Started by #134599 at 16,Jan,12 09:09
Similar topics: 1.Men wearing lingerie 2.Caught out in public wearing womens underwear. you think me wearing lingerie is sexy? 4.Having sex whilst wearing lingerie 5.Lingerie advise from Women New CommentComments: |
Do you have any idea why that is? Do you think it has anything to do with the nurturing that little boys receive when they are growing up? I remember a hundred years ago, when my nephews were little boys, they attempted to give my uncle, their great uncle, a hug and kiss and he stopped them and said that "boys don't do that". Since when are hugs and kisses exclusive to "girls only"?
Although men's fashion has changed over the centuries, it was men who had ruffles on their shirts and wore wigs, so why not frilly undergarments?
My guess it is related to the underwear belonging to a woman.
Men and women are not built the same way therefore I can't imagine that a man enjoys the way they fit.....
Maybe a soft pink one, a "Hot Pink" thong, and some white, or flower briefs, just for her joy, in a drawer. . .
I would NEVER steal a woman's or even try on one of theirs!! That's just, uh, don't do it!! Violation of her in so many ways!!!
Some guys are bigger, some smaller, but no matter, as most of women's panties are nicely soft, and stretchy!! I've ALWAYS HATED boxers, and how my balls stick to my leg, when it is hot! Soft, sensual cotton women's kind of just gently hold, and love my stuff, and it isn't uncomfortable, and most stretch enough to fit, at least the 'normal-sized' penis.
I never imagined wearing women's panties, until a GF in college teased me into it, with a bet!
I can't even remember the details, but we ended up shopping together, and she chose things she wanted me to wear!
LOL!! She changed my mind about 'gender' clothing, and what she picked, and how it became the most sensual foreplay, trying all these "girlie" things on, just for her JOY!!
Not all men can easily 'fit' in some styles, but the fabrics are so much softer, and some, almost sensual!
I think if more men just tried some of these, they wouldn't be such assholes!
WHAT IF the guy has a big wife or
WHAT IF the guy is slight built like his wife or
WHAT IF the guy is just an average size guy?
Men in the 1700's and maybe early 1800's had ruffled shirts and wore wigs. In Roman times, men wore togas. So what caused such an evolution in what men wore?
I guess what I really want to wrap my head around is why it is acceptable for women to wear men's attire yet we get weirded out when men go girlie.
Another thought, with regard to the big burley guy stuffing his "junk" into a pair of thongs, would you want to see a "big girl" stuffing herself into a skimpy thong and a size 3X bustier? Oooohh....that's scary!
Women wear everything that was/is considered "men's" clothing, like suits, pants, T-shirts, whatever, and they ROCK IT!!
I seems to me, in summer, that a man wearing a dress or skirt, would be so much more comfortable, with the "BREATHABILITY" than being restrained in bike-short underwear and pants! Balls get sweaty and uncomfortable!! LOL!!
Maybe a soft pink one, a "Hot Pink" thong, and some white, or flower briefs, just for her joy, in a drawer. . .
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Not into frills and fancies; your cock out, wank it, thanks, see you next time.
That said, I would look ridiculous (to another person) in panties, but I sometimes wear a women's tiny thong when I'm masturbating alone, and it's totally erotic for me.
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Here's me:
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The few butt shots look nice, but with all that you will be straining the soft, delicate fabric!
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