arming yourself to the teeth is acceptable when you could be devoting yourself to making your country a better place for everybody, instead of just yourself. It's irresponsible gun owners like you that make people afraid of firearms. That halt the effort of responsible gun users to educate the public on what a gun is used for. But when you talk about firearms the way you do, all people that aren't involved with guns think is that guns are for murder, for killing humans. You make life hard for people like me that actually use guns. You buy a gun that you'll never use for it's actual purpose, a gun that will fire more rounds in a minute then will ever be necessary, and you go to the range and you shoot targets for an hour then you go home. Then you jerk your little dick off in front of a mirror all the while telling yourself, "I'm a man". When in reality your just a scared, paranoid little prick that's wasting every bodies time. That's holding back his entire country. You're the reason no other developed nations don't respect american citizens. You're the reason your nation is failing.
By #495558 at 11,Nov,15 19:26
What is the GNP of Canada ???
By #444412 at 12,Nov,15 05:56
To boil down a nations success or failure to gnp shows that you don't posses the faculties for talking economics.
By #495558 at 13,Nov,15 21:38
Now you attack my faculties and my manhood?

And BTW--- those same people and countries that don't respect America you say... Those would be the same ones with their hands out begging for $$ and going at great lengths to live here....
By #444412 at 13,Nov,15 23:38
I'm not trying to insult you. I'm just making light of your attributes, if you think those attributes are undesirable that's your problem.

And your last statement is contrary to the facts. When I say "developed nation" I mean those nations that have a living standard equal to or better then that of the United States. I mean: Canada, The United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Argentina, Scandinavian countries, Baltic countries, France, Spain, Japan, etc. None of these developed nations turn to the United States for monetary aide, their economies are sustainable as is. In fact when you correct for magnitude there are a handful of these economies that preform far more effectively then the US. I mean really you guys haven't run a budget surplus since Bill Clinton was in office, and Barrack Obama has had to use both his terms correcting the shit storm Bush produced. I said it before, Reaching, you aren't equipped to discuss economics.
And to say something like these people wish to live in your country, is nothing less then to spit in their faces. No established person in any of the worlds developed nations would even bother to entertain the idea of moving their life to the United States. You're just baring that classic American trait of unfounded pride again. Baring it for all the world to scoff at.
It seems you've confused those countries that have less then you with those countries that have more then you. This failed bolstering doesn't speak well of your understanding of the realities of the world.

Now here it comes Reaching, the real insult... You don't know what the fuck your talking about. And it shows. It reflects poorly on you.

By #420420 at 12,Nov,15 03:49
Reductio ad absurdum. Yeah Latin. You take so many 'liberties' with what I said that you turn it around, and put words in my mouth like the bigots that you mention. You don't know me, and the sht you said in response is not at all what I believe or live. I NEVER said anything about most of the BS that you replied to, trying to group me with others that believe far more radical things than I.
The First Amendment gives you the right to say what you think, but then there is slander, and liable, and going too far, which I think you did.
I can agree, to disagree with you, honorably, as gentlemen in a civilized way, but most of what you replied is unfounded and your perception, reading TOO MUCH into what I posted.
By #444412 at 12,Nov,15 06:29
I am sorry if that truly doesn't apply to you but you've yet to denounce your country's bigots. Yes, I believe I took more liberty in that statement then I think I've ever taken in any argument I've ever had. And that liberty came spewing out of me like a McDonalds cheese burger after a Friday night bender!

But you can imagine my frustration when I have to sit around and watch the bass ackwards approach to firearms that your country's partisan system takes. I live in a country where more people per capita use guns as tools and for recreation then our southern counterparts. But we recognize that something that shoots projectiles isnt useful for defence. We don't try to carry them with our selves everywhere we go because we understand the dangers of firearms. We don't walk down the street just to incite fear in the public, because we now that places an unnecessary burden on the local police department. Instead gun clubs here do public outreach to make the public more educated and less afraid. And they understand that telling someone they need a gun to protect themselves is just a way to incite fear.

My anger may have unrightfully been directed at you. But I am only privy to what you have said to me. And what you've disclosed so far drops you into the camp I described. But in consideration for you, imagine I directed my argument at the abhorrent people that steep themselves in the culture surrounding guns in your country. And formulate a counter argument from that since you have yet to do so.
By #420420 at 13,Nov,15 05:21
Can we start over? You have some beliefs that I can respect, and I know that you have reasons to believe these, and I DON'T HAVE ANY DESIRE TO CHANGE YOU, OR WHAT YOU BELIEVE!!
Can we 'Meet in Geneva' and discuss, rationally, without bias, and stereotypes, judgments, but talk, as Honorable men, that disagree?
I don't need to change you, and you have every right to your belief, but I can't know what you know, and think, and feel, unless we talk, rationally, without judging, just open-minded.
I don't think either of us is 'Right' or 'Wrong' and there are Cultural issues, Historical issues, and so on.
I think that you are probably from another country, than the US, based on some things you said.
I like meeting, and 'talking' to others, from other nations, so I can better understand how they see the US, and our leaders, whether all of us support their ideals, or not!!
I would be willing to continue this, openly, here, but if you prefer, you can message me, privately.
A table, in Geneva, Switzerland, calling a 'Truce'? I hear they have great Chocolates!!
By #444412 at 13,Nov,15 21:52
Alright, I agree this could be done in a more civilized fashion. But I do not wish for an armistice, after all this is a "gun fight." I'd like to continue the discussion here in the light of day. Though, reaching might be our only spectator, and I'm certain most of this has already flown over his head.
Some ground rules: 1. No, caps lock 2. An acceptable use of grammar and punctuation. So that no one is misunderstood. 3. No, mindless appeals to rhetoric, to either left or right wing sympathy's. 4. Provide references when possible or when asked.
Feel free to object to any of these rules and to put forth your own.
Also a helpful tip from one site user to another if you click on a persons user name, it will take you to there page, at the top of the page you'll see details on that person (age, sexuality, gender, where they claim to live, etc). And of course you'll see that I'm your neighbour to the North.
By #420420 at 14,Nov,15 03:46
I agree to all of your terms, and they are honorable, but what is the point of the debate?
You believe what you do, and I choose a contrary opinion.
I don't need to debate, or try to 'change' your perspective! You have every right to what you believe, and in America, every right to say it!! I like that!
I don't agree, but we are not going to change each other's position, and I don't expect you to change, so what is left to discuss?
I think that it is important, with the example of our interchange, that people understand that it is OK to think differently, but be respectful of other's beliefs, accepting their right to believe what they do, even though we don't agree.
Nobody should be afraid to say what they think, out of fear of being opposed!
The Great Founders of the United States argued, and debated, and had opposing ideals, but somehow, they made our Great Nation, where all have the RIGHT to be heard, and say what they believe!
I think that is a good thing. . .
By #444412 at 14,Nov,15 05:16
I agree we've strayed off the topic of firearms. I'm sure we'll pick the debate back up once some white **** shoots up another school (excuse my bleak way of speaking). But please allow me an audience with you for a little while longer.
I would interject that the those ideas were more Voltaire's nom de guerre then they were the slogan of your countries founders. I'm not attempting to criticize your countries founding fathers, after all they did lay the ground work for one of the most powerful countries in the world. I'm simply trying to impart that they stood atop the shoulders of giants.
As for our exchange. In my experience it is necessary to respect the person that sits across from me. Because empathy demands it of me, I recognize that no matter how our ideals clash, we each know what it is to be human, we share that. But a persons opinions and ideas are something I will not respect, those things in their nature do not garner respect. Ideas stand and fall by there own merits. I will always respect peoples rights to have beliefs and act upon ideals. But if I don't see those ideals as something that does good, or if I see those beliefs as the reason people do bad. And if those ideas can't be presented in a way that will persuade my mind. I will take every opportunity to tear those ideals down and watch them be trampled under the foot of progress. That being said I don't pretend to know right from wrong all the time.
As you said nobody should be afraid to speak their mind, however if somebody is prepared to make claims, if they want to spew mindless rhetoric, shouldn't they be expected to back up their shit?
By #420420 at 15,Nov,15 03:16
In short, some of your points are valid, others just interpretations of biased facts.
Should someone shoot up another school, in the US, it will be because it is a GUN FREE ZONE, and they have no expectation of opposition, pressing their BAT-SHT CRAZY AGENDA!!
You cannot stop 'CRAZY', and there are plenty, around!!
The VAST MAJOPRITY, of major shootings in the US were by people that were deranged, mentally ill, or just psychopathic! The majority stole the weapons they used, or acquired them illegally!
There are an estimated 320 million weapons in the US, and the VAST MAJORITY, NEVER, EVER harm people!!!
Crazy people are the problem, and them getting guns, illegally is the problem!
FOR FCK'S SAKE, why are we debating this on a site dedicated to dicks and sex???
Maybe both of us are part of he problem, here!!
I concede, and you 'win'. I don't need to explain, or defend anything. You believe what you do, and I DON'T NEED TO, OR WANT TO CHANGE YOU!!
Go in peace. . .
By #444412 at 15,Nov,15 07:38
You might be ready to give up, but I'm not. People are dying unnecessarily and I'm not okay with that. I know that through educating people that are swayed by anecdotes, I can move that needle. I can rally people to my side and create actual change, that can help reduce those deaths. So here it is the full counter to your opinion, references and all.
It seems you've given up on that no caps lock rule. But um... There's no such thing as "biased facts." It's a complete lack of bias that makes facts, just that facts. So I suppose you meant that I carry biases like anybody else. And I'd agree, but most of my opinions are informed by evidence.

Gun-free zones, I'll be honest. It's just the newest mythic buzz word the pro-gun lobby has decided to rally behind. I believe this one started after Aurora. Ironically enough the FBI claimed the Aurora shooters planning had a lot to do with where he should park and absolutely nothing to do with the idea of meeting resistance. The evidence that more firearms means less crime just doesn't exist. And the fake evidence that that's the case has come nearly entirely from one man, John Lott. Take John Lott's book for example, nearly nothing in "More Guns, Less Crime" is correct. He purposely misinterpreted all the data he had in order to make the study look like it favored the position of his funders. The NRA. Lott was then disgraced by many, many statisticians and mathematicians that were far more qualified then him. They then exposed how he purposely misinterpreted the data.
To go even further, in Oregon, there were three men in the same complex as the killer. All three choose not to intervene. They decided that the minute the swat team stormed in anybody they saw holding a firearm was a goner.
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I don't know the statistics for mental illness and mass shootings in your country, it would be great if you could provide articles or studies regarding that. But I do know that your country has been constantly lacking in funding for mental health programs. Even though every time a shooting happens, your republicans roll out the, "guns aren't the problem, mentally ill people are the problem," shtick. They then turn their backs and do exactly fucking nothing. They control congress but can't be bothered to bolster the meager mental healthcare system in your country.
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No, these people do not acquire most of their guns illegally or by stealing. It's incredibly easy to buy firearms in the United States. Even if you have a criminal record. Because the background checks that are in place are often just pushed through without proper information because the FBI has trouble getting their hands on police reports, given the current channels available to them.
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I cannot respect what you believe, and it's not just because you're wrong. It's because what you've told me you believe, is damaging to your country. What you believe allows these horrible mass shootings to happen again and again, without anybody doing a thing to stop it. I don't really give a damn where we talk about it. Because I'll take what I can get. If I can change one mind by being a Keyboard Hero, fine. I'll make an ass of myself if that's what it takes.

By #658441 at 07,May,22 09:35
Exactly! Government law enforcement agencies can solve the gun trafficking problem just like they solved the drug trafficking problem! Thanks to Nixon and his War on Drugs, all recreational street drugs have been eliminated and addicts will have no choice but to get clean! God bless the great Dick Nixon for solving America’s drug trafficking problem via competent government agencies! Prohibition laws work really well in America!

Really dude? Really? “Law enforcement can halt the trafficking of illegal firearms.” Please tell me that you’re being sarcastic. If so then my bad for not finding and reading your earlier post where you made it clear that government intervention is NEVER the solution to ANY problem… EVER! I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.

By #444412 at 01,Oct,15 23:07
So why wouldn't restrictions on gun ownership work for the United States if it works in other countries?
By leopoldij at 01,Oct,15 23:31 other posts of leopoldij 

By #495558 at 02,Oct,15 02:40
2nd Amendment in the US is pretty compelling and ANY amendment is tough to change.

Even if we did change the 2nd, it opens up a slippery slope for everything.
By #444412 at 03,Oct,15 02:11
I've been thinking about that lately. I mean no offence, but your political system in the united states seems rather stymied. And there's that talk of your republican party shutting down the government. I'm sure that wouldn't poll in their favour. And abortion isn't really an issue in other developed nations. And I'm amazed that religion is allowed to permeate your political system the way it does, it seems the people in your government that are religious want to create such draconian laws.

Also this as an honest question, being that I have no formal education on the history of the United States, other then on your civil war and the war of 1812. Doesn't your 2nd Amendment imply that you shouldn't have a military or instead should have a skeleton military that should be supplemented by the public only when your nation is under attack?

By #658441 at 07,May,22 09:23
Hypothetically speaking, let’s say the second amendment was repealed and all guns became federally outlawed. How do you intend to collect over 400 million guns already in circulation? Have armed cops search houses to house like what we saw in Boston after the bombing of the marathon? How long will that take to search 300 million people? Even if all guns were collected, how will you stop the black market? I don’t know about other countries but the USA has well proven that prohibition laws never work. Look at as*hole Nixon and his stupid War on Drugs. Americas has been fighting the WOD for nearly as long as I’ve been alive. How’s that working out for the federal government? How is the classification schedule that the DEA controls working out for the fed? Speaking of the DEA, I just read a statistic where their seizures of “illegal street drugs” was less than one percent. Why such a pitiful result, especially after increased incarcerations, increased sentencing for offenders, more local police, more customs searches, more dogs to abuse via chemical dependency of the dope they are forced to sniff, more drug testing of the peasants in society (not the aristocratic and definitely not the political leadership), and more “stop and searches” of motorists (fuck the 4th amendment). All that shit for less than one percent? What’s the governments solution to this problem? The same old shit, “We need more of your money to get this job done America!” As sad as that is, what’s even more sad is that there are Americans who actually believe that horseshit! Do you really think that giving the DEA, what’s got to be the biggest loser in law enforcement, more money will solve their problem of trying to control their “controlled substances?” Look at the devastation of the WOD. Columbia was destroyed. Mexico has been destroyed. Now most of the USA is being destroyed. Why? Hasn’t the WOD been proven to be “a colossal failure” as Barack Obama said it but did nothing about it? Apparently this generation of leadership lacks the same courage that previous generations showed when they ratified the 21 amendment to repeal the prohibition of alcohol. They were too chicken sh*t to include drugs like heroin but they definitely aren’t the cowards we see today. So why does America still destroy lives and waste money on fighting this war that is kicking their ass so badly? Why? I guess all the politicians love and respect America’s most disgraceful President who is still the only one to resign the office of the presidency. A fucking hypocritical slush drunk who started this stupid ass war for the reason to persecute marijuana smokers. Why marijuana smokers? Nixon saw them all as hippies who vote Democrat. That’s it. That’s the only reason. That’s why marijuana is still class 1 on DEA’s so called controlled substance list. Fentanyl is schedule 2 but Mary Jane is schedule 1. Well now doesn’t that have bullshit politics written all over it! Now keep my drug rant in mind as we switch back to guns. Like I said, this country is saturated with guns. House to house gun searches won’t work because their isn’t enough cops to get the searches and seizures completed in a reasonable period of time. Think about smoking pot. It must constantly be replenished. Once it’s burned, it’s done. Once heroin is injected, it’s done. Once meth and cocaine are snorted, it’s done. All those drugs must be continually replenished. When you fire a gun, it it done? No! If you have a revolver, you stop have five remaining shots. Are revolvers done after your shoot six shots? No! Simply reload it and it’s ready to go. How about bullets? Are you done when you run out of bullets? Nope. Other countries will mass produce ammunition and then smuggle it into this country for black market sales. So please, do us a favor and oppose all bills this complete fuck up called the American government wants as law. They’re fuck ups, every one of them. I despise my government and I have no clue why anybody would love or respect any of them. All governments are evil, not just the US. A “necessary evil?” How stupid is that saying? I don’t even own a gun but I would never oppress anyone else’s right to own one.

By leopoldij at 03,May,22 18:30 other posts of leopoldij 
A cop who killed a 12 year old boy is going to jail.
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Here's the thing. The boy didn't have a gun. If he had one, he would have used it and probably kill the cop. The boy's parents are irresponsible for not having taught their son to carry a gun at all times. A gun could have saved his life. Pity.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Here's a good site only registered users can see external links that proves that guns save lives.
Why don't people read it?
It's plain English.
By phart at 04,May,22 01:12 other posts of phart 
He had a gun! Fired it And tossed it,
A Taurus 9 mm pistol was recovered about 40 feet from Siderio's body, Krasner said.
So he had threatened the cops prior to the chase.
BUT the direction of the boys body,would indicate he was not a threat to the officer at the moment of the 3rd shot,so yea, this cop shit his bed.
BUT on the other hand,had the teen could have waited until the cop came close and turned around with yet another gun,you know they make some that are small and can be carried in a pocket.
Still this is a bad case here of a cop going to far.

By leopoldij at 14,Jul,21 14:50 other posts of leopoldij 
I have friends who live in Arizona. They have lots of guns but the state makes it difficult for them to acquire new ones because they need to obtain new license.  If they lived in Texas,  they wouldn't need anything at all.

Texans can carry handguns without a license or training starting Sept. 1, after Gov. Greg Abbott signs permitless carry bill into law.

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That's great.  The first totally free place in the US.

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By #623135 at 22,Jul,21 13:31
Doesn’t he look like a REAL MAN? Look at him. He carries a GUN like The Ringo Kid.
By leopoldij at 22,Jul,21 14:16 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm sure he's a real man who goes around proudly talking
about his masculinity while, in the evening, he secretly
sucks dick and gets fucked in the ass.
The gun serves as evidence of how manly he is.
It helps him postpone revealing his gay nature because,
in his and his buddies' mind this is a sin that goes
against the bible that he carries in his pocket.
By #623135 at 22,Jul,21 14:17
By leopoldij at 22,Jul,21 14:23 other posts of leopoldij 
It would have been simpler to say, "hey, I'm gay",
or, "I love both pussy and dick", and forget about
the gun. He'd even save money this way.
By phart at 22,Jul,21 21:55 other posts of phart 
No,the real pussies have the latest cell phone and are on it making video's of people getting hurt by criminals.
Or they scream "help". That fellow ,whatever his bedroom activity's entail, is prepared to draw and fire if threatened or sees another person being threatened. You just have never been in a situation where it was necessary to be armed or have someone around that was.
More than likely Leo,I hate to say it but you are more apt to be the victim in a situation more so than the survivor based on the ideas you have in regards to protecting yourself..
By leopoldij at 23,Jul,21 00:12 other posts of leopoldij 
You shouldn't have to say or hate to say because you're American. It's you who lives in a dangerous violent country, not me. We don't need guns here. You do. You live under the threat of nutters and you, e.g. my friends from Arizona, are scared. I'd be too if I lived there. I count my blessings I don't live in such a jungle. Take care of yourself mate and dont worry about others.
By sherryann at 23,Jul,21 00:58 other posts of sherryann 
I know where phart is coming from, but couldn't have picked a better word leo. It is a jungle here, especially where I am.

And if he does suck cock, what's wrong with that?
By phart at 23,Jul,21 02:39 other posts of phart 
Yep, jungle is a good word to describe the big city's and the back streets in them. I stay away from that as much as possible. A friend of mine that has concealed carry even avoids some areas ,he says, "I don't have enough ammo to go there".
By sherryann at 23,Jul,21 20:35 other posts of sherryann 
your friend is smart Imagine living in one of these shithole cities. You don't know the half of it!

By leopoldij at 01,Aug,21 13:52 other posts of leopoldij 
No problem at all if he sucks dick!
I was only replying to Twowarmtts3!'s comment that he's a "real man", imterpreting it in the traditional sense.

By the way, I KNOW it's a real jungle there, I've been taking about it. I have friends all over the US. Many of them wouldn't even dream of having a gun 10 years ago. But they've convinced me how unsafe the feel now. My Arizona friend are really scared actually. That's why I keep saying that if I lived threre I'd probably be forced to have a gun. I have a journalist friend who went to Afghanistan and Iraq for a newspaper. He did have a gun. Likewise, I wouldn't even dream of living i a "jungle" without a gun. I just still can't believe that someone would have to carry his/her gun in the Capitol. But I'm still trying to comprehend how unsafe and violent some areas in the US can be these days. This is SAD. The leader of the free world is being destroyed from inside and it seems that a peaceful society isn't possible any longer. It's sad because it affects the whole world too.

I personally am glad I don't live in such a jungle. However, I do understand your concerns Sherryann and wish you could escape and live here,or somewhere equivalent too. Therr are still safe places in the world.
By sherryann at 01,Aug,21 23:41 other posts of sherryann 
Hi leo & thanks. I do wish I could live there or anywhere but here.
Sorry but I don't recall the topic of the real man & sucking cock, but I was talking in general, not accusing you of not liking cocksuckers.
No one in the Capitol used their gun except for a black Capitol police officer who killed a white unarmed woman. I am still trying to comprehend why that is memory holed.
By leopoldij at 01,Aug,21 23:53 other posts of leopoldij 
No, I understand. Actually, I believe each human should have their own sexuality. But they shouldn't pretend to be different from what they are. I don't like liars.

By leopoldij at 01,Aug,21 23:54 other posts of leopoldij 
Maybe I should come steal you and bring you elsewhere where worries don't exist.
By sherryann at 02,Aug,21 00:03 other posts of sherryann 
Well from what you told ne about your garden, it sounds lovely!
By leopoldij at 02,Aug,21 00:05 other posts of leopoldij 
Yes, that's true. But I only speak about the real beautiful things I'm live to people I like, by PM, not in public.
By sherryann at 02,Aug,21 00:11 other posts of sherryann 
Oh ok.

By #592419 at 14,Jul,21 05:28
Gas is expensive and the Left won’t stand for the anthem.
Joe Biden’s America.
By #623135 at 22,Jul,21 13:37
You left out some facts, didn’t you? Not all of the left will not stand for the anthem. Only those that feel their section of society is being screwed. Also, the price of gas is just that, the price of gas. And tell me this:
The price of gas is expensive and a whole bunch of people invaded the US Capitol building on January 6, 2020. It wasn’t even Joe Biden’s America.
By #592419 at 22,Jul,21 14:29
small bits and pieces... And you stupid cunt.. HOw can this be a riot if the police let them in? You had 2 groups. One was the one's that were let in so why climb and break windows and smash things? The other group was indeed infact antifa that is BLM. You are a stupid fuck..
By Ananas2xLekker at 22,Jul,21 15:12 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
There is absolutely no proof Antifa (Anti-fascism movement) was there.
Explain why Antifa would try to stop the election process for their preferred President and risk getting a fascist like Trump again?

Trump supporters went to the Capitol to force Mike Pence to overturn the election.
By #592419 at 22,Jul,21 16:12
There is proof, its not our fault you're too stupid to see it, or ignorant.
By #623135 at 22,Jul,21 21:19
SrCums but it is your fault. You are too stupid to explain with facts. You shoot from your ass but never show any proof .

By #623135 at 23,Jul,21 22:02
No, no proof. Just continued TV coverage and follow up. But, who believes their eyes

By phart at 23,Jul,21 02:40 other posts of phart 
There is also no proof that antifa and BLM were not there.
Those 2 groups are not trying to do anything. Like stop a president from being elected or stop violence. They want to create mayhem and disruption. .Nothing else. They want chaos.
By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Jul,21 12:22 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
When no Antifa or BLM members were arrested, than there is no proof that they were there. Since we do not know everybody who was there, we cannot prove that Antifa or BLM members were there, that is correct.

However, the claim was that the violence was committed by Antifa or BLM members and the Trump supporters were peaceful. That we can check, because many violent protesters were arrested. They have checked the social media activity of those suspects and it shows them as active Trump supporters and radicalizing over time.
If they were Antifa or BLM members their social media would show completely different ideologies. They could still radicalize, off course, but about completely different subjects.

Why do you always paint your opposition as having the only goal of creating mayhem and disruption? Even if they are disruptive, at least understand it is the method not the goal. Do I claim that Trump supporters only went to the Capital to destroy, fight and kill? I understand they were angry about a fraudulent election. If I believed that happened and the opposition got away with it, I would also be very angry and probably did the same. It would have been the biggest crime in your Democracy.

That doesn't mean it's true or people who believe it are right to believe it.
There we 80 lawsuits about the claims of fraud and all (but one irrelevant one)
had lost or not even deemed worthy of the court's time (moot). The 'evidence' that was presented was ridiculous (my opinion) and the 'real proof' was never presented. Claiming you have 'real proof' is not really proving anything. If there was 'real proof', the whole world would have known about it.

SrCums says there is proof without showing any or he says he doesn't need proof and others are idiots to believe there was no fraud. That's an opinion, but I don't think it's a good one. I think opinions should be based in facts and logic.

You could change my mind with actual proof, immediately. But do understand what 'proof' means. That 'evidence' obviously did not convince the (Trump appointed) judges, so it wouldn't convince me.

By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Jul,21 12:33 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
If there was new evidence that actually proved the election was fraudulent and Trump would have won, that still would not overturn the election. It would start new lawsuits, send the people guilty of fraud to prison (probably for ever) and I think the supreme court would need to decide whether the election was invalid and a new election should be held.

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell claims Trump will be reinstated on August 13th. That's not enough time to present your perfect proof, win the court cases, hold a new election and get Trump back into office. That is only possible with a coup d'йtat.
Remember that it is the responsibility of the military to fight-off coups.
By phart at 23,Jul,21 17:26 other posts of phart 
I support Trump.And I support the America first agenda. BUT even I have enough fucking sense to know that a former President can just be reinstated 7 or 8 months after he left.That dog won't hunt. Those pushing that shit need to back up,rethink and work towards a successful 2022 election to regain the house and senate.

By #623135 at 22,Jul,21 15:54
HAHAHA. OK. If that’s what you want us to believe, so be it. Don’t forget to testify in front of Congress. I’m sure they would like to know that.
By #592419 at 22,Jul,21 16:11
you're so fucking dumb I can't believe it. What the fuck is the matter with you anyway? You will have continuous trashing on your page with shitpiles and nasty gifts and you were voted the worst member in the history of this site.. Why do you even waste your time as well as ours?
By #623135 at 22,Jul,21 20:49
1st question; nothing wrong with me. I like to fight and be obnoxious to assholes.
You think I really care what you do to my Twowarmtts3! page? That is my fighting page. The other page Twowarmtts3 stays clean. It’s the one I chat with the good people and you can’t get in. It belongs to Charlie and he lets me use it. So, knock yourself out. Waste your points on my gift banner. Sooner or later they disappear.
2nd question, what makes you think I’m wasting my time? You assume too much
By #592419 at 22,Jul,21 20:54
How old are you, 69?.. You tell me you haven't wasted time? What happened to the other 69 years?
By #623135 at 22,Jul,21 21:10
Graduated with a Bachelors in Business Admin. Have my nurse’s certificate. Got married. Until before COVID I was assistant supervisor of the er/accounts receivables for 3 hospitals (not at the same time) I Have 3 grown children and 7 grandchildren. I’ve been married for 49 yrs. I own my home outright.What have you done with your life?
By #592419 at 22,Jul,21 21:36
no way.

By #592419 at 22,Jul,21 21:39
I can't believe I'm even fucking talking to you.. A jew hater ... Like WTF am I doing? Plus you've got the I.Q. that makes an idiot act like Einstein..
You will never eventually clean up all the shit on your page because the entire site is chipping in. Soon or later like quicksand you will be over your head in shit.. Fucking unbelievable..
By #623135 at 22,Jul,21 21:58
But you are because you are too obtuse to understand that I won’t quit
By #592419 at 22,Jul,21 22:30
quit what? In being stupid? You are more stupid than anyone can imagine.. What are you quitting from? You haven't even started yet.
By #623135 at 23,Jul,21 00:04
Repeticiуn. That will make an argument. Sos un boludo, hijo de puta, y un judio pendejo susio
By #592419 at 23,Jul,21 01:42
repition from asking the same questions. How can you quit something where the only thing you've proven is being stupid? You will do anything and look for any avenue to show you are right and won't be pushed around.. BUT I'm not sure whether to call you a good liar or a bad liar. You can't be right if you aren't so the only thing you have left is political correctness. You can fool other stupid people but you can't fool me.. I'll say it again,, shut your fucking stupid mouth.. If I ban you then you'll make up some other stupid name and its back to the same stupidity.. You're stupid not because you don't quit but fail to see your humility and just end up making yourself look even more stupid.. You can't even get the hint that you are doing this to yourself..You're a total liar with everything, a total fuckup in life and I have no respect for you at all.. If you have something to say do it without me. That's what's forums are for if you haven't figured it out already..
By #623135 at 23,Jul,21 02:20
So you say but you never offer any proof. Not that it matters.
BTW, you just called yourself stupid.
Who gives a flying fuck if you decide to ban me? First I can read all your posts. Second, no loss
By #592419 at 23,Jul,21 02:42
I don't need proof. You're a donkey with blindfolds on and I don't need to prove anything to you.. Not anymore because I know how stupid you are....And when I get more points I'm going to put more shit piles on your page..
By #623135 at 23,Jul,21 09:06
As I said, no proof, no problem. I remember Other members saying the same to you. You are fixated on me but other members read these posts. No proof means either made up or a lie.
There’s only 7 spaces to put a shit pile on my page and like I’ve said, who cares.
By #592419 at 23,Jul,21 13:40
Not at all. I don't need to prove my correctness since they already know its right.
By #623135 at 23,Jul,21 16:29
Baby, didn’t you get the message? According to Dgraff and Bella! only Phart argues with me. Run to Bella! And ask for forgiveness.
By #592419 at 23,Jul,21 16:50
Don't call me baby. I'm far from that. You are something else. I don't care if nobody agrees. Since you started the only thing you stress on in left wing political correctness. Its Political vs. Moral Correctness. My choice is choice B. Everything thing Trump did was based on constitutional law here and on ethics and moral codes. You can spin this all you want but it will always bring you to starting point 0..

You can't win with lies and spin. You will never ever show any sound statement as long as you stick with plan A
By #623135 at 23,Jul,21 16:58
All right, Old Fart, whatever. I have a rule. Political correctness or Moral Correctness goes out the window if my heart, my personal life rudder, won’t give me the go-ahead. It may not look like it here, in the forums. Unfortunately I seldom find that my rule and the postings and posters can co-exist.
You believe what you just posted about Trump. What if I don’t agree? If you were me, would you just accept it quietly?
By #592419 at 23,Jul,21 19:11
If you don't agree its fine..Bragging about how much you hate jews is unacceptable. So all I can say is "Fuck You Too" You're allowed to disagree but then you resort to hate. This is not welcomed...-Here's another illogical statement. You don't strive for moral correctess but it comes from the heart.. what kind of shit is this? Like saying Trump isn't Trump.... ..That's why I will never give you credit because you have no clue on ethics, morals, doing what's right, Justice,,,, nothing.
Out of all your spits of bullshit the only thing I have seen so far is Political Correctness and hate.. You do have a heart and its here but being your own worst enemy has given you an eternity of isolation from your own stupidity..
Like I said,, stop playing the circle game with me.. Be humble and what is true. All comes down to that.. You want to hate Trump and democracy, then just say it but don't play the circle game... It wastes time and development.. Namely your development.
By #623135 at 23,Jul,21 21:44
I don’t think your opinion of me is accurate but, you are entitled to your views. All these “playing the circle game” “waste of time and development “
I will never give you credit because you have no clue on ethics, morals, doing what's right, Justice,,,, nothing.
Out of all your spits of bullshit the only thing I have seen so far is Political Correctness and hate.. You do have a heart and its here but being your own worst enemy has given you an eternity of isolation from your own stupidity..
This is all bs. Sop playing the circle game with you? Be humble and what is true?
Did you also want me to stay on my pijamas and cook dinner? Yeah, right.
By #592419 at 23,Jul,21 23:08
I guess but it would be a distinct improvement..
By #623135 at 24,Jul,21 00:06
This is what your next post on Bella!‘s thread:
Twowarmtts3! crapped out on me. I scared her off. She blacklisted me. Old Fart, I need a break from you I hope your “I don’t need you to agree with me, but, I will hate you for ever and accuse you of petty crap” attitude continues. Good life if I don’t reappear.

By phart at 24,Jul,21 00:04 other posts of phart 
What is for supper? I am hungry.
By #623135 at 24,Jul,21 00:08
Ask SrCums

By #592419 at 23,Jul,21 19:38
THIS COUNTRY IS A MESS //////////////

Ex-Obama Doctor Drops Bombshell On Live TV — Predicts Biden To Resign Or Face 25th Amend As ‘A National Security Issue’

We have reported extensively on Biden, 78, and his inability to handle basic questions while speaking publicly.

As the former White House physician under both Presidents Obama and Trump, Ronny Jackson told Fox News that he believes Biden will be forced to resign or will face the 25th Amendment over issues related to his fitness for office.

“Something’s SERIOUSLY wrong with Biden,” Jackson wrote on social media. “And it’s only going to get WORSE! It’s past the point of embarrassment.”
By sherryann at 23,Jul,21 20:38 other posts of sherryann 
Yeah and how he's ruining our country is gonna get worse too.

By #592419 at 23,Jul,21 19:12
In March, the #BidenBorderCrisis set a record for illegal crossings.
Until April, when a new record was set.
Until May, when another new record was set.
Until June, when another was set.

By #592419 at 23,Jul,21 14:16
BREAKING: Fully Vaccinated Pelosi and Biden Aides Test Positive for COVID
By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Jul,21 15:52 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
AON, Newsmax, Fox News? At least link to the article.
By #592419 at 23,Jul,21 16:01
Do you know how to google search?

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By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Jul,21 16:07 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Oh common, some service would be nice.--------------------------------------- added after 22 minutesNo problem with this article, it's quite neutral.

What is the point;
Stupid Democrats getting themselves infected with Covid?
They are fully vaccinated and still got Covid?

The last I can explain. It is still possible to be infected and infect others, after you're vaccinated. The vaccines are only between 60% and 90% effective in preventing disease. They are however at least 90% effective in preventing against hospitalization or death, even for the Delta variant. That's pretty good for vaccines, the flew vaccines are much less effective.

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By #592419 at 23,Jul,21 16:15
How lovely fair of you to say.. I was just curious.

By #592419 at 23,Jul,21 16:13
25th Amendment could be just around the corner. Ronny Jackson, Ex-Trump Doctor, Says Biden Need to Take Cognitive Test: 'Something Going on"

Then when Kamalla is impeached and removed from office because even the democrats don't like her, then assuming the Nancy Pelosi get's stripped of her powers because of flagrant corruption who would ne next in line? I think since The election is being in process now of overturn by the time they get up to the speaker of the house Trump would be sworn in..

By #592419 at 23,Jul,21 16:04
BREAKING: Texas Rep Files Bill for Forensic Audit of 2020 Election
State Representative Steve Toth (R-The Woodlands) has filed HB 241 to call on an “independent third party” to perform a complete forensic audit of the 2020 general election, according to Montgomery County Gazette. This new bill

By #592419 at 23,Jul,21 14:09
BREAKING: Pennsylvania Just Decertified County's Voting Machines After 2020 Audit
By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Jul,21 15:54 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Paper ballots are harder to mess with, so sure.

It was mean of you to take away the Diamond and Silk link

By #592419 at 23,Jul,21 14:14
Pelosi Doubles Down on Push to Murder Babies from Poor Families
By Ananas2xLekker at 23,Jul,21 15:52 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Citations needed!

By Gntlmn at 22,Jul,21 03:36 other posts of Gntlmn 
I have several...12gauge semiautomatic, 2 semiautomatic handguns, bolt action rifle, and long barrel revolver. I'll shoot any Nazi bastard that threatens me.
By #623135 at 22,Jul,21 13:28
What about blacks, Mexicans,Republicans, Trumpsters, Yellow eye-ties?
By Gntlmn at 23,Jul,21 01:26 other posts of Gntlmn 
I'm talking about the oathkeeper /proudboy types that strut around with AR's and such in open carry. I'll already have the drop on them.

By leopoldij at 22,Jul,21 14:13 other posts of leopoldij 
Would you shoot the good, god fearing, people too?

By rjj54 at 15,Jul,21 00:10 other posts of rjj54 
I live in North Dakota and I have a carry permit but ND has now a canceled no permit state. Two of my daughters have purchased pistols after seeing mine and why I have them.
By leopoldij at 15,Jul,21 08:57 other posts of leopoldij 
That's good. You need to protect yourself and always be ready in case of confrontation with bad people. And so do your daughters.
By #623135 at 22,Jul,21 13:29
Or with his daughters
By leopoldij at 22,Jul,21 14:12 other posts of leopoldij 
Indeed. Good, god fearing, people with a gun protect themselves and others from bad, godless, people with a gun.

The little problem is that most mass shootings are done by
people who were good, god fearing, up until the massacre,
who immediately change to bad, godless, people after the massacre.

But this is just a little detail that the NRA is working on,
with quite a big success so far: if you ignore this detail
then my statement in the first paragraph remains correct.
By #623135 at 22,Jul,21 14:17
Must be why most gun violence is in the home.
By leopoldij at 22,Jul,21 14:21 other posts of leopoldij 
Well, I don't know that but there's certainly a lot
of violence around him. That's why he's afraid.
Otherwise, he wouldn't feel the need to have
a whole artillery. I'm really sorry for people
who live in fear, day after day, hour after hour.
It must be debilitating to their mental health.
Fear creates paranoia, mental imbalance and even
By #623135 at 22,Jul,21 15:46
There’s more than one US member who feels like that
By leopoldij at 22,Jul,21 19:17 other posts of leopoldij 
I know. I can tell.
I have friends who are armed to teeth.
They're scared.

By phart at 22,Jul,21 15:51 other posts of phart 
Say what?
The florida school shooting,that teen ager had been reported to the fbi a long time before the shooting.Nothing was done by those slackers about it.
The sandy hook thing,that fellow was on medicine for being crazy and killed his mother and took her gun,hardly a good God fearing man.more like a nut case.
Most of the mass shooters are nut cases that should have been in the asylums had johnson not closed them
By leopoldij at 22,Jul,21 19:20 other posts of leopoldij 
Yes, there are too many nutters in your country,
that's why people are scared and, like my friends in Arizona,
have to maintain an artillery in their houses.
I get that. It's a real concern.
It's a real pity and a shame the way that the US has become.
Signs of collapse, really.

By #623135 at 22,Jul,21 21:16
Your precious REPUCKERS controlled Congress. Why didn’t they change the laws before OR AFTER?
And in the Sandy Hook massacre the guy killed his mother on the same morning he did the shooting. I guess your cristal ball was off and couldn’t contact the “slackers”
So now we go all the way back to president Johnson. Are you sure you don’t want to go back to when electric shock was abolished for mental health?
You get worse by the day.
By phart at 22,Jul,21 21:49 other posts of phart 
There are to many laws already on the books. Enforce the laws already on the books and keep the nuts off the streets.

Electric shock? HUM? Did it do any good? Do we have any volunteers in florida that would step up and let us test it?

By #592419 at 22,Jul,21 20:55
Criminals carry guns. They don't have special privelage.
By #623135 at 22,Jul,21 21:17
What does that have to do with it?
By phart at 22,Jul,21 21:51 other posts of phart 
Criminals don't feel like the law applies to them. that is 1 of the criteria to be a criminal, disregard for laws. So in a sense they feel "privelaged".

By #592419 at 23,Jul,21 00:00
stupid? You are more stupid than anyone can imagine.. What are you quitting from? You haven't even started yet.

By annarowe at 19,Jul,21 22:42 other posts of annarowe 

By leopoldij at 14,Jul,21 14:45 other posts of leopoldij 
What a great idea! This new gun  is ch1ldren friendly.  It is known that toddlers don't like real guns because at such young age humans aren't used to metal.  Moreover,  they're heavy.  However,  an ingenious gun manufacturer decided this new gun for toddlers. First time in history that even infants can exercise their democratic rights.  They can learn to shoot to protect their parents. 

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You can see how people love this new invention:

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By Ananas2xLekker at 15,Jul,21 10:24 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Great idea! That will give cops an even better reason to empty their gun on a kid,
who is playing with a toy gun.
By leopoldij at 15,Jul,21 12:35 other posts of leopoldij 
That's what I think too. K1ds can be terrorists too. So police should be able to protect good, law-abiding, god-fearing Americans from evil. Evil is everywhere in that country. Satan lurks at every corner, even in churches. People attend religious masses with guns, and so they should. Satan disguises herself in ch1ldren too and has the ability to change a toy lego into a lethal gun. When the police shoot a bad ch1ld, they don't shoot a human, they dhoot the satan who is jealous because she's never managed to establish capitalism in hell. She's jealous of the society in the US for having reached the pinnacle of civilisation and a capitalistic economy that's unparalleled to none. She therefore tries to destroy it by employing anything she can. Lego, farts, fartards, communists, ch1ldren, anthrax, anything....

By #592419 at 14,Jul,21 05:28
Georgia lost the MLB All-Star game because Joe Biden and his Democrat cronies lied about the state’s election laws.
They cost local businesses millions of dollars.
And now they’re lying about what’s happening in Texas.
It’s disgusting.

By phart at 13,Jul,21 23:33 other posts of phart 
so 18 to 20 years olds shouldn't be able to buy a gun eh mister and miss's liberal?
Well then,if they are not mature enough to own a gun at that age,then why are they mature enough to serve in our military and DIE before the age of 19 for their country?
Another case of hypocrisy.
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By leopoldij at 14,Jul,21 00:28 other posts of leopoldij 
It's really alarming to see how much scared people are in the US from being attacked by their fellow citizens. I fully understand why everyone needs to have guns and explosives.

By #592419 at 13,Jul,21 17:55
They called you a “Neanderthal.”
They said you weren’t smart enough to make copies of your ID.
They laughed at you for “clinging” to your Bible and your guns.
The Left thinks they’re better than you.
But they aren’t.

By #592419 at 12,Jul,21 23:11
Jim Jordan
Public Official ·
Protestors in Cuba and Hong Kong seem to love the American flag more than some of our Olympic athletes.
By phart at 13,Jul,21 01:11 other posts of phart 
Sad aint it?
By #592419 at 13,Jul,21 12:34
The left has taken over all spors and hollywood now.

By phart at 13,Jul,21 11:49 other posts of phart 
Ammo must be cheap in the city with the strongest gun laws in the US.
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1 shot to the noggin is all it woulda took.

By phart at 12,Jul,21 22:41 other posts of phart 
a teen acts in self defense.
I like Florida's Stand your Ground rule.It allows people to protect themselves from threats.
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By phart at 12,Jul,21 18:54 other posts of phart 
No direct link in rise of gun violence and gun sales. Well duh, crooks already had their guns,it is the citizens buying guns to protect themselves.
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By #613564 at 06,Jul,21 04:40
I LOVE that one of the BIGGEST segments of the population, in the US, buying guns, over the last year is WOMEN!!!
They are defending themselves, and learning, and not going to put up with shit, anymore!
By phart at 06,Jul,21 17:58 other posts of phart 
it is past time that women stopped walking around being victims and stats.
Women have always had the idea that a simple scream for help would bring out doesn't anymore.
YOu can die unarmed,or you can live armed and protected,your choice.

By phart at 29,Jun,21 00:51 other posts of phart 
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No gun needed,just beat them to death.
I wish a gun was used on this bitch.perhaps a couple tommy guns. She deserves to suffer as that poor boy had to have.
By sherryann at 29,Jun,21 02:01 other posts of sherryann 
Someone should beat that nasty bitch to death like she beat that poor child.
By phart at 29,Jun,21 14:20 other posts of phart 

By #592419 at 30,Jun,21 19:07

By #623135 at 30,Jun,21 14:16
I suppose you think the child should have had a gun to k I’ll his mother. I too believe she should be boiled in oil over a slow fire. That poor baby must have really suffered.
By Ananas2xLekker at 02,Jul,21 10:20 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I'm sure you ALL mean after she has been found guilty by 'a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury consisting of jurors', right?
Are you just pissing on the 8th Amendment (Prohibits excessive fines and excessive bail, as well as cruel and unusual punishment)?

Or are you also pissing on the 6th? (Protects the right to a speedy public trial by jury,
to notification of criminal accusations, to confront the accuser, to obtain witnesses and to retain counsel)

Or do you only care about the 2nd Amendment and the rest is garbage?

Principles are so easily discarded.
By #623135 at 02,Jul,21 12:33
Everyone is entitled to a fair trial, but, if the crime is known and verification is certain, then, wanting to met out punishment is not a repudiation of the 6th amendment. The punishment of boiling her in oil over a slow fire is wishful thinking and it would never happen in the USA. But, I don't think I'm advocating for cruel and unusual punishment if I want her, after conviction, to be sentence to life in prison or even lethal injection. Do you agree on that?
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

BTW, I don't care about the second amendment. This Is an antiquated law that has no purpose these days other than to cause trouble for those that don't believe in ownership of firearms.
By Ananas2xLekker at 02,Jul,21 14:22 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I'm not taking an interest in this specific case, but in crimes like these, I would also need to consider her mental state at the point of her crime. I don't think anyone would kill a baby in a healthy mental state. If she did, I would sentence her to 20 years and a long stay in a closed psychiatric unit, according to our law. I'm against the death penalty on principle, because guild is never certain. We have seen many cases of legal error.

Never say 'this would never happen in the USA', because your democracy is still walking a tight rope. With the right wing becoming increasingly deranged, anything is possible. They are already chanting lock him/her up for anyone saying anything the don't like and Trump praised the police for executing the murderer of a Trump supporter at first sight. Neither the 6th or 8th amendment for him.
By #613564 at 03,Jul,21 05:32
I have issues, with "gun talk" on a site called "Show Your Dick"! I'm more interested in the picture on your site, showing many panties, and then I must say that you have a very nice-looking penis, if you can accept that from a straight guy! LOL!
I would much rather talk about those things, and this other BUllSHIT that doesn't belong here!
By Ananas2xLekker at 03,Jul,21 13:46 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I was surprised to find these topics on a site like this, but I actually prefer it now
over just showing cocks and talking about cocks. Life is more than cocks.
By phart at 06,Jul,21 00:26 other posts of phart 
We agree on something.
But as for this trial thing,I am looking at it realistically, if the 2 amend is a antiquated law to some then it is logical for the 6th or 8th could be considered antiquated laws by others with just cause.
And as far as her mental state,what fucking difference does that make? SHE killed a kid in a very violent manner.You would have to be sick to do that,of course,so boil in oil or just feed to a batch of Piranha after duct taping her eyes open and her mouth shut.
By Ananas2xLekker at 06,Jul,21 07:45 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Considering a killer's mental state is part of justice, not just in US law, but in the laws of almost any country.

The second is not antiquated, it's being used incorrectly. It says "A well regulated Militia", not arming every idiot with assault rifles. It says "the right of THE people..." as working-class people regarded collectively, having the right to have their own army to protect themselves against a dictatorship.
According to your law, I need to agree with militias like The Proud Boys and
The Boogaloo Movement (if they are indeed well regulated), even though I hate their views. For equal representation in the Militia, you should also arm BLM and socialist groups. It's not fair that only racist right wingers have people's armies.

The 6th and 8th are principles for equal, fair justice and against being tortured
for a confession. Do you think that's antiquated?
By phart at 06,Jul,21 17:56 other posts of phart 
no but neither is the 2d,
I was just saying different people could rationalize them being antiqued.

By #623135 at 04,Jul,21 00:38
Mr JackS
Did someone tell you that you can’t look at the pics on SYD or SYC? Try these two, Angel1227! and Twowarmtts3. As a “straight” guy I believe you’ll like them.
So, about some of the threads on site, you believe “Is my dick big?” Or maybe, “ I want to be fucked by several men at the same time “ or maybe, “check out my wife. She fucks other men. Is better?
The BULLSHIT is in your head. Everyone of us is here because we like to show ourselves off and like this semi-amateur site. You know that place where you choose to come to the site? Skip it next time.

By #592419 at 28,May,21 02:09
I'm from Polk County Florida. First of all Florida is the free-est state in the union.. The Polk county sheriff said that he heard that Antifa was coming to trash Lakeland and Orlando.."LET ME GET SOMETHING VERY CLEAR.. IN FLORIDA WE HAVE GUNS and REDNECKS... If you even try to trash our businesses and break into our houses the it is coming from me with the warning that in the state of Florida it is legal to protect our property to BLOW YOUR FUCKING HEADS CLEAM OFF YOU HAVE TO ASK SOMETHING,, DO I FEEL LUCKY? LETS SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!!....THEY WILL HAVE THEIR GUNS AND SO WILL I... When that happens I'm going out for coffee and that is it !! Well no Antifa...
By #623135 at 01,Jun,21 12:23
Florida should be split into South Florida and North Florida. South Florida supports the rest of the state. Our taxes support the red necks of North Florida. The dividing line should be from north of Palm Beach to south of Tampa.
By #275407 at 01,Jun,21 15:30
There's a difference between north fl and s. Fl. Southern part of fl. Has a mixture of all kinds of people like any large city and is a very stressful place to live because of the amount of people that live here, where n.fl is more country and more farm land. Quite place to live where everyone is more laid back. Of course the exception is the large cities where the population is greater. I would prefer to live in the country away from other people or up in the mnts. I will one day in the near future be moving to the mnts where the stress level is low and the people are nice. Where I can go trout fishing and hiking with dgraff
By #623135 at 01,Jun,21 18:19
Well, fishing and hiking with or without Dgraff is always fun (keep behind him)

By phart at 01,Jun,21 22:48 other posts of phart 
I thought florida was full of yankee's and cubans and loose chickens?
By #623135 at 02,Jun,21 00:00
You are describing South Florida. From a line stretching from Ft Myers to Jupiter Beach north, it’s all yahoo country. The men all want to be the Marlboro man. They are always missing teeth, drive 10 yr old pickups with rifle supports on the back window. They are all Trump supporters and have the same education as Trump. They all conceal and carry. They all work at. McDonalds.

By #592419 at 27,Jun,21 22:28
I think you've got your geography mixed up genius.. South you have democrats and minorities that need public assistance for exchange of votes for the crooks.. North you have hard working conservatives that support people just like you.

Not to say all people south of Jupiter are leaches,, just the number of people that keep democrats in power
By #623135 at 28,Jun,21 21:45
Genius? Hardly but, check tax collections for the state. You’ll see South Florida counties are rich counties. The state uses some of that tax income to repair public works in the North Florida counties.
North Florida is full of Repukers that still think Trump won the election. And, by the way MIAMI – Data shows the majority of voters who supported President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence live in western Miami-Dade County. The supporters of projected President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris were in eastern Miami-Dade.
There were exceptions to the geographic divide. Some of the wealthiest areas in eastern Miami-Dade sided with Trump and agricultural areas in western Miami-Dade sided with Biden. Cuban-American and Colombian-American neighborhoods sided with Trump and African-American, Haitian-American, and Mexican-American neighborhoods sided with Biden.
The voter turnout in Miami-Dade County was a high 74.57%. The official summary data report from the supervisor of elections shows there were 1,563,572 voters registered and 1,165,883 voted at 866 precincts. The data shows 617,647, or 53.31%, voted for Biden, and 532,734 voters, or 45.98%, sided with Trump.

So let’s hear your theories.
By #592419 at 28,Jun,21 21:48
What theories.. its facts.. the richest people in the world live in south florida.. ON THE WATER,, Palm Beach,, Bocca.. but that's a small percentage less than 1%.. The rest is people that have trouble even going to the store for milk and bread. They need these welfare checks. They have many children to try and work the system then the children grow up with improper nourishment, poverty, and no education.. I've lived in south florida.. it sucks and its segregated not only on race but economical platforms as well..
Since you are so smart any genious can put up fake numbers on phony websites..Go see for yourself,, its right in front of your face.
By #623135 at 28,Jun,21 21:57
You are way off. The majority own good homes. Most neighborhoods are neat and/or modern. You lived in South Florida? I was born here. You are full of crap.
--------------------------------------- added after 14 hours

Waste of time. It’s not worth arguing about. If that’s your view, go for it, but, you never provide any proof.
By #592419 at 28,Jun,21 22:02
I never said they own bad homes. Most don't even have a home or even a place to sleep. Don't false quote me. That's saying you are subjective. The person that is FULL of crap is you.. and its not up your ass

By phart at 28,Jun,21 22:10 other posts of phart 
I met a fellow recently that is leaving florida.He is a cop and loves the governor and most of the people but he met someone in this state he loves and is getting a new job.He said he was tired of the disrespect to cops.
By #592419 at 28,Jun,21 23:17
There is no other place to go. Perhaps in north florida but here with the educated police are honored and respected for the most part. We hate speeding tickets but nobodies perfect. They are here to serve and protect especially the innocent. When they go you have no place to go. With no guns and no police to support you-- you are open game and defenseless...

By #623135 at 30,Jun,21 14:12
If you mean Floridians are disrespectful to cops, remember A: this is a Red Repukers state and B: the cops in this state are full of Rodney King types.

By CountryCouple54 at 30,Jun,21 14:39 other posts of CountryCouple54 
I will agree with Candy on this one. I'm not sure how long ago Crums lived here. There is little poverty her now. South Florida is a haven of wealth. The building of new houses and high-rises continue. You can't find a one-bedroom apartment around me for less than $2,000. There aren't many shitty neighborhoods left. A few trailer parks here and there. Hell they've even taken what most people remember as Overtown during the riots and turned that into what they now call Wynwood. You can't find a one-bedroom studio down there for less than $300,000. It doesn't matter whether you go east west north or south it's expensive to live in South Florida. Prices really don't start to go down until you get north of Orlando.
By #592419 at 30,Jun,21 19:13
This demographic is the result of 2020 election between Trump and Biden. The Blue is for Biden and Red is for Trump. True that S. Florida has conservatives or what you call REdnecks including southeast florida. I'm saying the majority. More that 90% of counties won for Trump.. Desantes won the election because they tried to cheat in Broward country but was overturned... Where ever you have Blue counties you have segregation, despair, loneliness, poverty, homelessness.. Why is that? Wheever you have blue areas shaded it is mejor metropolitan areas. Red is elsewhere however fort myers as you can see has turned red.

[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

Popular vote 5,668,731 for Trump 5,297,045 Biden
Percentage 51.22% 47.86%
By CountryCouple54 at 30,Jun,21 19:53 other posts of CountryCouple54 
I understand what they want us to believe. You can show me all the charts and grafts you want. I live here I know better. Trump did no lose Palm Beach or Broward County. Dade County was debatable. The Cubans were torn between Biden and Trump. It wasn't like it was when Obama won the south. Broward and Palm Beach was rigged. The early voting and online shit was manipulated. Hell the machines were supplied by a well known Democrat supporter. Trust me, Trump didn't lose the south
By #592419 at 01,Jul,21 11:34
If you look at the true pictures I doubt there is any with 100% accuracy. Cubans are hard workers. They come here to work.

By CountryCouple54 at 30,Jun,21 14:29 other posts of CountryCouple54 
First of all, sheriff Grady Judd is a certified badass. Secondly, you're wasting your time arguing with her. I've lived in Florida all my life. There's just as many rednecks in the Keys, Homestead, Hialeah, Doral, and West Kendall as anywhere else. Hell the biggest Trump supporters are from his hometown in West Palm Beach. The rich people with the big fancy houses and the big fancy boats. Doesn't everyone remember the Trump flags flying on every boat in South Florida. To say that you need to draw a line and divide the state in half makes absolutely no sense. You have the biggest population of rednecks living right here in Davie Florida. So when you take account the population there's more rednecks in South Florida than Central and North Florida.
By #623135 at 30,Jun,21 15:04
I agree with you too, Davie, Florida is as red neck as it can be. Hialeah is a “cuello rojo” and Doral belongs to the Colombians, the Brazilians, the Venezuelans, and all the other Central American immigrants. I, in case you didn’t know, I was born in the town of West Miami. It’s across SW 57thavenue to Coral Gables. My delivery was at Doctors Hospital in 1952. I graduated from Miami Coral Park. I lived all my youth and a good chunk of my adult life in South Florida. My Dad started to build our family home in 1949 when he moved from Connecticut after WWII. His house started about the same time as the incorporation of the city, and believe me, it was mostly red neck from the northern states.
My wanting (and it’s been proposed by local governments) to split the state is purely a tax or monetary one. If it’s our taxes collected then it should be spent in South Florida.
By CountryCouple54 at 30,Jun,21 15:25 other posts of CountryCouple54 
And you should know the term redneck just doesn't describe a white person. When I say there are as many rednecks down south, that's including the Cubans, Brazilians, and other gun toting, 4wheel drive, boat owning, mud slinging, atv riding, duck hunting folks. Because they are down south as much as white folk in Davie.
By #623135 at 30,Jun,21 15:36
I do. The locals call them “bуlidos (Very commonly used Argentine slang for asshole in English or equivalent to pendejo in Mexican ) Not all red necks are bad. It has become a derogatory term, but, my Dad, a transplanted northerner described himself as a red neck, and with pride. You are smart enough to know what I mean.--------------------------------------- added after 12 minutesBTW, my daughter-in-law’s brothers, cousins and uncles spend the deer season in Georgia and also hunt wild pig. They are pickup driving, tabaco chewing CUBAN red necks and they own more firearms than the whole state of New Mexico. And they are good people.
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

I hate autocorrect. The term above is BOLUDOS

By #623135 at 30,Jun,21 14:26
The Brooks Law Group has compiled the following about Polk County, Florida

Jokes aside, Polk County’s 2020 crime and traffic statistics have a lot to say. Here are 5 statistics that may help us better understand what we’re up against this year:

Violent Crime: Lakeland’s average is lower than the national average. For every 367 violent crimes per capita nationally, there are only 312 in Lakeland. However, Winter Haven has an average of 423—higher than the state and national averages
Aggravated Assault: The rate in Lakeland is lower than the national average (163 per capita versus 250 nationwide). In Lake Wales, the average is higher at 272.
Property Crime: Averages in Polk County are notably higher than the national average. The national average is 2,110 total property crimes per capita. The average in Auburndale is a staggering 4,287, compared to 2,547 in Winter Haven.

Burglary: The national average is 340 burglaries per capita. Averages in Lakeland, Winter Haven, and Auburndale are higher at 390, 409, and 606, respectively.

Motor Vehicle Accidents: Polk residents are more likely to die in a motor vehicle accident than the average Floridian or American. This has been the case for at least 20 years.

By leopoldij at 08,Jun,21 13:48 other posts of leopoldij 
I read that two children stole some guns and started shooting the police. The police shot one of them, 12 year old, and that made the other, 14 year old surrrender.

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The children didn't own or have training with assault weapons. This is irresponsibility from family, the state, etc. They all failed because they should have taught the children, from early age on, how to shoot guns, assault weapons, bazookas, etc. And also provide them with state-sponsored guns so that they have with them at all times. Familiarising and equipping them with guns would have prevented their anger. The children were clearly angry with society because everyone has guns except them. I think that the authorities there should act more responsibly and teach children, as soon as possible after birth, how to deal with essentials like guns.
By phart at 08,Jun,21 16:23 other posts of phart 
I know you are being sarcastic but at the same time the kids are being taught use of weapons, they should also be taught respect for human life. All life for that matter. That would do alot to curb the problems at hand.
By leopoldij at 08,Jun,21 17:04 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm not being sarcastic.
That's what I would try to
convince politicians to do
if I lived in any dangerous
country like US or Azerbaijan.
I know someone whose friend's son
(17 years old) shot him in Baku.
He was lucky. He survived.

By Ananas2xLekker at 26,Jun,21 16:06 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
"Good morning kids, Today I will teach you about the value of human life.
It's not nice to shoot your friends, with your AR-15, when they tease you.
You are only allowed to shoot people, when they try to steal your stuff.
Oh, and when we say we value human life, we are only talking about Americans.
We don't care about the poor kids mining our cobalt.
And actually, we don't really care about shooting black Americans, but be sure no one
is recording it, or some people will not believe it was a criminal.
That concludes our lesson for today.
Don't forget your guns."
By phart at 26,Jun,21 22:32 other posts of phart 
Good Morning Kids!
Today Ananas will teach you the value of human life. It is not nice to shoot your friends with your weapon of choice when they tease you.You should go to your doctor and ask for antidepressants that will alter your state of mind to a point their teasing will not bother you.DO NOT expect principle's or parents to do anything to stop the teasing. you are supposed to cope or medicate. Shooting the teaser is against the law of the land and is forbidden in the 10 commandments.So this is not to be done. BUT Doing anything to actually stop the teasing is against liberal logic.IF you solve problems,there is nothing to complain about.
You don't own anything, so if someone else wants something you have, you should hold the door for them to be able to carry it out easier and remind them of the rug at the bottom of the steps.

You see how silly that sounds as well?
Please use some common sense.

And to go on to explain 1 point.

When we say we value human life we are talking about everyone on earth. Rather they are mining cobalt to help reduce emissions at a young age or if they are murdering babies in a medical office.

Now to explain the point as you might,

A life is not legit until it leave the mother ,until then it is just a leach and a choice. Remember your mother chose to allow the leach to live.
Black people feel their lives are important, only if a person of another race is trying to take it. Murder and mayhem are a normal part of their daily routine. That routine includes burning the business you built using your hard earned education and every last dollar to the ground
By Ananas2xLekker at 27,Jun,21 00:15 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Yes that really sounds silly. Are you actually implying that kids need to protect themselves with guns against teasing?
Are you actually implying that it's impossible to have possession, unless you are protecting it with deadly force?

You're using a strawman. I would never allow abortion after the fetus is viable or even after it has developed a nervous system. For black people "Murder and mayhem are a normal part of their daily routine"? Really? And you think they shouldn't complain? Oh, off course, it's all their fault.
By phart at 27,Jun,21 01:26 other posts of phart 
Hehehe, well we agree on abortion, that is good.
As for the black folk ,lifestyle choices dictate their lives as they do for everyone but they don't make good 1's.
The numbers don't lie,do some reading.

No,I am not implying kids should use deadly force. BUT have you noticed any adults offering alternatives? Have you noticed the video game industry the past 20 years?,
I was that kid in school that got bullied.Had to sit in class all day with dried raw egg all over my shirt more than once for example.
Talk to the princeable, "fight back was the response, I was a 50 pound 8th grader the seniors on the bus were wrestlers and used me for a punching bag.
Had I had access to a gun,I doubt I would be typeing this. not because I want to hurt others,but I was hurting then,BAD,I wanted it to stop, the way I was treated has had a effect on how I interact with people to this day. But yet,no alternatives were offered,still aren't today.But given credit where it is due,even a celeb "lady googa" or something to that effect,has made mention of bullying in schools being a problem.
As for possessions, No it is not impossible to have possessions without guns, IF people respected others property and left it the hell alone.And Or people were held accountable for stealing.
Remember the discussion me and 2warm had about looters in new york being turned loose and not held accountable? It ssems to be acceptable now to just let people steal.It should not be.
By Ananas2xLekker at 27,Jun,21 19:43 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Kids can be monsters to each other, I also know from first hand. I didn't have it that rough, but I was a little hot head when I was young, so it's good we don't have guns in The Netherlands. When I was bullied once, I went home, took the thickest bamboo fishing rod piece I had, went back and hit the bully until he was crying. Then I got away quick, before his two friends would get the idea to help him. That would have gone down a lot different if all kids are packing heat.

I've never been burgled, but I can imagine it would suck and I would wish death upon the burglar. However, my opinion is that the government is responsible for judgement and punishment, not the citizens. I'm not that positive about our system of law, because change of getting caught is way to low. Still, I do respect our police. Not because I was taught to, but simply from observing their work in person. I saw them doing their best under tough circumstances. Our cops put themselves in danger to de-escalate and apprehend a violent criminal unharmed. They treat everyone like a human being. They are able to do that, because, it's a lot safer being a cop in a country without guns. That also make it safer to be a citizen.

So not having guns here might make me unable to defend myself at some point. However, the chance I ever need to do that is far less likely, than if we all did have guns. My risk of getting killed by a neighbor with a nervous breakdown is far lower. My risk of accidentally shooting myself or being shot by playing kids is non-existent. Also, my chance for ruining my life, by killing someone on a whim, is far lower. On top of that, my risk of getting killed by the police is negligibly small.
I'm just safer than you are.
By leopoldij at 27,Jun,21 23:39 other posts of leopoldij 
Of course you're safe in the Netherlands man.
The NL is 100% civilised. It doesn't have a third world part.
But he lives in the US. No comparison.
The US is a dangerous country. The police are trained to kill. One third of the US is really third world.
There's no social care, unlike the NL.
35% of Americans are backwards. They believe that the world is 5000 years old and take part in strange religions like evangelicanism and baptismivalism and mormonicism. All pretty arcane and scary. They go to churches with guns because they have too. People get in those strange churches and shoot from time to time. There's no difference between churches and shitty food places like Kentucky fried chicken, they both lure customers with big flashy neon light boards.

So, you're lucky you live in a safe and civilised country.
But be a little bit compassionate of those who live in the US and have to struggle to make ends meet and are afraid of their lives day and night. I feel sorry for them. But it's not their choice. They were born there, they were indoctrinated there, they've nowhere else to go.
By Ananas2xLekker at 28,Jun,21 11:21 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
🤫 I know, but I'm trying to convince THEM. Because of compassion.
It probably takes convincing 95% of Americans that they would be better off without guns, before their government chooses for democracy and the safety
of the citizens over the NRA money, but we can at least try.
By leopoldij at 28,Jun,21 12:44 other posts of leopoldij 
I think this is IMPOSSIBLE.
They live in a dangerous society. They need guns.
Also, they're scared of their neighbours, rightly so,
because they have guns too.
See, for example, only registered users can see external links
And the police must have lots of guns too and they do the
right thing: they're trained to kill.
They have to, because every time they stop a car, say,
they're afraid that there driver might shoot them.

In a culture of fear and violence, guns are needed.

The only time that the gun culture will change in the US
is when it loses its world hegemony to China.
This will happen rather soon. Maybe in 50 years.
At that point, all the guns will be collected by the state,
and it'll be only the state that'll have guns.
The citizens will have none, and, if they violate the
Chinese restriction they'll be executed on the spot.
In fact, since there are millions and millions of guns
in private hands in the US, the Chinese state will build
a new army from those guns. It'll be called
The American People Army.

But before China trakes over there's not a chance in
a billion that American people will get rid of their
guns. And they're right.
By Ananas2xLekker at 28,Jun,21 15:10 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
You're probably right. However, I don't agree on your assessment of China. They have shown an ability and willingness to change for the better, that far exceeds the ability and willingness to change of the USA. So I don't think China will be the oppressive world conquer you imagine.
I don't imagine China will be a democracy in 50 years, but they might show there is some truth to their claims that their system is superior, because a democracy is dependent on well informed, rational and compassionate citizens.
By leopoldij at 28,Jun,21 20:58 other posts of leopoldij 
Maybe you're right.
However, according to your last sentence,
the US doesn't fit your definition
because well-informed, rational and compassionate citizens
(all characteristics combined)
constitutes a very small fraction of the population.
There are, therefore, 2 possibilities, mutually exclusive I think:
Either your definition is wrong
Or the US isn't a democracy.
By Ananas2xLekker at 29,Jun,21 13:03 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
It's still possible to have a democracy by definition (see below) with only ignorant, illogical, immoral people, the outcomes for society are just atrocious.
Apart from that, with just two parties, both serving their donors and 80 million people who just gave up on voting, the US can hardly be called a democracy.

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By leopoldij at 29,Jun,21 13:09 other posts of leopoldij 
That's the lexicon's definition of democracy. But, in reality, if it's money that decides who the winner is then that's not democracy. Most voters don't have the money required to fund a politician. Only a few do. So, essentially, it's those few who control the winner. It's an oligocharchy then, at best.
By Ananas2xLekker at 29,Jun,21 13:15 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 

By leopoldij at 29,Jun,21 02:52 other posts of leopoldij 
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--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

54,000 incidents per year is 150 per day
Of those 150, we get 40 deaths. Per day.
The solution clearly is: get more guns.
If the bad guys sense these you have guns,
they'll remain good for longer.
Guns save lives by causing bad guys behave
like good guys out of fear.
Fear makes a bad person good.

By leopoldij at 29,Jun,21 02:46 other posts of leopoldij 
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--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

The real war is much less dangerous than the daily internal war. Now I understand why so many k1ds want to become soldiers. Because they're less likely to die from shooting in the war than if they stay home.
The soliton? Get more guns at home.
The army has lots of guns. They clearly don't need them that much. They should give them to citizens in the US, in Detroit, in Florida, in Colorado, in Las Vegas, etc. Guns should be given where they're needed. Not carried abroad.

By leopoldij at 29,Jun,21 02:36 other posts of leopoldij 
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--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

40 to 50 people per day killed in the US by guns, not including wars. That's 50 times more than, say, Germany, where people don'y shoot much.
The only solution for the US is for people go get more guns. In fact, the state should have a Gun Social Programme whereby each US citizen should be given a free gun upon birth. This will reduce the killings.
--------------------------------------- added after 21 hours


By leopoldij at 26,Jun,21 15:56 other posts of leopoldij 
Here's another incident that proves that guns are needed.
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They threaten a neighbor, bad guy, to go away or else they'll shoot him. They warn him again and again. The bad guy neighbor doesn't listen. They point their guns and do the right thing: they kill the bad neighbor. Only after he's dead his wife starts crying. Yeah, cry baby, where's your gun? Neither the dead husband nor the cry baby wife had a gun. If they did, they could have shot first and the matter would have been solved.

My American friends tell me that when your neighbors have guns they must have guns too. Their neighbors do have guns. So they bought many guns too. But they also tell me that it's not enough to own the guns. You must be carrying them with you. You must be ready all the time. One of my friends was a soldier in a bad country so he knows how to kill bad guys and has killed a few. He's now running a mini school for his family and very close friends and teaches them how to properly use guns to shoot. He says that the most important thing is to identify whether your enemy is a bad guy or a good guy. Turn things are simple. If he's bad you shoot him, if he's good you don't.

By leopoldij at 26,Jun,21 15:38 other posts of leopoldij 
Someone in the US killed a policeman.
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Someone else, a good guy, pulled his gun and killed the bad guy.
A policeman arrived, shot the good guy and killed him.
Unfortunately, nobody else seemed to have a gun on him and so they didn't kill the bad policeman who killed the good guy who killed the bad guy.

My American friends are telling me, and they're right, that they need to have more guns, not only to protect themselves, but also to deliver justice on the spot and kill a bad guy who kills a good guy who kills a bad guy who kills a good guy who kills a bad guy. When people live in dangerous countries they must be carrying weapons to ensure justice and democracy.

By leopoldij at 30,May,21 14:25 other posts of leopoldij 
There's a real war going on in the US. I understand why people need to be armed to teeth to defend themselves from law-abiding citizens who flip out and, suddenly, turn into non-law-abiding and kill others (killing is against the law).

The killer in San Jose a few days ago had 25 thousand rounds of ammunition and many many weapons: only registered users can see external links

And yesterday,
someone else in Florida killed, but not too many, just a
people, and injured 20 others: only registered users can see external links

More people are killed by killers on the streets than soldiers in battles. The prime must have guns. Maybe the president can take some arms from the soldiers, who don't need them too much, and give them to citizens in urban areas where the real killings happen. It's a difficult problem that, without guns, cannot be solved.
--------------------------------------- added after 54 minutes

I'm sorry, it wasn't a single person in Florida, it was three:

Three people climbed out of a white car with assault rifles and handguns and started firing indiscriminately into the crowd.

Well, then people should have guns and always be ready to form mini armies so that, as soon as a mini army of three or more killers shows, people should organise themselves on groups and fire back immediately. It's a war, but the war cannot be won without further guns for law-abiding, god-fearing, hard-working people.
By phart at 01,Jun,21 00:37 other posts of phart 
Well for the sake of discussion.
Had you been in the crowd in florida, what would YOU do?
Crawl under a table? Run and hide? stand and draw fire away from children? If a person beside you pulled a 45 and started to fire back protecting themselves and you, would you stop them?
To make any positive improvements in either direction,we need to understand the way people across the board think.
You could not just stand up and walk over to those folks and offer them a Coke and a moon pie and say, "hey chill dude bullets are expensive". You would probably die.
Singing Kumbaya and drinking wine would be nice but it won't happen until you fix those peoples brains that want to harm and kill.
By leopoldij at 01,Jun,21 08:37 other posts of leopoldij 
Had I been in Florida in the first place, I would have arranged to go to gun training first. I wouldn't go live in Florida, or any other of those dangerous places in the US, full of non-law-abiding people. Since I've never touched a gun in my life, I would need some kind of training. Having done that, I'd go to Florida with guns that I'd carry with me at all times and be ready to protect myself and my family. Of course I wouldn't sit there and sing kumbaya if I saw these non-law-abiding villains get out of the car and start shooting. I'd pull my guns and start shooting them too. I'd have to injure or kill them before they kill me and my family. I would not offer them coke or talk to them, you're joking, right? I'd shoot them immediately.

By #623135 at 01,Jun,21 12:12
Leo, I was born and raised in Florida. Miami to be exact. I live in Miami-Dade County (Miami) now. In my 69 years of my life, I have never had to confront anyone holding a gun pointing in my general direction. The population count of the county is 2.7 million people. If you add to that the number of tourists ( 15M to 23M) you’ll see that we have a plethora of people. We have gun violence and we all wish it wouldn’t happen, we are no worse and a lot better than other areas of the country (Ex: Chicago).
NEVER-THE-LESS GUN SHOULD BE OUTLAWED. I know Phart and like minded people think you need them for PROTECTION. That is a fallacy.
By leopoldij at 01,Jun,21 14:31 other posts of leopoldij 
I hear you. But there are millions of scared people in the US. They need their guns and their bibles. You can't change their minds.
By #275407 at 01,Jun,21 15:18
Florida is not a bad place, you go to any hoodlum area and the crime is 300% more, all you hear is about the crime in the low income areas. Like any low income area in the u.s.a. You don't need a gun unless your going there to buy drugs or shoot someone for taking your parking space. Don't say how bad Florida is when your not a resident because you don't know what a really nice place it is to live, theirs three million people living here in broward and dade county, so crime is more then the farm area you live in where all that's happening are kids throwing rocks at cars. So Leo, if you can't handle living in the city without a gun, stay on the farm with your chickens and cows. I own about thirty guns and they never leave my bedroom. Only the aggressive person starts any trouble here, 95% of Florida is a good place to raise a family. I live in a community in s. Fl. Where the police sleep half the day because there's so little crime.
By leopoldij at 01,Jun,21 16:03 other posts of leopoldij 
I didn't say anything about Florida. The guy above said it's bad and I replied that, if it is so, then you need guns. After all the wars that are going on in the US every day, I said that I'd never go there without dozens of guns. And, seeing how dangerous the US is, I agree with them and you that everyone there should be armed to teeth, as you are. That's good. You need to do that, it's necessary in a violent country. People live in fear, that's why they have guns. Good luck to you and others.
By #275407 at 01,Jun,21 16:06
Yes you did, reread your posts how you said you would never live in Florida. How you would go get a gun and take lessens, remember,
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People like you are the people we don't need in fl.
By leopoldij at 01,Jun,21 16:08 other posts of leopoldij 
One needs guns in the US. I get it.
By #275407 at 01,Jun,21 16:11
Most people don't need guns in fl, only if your looking for trouble

By leopoldij at 01,Jun,21 16:11 other posts of leopoldij 
I would never go to a country as dangerous as Syria, South Africa, the US, or as intolerant as Saudi Arabia. Horrible.

By phart at 01,Jun,21 00:34 other posts of phart 
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By leopoldij at 26,May,21 16:51 other posts of leopoldij 
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Sad. But if people there had more guns and if they were ready to shoot this wouldn't have happened. It appears that, in the US, is not enough to have guns. You must be constantly ready to shoot otherwise how can you prevent someone who has planned the killings? I think that people should buy more guns. In fact, the government should give them to people for free.
By #623135 at 27,May,21 02:12
What I don’t understand is the argument that having a gun will protect you. In the US anyone that has a clean record can own a gun and carry it, yet, we never hear, or almost never hear, that a bunch of possible victims took out their guns and killed the perpetrator. Why?
By phart at 27,May,21 03:38 other posts of phart 
It does happen.BUT the media does not cover those type storys because it does not go along with the liberal agenda.
There was a man in Texas I think that shot a man trying to kill people in a church a year or so ago but it was just a blurb. Not long after the church shooting in Charleston, the church my dad attends designated 2 people to be armed with concealed weapons during church services and 1 is usually walking the parking lot during the preaching.NO my dad is not 1 of the designated 1's. BUT it also helps that the preacher is also the police chief for a local town. So I feel sure he is the 3rd man.
The few storys that make it to limited media coverage are cases of home self defense.
By leopoldij at 27,May,21 04:54 other posts of leopoldij 
It's really so sad to live in a dangerous country and to have to have guns even in churches! I do understand you need to be armed up to the teeth, but that's so nerve breaking.
By phart at 27,May,21 13:24 other posts of phart 
YOu are correct, it is a very state to be in when you can't walk into a house of worship with out that thought in the back of your mind, "what if".
Those poor people in Charleston let the guy into the church,and then he pulls a gun and kills numerous people.And the only thing the fucking media could focus on was the confederate flag on his coat I think it was.
No focus on church security,no laws passed for stiffer penalty's for house of worship incidents, nothing.
Pulling the flag down from capital grounds was thought to be the solution.

Just yesterday i spoke to a neighbor and he drives a dump truck hauling construction debris.He was in town near the hospital when a lunitic came running out of a office door,nurse chaseing him, right into the road,right in front of his fully loaded Peterbuilt weighing about 60,000 pounds. Thankfully well maintained so he had good brakes, barely got stopped before hitting the lunatic. He ran on accross the road, causing other vehicals to run off the road into the grass to miss him.
This same type of person, when they display issues,is taken to a doctor, given some "magic" pills ,allowed back on the street, only to come up with some diabolical scheme to harm others.
Lock up the lunatics' instead of medicating them,and the shooting would slow way down.
By leopoldij at 27,May,21 13:34 other posts of leopoldij 
I get it now, I just hadn't realized how bad it is up to now. I was biased since (a) I never go to religious institutions (very few people here care about fiction, but that's not the case in the US) and (b) it's not dangerous here, insofar as gun violence is concerned it's practically absent (occasionally, we have hunter accidents).

Then, you've been right all along. If I were in the US I'd have to have guns. But since I can't use or stand having them, (I'm really scared of touching them even, I get panic attack if I see them, I switch off the TV when I see people shooting), I won't be coming to the US.

Well, good luck to you and stay safe as much as you can. When did you learn to handle guns? How come you're not afraid? Are you an army person by any chance?
By phart at 27,May,21 16:28 other posts of phart 
No military training.
I do have a friend who retired from the air force that has offered to teach me some since 1 of his jobs was teaching small arms while in the military.
Believe it or not,8 th grade in school we had Hunter safety training courses. they taught us how to carry a gun,and so forth.No actual guns in the was lecture and films but still,training in school at a age where it was of value.
In high school,it was common for the folks that hunted and what not to have thier rifles in the back windows of their trucks ,pistols under the seats and on. Nothing was ever thought of it. Treated No different than a fishing pole

I do not own what is considered a assault weapon. They are not very accurate because the recoil after about the second shot causes the gun to rise up and before you know it you are bird hunting.
By leopoldij at 28,May,21 02:01 other posts of leopoldij 
Different world and language. I don't even know what "recoil" means...
I've seen guns only in movies.
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And in museums

By Ananas2xLekker at 17,May,21 09:58 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
About 'Stand your ground' laws.
If you don't want to see all 19m17s, start watching from 10m39s for a good example.
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By phart at 17,May,21 11:12 other posts of phart 
And the problem is?
A good neighbor,wow,rare.
People that don't agree with that fellows actions are the reason insurance is so damn high.And prison systems fail and are over crowded with rotating doors.Just another liberal that thinks everyone else but you is deserving of your hard earned property and life.

As I have ask here a 100 times, how are you supposed to protect yourself and property without a gun or other instrument?
By Ananas2xLekker at 18,May,21 08:15 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Shooting some burglars in the back with a shotgun is a problem.
He was not protecting himself and he was not protecting his own property.
He is just a guy who really wanted to kill people.

Do you understand that an idiot like that can even mistake family helping his neighbors to move for burglars?

Stealing does not warrant a death sentence.

Do you see now that you're not pro-life?
And how can you still say "all lives matter"?
By phart at 18,May,21 12:57 other posts of phart 
What you don't seem to understand is the burglar made a lifestyle choice in stealing instead of working. Thus,showing the WORLD,he did not even value HIS OWN life.

What are neighbors for if you don't look out for each other?

IF you don't mind, tell us your response to seeing your neighbor's home being broken into and their hard earned stuff being carried out by a non deserving ,non working thief?

Would you run and hide in your safe place? Would you say, "Excuse me,that is not the latest model ,here take mine,it only cost a 100 bucks more and works so much better".

I might get some sort of answer from you,because sometimes you will take the time to answer,but when others are cornered,they seem to just turn silent,thus not bringing anything to the table as far as alternatives.
By #610414 at 18,May,21 13:24
Phart how about calling the cops? No one has the right to be a vigilante. Cost of insurance is high because the burglar steals $100 worth of cash and valuables and the homeowner claims $10,000.
By phart at 26,May,21 20:54 other posts of phart 
Well case in point as a example.
A power line shorted coming into the house,sent 220 volts thru the 120 volt outlets.My computer,the microwave and 1 other thing,were ruined.I was actually woke up by the smoke boiling out of my desktop computer.When I bought the computer,it was 1300 bucks. it was 8 years old or so,worked great,I was happy.But it went up in smoke by fault of the power company not maintianing the trees near the power lines. The microwave,to replace it with a equal model to the 1 we had was well over 400 bucks.
The power company,in their exact words,as a courtesy,gave us a check for 125 bucks. Because the equipment was old and devalued in their eyes.Didn't matter that it was working and we were happy as clams before it went up in smoke with no intentions of replacing it until it failed beyond repair.So who had to absorb the loss? ME. WHY?
Same with a theif. What ever is here in this house right now is up to par with my needs. If it were stolen,I would have to replace it. Insurance ,again,would only give me a small penance of what it was worth.Again,why should anyone absorb the cost of a thugs lifestyle choice,other than the thug?

That is 1 reason why you need to read the fine print of your personal homeowners insurance or what not,because if it does not cover REPLACEMENT cost,then it is hardly worth the money
By #610414 at 26,May,21 22:11
Maybe your power company is different than FPL. When lightning hit the pole supplying my house, it took the stove oven control, the living room smart TV and my old Dell computer. They told me to call for service and get an estimate for the repairs and for replacement. The opted for the three items to have full replacement. They gave me a check and we went out and bought new range, TV and computer.
On the last hurricane, to hit full blown, was Andrew. My house sustained over $30000 worth of damage. Most of it was paid by the insurance. After that insurance companies don’t include wind damage in their policies.

By Ananas2xLekker at 19,May,21 12:53 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Is being a burglar a lifestyle choice? Maybe in social democratic countries, where we have a reasonable safety net.
What you don't understand is that life shits on people more in your country.
You suffered yourself, but you don't understand the system in your country increased your risk for suffering and made your suffering worse. You didn't resort to crime, but some people will. We don't put those people in the same circumstances, so we have less people resorting to crime. They are just assholes with a job or assholes on unemployment here. They are causing less harm.

In your country people are left to solve their own problems. There are so many people in trouble and some do make the choice to be a burglar when life shits on them.
So actually in your country you can blame them less for making that choice, than the ones doing that in my country. But, we don't kill them. We call the cops and they don't kill them either. And still, we have less crime, less murders and less people in jail.

Being more tough on crime has never helped and will never help. You can try your way for ever, but you will only create more misery. You need guns to protect yourself and we don't. You then also suffer the consequence of many innocent people being killed.
By phart at 19,May,21 13:02 other posts of phart 
Your "way" does not work either or you folks would not have crime.
YES being a burglar is a lifestyle choice. NO one forces you to steal. YOU can choose to walk past a home,or stop and break in the door and take something that is not yours.
That is a choice that should be easy to make.Simply respect other peoples property and home.
IF people make the right choices,they can get along just fine.Yes,life took a shit on me,and no I don't go around stealing. I also had a choice of being a 400 pound dope head watching Jerry Springer all day but I didn't choose to eat all the high powered pain medicine being shoved in my face either. I chose to do the limited things I could do with knowledge I gained from high school and college and help my neighbors save a small fortune on labor for repair bills and parts.
By Ananas2xLekker at 19,May,21 15:31 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Even though we have a reasonable safety net, it is also lacking a lot. People get the bare minimum to stay alive. They have no reason to resort to crime, but there will always be ignorant, angry, lazy and greedy people.
People who like to shoot those people lower themselves to their level.
Humanity should be able to first educate people to not become ignorant, angry, lazy or greedy and secondly minimize the damage of ignorant, angry, lazy and greedy people that are left, without killing them or filling up prisons.

Social democracy does a better job on that and manages to produce much less crime, murder, people in prison, prostitution, substance abuse, child abuse, unwanted pregnancies, abortions, and children growing up unguided.
In general we just live more fulfilling, happier lives.
Your form of late stage capitalism lets only a few people take ridiculous wealth, while the rest is struggling. And then you are surprised that some people don't give a fuck about anything anymore and just start taking whatever they can, however they can.

By #610414 at 26,May,21 22:14
I commend you for taking the high road after your accident. Most people give up.
By phart at 27,May,21 00:14 other posts of phart 
I try,but sometimes it is depressing to watch others not try and still get by.
I recently met a fellow that got hurt on his job, workers comp denied his claim,can't work,has issues of all sorts with his back. He is good at sharping chainsaws,something for whatever reason I can't do.So he did 3 chainsaws for me. I had some old machines that I was going to repair for resale,haven't had the time,needed the space,loaded them on his truck this evening.A bit of tinkering that will be about 500 bucks he can rake in. If you try to do right by others,you may not have everything you want,but you won't lack for what you need.
By #623135 at 27,May,21 02:08
Again, commendable but what does that have to do with guns? I also don’t believe “the wrong life choices “ have anything to do with gun ownership
By phart at 27,May,21 02:54 other posts of phart 
NOthing really,just explaining a point.
But as far as life choices and guns, DUH< if you own a gun,you are able to choose to use it for protection or for wrong doing.The gun is not going to jump out of the drawer and go kill someone while you are asleep.You have to chose to pick up that gun and use it for the wrong reasons.and that is a lifestyle choice,the choice to be a murderer or a thief or a thug. OR you can choose to learn how to properly use the gun,how to carry the gun properly,how to legally use it for your protection and that of your family and freinds.Again, a lifestyle choice to be a responsible citizen
By #623135 at 27,May,21 03:21
If you own a gun. Ok, then explain why most people don’t own a gun.
By phart at 27,May,21 03:36 other posts of phart 
They made a lifestyle choice to be defenseless and dependent on others for their safety and well being.BUT no 1 taught them at a early age,when seconds count,the cops are only MINUTES away.You are free to choose here in the US to own a gun or not.

as for why I own a gun,self defense.I am not able to jump up and run,I am not able to physically beat the shit out of a robber,although it would feel good to vent the frustration!.
By #623135 at 27,May,21 12:14
It must be horrible to be in constant fear that you can’t run away from danger.
By phart at 27,May,21 13:21 other posts of phart 
Just as having a hospital nearby or having a second pair of underware handy in case of a non trustworthy fart,a gun can provide that feeling of added security.
By #623135 at 27,May,21 17:30
I........... I don’t know...

By leopoldij at 20,May,21 21:17 other posts of leopoldij 
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By leopoldij at 20,May,21 21:14 other posts of leopoldij 
Some people have so many guns that they have to store them in their ass. Loaded.

Man sentenced after police find loaded gun in his buttocks during strip search.

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By Chauncey_Street at 17,May,21 22:15 other posts of Chauncey_Street 
TWOWARM would you PLEASE watch this video, and watch it all?
And guess what...this happened in Florida, too.
How did the woman this hideous brute was after, even manage to survive?
She survived and won because she had a gun and she knew how to use it.

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By phart at 18,May,21 00:52 other posts of phart 
HAhAhAhAhAHAHAAAA Well 1 things for sure, he was CURED of his anger issues!
By Chauncey_Street at 18,May,21 05:29 other posts of Chauncey_Street 
When the courts force to you take anger management classes, they make you pay for the classes out of your own pocket. I'm willing to bet that was one of the things that was pissing him off...that he had to pay up.

By #610414 at 18,May,21 13:37
Chauncey_Street before I comment on this video, I would like more information. How did this man pick this house to break into. Why did he want to cause bodily harm to this woman? If a gun is needed for protection, why didn’t HE have a gun? I know you and Phart are laying a trap for me, so, I will walk into it and then I’ll make a comment.
It was fortunate for the woman to have a gun and had knowledge on how to use it. In her situation with the same options, I,too, would have killed the man. Hope that makes you happy..
NOW, TWO THINGS. First, I still believe guns kill many more people than they protect and they should be outlawed. Second, I think the woman should face manslaughter charges just as I believe I should too.
By phart at 19,May,21 01:45 other posts of phart 
Best i could tell he was a former husband or father to a kid inside from what I could hear of the news mans talking.

By Chauncey_Street at 19,May,21 04:21 other posts of Chauncey_Street 
The woman was his children's mother, according to that video, so...he didn't pick a random house. I don't know why he was so angry. Obviously she likely would've ended up dead or stabbed and slashed-up but still breathing...maybe just barely breathing. Could you please tell me what she should have done in the situation, if she didn't own a gun?
Why should she go to prison for fighting for her life?
He had no business busting into her house. It's not like his heart was in the right place and he smelled smoke or heard screaming from within so he had good reason to do it. I don't know the answer to "Why didn't HE have a gun?".
I'd especially like to know what you think she should have done.
By phart at 19,May,21 13:07 other posts of phart 
Yes Please 2 warm,give us your input. A honest straight answer to questions like this presented to you and other liberal minded folks would go along way towards giving some credence to your ideas.You can't just throw away the only option,without offering others.
Had this guy had a gun, he could have just shot thru the windows and not even broke down the door. She knew her rights,and actually gave him several chances,count the kicks to the door,each 1 a chance to think,"this isn't working,I am late for class". and still be alive to day. He made a lifestyle choice to be a thug,and got his just reward.What if he had hurt a child? Is there any excuse for the mother not to be able to protect her young?
By #610414 at 19,May,21 16:56
You also did not read my post. I’m reposting this section.

It was fortunate for the woman to have a gun and had knowledge on how to use it. In her situation with the same options, I,too, would have killed the man. Hope that makes you happy..

By phart at 19,May,21 18:35 other posts of phart 
I don't know that there is many consequences of defending 1's self as long as the evidence is this clear.
This particular video has caused me to consider getting a video security system.As the fact that he can be clearly seen breaking in the door,that clears the person in that dwelling of wrong doing in defending themselves..

By #610414 at 19,May,21 16:50
Chauncey_StreetYou asked and I’ll tell you. It’s good to protect yourself but you should know the consequences. Let me ask you a very difficult question. What if she had lifted her child in front of her to protect herself. Suppose the child died? She was protecting herself. If you were the District Attorney, what would you do?
By phart at 19,May,21 18:35 other posts of phart 
I would hope she was not that stupid. But if she held up a k1d to save herself,then I would say manslaughter or similar
By #610414 at 19,May,21 21:36
Why is that different Phart? She’s defending herself?
By phart at 19,May,21 21:50 other posts of phart 
A mother has a moral obligation to care for her children
By #610414 at 19,May,21 21:58
Moral obligation? What’s that?change his diaper?
By phart at 20,May,21 03:28 other posts of phart 
You are a mother of 3 I think you said,and you have to ask that question to maintain the dumb blonde look? That could be the only reason.As most any mother would do what it takes to protect their children Including you.
By #610414 at 20,May,21 11:34
Phart yes. I would give my life willingly to protect my children. You take everything too literally. This was a way to show you that the killing of her ex is not necessarily something that should be accepted by the law. You said it was necessary and no questions should be asked. My point is that questions should be asked. My example, while extremely unlikely, made you think. Here’s two other examples. This is a true story documented by the Germans during WWII. In a concentration camp a mother was strapped to a chair wired to shock her at different levels. In another room her daughter age 15 could see her mom. She also was strapped to a similar chair. The daughter had the control of the electric current in her mom’s chair. She was told to shock her mother. The daughter refused. The daughter got shocked until finally she shocked her mother. Each time she was ordered to increase the current. To make it short, she k.i.lled her mother. The other example is when your life long partner is of cancer and in great pain. The opium no longer works. He begs to be put out of his/her misery. You take his li.fe. You get arrested for murder. You say, “It doesn’t matter anymore what happens to me. My baby is in a better place. I’d do it again.”
In other words, do what you have to do but expect to account for it.

By admin at 02,Oct,15 02:31 other posts of admin 
I think this is a question of attitude, not of gun availability. In some countries people mostly kill themselves as a protest against society, in others they tend to kill other people. Does not correlate much with access to guns. People who are in military service have access to guns in any country, yet they mostly shoot themselves with those guns, killing sprees are rare.

In USA people tend to kill others for whatever reason. I won't speculate on why it is so.

I've been saying this for years - if you want to kill other people you don't need guns for this. Automobile can be easily made into murder weapon, you can make quite powerful explosives at home, or you can simply use gasoline. So, taking guns away won't solve the problem.

But sure, if you take the guns away from lawful people only outlaws and government will have them. I've been living in mostly oppressed countries all my life and I can tell you it's not pretty when people don't have means to defend themselves from armed criminals, crooked police and corrupted government.
By sherryann at 02,Oct,15 03:04 other posts of sherryann 
Yes, admin said it all! Taking away guns from lawful people, (people who own them legally), means only outlaws & government will have them. Perfectly said.
In my neck of the woods, every time someone is murdered, they blame it on "gun ****" and call for gun bans. How about holding the shooters accountable? In these cases, the shooter never owns the guns legally.
Also, reaching, I couldn't agree more with your statement : "political correct bullshit".
By #444412 at 03,Oct,15 03:10
As far as that "political correct bullshit" statement goes it looks like the newest soon to fail slogan hoisted by the right wing in the United States. (historical examples for your convenience: "class warfare", "don't tread on me", "Not a Step Back!", "Impeach Obama") When someone says, "People are too P.C. it's ruining our country." What was overheard by the smartest person in the room was along the lines of, "I am either too lazy to inform myself, or I lack the sufficient cognitive capabilities to understand and discuss issues in the public sphere, on a level that is on par with what is necessary to find a general consensus."

By Chauncey_Street at 17,May,21 22:37 other posts of Chauncey_Street 
Check this out, sherryann.
Looks like he didn't get his way after all.
Yeah our country has plenty of savages in it. (Savages of all colors, all races.)
He got himself a knife, she had a gun, and guess who won?
Looks like a locked door doesn't help to protect a person, either. Notice how he didn't let a door stop him. This is what I'm trying to get through to TWO WARM...that people have to have guns to win in something like this or they'll wind up as the next dead victim.
For some reason, she doesn't believe me.
As for the "She could have shot him with a tazer or taser instead" argument...well, maybe...we don't know if that would have panned-out all in her favor though.

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By sherryann at 17,May,21 23:55 other posts of sherryann 
Chauncey, thanks for sharing. Yeah good thing she was able to deaden him quick. Otherwise she would be dead. As far as getting through to twowarmtits, well, we all believe different. Like the old song, "Different strokes for different folks and so on and so on..." You maybe too young to remember that song.
By #610414 at 18,May,21 13:46
Sherryann you don’t have to get through to me. Believe me, I see your side of the argument too.
That old argument, “ Taking away guns from lawful people, (people who own them legally), means only outlaws & government will have them.”
SO WHAT? Outlaws steal, kill, maim, and speed on I95. Now, go to a football game and tell me how many people are law abiding and how many are OUTLAWS. And as far as the government, when was the last time a governmental force broke into your house with guns and dragged you to prison?
Yes, we all have different beliefs, but, I’m convinced my way would save lives. Can you say the same no matter WHERE YOU LIVE?
By sherryann at 18,May,21 22:17 other posts of sherryann 
Twowarmtits, I am not trying to get through to you, I was responding to Chauncey Street who said he was trying to get through to you. In the link he provided had she not had a gun she probably would have been killed. I wish the family of little 4 year old Cash would have had a gun to stop the kidnapper & murderer recently. What are we supposed to do when attacked? Murders happen everyday we never hear about unless it's a police officer charged with murder. My family, neighbors, most everyone around me thinks like you do. You wouldn't believe what I've been through. I do think it does depend on where one lives as far as violent crime. Some places are just more violent. (Whether this answers your question or not, I don't know, but believe things are going to get worse before they get better.) Have a good evening.
By #610414 at 18,May,21 23:03
I just hope not, SherryAnn

By tecsan at 18,May,21 04:42 other posts of tecsan 
I agree with all you stated...But remember a person ten feet away from a gun pointed at them, the knife will always win unless the gun holder shoots before any action takes place...That said, now let us cosider whether to buy a gun or a tazer, hmm some may be a little low on cash and if in the same boat I would choose a 40 any day over a tazer...

By #444412 at 03,Oct,15 02:46
You're right there is no correlation in those circumstances. But there is a correlation in the number of people killed by firearms and the number of people that use a firearm to kill themselves and the availability of firearms.

People who kill themselves, people who go on shooting sprees, and people that find those other ways to kill are spurred on by the same issue. Mental illness. So I think we would then both agree that one of the best deterrents for gun **** would be outreach and access to mental health care. But it doesn't look like the American healthcare system is equipped for that.

And I agree guns shouldn't be removed from lawful citizens. But those laws they abide by in the United States aren't very effective, let alone are they enforced. They have that disturbing "gun show loophole" where you can walk into a gun show and purchase any kind of weapon from another citizen and not have to register it. And having that kind of access to weapons drives those suicide and murder statistics through the roof.
By admin at 03,Oct,15 03:45 other posts of admin 
Statistics? USA has relatively low murder and suicide rate, especially considering how easy the access to guns is. It's mostly a show in media, not statistics. Mass shootings look scary and impressive, but they take way less lives than trivial domestic vio.lence without gun usage.

Look at this - only registered users can see external links

Russia has 2 times more intentional murders per capita and it has one of the strictest gun laws. Only 5 million guns, mostly hunting rifles per 150 million population. USA has many times more guns per capita yet twice lower intentional murder stat.

Brazil even worse. 5 times higher murder rate than USA. And in Brazil it's also difficult to possess gun legally. But population have a lot of guns.
By #444412 at 03,Oct,15 04:47
You are right. Looking at the stats the correlation I thought was there isn't as strong as I had thought. The United States isn't the biggest drop in the bucket. But as homicides go it's not the only statistic that should be observed in order to paint the picture. As has been said before the issue is quite nuanced.

I direct you back to Wikipedia my good man-

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In this wonderfully visualized data you will see countries represented gun deaths per 100,000 people. Obviously the US isn't the biggest dot there. But the point of data is not to see who was the biggest bar on the bar graph. Instead it is to see what we can interpret from that data. The countries with similar and larger numbers then the US for the most part aren't considered to be developed nations. In fact most of them struggle with civil wars, d_rug trafficking, political unrest, and many other contributing factors. The United States does not share any of those problems within it's boarders, yet it's gun deaths stand on par with those countries. On the flip side the smallest dots there have many developed nations with established gun control. The way America is going to cut down the number of gun deaths is by creating and enforcing restrictions on firearm ownership. Nobody needs to own 14 guns, like the UCC shooter. And anybody that thinks all guns should be banned isn't involved in this debate. People in the united states should have their right to bear arms, but they should also proven that they are responsible and safe gun owners by moving through the correct channels in order to own firearms.

The solution will be compromise, but it's unlikely America will be exercising that democratic value anytime soon.

By #495452 at 03,Oct,15 21:08
In America the majority of the v_iolence here is within the urban domain. Lots of times the statistics aren't even reported or even in the news. The media is selective by which incidents to report if it involves racial or religious implication..Detroit is a disaster with homelessness and starvation occurring all the time with people dying, yet there is nothing in the media to support this.. Chicago, outside the main tourist area is all homeless with nothing to eat..Freedom of the press is strictly restricted and monitored and the leaders are constantly lying to their people.. Do not be fooled by looking at documented stats because it is far from being accurate..
By admin at 03,Oct,15 22:22 other posts of admin 
I do not see how this is different from other countries. And trust me, you have it better than most of the rest of the world. In Cuba or Venezuela all government stats are completely made up and they don't allow other parties to gather them. At least in USA there are other parties that do stats gathering, other than government.
By #495452 at 04,Oct,15 01:55
There are pro's and con's with all of the countries and no country is perfect. You are correct that there is a lot of turmoil in Europe and it is bad everywhere.., especially in Ukraine where I met my spouse.// In many aspects I admire the Russian people, not the government but the people. When Germany attacked in WW2 it wasn't the Russian armies that won the war. It was the people. By far, they have shown the greatest example of what a country truly is during the invasion of Russia which included Moscow, Leningrad, and Stalingrad. Knowing that Germany wanted to destroy not only them but to murder all Jews, the doctors that treated the German prisoners were Jews...My statements here are an example of what I am trying to point out that it is not the government that makes a great nation, it is the people.//////I understand that you have mentioned your native language is not English but I have the most respect of Eastern Europeans as being the greatest people I have ever seen or known.. They are tough survivors that put family first.. This is the strength of a country..Here is America the middle class are being destroyed, nobody except the rich can buy homes or go to school.. Our ch ildren are turning into zombies addicted to fantasies on ipod's and computers...Our president is giving 30 Billion dollars to support a terrorist regime to wipe out Israel which happens to be the best country in the world.It's all about doing the right thing and in my opinion what makes a nation great and free of crime and v_iolense is to educated them...We have the worst education in the world and in my opinion it is not by accident..
By admin at 04,Oct,15 03:31 other posts of admin 
It's true that middle class is being slowly destroyed in USA, but you are exaggerating that no one except rich can buy a house or go to school. In fact, comparing to South America, Africa and West and South Asia you are all rich. It's just that you got used to better life and it hurts now when you are falling down.

Also, people usually have the governments they deserve. Exceptions are very rare and mostly to better, not to worse.
By _avg_ at 04,Oct,15 04:10 other posts of _avg_ 
> > Also, people usually have the governments they deserve. Exceptions are very rare and mostly to better, not to worse. < <

That's a very interesting and I think important point, admin.

This week, I read a comment by Bernie Sanders (who is running for President, here) to the effect that he doesn't understand why people in the USA seem to refer to "The Gov't" as if it's some foreign entity -- "The Gov't vs the People" -- when in a democracy the People *are* the Gov't; that *we* put the government in place.

I think some of the animosity extends from the sentiment by the minority that *they* are therefore not represented -- the Tyranny of the Majority, in effect -- but the rancor in this country seems to be amplifying, though perhaps through increased visibility in the media; as with my previous post, it seems that 'compromise' is viewed as a dirty word.

I guess I'd come back to the wisdom of Winston Churchill, who said that "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others that have been tried..."
By admin at 04,Oct,15 10:35 other posts of admin 
Problem with democracy that it requires responsible and critically thinking voters. When voters in mass are stupid and irresponsible you will have ugly results - pretty soon you find yourself either in idiotic bureaucracy or dictatorship.
By #495452 at 05,Oct,15 02:13
Yes people do not know what they are doing. If the choices are only a bunch of crooks to vote for with no leader candidates it leaves not much choice. The only way you become president here is if you have a lot of money with strong political ties.. 2000 as well as 2004 elections were rigged, that being Bushes **** rigging Florida in 2000 by not letting black voters cast. Jeb Bush did that and in 2015 he is running for president now while he is insisting to take armies into Syria and Iraq to clean up what George Bush made with his mess costing and depleting middle class once more...Meantime,,,, all that money that is being sucked up from middle class is not going towards better schools, hospitals, roads.. Our income is used for the higher class to invest in war. The middle class is literally a host to parasitic invasion constantly...To me, the country is run by the 1% elite in income, not the people as a whole therefore it is a totalitarian dictatorship...This has been going in since welfare was invented,,,before that is another story..The constitution is a lie and it always was.. The declaration of independence should be the declaration of slaughter of genocide..Now 240 years later our president is trying to do the same thing with the Jews... I mean C'mon,, I can sit here all night listing atrocities committed over and over starting with the period of the Mayflower... It has never improved over its history..It is not the peoples fault because its about trust and over and over again all they do is lie,, promise one thing then lie for the next 4 years..
By #444412 at 06,Oct,15 02:30
I don't really agree with your views on Iran's Nuclear deal and on Israel.

But you're completely right as far as moving the United States' funds out of the military. If even half of the military budget was re-appropriated into spending on education, social programs, infrastructure, and NASA. Within a generation the United States would be the world leader again.

By _avg_ at 05,Oct,15 04:06 other posts of _avg_ 
There are many problems with democracy, but the crux of it is that, yes: the need for an informed and civil electorate.

As Winston Churchill also said, "The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter...or a perusal of this thread."

By admin at 04,Oct,15 12:56 other posts of admin 
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By #444412 at 06,Oct,15 02:41
Idiots vote for both parties. Just because the band wagon was on Obama's side, doesn't mean it won him the election (twice). And to say that the propaganda and election time rhetoric, that both politics parties employ, was what swede the vote towards the democrats. Makes Obama a "conman". You'd just be exposing yourself as an conspiracy theorist.

By #495452 at 04,Oct,15 07:12
I've lived in America my entire life.. I do not know if you have ever been here but I have hands on experience living here for many years. I have also traveled world wide. Born and raised here. Given the rules and regulations of our country only certain groups based on economic status have a realistic opportunity to go to college and succeed. There is evidence that points to areas such as computer science which the majority of the work f orce here is not american born but rather Asian or Eastern European migration because their education is superior.. You don't have to believe me and you are encouraged to respond of course.. If you look at the life expectancy here USA is 28th as compared to Scandinavian countries and Asian countries, Canada, Australia and yes even Cuba is longer.. As far as choosing our governments our people did not develop our structure but people that had the most power built the structures...The Iran deal in reply to avg. I have no idea where you get your information from because it was the Obama administration that chose to do business with Iran and it was supported by majority of the democrats to maintain the deal.. This is stil; in effect even before, during and after the deal is signed with Iran's continued threatens to destroy Israel and the United States. If you do not believe me you can listen to the PM Benjamin Netanyahu's comments. If this deal so much hurts Iran then why are they so quick to accept the deal considering the only motive they have in foreign policy is to destroy Israel and annihilate the Jews? I few years back Obama tried to take away Israels borders to pre 1967 and make them defenseless to enemies. The deal also gives an imbalance in the status quo with the cold war which still does exist thus making Israel defenseless and they do have nuclear weapon capability so you know now what could happen if Iran has advance weapons and tries to follow their threats from 1948...
By admin at 04,Oct,15 10:50 other posts of admin 
I worked in USA some time. Rest of my life I mostly live in piece of shit third-world countries. So I have something to compare it with. You live way better than most of the world.

And I told you not to trust Cuba stats. If they were living as well as their government claims they would not swim over to USA on air mattresses, risking their lives. Also, I've actually seen how they live. It only looks good within tourists zone. Get outside and you'll find people living with pigs inside their houses. And I don't mean teacup pigs.

Obama is a disgrace, no doubt, but your understanding of the situation and why is that so does not seem to be coherent to me.
By #495452 at 04,Oct,15 15:56
Its very sad to hear about terrible conditions as you stated. I have the instinct to protect ch_ildrens..Right now in USA there is no jobs because of our leaders shipping all of our jobs to India and Pakistan to give large corporations tax breaks on taxes. However what you say about it being worse in other areas I don't disagree. What I'm saying is that if you had a choice of either coming to Canada or the USA would be a no brainier. Yes, you are correct that Cuba falsifies documents and I have met many defectors including one that did defect to the United States back around 1980 when Castro emptied his prisons of political prisoners. This has oriented me on the conditions but what is ironic to me is why they are so talented and skilled in professions that they couldn't possibly achieve without proper education, such as pianists, doctors, x-ray technologists, ect..Why are they so much better than our domain of American born which is consistent?...Even in the Ukraine where there is repression of a war torn world why is there a consistent pattern where people know how to function in fields where as Americans we are just not able to compete? Over and over again I look on surveys on lists that show the top 25 countries to live in the world and I don't ever see USA as being even on the list, so I ask you,, what patterns do you consider a place to live that would be optimal such as bringing up a family? Obama wants to take away our guns of defense which is our right to bare arms as per the 2nd amendment for repression reasons as well as take away our rights. Sounds like he is trying to make it the same as in countries that repress their people such as Iran with the motives of committing genocide and global control of his select religion...
By admin at 04,Oct,15 17:16 other posts of admin 
Looking at recent tendencies all over the world I would seriously consider another planet to live on, if it was possible.
By #495452 at 04,Oct,15 19:36
I agree.... Your ability to communicate and write in English is impressive to me since it is not your native tongue..I'm sincere about this observation.
By admin at 04,Oct,15 23:08 other posts of admin 
I spent 10x more time writing same thoughts in it comparing to my native language if it's more than just a couple of sentences. Too exhausting.

By _avg_ at 04,Oct,15 03:51 other posts of _avg_ 
Excuse me, however there are several statements here that need parsing, clarifying or correcting -- not least of which is the somewhat 'rose tinted' view of the Soviets during WWII -- but really the most important is where you say:

> > "Our president is giving 30 Billion dollars to support a terrorist regime to wipe out Israel which happens to be the best country in the world." < <

Six world powers, including the US, agreed to lift the sanctions on Iran's access to some of its own export monies, that we were sitting on until Iran agreed to a deal on nuclear weapon technologies, because that's precisely what Iran did.

The sanctions were breaking down, and since they were enacted to bring Iran to the table and agree to a deal, diplomacy worked; military intervention in Iran would have been the next step, an action few would endorse -- on either side of the conflict, or of the aisle.

We were never going to get full concessions in the negotiations, because that's the nature of successful diplomacy, and without a deal Iran's nuclear ambitions were unimpeded. I don't think there's much debate about how that would change the balance of power and outlook in the mid-East.

As it is, Iran is cooperating with the international community and under heavy pressure to comply -- and importantly, there is better scrutiny to be sure that they are. If we can find agreement on this, perhaps we could eventually agree on more.

Call me an optimist, but I can't help but hear an echo of the past in this statement...

> > "Our ch ildren are turning into zombies addicted to fantasies on ipod's and computers." < <

...which sounds a lot like what was said about the ch!ldren of the radio & TV era, who grew up to deliver us to the moon, provide affordable PCs in every household, and eliminate polio; or the ch!ldren of the PC era, who introduced us to genetic medicines, clean-energy technology and the internet; and the ch!ldren of the internet, who...

Do you get the picture?

I have little doubt that the promises of this generation -- of the eradication of diseases, of the reduction of our ecological footprint, of the improvements to the quality of life for increasing numbers of people, of the prospect for greater peace for *all* people -- I have little doubt these will be realized.

But it will be a rosy vision of the future, not of the past, that achieves it...
By leopoldij at 04,Oct,15 11:21 other posts of leopoldij 
> > "Our president is giving 30 Billion dollars to support a terrorist regime to wipe out Israel which happens to be the best country in the world." < <

Really? Did someone say so? Best country in the world? Wow! Wow! What the fuck? What a statement! OK, no comments.
By #495452 at 05,Oct,15 15:55
Actually, a lot of people do so from the heart not what is logical. Their behavior has been incredibly honorable throughout history considering they have been a target for genocide for many generations. Yet with all of these threats of murder and ethnic cleansings they continue to live their lives and continue to support the human race for the better good.. If you look at stats, if you must--27% of all the Noble Peace prize awards have either been given to Israeli's or any other member that has roots to this country.. IN MY OPINION, yes they are the best country in the world...
By leopoldij at 05,Oct,15 20:02 other posts of leopoldij 
You're entitled to your opinion, of course, but there are some hard facts that are not compatible with it, starting, e.g., from the very creation of this country. I don't want to enter any political discussion. But I would never, ever, use the superlative "best" for anything. In *my* opinion, there is nothing best. It all depends on one's criteria and one's point of view.
By #495452 at 06,Oct,15 01:18
If you say so. But hey, its your nickel. It really doesn't matter to me if you took this personal because the person you are fighting with is you. You know the truth even though you won't admit it..If you want to go argue with people about the words they use go fight with your mother.. i don't care..
By leopoldij at 06,Oct,15 02:46 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm not fighting. I pass.

By #435701 at 20,Nov,15 19:55
You are completely right in what you say, Sin306! It does expose the fact that there are really no answers to solve the problem. As long as Smith/Wesson, Ruger etc...are making big money for their shareholders...we in America will just have to live with the possibility that we ourselves may one day be in the proximity of a crazy person with a gun.
By #444412 at 20,Nov,15 23:04
Yeah, money tends to fuck things up.

By kupreanoff at 17,May,21 05:57 other posts of kupreanoff 
How many American gun shows have you purchased a firearm at sir ? Also we don't have gun registration . You must however pass a background check even at gun shows . There is no loophole . Firearm sales between private citizens is allowed however knowingly selling to a felon is against laws already on the books so one is prone to get information on buyers to protect yourself from legal issues . FBI statistics show extremely low numbers of firearms being purchased by felons . Most are stolen or are straw purchases . Also already against the law . If prosecuted properly a felon buying a firearm could spend the rest of his life in prison but that's not what gun control is about .

By #435701 at 06,Oct,15 17:25
Here's the flaw I see in your statement, Admin. And this comes from a gun owner that likes guns...Guns make it incredibly easy to kill lots and lots of people in a short time. They are concealable (even relatively big guns/full automatics) and incredibly deadly. Explosives and knives are deadly and concealable, but oddly, considering how easy it is to get guns, explosives are nearly impossible to come by (not talking about T. McVeigh and his OKC truck bomb) and require some knowledge to use and to build. Knives just can't match the kill ratio of a gun. And they are so MESSY! The killer will be covered in **** and will have his own injuries caused by the knife he is using as it gets too slippery to hold. AND it will be so much harder to use to kill yourself in your final act of complete cowardice!...the gun only requires eyesight, a working trigger finger and the off the Societal rails human that has lost all limits. Like we KEEP seeing OVER AND OVER!!!
I do agree about criminals and lawful people. It's a big problem in America...I am sure that IF guns were so readily available in other western countries, you would see the same no. of mass shootings as in this country. Australia had many mass killings by guns before the Gov't. took them away from basically everyone in the 90's. People really are not very much different country to country. It's only the artificial map drawn boundaries that give that appearance of difference. They all have the same types of personal problems. Paycheck to paycheck. Is the wife happy? Am I happy? How are we going to escape the everyday humdrum??...THOSE DAMN KIDS!!
--------------------------------------- added after 47 hours

I see I have NO replies to my post or any post! Why is that?? Because they make too much sense to argue with? Because I am a person no grata? Because I have not pictures??? Because...once again...they make SO much sense they cannot be argued with?
By bella! at 09,Oct,15 02:02 other posts of bella! 
Here's a reply. .......

By #444412 at 09,Oct,15 02:06
The last addition to this post invalidated the rest of your opinion. And yes we tend to ignore members that don't actively participate via not posting images of themselves.
By #435701 at 09,Oct,15 16:17
You are quite right about my addition Sinjid306. Should not have made it...Does not invalidate my previous comment, which I stand by...But if I choose NOT to have pictures of myself on this site, that is my right. It's a hacker's World, after all. And ignoring members that don't have pages of genital pics, just sounds so much like segregation. Or High Schoolish, at least...Hi Bella! You surely cut me to the quick with that witty comment.
And this is the last comment I will make about this. As valid comments are clearly a waste of time.
By #444412 at 12,Oct,15 08:33
No problem we all say things we don't mean. Segregation would be a word for it, but that words holds a historical connotation. However you aren't being isolated for something you can't control. You're being isolated because the other members of the site just naturally dismiss those that don't post images of themselves. The spirit of the site is that you post images of yourself and then move from there. Hens the name If people think you're participating halfheartedly they will welcome you halfheartedly.
By Walker at 13,Oct,15 01:32 other posts of Walker 
The dream is a big fantasy. Coming form immigrant grandparents I see the dream being for filled. I see the jewish issue as a distraction. Yes well if you are not willing to work you will not succeed and achieving the American dream. Now granted the dream of 1890 or 1920 or even 1950 is very different than 1990 or now 2015, hard work is the key. We are made stronger nation because of it whether we like it or not. Semper Pi
By #444412 at 13,Oct,15 06:13
It looks like you've replied to the wrong comment... Also the Latin phrase is Semper Fi...

By bella! at 18,Nov,15 03:49 other posts of bella! 
To talk4s, what grinds me about you is that you THINK that EVERY comment/post that you make should receive a response. And you THINK that because you don't receive a response is because you don't post any pictures.

Do you really think that members look to see whether you post pictures or if you have a paid membership prior to responding to anyone? I DON'T THINK SO! I know that I *WOULD* look at your profile if you posted something saying something like; "I wonder why no one is befriending me" or "I'm not getting any comments on my pictures"

By #435701 at 20,Nov,15 17:05
I was told that the fact I have no pics is EXACTLY the reason I have no responses. And you yourself are really an annoying person. Just like High School, everybody loves you and you can do no wrong. Please run for Student Council President...I say you also should get over yourself...And if you were to ACTUALLY read my comment about guns and actually THINK about it, you might see it has valid points. You may not agree, but that's your right. And I got over myself around High School age. You apparently did not and enjoy your internet fame on a cock site. Is this the way you get your 15 minutes, BELLA?...Even your name sounds so 'belligerent'.
By bella! at 20,Nov,15 23:30 other posts of bella! 
talk4s, you were told that the reason you don't receive responses to your posts was because you don't post any pictures? You were TOLD by whom, admin? I call BS!

Often times members that do post pictures will not receive responses to their posts, so how does that make you any different? Oh, that's right, you're get over yourself!

By the way, it looks like you're still sitting on that same pile of points that you've had for months. I hope the points give you comfort and validate your being.
By #435701 at 23,Nov,15 18:56
Bellowing BELLA...Bellowing here, bellowing there, bellowing in her UNDERWEAR!...bellowing about nothing important...Points? What points?...I don' need no stinkin' points! Do YOU want my points, Bellowing Bella? Caus' ya' can have em'...But, in all seriousness...Not sure that I am the one that thinks himself 'special'...Your reply certainly seems to fit the bill of you thinking yourself as being really, REALLY, special.
Sincerely Yours and nothing special
PS. That piercing all seeing eyeball is kinda' creepy.

By #420420 at 18,Nov,15 03:27
Not pissing in your Cheerios, dude, no offense intended to you, but what SANE, NORMAL person thinks of taking a gun, or knife, or car, bomb or whatever, to kill someone?
IF someone wants to kill someone, isn't THAT the issue? Why? If you come down to killing someone, as a 'good idea' you need HELP!!
I think that if you want to kill some, whether specific, or just a group, you are BAT SHT CRAZY and NEED HELP!! The VAST MAJORITY of gun owners in the U.S. aren't nut-jobs, and use them to hunt deer, elk, and game, NOT PEOPLE!!
By #444412 at 18,Nov,15 04:20
People wanting to do harm is the issue. But that doesn't change the fact that the pervasiveness of firearms in the United States, multiplies the damage that issue causes a hundred fold. According to the study released by Harvard.

By #610414 at 12,May,21 13:51
admin I agree with you that there infinite number of ways to kill, but, a gun in your pocket makes it very easy. I'm tired of hearing:

Taking away guns from lawful people, (people who own them legally), means only outlaws & government will have them

The majority of gun deaths are not done by outlaws. Domestic violence is the biggest reason. I noticed some members say our kids haven't been brought up right. Perhaps the parents are to blame? Respect for life starts at home
By admin at 12,May,21 14:44 other posts of admin 
Domestic violence is the biggest reason in countries where they have no guns too. They use knives, hatchets and just blunt objects. For example, Russia has one of the highest levels of domestic violence and only few people per year actually use guns for that (most of people there do not have guns, only registered hunters). I doubt that in US guns are much used in domestic violence either.
By #610414 at 12,May,21 18:03
Admin. Think again. Domestic violence IS one of it not the biggest cause of gun violence. It’s true that the total domestic violence far outstrips gun violence but it’s true
By admin at 12,May,21 18:14 other posts of admin 
You are missing the point. If you take away guns those abusive partners who would have killed their woman with a gun, will just kill her with a knife or a hammer or something else. Which, I must say, is usually much worse death. Being shot is nothing compared to being beaten by a hammer or stabbed with a knife for 2 full hours, since they often don't know how to kill quickly with those. I've seen enough of such cases in countries where guns are not common. On the other hand, with legal guns women can defend against men. Without guns an average woman does not stand a chance against an average male attacker, even unarmed.
By #610414 at 13,May,21 12:54
You are describing a society where people carry a gun all the time. A woman would have a six gun strapped to her with a holster, just in case. Murder, planned or in the heat of the moment, will never be stopped. A gun facilitates the action. The easier it gets, the easier it is to convince yourself to do it. Unpleasant as it may be, to be killed by a knife or a gun makes you just as dead. There are definite advantages available to the victim to survive if the killing has to be at arms length. Take the guns out of the equation and some people will survive. BTW, you equate domestic violence as one woman and one man. Here, in the US, we include fights between men, gang action, and lover’s spats.
By leopoldij at 13,May,21 17:05 other posts of leopoldij 
Too many guns, too many killers ...
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By tecsan at 17,May,21 06:24 other posts of tecsan 
Yes, this by far has stated the truth...That was stated well better than I could have put it...I hope some take notice...

By phart at 12,May,21 18:31 other posts of phart 
Ok, let's imagine for a moment that all the guns in the world,military,civilian, and criminally possessesd guns go "POOF" like magic.
What methods of self defense would be suitable, or should I say ,politically correct, to the liberals?
Honest question that really needs to be answered in close detail. As self defense is why there have been MANY guns sold in recent troubled times to all races of people here in the US.The answer to that question will be hard to get.Because frankly alot of liberals do not think you have a right to self defense.
but there is hope

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By leopoldij at 13,May,21 17:02 other posts of leopoldij 
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By phart at 13,May,21 21:55 other posts of phart 
that chart does not help answer my question at all.
By leopoldij at 13,May,21 22:46 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm not trying to answer your question. I'm only saying that I'm lucky I don't live in a dangerous society like in the US. So neither I nor anyone else I know needs guns. We're lucky that we don't have the crimes and violence you have there. I do understand though why you need guns. I feel sorry for Americans.
By phart at 14,May,21 01:21 other posts of phart 
how is this feeling of safety maintained? A wall,a fence,a law? what is keeping that feeling of being safe from being lost?
By leopoldij at 14,May,21 03:21 other posts of leopoldij 
It's simply not a violent society like yours.
By phart at 16,May,21 01:20 other posts of phart 
But what keeps it from becoming 1?
I am not trying to be a smart ass, I am trying to dig into this and understand. Peace is not a natural occurrence.
Violence is not a natural occurrence.
Both require effort on someone's part.
By leopoldij at 16,May,21 07:20 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm just enjoying life man.
By phart at 18,May,21 00:53 other posts of phart 
Well I am glad you are sir. Lets continue to dig into this rabbit hole though,perhaps with others chiming in and see what can be determined.

By phart at 16,May,21 01:19 other posts of phart 
BAN THE PAN!. Frying pan that is.
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Read this, now tell me again why it is ok for people that have mental issues to be running loose among us?

By dgraff at 14,May,21 11:06 other posts of dgraff 
This topic was started 5 years ago and I can’t remember who started it because it’s old and I’m even older

By tecsan at 14,May,21 06:53 other posts of tecsan 
First things first...Who the hell are you...???

By phart at 12,May,21 21:22 other posts of phart 
my question below has been up for 2 hours no reply.
Funny aint it,ask a real question,try to solve a REAl problem,and no takers.
Just like the ventilators found at the city dump in Florida the other day. several million dollars worth still wrapped and boxed ,dumped and distroyed because of no certain government approval.HAD the owners REALLY gave a shit about the plandemic and the victums,they woulda shipped them to a country that could use them without the red tape. But as with all liberal issues,it is not about finding and solving the REAL problem,it is about control and money.
By #485312 at 12,May,21 21:49
when the first man made the first sling shot, he said, 'there will be now more powerful a fighting weapon', and as time went on, man found new and more powerful weapons to fight with. from the invent of a bow and arrow, to cross bows, and canons and missiles, its been an ever constant thing with man to make the biggest gun or missile and show it off.. like tiny Kim and his mighty missile parades, made of cardboard missiles to fool the world into thinking he can hold more than a parade and have half the population wave pink flags at him while they pass????
that is a real shame theyre dumping new machines, it shows you just how crazy the place really is when that is the case.. bureaucracy is a wonderful thing when it can discriminate like that.
I dont know what the answer is for guns, as all the rules in the world want ever stop someone that wants one, getting one and using it how ever they want.. you can make tighter gun laws, but only honest people will follow them anyway, and while ever there are people with narrow minds that hate on others and cause these horrific shootings, it will only ever start a debate and nothing new will come out of it.. even here with less guns on the streets, people do still shoot each other, its just on a lesser scale, but here we have so many different cultures all vying for their 'own way' to live, now jump in cars and mow people down on streets, causing more injury and mayhem than a gun can.. like you said, it doesnt matter if you take all the guns. they will find new ways to run people over, blow them up with suicide vests, cars full of nail bombs.. or flying a plane into a building.. it think that did the biggest damage...
the real problem is hate, and some people just have more hate in them than others ... nothing you can do will take it out of them, and most of them enhance it with some drugs or brain washing to help it along, and some are just born into it.. have no choice in the life they lead... so many variants and there is no answer or debate that will ever come out with millions of people all agreeing on ONE solution? because there is no solution... everyones opinion is different and everyones opinion can change if they become a victim of gun crime, or other kind of a terrorism that this world is now in a 'pandemic' of.. so many cultures being shoved together and governments just expecting them to get on... like Ive said many times before, and not just since BLM came up, america cant even sort out their love/hate relationship with black and white, same as any other country that had slaves, or took over a country with a different 'species' of human on it.. we've always hated difference and trying to grind it into people isnt working, so now theyre trying to inter breed us into submission... like breeding 'mongrel' humans to save the world... governments have been watering down their nations for years .. now theyre poking the dragon... I was hoping that in my lifetime Id never see a world war, but its getting close again, something will snap one day... like the king wont get laid he'll have a huge head ache and take it out on the world... and POOF, life as we know it can change for no reason of our own and we'll have no say in starting or stopping it, we'll just be collateral damage in any governments eyes and that to me really SUCKS *LIX*

By phart at 12,May,21 13:21 other posts of phart 
The mindset of the gun hating liberals is if people have a gun,it somehow enacts mind control over it's owner. A gun or a 1000 guns,can't jump out of the drawer,safe or whatever and do any harm on their own.A HUMAN has to have the desire to use it for a bad reason for it to do harm.
FIX that and gun control is not needed
By #610414 at 12,May,21 13:56
The gun is a tool to facilitate the taking of a life. You don't use a gun to drive a nail. If you take the tool away it makes it harder to do the job. And BTW, perhaps us liberals have a better education than you conservatives. I mean, look, conservatives are still debating, after 6 months since the election, that it was stolen. And don't tell me guns are for protection. If you go into the outskirts of any town USA you'll see all the traffic signs that have been hunted down "FOR PROTECTION".

By #639638 at 12,May,21 14:28
The biggest problem with guns is, people use them to solve their issues! Sure guns don’t kill people, I’m sick of hearing that shit! I’m a gun guy and have been my whole life; I’ve hunted most of that time and have always treated a weapon as a tool to kill, therefore you have to keep that in mind and respect that tool. What I am sick as fuck of hearing is these assholes that wrap themselves in an American flag and scream patriot as an excuse to kill! ANYBODY CAN KILL, you can go most of your life with no issues and then something happens and these people snap! Legal gun owners, never any problems with mental health, yet something goes south inside the punkin head one day and pop pop pop! I grew up in a rough area and saw 2 guys within a block of my house get shot, one actually died in the street, so I’m not someone who hasn’t seen and been through what is going on in this world. Don’t know if there’s a solution out there, but this shit can’t keep happening! And the first thing you hear after a shooting is, “I never thought they would do something like that! But they did!

By leopoldij at 12,May,21 02:36 other posts of leopoldij 
only registered users can see external links
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--------------------------------------- added after 38 hours

Guns for killers

By #68656 at 20,Nov,15 06:56
It appears that Reaching has closed his account so along with Leo we can wish him goodbye and also the best in his future endeavours.
By leopoldij at 20,Nov,15 12:38 other posts of leopoldij 
The problem is, as you see, that this person was not a supporter of free speech. You, at some point, asked me to post something on your behalf. Not knowing anything about the background, I did post, just as you had done for me once or twice. The reaction of this member was (1) banning me, (2) badmouthing me, (3) trying to have me banned from the site, among other things. Extremely erratic and almost violent behavior.

Moreover, let me say it again: why are there people here who are, clearly, not interested in sex or sexuality? I don't mean that we shouldn't have other topics to talk about ever, but it seems that the major focus of the departed member, as well as some other ones, is the discussion of all matters except sex. Which I find weird. Not because other matters are not important but because this is a fucking sex site!
By mr_blue at 20,Nov,15 19:49 other posts of mr_blue 
So what lessons have you learned Leo ?

The person you mention is all about free speech.

If someone is blacklisted and cannot post on a particular members comments etc,don't post on someone else's behalf unless you are sure what you are getting involved in....

And also remember what JohnS says about you....his nickname for you is really not flattering....
Tells you quite a bit about a persons actions if you cannot respect someone enough to call them by their username....

Yes it is a sex site...but not all of us are nymphomaniacs and after a while sifting through members to find real people is what it's all about for me....

I am a straight guy,not a confused guy who sometimes sucks cock or lets a guy suck in my time here there are only so many things you can talk about....

Moreover, let me say it again: why are there people here who are, clearly, not interested in sex or sexuality? I don't mean that we shouldn't have other topics to talk about ever, but it seems that the major focus of the departed member, as well as some other ones, is the discussion of all matters except sex. Which I find weird. Not because other matters are not important but because this is a fucking sex site!"

Point that last paragraph out to John and you will see a reaction that is too funny for words....

So take a big breath leo and be lucky....
By leopoldij at 20,Nov,15 19:59 other posts of leopoldij 
Oh well, if JohnS was using a name for me but then stopped, so be it. I won't hold it against him. People change. Same applies to everyone. It's all about having fun, not fights.
By mr_blue at 20,Nov,15 20:06 other posts of mr_blue 
Yes it is about having fun Leo....but do you think John gets into the spirit of fun considering what you just posted ?

A leopard cannot change it's spots....
By leopoldij at 20,Nov,15 20:13 other posts of leopoldij 
What did I just post? I'm confused. I said nothing against JohnS. I didn't even address him. Let him read my posting. I speak of things I believe and observations I make.
By mr_blue at 20,Nov,15 20:33 other posts of mr_blue 
"Moreover, let me say it again: why are there people here who are, clearly, not interested in sex or sexuality? I don't mean that we shouldn't have other topics to talk about ever, but it seems that the major focus of the departed member, as well as some other ones, is the discussion of all matters except sex. Which I find weird. Not because other matters are not important but because this is a fucking sex site!"

That is what I am referring to

So I repeat "Yes it is about having fun Leo....but do you think John gets into the spirit of fun considering what you just posted ? "
By leopoldij at 20,Nov,15 23:31 other posts of leopoldij 
Listen Alex, and I mean it. I don't know what JohnS thinks of my posting, I really don't know him. He's welcome to think however and whatever he likes. I didn't post for him. Obviously, you, by insisting so much, have something in mind. Welcome to say it. But it's no good asking me for the question didn't occur to me and, I repeat, can't anticipate (and do not wish to) John's reaction.
By mr_blue at 21,Nov,15 08:32 other posts of mr_blue 
"The problem is, as you see, that this person was not a supporter of free speech. You, at some point, asked me to post something on your behalf. Not knowing anything about the background, I did post, just as you had done for me once or twice. The reaction of this member was (1) banning me, (2) badmouthing me, (3) trying to have me banned from the site, among other things. Extremely erratic and almost violent behavior."

You admit posting something for John ...he was banned by a member for whatever reason....then you were banned by the same member because you posted for John...then you made a duplicate thread,so you had something in mind by that action....

You say that member was badmouthing you,but John does it too...

and John was looking for a way to get rid of you back in the day when you first joined....

So is that a little clearer,or have I muddied the waters even further ?
By leopoldij at 21,Nov,15 12:56 other posts of leopoldij 
Yes, you're right, but I forgot that JohnS was trying to get rid of me. If someone wants to blacklist me but then changes his/her mind, we can become friends. What's the problem? If Reaching came back and wanted to be a friend, fine, too. We all make mistakes, I do too, and we have chances to correct them.

I will write to JohnS and invite him to make a comment here.
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

Done. I wrote to him in private the following:

Nov 21, 08:01 leopoldij: John, In this thread, /forum/thread.php?id=24712&p=1#t381679 , I posted this on 20,Nov,15 07:38, as a reply to you:
The problem is, as you see, that this person was not a supporter of free speech. You, at some point, asked me to post something on your behalf. Not knowing anything about the background, I did post, just as you had done for me once or twice. The reaction of this member was (1) banning me, (2) badmouthing me, (3) trying to have me banned from the site, among other things. Extremely erratic and almost violent behavior.

Moreover, let me say it again: why are there people here who are, clearly, not interested in sex or sexuality? I don't mean that we shouldn't have other topics to talk about ever, but it seems that the major focus of the departed member, as well as some other ones, is the discussion of all matters except sex. Which I find weird. Not because other matters are not important but because this is a fucking sex site!

I then received several responses, mostly from alexblue. Please read them. He claims that you don't like my response. I replied that what I wrote was my opinion about the site. He continued reminding me that you were trying to get rid of me in the past and that you were badmouthing me. Actually, I had forgotten that. I believe that you have no intention of doing that any more, so please reply. I have nothing against anyone, and if someone who didn't like me changes their mind, great, we're friends again. THis goes for everyone, not just you.

So, I'll leave it upon you to reply. And I'm going to post this on the thread too.


I leave it upon him to reply.
By mr_blue at 21,Nov,15 13:41 other posts of mr_blue 
Leo, I am not second guessing what John thinks....I didn't claim that John doesn't like your would I know that ?....The only thing I can say about John is he never answers my questions,he only makes stupid claims against members past and present....

And you are correct,if people can change their minds and be more friendly it can only be a good thing
all I was trying to point out is that don't post on another persons behalf unless you know what you are getting into...

But I guess John forgot to explain he has a vendetta against anyone who makes a different choice to what he would ,to you....
By leopoldij at 21,Nov,15 13:51 other posts of leopoldij 
Right. I meant well, and I'll leave it at that. Peace.
By mr_blue at 21,Nov,15 14:07 other posts of mr_blue 
No worries Leo...

By #420420 at 21,Nov,15 08:13
Hello? Pot, this is the Kettle calling to say YOU ARE BLACK!!
Talking about people here who are talking about subjects that "clearly, not interested in sex or sexuality"
Why is anyone talking about guns on a site dedicated to penises, sex, and sexually-related topics??
Sorry, leopoldij, but go find a FUNDAMENTALIST blog, or site, and post your rhetoric there!! This isn't the place for your bias!!
By bella! at 21,Nov,15 08:57 other posts of bella! 
What I found odd was that leopoldij voted negatively in the [I do not like this topic] category. I would be curious to know when that vote was made. Was it made prior to leopoldij being blacklisted by Reaching OR before?
By #460385 at 21,Nov,15 13:12
You guys know your in the " Guns In America " section right?
By mr_blue at 21,Nov,15 13:46 other posts of mr_blue 
Pew pew... can you tell what gun I just fired ?

By leopoldij at 21,Nov,15 13:52 other posts of leopoldij 
Yes, but we're practicing make love not war.

By leopoldij at 20,Nov,15 00:03 other posts of leopoldij 

By #149019 at 12,Nov,15 05:01
[deleted image] my Gun

By *seduceme* at 29,Oct,15 15:03 other posts of *seduceme* 
People will die after guns are gone, bombs are not legal but they are there! don't for a minute think taking guns off the honest person will solve this problem!

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