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do men like to see other men wearing womens lingerie

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Started by #134599 at 16,Jan,12 09:09
just wondering if you guys like to see men wearing womens undies and other lingerie items.personally i think it looks great

Similar topics: 1.Men wearing lingerie   2.Caught out in public wearing womens underwear. you think me wearing lingerie is sexy?   4.Having sex whilst wearing lingerie   5.Lingerie advise from Women  

New Comment

By #140620 at 14,Sep,12 05:42
i love seeing men in sexy's such a turnon
By Smoothsilk at 30,Sep,24 03:09 other posts of Smoothsilk 
Let me turn you on!

By #140620 at 01,Mar,13 03:38
i love seeing men in sexy lingerie
By Smoothsilk at 30,Sep,24 03:07 other posts of Smoothsilk 
And I love wearing sexy lingerie!

By Horny247 at 29,Nov,23 21:55 other posts of Horny247 
Can often look hotter in lingerie than women
By Smoothsilk at 30,Sep,24 03:05 other posts of Smoothsilk 
Thank you!

By Bicunova at 18,Sep,24 21:03 other posts of Bicunova 
I find it super sexy when guys wear stockings(with or with out garters), pantyhose and or sheer lacey panties.
By Smoothsilk at 30,Sep,24 03:03 other posts of Smoothsilk 
Well., check out my profile. I love wearing a garter belt and stockings!

By #557031 at 19,May,18 02:11
Personally I like to see men in wommens lingerie and panties and shaved smooth. I think it hot but everyone has their on taste that excite them.
By Smoothsilk at 18,Sep,24 18:24 other posts of Smoothsilk 
That is me. Shaved smooth, cock and balls, wearing a black garter belt and stockings.

By wmw6cut at 20,May,18 00:30 other posts of wmw6cut 
Yes.... especially if the wearer has a boner
By Smoothsilk at 18,Sep,24 18:22 other posts of Smoothsilk 
If I have on my garter belt and black stockings, I probably have a hard cock.

By #275407 at 14,Mar,18 01:52
Not into guys wearing girls undies, I don't wear them, so don't confuse my little undies, there made for guys.
By mr_blue at 14,Mar,18 17:20 other posts of mr_blue 
What about girls in guys undies ?
By #275407 at 15,Mar,18 02:12
I think that could be hott
By mr_blue at 15,Mar,18 11:50 other posts of mr_blue 

By bella! at 18,Mar,18 18:03 other posts of bella! 
That's an interesting, you think it could be "hott" to see girls in guy's underwear but the idea of you wearing or seeing another man in girl's underwear doesn't sound appealing. Hmmmmm.......

Do you have any idea why that is? Do you think it has anything to do with the nurturing that little boys receive when they are growing up? I remember a hundred years ago, when my nephews were little boys, they attempted to give my uncle, their great uncle, a hug and kiss and he stopped them and said that "boys don't do that". Since when are hugs and kisses exclusive to "girls only"?

Although men's fashion has changed over the centuries, it was men who had ruffles on their shirts and wore wigs, so why not frilly undergarments?
By #275407 at 18,Mar,18 22:41
I like to see a girl in men's boxers, but I'm not turned on by a guy in ruffled pink girls panties
By bella! at 18,Mar,18 23:42 other posts of bella! 
Guys in pink panties aren't appealing? How about seafoam green?
By #275407 at 19,Mar,18 02:18
Well, I have the body to wear them, how about you
By PoloFields at 20,Mar,18 21:10 other posts of PoloFields 
Makes one wonder if there is a market for frilly men's undies? Or will men interested continue to buy ladies' undies?
By bella! at 20,Mar,18 22:09 other posts of bella! 
I just wonder if the excitement and thrill achieved by wearing women's underwear is related to the fact that it is underwear belonging to a woman OR because of the fabric?
My guess it is related to the underwear belonging to a woman.

Men and women are not built the same way therefore I can't imagine that a man enjoys the way they fit.....
By #554098 at 02,Sep,18 03:30
Never really thought about wearing them, until a certain lady, and her own ideas about sex, and playing!!
Maybe a soft pink one, a "Hot Pink" thong, and some white, or flower briefs, just for her joy, in a drawer. . .
I would NEVER steal a woman's or even try on one of theirs!! That's just, uh, don't do it!! Violation of her in so many ways!!!
Some guys are bigger, some smaller, but no matter, as most of women's panties are nicely soft, and stretchy!! I've ALWAYS HATED boxers, and how my balls stick to my leg, when it is hot! Soft, sensual cotton women's kind of just gently hold, and love my stuff, and it isn't uncomfortable, and most stretch enough to fit, at least the 'normal-sized' penis.

By #671055 at 10,Jun,22 04:58
I have never worn a woman's underwear, or stolen them, and that is just GROSS and an invasion, nasty, and WTF???
I never imagined wearing women's panties, until a GF in college teased me into it, with a bet!
I can't even remember the details, but we ended up shopping together, and she chose things she wanted me to wear!
LOL!! She changed my mind about 'gender' clothing, and what she picked, and how it became the most sensual foreplay, trying all these "girlie" things on, just for her JOY!!
Not all men can easily 'fit' in some styles, but the fabrics are so much softer, and some, almost sensual!
I think if more men just tried some of these, they wouldn't be such assholes!

By bella! at 20,Mar,18 22:00 other posts of bella! 
I'm really not pleased with my weight or shape and your response had nothing to do with my question to you!
By #460385 at 20,Mar,18 22:57
Girls clothing are cut different. They're made for the curves and the size of a woman. A girl can wear men's boxers, boy shorts, even a man's T-shirt and get away with it. Nothing sexier to me then my wife wearing a pair of boy shorts and one of my t-shirts to bed. However a big burly man should not be wearing a girls thong and a lingerie top. Nothing sexy to me about seeing a guy trying to stuff his junk into a pair of girls panties and have a lingerie top on that so tight his fat rolls are hanging over it. Same as a girl can wear a pair of men's Converse tennis shoes and get away with it. I don't want to see a man's big ole hairy feet in a pair of Stilettos. So yeah that might be a double standard, but in my eyes girls can wear men's clothes and shoes and a man should not wear girls clothes.
By bella! at 21,Mar,18 00:41 other posts of bella! 
I respect your opinion but I want to toss this out into the universe for some additional dialogue.....

WHAT IF the guy has a big wife or

WHAT IF the guy is slight built like his wife or

WHAT IF the guy is just an average size guy?

Men in the 1700's and maybe early 1800's had ruffled shirts and wore wigs. In Roman times, men wore togas. So what caused such an evolution in what men wore?

I guess what I really want to wrap my head around is why it is acceptable for women to wear men's attire yet we get weirded out when men go girlie.

Another thought, with regard to the big burley guy stuffing his "junk" into a pair of thongs, would you want to see a "big girl" stuffing herself into a skimpy thong and a size 3X bustier? Oooohh....that's scary!
By #671055 at 10,Jun,22 05:12
I think people should be free to wear what they like, what feels comfortable, and not be judged, because the package says "Panties"!
Women wear everything that was/is considered "men's" clothing, like suits, pants, T-shirts, whatever, and they ROCK IT!!
I seems to me, in summer, that a man wearing a dress or skirt, would be so much more comfortable, with the "BREATHABILITY" than being restrained in bike-short underwear and pants! Balls get sweaty and uncomfortable!! LOL!!

By #275407 at 21,Mar,18 02:18
Bella, maybe you shouldn't make fun of my MENS underwear, I take offense to that, kinda makes us even, or maybe not. You have said many negative things about me and I never said anything bad to you, do if you can't except it,Nathan don't dish it out to any1 else, hmmmmm.
By bella! at 21,Mar,18 03:12 other posts of bella! 
Cody, you are absolutely spot on, you have never said anything bad to me or been rude to me and I truly do not recall making fun of your underwear or any of the "many negative things" that I have allegedly said to you or about you.
By #275407 at 10,Jun,22 07:01
Wow, I reread all the posts from four years ago and don't understand why I was upset with Bella, I was wrong in my response taking offense to what Bella said,,, I am so sorry for how I said that, I was wrong.

By Smoothsilk at 18,Sep,24 18:19 other posts of Smoothsilk 
I do. And I look hot wearing my garter belt and black stockings.

By #554098 at 02,Sep,18 03:24
Never really thought about wearing them, until a certain lady, and her own ideas about sex, and playing!!
Maybe a soft pink one, a "Hot Pink" thong, and some white, or flower briefs, just for her joy, in a drawer. . .

By PoloFields at 23,Mar,18 00:50 other posts of PoloFields 
I like your theory on this bella. Women's undies, for the most part, are designed to show off, men's more industrial grade. And while it may be in conflict with my earlier post, when you mentioned ruffles, all I can think of is the "puffy shirt" episode on Seinfeld.
By ScottsCock at 28,Mar,18 19:51 other posts of ScottsCock 
I agree with a lot of what has been said. There is another take, what if they are worn just because you feel sexy? Comfort not even being a consideration if you think I look sexy and get turned on by it I will as well! I have worn sexy men's briefs for awhile and someone asked me to model panties ... I will still model them if it's your thing. Why not get out of your comfort zone sexually? Yes, there are many boundries, but underwear shouldn't be one. You guys all look great so just lose the underwear all together!
By #671055 at 10,Jun,22 05:17
Definitely a "sexy" feeling, wearing panties!! I think that some women love it, when a man wears them, just because they want to see him in pink panties! It takes a lot of confidence, or alcohol, to get most guys in pink panties!!

By #516354 at 02,Sep,18 06:54
Love seeing guys in women's panties and lingerie and also love to wear them myself.

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By #662360 at 10,Jun,22 08:41
A cock outline like yours in sexy panties like that are a perfect combination.
By Smoothsilk at 18,Sep,24 18:17 other posts of Smoothsilk 
I love wearing a black garter belt and black thigh high stockings. Get hard thinking about putting them on.

By Bicunova at 18,Sep,24 16:58 other posts of Bicunova 
I enjoy watching guys in lace panties, stockings and pantyhose, it can all be sexy!
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By tecsan at 10,Jun,22 07:03 other posts of tecsan 
By Jamie at 21,Nov,23 19:52 other posts of Jamie 
Why not why you wear them.
By tecsan at 22,Nov,23 04:38 other posts of tecsan 
For one they were gotten off of a men's underwear site for men.
By Cody8789 at 07,Sep,24 01:27 other posts of Cody8789 
I got my tights off a men’s underwear site also, I think they look good on certain people and not so good on others, I’m not interested in men that wear women’s cloths.

By Lvphose at 30,Nov,23 05:09 other posts of Lvphose 
I prefer & like seeing guys in pantyhose//! I like to wear them too!
By Smoothsilk at 07,Sep,24 01:24 other posts of Smoothsilk 
Me, too. Love to wear a garter belt and black thigh highs. Makes me want to

By LGA6969 at 30,Nov,23 00:50 other posts of LGA6969 
I don’t wear it, but don’t mind if they do.

By #662360 at 10,Jun,22 06:34
Yes please! There is something very erotic about sexy women’s panties bulging over the ridge off a big hard cock or a cock poking out, or with the balls peeping out. I discovered my taste for women’s panties long ago when I wanked with other boys at school and we played with borrowed sisters or mother’s panties. I love showing my own cock in sexy women’s panties.

By #667453 at 08,Jun,22 23:53

By #463848 at 02,Sep,18 11:43
not for me...........don't mind seeing them on females though

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By #463848 at 19,Jun,18 06:55
In a word - No.

Not into frills and fancies; your cock out, wank it, thanks, see you next time.

By #555799 at 21,May,18 20:03
I def do...and have since I was a ****. I wear sexy panties everyday

By pipcock at 19,May,18 21:20 other posts of pipcock 
Yes I pretty much always enjoy seeing a nice big cock tucked in a well cut pantie! But then I would, wouldn't I?

By #536913 at 19,May,18 18:23
Only if he's a passing CD

By #556372 at 19,May,18 09:18
I wear them 24/7

By #536019 at 18,May,18 18:30
Depends on the person. If the wearer is effeminate, smooth, and slender, then panties etc are very hot! A hairy overweight guy in lingerie... not so much.

That said, I would look ridiculous (to another person) in panties, but I sometimes wear a women's tiny thong when I'm masturbating alone, and it's totally erotic for me.
--------------------------------------- added after 90 seconds

Here's me:

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By kebmo at 18,May,18 20:37 other posts of kebmo 
You might like my panty pics.
By #556372 at 19,May,18 09:17
I do

By #556372 at 19,May,18 09:17

By #543527 at 19,May,18 03:01
Nope..don't work for me..

By pipcock at 18,May,18 09:31 other posts of pipcock 
I like wearing these and are they male or female?

By Bottimmy at 30,Mar,18 17:30 other posts of Bottimmy 
I enjoy seeing a man wearing sexy panties. They should fit right though.Get the proper size.I enjoy wearing them myself.
By #554098 at 16,May,18 04:01
Not sure what you mean, by 'fit right'!! How do you pack all of that, into panties??
The few butt shots look nice, but with all that you will be straining the soft, delicate fabric!
By PoloFields at 17,May,18 04:28 other posts of PoloFields 
Ah, but straining against the front is part of the excitment. A hard cock inside something so frilly.

By Pantyhose1 at 17,May,18 00:15 other posts of Pantyhose1 
I personally don’t like other men wearing lingerie... I want to be feminine while I’m with a guy and love a man to be manly.
By #541026 at 17,May,18 03:30
I agree

By WHATSUPDOC at 16,May,18 21:40 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
Starting with the sexiest thing on earth, the male penis. Sexy lingerie can only make it more attractive. Maybe because the cock needs nothing else to make it more appealing

By kebmo at 16,May,18 04:04 other posts of kebmo 
As long as they're not fat and hairy. LOTS of my cock sucking buddies like panties. Photos on my page.

By #206193 at 26,Jan,12 07:04
I seriously love to see other dudes with their hardons crammed into the sexy, girly unndies....mmmm...need to rub one out now that i started picturong dirty pervy men who get off masturbating in lingerie
By #161395 at 15,Oct,12 06:20
Me too.
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By #140620 at 01,Mar,13 03:29
this so HOT

By #554098 at 15,May,18 06:50
What about if they just like the sensual soft, VS things under their business suits?

By pipcock at 13,May,18 09:20 other posts of pipcock 
I do!!!

By cardinal at 27,Mar,18 17:34 other posts of cardinal 
No I don't the issue with droopy balls so my nut sack is tight enough for anything tighter to push them up into my throat.
By leopoldij at 28,Mar,18 17:08 other posts of leopoldij 
What are you saying? I don't understand your English.

By leopoldij at 28,Mar,18 17:07 other posts of leopoldij 
I like to see women wearing women's lingerie
[deleted image]

By #553253 at 28,Mar,18 11:58

By #206678 at 23,Mar,18 19:47
You need to make an effort. Nice lingerie is not that expensive to buy.

By veryshyguy at 22,Mar,18 21:19 other posts of veryshyguy 
I'm not into guys so I don't really care what they wear.

By leopoldij at 22,Mar,18 18:07 other posts of leopoldij 
not in general

By johnwish at 20,Mar,18 16:41 other posts of johnwish 
Oh yes.I love to see a big hairy man with a big cock sticking out of a pair of lacy knickers!

By #435701 at 19,Mar,18 18:26
Yet ANOTHER non existent member Tee hee...

By #539358 at 19,Mar,18 18:12
Nope, doesn’t do anything for me. Guys in traditional full cut white briefs however...

By Ablaze at 19,Mar,18 11:11 other posts of Ablaze 
Yes, male cock and ass in woman tongue turns me on so much

By routemaster at 18,Mar,18 19:18 other posts of routemaster 

By up-for-it at 18,Mar,18 14:50 other posts of up-for-it 
Not a turn on to me!

By leopoldij at 14,Mar,18 17:29 other posts of leopoldij 

By knewbi at 13,Mar,18 17:04 other posts of knewbi 
I love it.... Love wearing it myself too...

By #551686 at 05,Mar,18 22:47
I love to wear panties and tights

By #550094 at 27,Feb,18 23:01
It turns me off. I want my man All MAN.

By leopoldij at 27,Feb,18 03:27 other posts of leopoldij 
Makes no sense. It's just hilarious.

By Moench at 26,Feb,18 21:09 other posts of Moench 
i like to wear and like to see other man in lingerie too.i am not a x dresser only have fun and and see my self sexy ,i dont care other people think about

By niceonebighead at 26,Feb,18 17:05 other posts of niceonebighead 
nope pantie boi there like gay boi there weird freaky 2gay 4 me

By #550579 at 25,Feb,18 23:16
Yes,I like seeing guys in sexy women panties

By #460385 at 25,Feb,18 22:57

By #455846 at 25,Feb,18 22:00
why should it be wrong. I think guys should wear as they feel. No matter what the reason. Fashion changes

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