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How many of us masturbate at work?

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Started by #112701 at 19,Jan,12 19:07
Just thought I ask the question, how many of us masturbate at work and how often? Guys and girls please tell me your story of wanking on the job!

Similar topics: 1.masturbation/excessive libido   2.Masturbate at work/school?   3.Mastubate at work??   4.Masturbate-a-Thon   5.Need Help .... VERY IMPORTANT !!!!  

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By likesatl at 26,Feb,25 17:42 other posts of likesatl 
I do quite a bit. Love the thrill of shooting a load in the mens room

By Bicunova at 25,Feb,25 13:49 other posts of Bicunova 
I do..

By Francesco at 25,Feb,25 12:13 other posts of Francesco 
I have proof! This is me in the bathroom at work!

By juppy at 13,Oct,24 20:17 other posts of juppy 
I'll be honest, I've done it twice at work. Both after days I'd been drinking before going to work at night. Worried later that they might actually have cameras in the bathrooms!...but I haven't been fired yet, so apparently not! LOL!
By tb1 at 24,Feb,25 08:23 other posts of tb1 
Wouldn’t cameras in the washroom be a violation of your civil rights?

By geboza at 23,Feb,25 15:17 other posts of geboza 
Nős vagyok, de az adott lehetősйget nekem a hosszan tartу szerelmi jбtйkra sajбt magammal, hogy havonta 3 alkalommal 24 уrбs ьgyeletbe voltam a munkahelyemen !
Йjjel a pihenőszobбba zбrt ajtу mellett vonaglottam meztelen.
Helyette 3 szabadnapot kaptam йs akkor megint уrбkig йlvezhettem a testem mert a nejem dolgozott, йn meg egйsz dйlelцttцket izgatthattam magam a faszom йs a seggem цrцmйre !

By CaptainCanada at 13,Oct,24 17:53 other posts of CaptainCanada 
I do all the time. The thrill of possibly getting caught makes me rock hard. I also love jerking off outside.

By SmCo at 13,Oct,24 13:48 other posts of SmCo 
Working in 24 hour shifts I do it quiet often when going to bed at work. And I would bet some of the others at work do so too

By Robben at 12,Oct,24 08:27 other posts of Robben 
I do it often in one of the resting rooms at office. Many of my pictures I load up here are done at work. Well, I do it at home too

By knewbi at 11,Oct,24 17:43 other posts of knewbi 
When I was still working I had my own business. I'd set things up for the day early. Then hop on the computer and find someone to jerk off to. I would then print out a photo and give it to a friend that worked at another store. He would then go into the bathroom and jerk off to that photo. He would sometimes request something special and I'd find it, jerk off to it and then give him the photo. It was loads of fun...

By Ananas2xLekker at 09,Oct,24 18:54 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Only once. One time I saw blood in my cum. I didn't know if it was something serious or just a burst blood vessel from getting sucked off to hard. So, I jerked off in the toilet at work to see if there was still blood in my cum. It was still a little bit pink, but mostly gone. I've never seen it again. It was a few years ago and I'm still alive, so most likely just sex damage.

By tb1 at 09,Oct,24 18:14 other posts of tb1 
I just remembered that when I was 12, I had a job weeding a potato patch, sure enough I got horny, as usual at that age, and jerked off, so technically I’ve been jerking off at work for decades

By #702376 at 22,Apr,24 20:04
I do!!! But, I work from home; does that count??

By #711401 at 22,Apr,24 13:12
I've wanked at every job I've had.

By wycowboy at 03,Jul,22 22:16 other posts of wycowboy 
I used to do it all the time but I work from home I guess I do really since I beat off at home at least once a week, lol.

By spermkiss at 03,Jul,22 15:38 other posts of spermkiss 
Well, porn stars job is to masturbate. It's a tough job but somebody's got to do it.
By tb1 at 03,Jul,22 19:58 other posts of tb1 

By nekekal at 03,Jul,22 18:49 other posts of nekekal 
I have used the toilet stalls a lot. On one job I had an office with a door and I would just masturbate at my desk with the door shut. Excitement made it better.

By #662360 at 02,Jul,22 22:41
I do. I go to the men’s toilet and lock myself in a cubicle. I drop my trousers and pants. I work my cock up rock hard. Then I tug one off. Usually I shoot my load down the pan, other times I spurt against the wall. I usually wank after ogling the eye candy in my open plan office, especially legs in short skirts. I would love to be joined by anyone who wants to wank with me.

By #521322 at 02,Nov,16 05:51
never done it at work !! but as soon as I get home right into it !!
By #519017 at 05,Nov,16 08:40
You should try wanking at work. New unusual locations add an erotic thrill!

By youngjpcock at 28,Oct,16 05:11 other posts of youngjpcock 

i do. once a year. when i am too horny.
By leopoldij at 28,Oct,16 10:41 other posts of leopoldij 
You're horny only once a year??
By kebmo at 02,Nov,16 07:40 other posts of kebmo 
He said "too horny".
By #519017 at 05,Nov,16 08:38
I think I'm "too horny" most of the time judging by the number of times I wank at work!

By kebmo at 02,Nov,16 07:48 other posts of kebmo 
Every job I ever had! I got busted by a new security system once. I didn't know about it and the boss showed me the video of me jerking off on a mattress, which was our retail business. I did not get fired for it because I think she liked my cock and probably saved the video.

By #460523 at 02,Nov,16 02:58
a few times in the men's room before

By #500327 at 30,Oct,16 14:35
I have to confess that in the past I have wanked off under my desk while watching young apprentices through the window. But normally stop and go to toilets to finish off and cum

By #503907 at 28,Oct,16 13:10
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By leopoldij at 26,Oct,16 16:21 other posts of leopoldij 
Many. For example, 40 percent of men in New York masturbate at work:
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39 percent of your coworkers masturbate at the office, according to this survey:
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I have both masturbated and fucked at work. I've fucked because I had arranged it but I've also fucked without having arranged it. Of course, the latter if almost always better than the former.
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I've once had a female colleague who knew I was masturbating and I did it for her upon request.

By #519017 at 25,Oct,16 08:59
I think lots of guys here do! There's lots of eye candy in my open plan office and there's always a good pair of legs or a tight blouse to ogle and fantasise about. Usually mid afternoon I need a wank so I head for the guys restroom and stand there and jack one off down the bowl. From the stains on the cubicle wall it looks like other guys aren't as tidy as me and don't wipe their cum off when they've squirted their load!

By #442051 at 06,Jan,16 13:06
And I thought it was just me

By CreativeOne at 06,Jan,16 12:51 other posts of CreativeOne 
I enjoy a really great at work !

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By #289712 at 01,Jan,16 09:11
Have a couple of times. Once while working maintenance at factory one Sunday when it was deserted, I got an irresistible urge, so I went to the women's bathroom, took off my pants, sat back on a side bench and rubbed like there was no tomorrow. The whole situation was a bit exciting and risky. I didn't last long, it felt so good, the sensations were epic! Finished off hard with a very powerful, elongated, amazing orgasm, big spurts of cum blasting from my penis all over the floor. I think about it at times and smile. For how often and how many times I've done it, and I masturbate a lot, a few good ones stand out..
By leopoldij at 02,Jan,16 08:59 other posts of leopoldij 
Me too. Couple of times per week.

By WhiteBangers at 27,Dec,15 01:14 other posts of WhiteBangers 
i have
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Still do

By #64328 at 20,Dec,15 09:00
I did it last friday

By penisadmirer at 19,Dec,15 19:57 other posts of penisadmirer 
Sometimes I do it in the toilets, but not more than 10min....

By #21395 at 18,Dec,15 11:22
I wait until I'm all alone in the building and I shoot my big load in random spots around the office

By leopoldij at 09,Dec,15 16:24 other posts of leopoldij 
By #475677 at 11,Dec,15 12:31

By #499016 at 05,Dec,15 04:49
When I worked a factory I jacked off in the locker room restroom two or three times and then back in then the restroom uner the plastic office once or twice.
By #475677 at 09,Dec,15 10:23
good to know mate

By leopoldij at 01,Dec,15 23:37 other posts of leopoldij 

By #176361 at 01,Dec,15 05:21
I work in the medical field... And I quite often go in the locker room. I also have access to list of fun things to use

By leopoldij at 28,Nov,15 21:05 other posts of leopoldij 
I do

By leopoldij at 27,Nov,15 12:05 other posts of leopoldij 
Masturbating at work: only registered users can see external links

By leopoldij at 27,Nov,15 10:07 other posts of leopoldij 
Most people never work. They just masturbate.
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Especially people working for the government, politicians, ministers, etc., they are all known to collectively masturbate.

By #340774 at 25,Nov,15 12:09
I drive around a lot for my job and I will pull off to the side of the road and jerk off when I get the urge.
By #143536 at 25,Nov,15 12:52

By 3fdfd at 26,Nov,15 15:20 other posts of 3fdfd 
you need me to drive around with you ?

By DeepThroatThis at 25,Nov,15 13:48 other posts of DeepThroatThis 
once a week for sure

By #485312 at 20,Nov,15 22:30
I loved the weekly roster where you had to do three 12 hour days have 3 off and do three 12 hour night shifts. Babysitting machines in a near empty factory. I fucked a few guys there and ran the stick mag library from my locker. We'd pull out the mags, get all horny, masturbate a little, rip down the back and suck and fuck, shower together and sometimes do that 3 times a night *lix *
By #475677 at 25,Nov,15 09:23

By leopoldij at 20,Nov,15 14:40 other posts of leopoldij 
Wouldn't it be great to have some realistic statistics about the fraction of people that have ever masturbated at work? I guess we'll never find out, but I'd be curious to know if it was 20%, 50% or 90%.
By #64328 at 20,Nov,15 20:23
My guess is at least 50%
By leopoldij at 20,Nov,15 23:32 other posts of leopoldij 
That's as good as any guess. ...

By #497672 at 15,Nov,15 11:41
I have lots of times and regularly when I was younger.

By bda1406 at 12,Nov,15 14:59 other posts of bda1406 
Everyday I take out garbage then I think someoneccould be here any minute so I pull out my cock and have a wack

By #64328 at 04,Jun,12 19:02
Im guilty too. also use to do it in the bathroom at school. among many other places. Ever since I first started risky places are a turn on

By #242954 at 02,Jun,12 13:45
Yes I jack off at work at least twice a week. Great work stress relief.

By #3997 at 28,Feb,12 04:32
I use to drive a taxi and I would wank on there all the tile the exciting part was anyone could walk up anytime or after a good wank I wonder of they could smell my aroma

By Ablaze at 26,Feb,12 23:03 other posts of Ablaze 
I did it many times. Also had sex at work time and on the work place. This is good relax from the stress and routine.

By alexa123 at 26,Feb,12 21:28 other posts of alexa123 
I did that too, when i got hot massages from my boyfriend. But Not very often

By #227049 at 21,Jan,12 07:00
I wank almost everyday at work and I always have to muff my moarning just in case someone hears me when I cum.

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