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whats the last really good book that you have read??

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Started by Sickboy at 10,Jan,13 19:38  other posts of Sickboy
Nether posted here before so please be gentle!! ....just. finished reading Stieg larsson books. Now I can't find a good book!!

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By DirtyDesco at 19,Oct,24 05:14 other posts of DirtyDesco 
Blood and Gold by Anne Rice. I'm so sad she died, that woman changed my life with her novels
By Jtown at 19,Oct,24 13:33 other posts of Jtown 
Anne Rice's books had a massive influence on me when I was younger

By DarkMax at 04,Aug,24 14:15 other posts of DarkMax 
Stories of the Sahara

By #710589 at 04,Aug,24 11:18
The Fifth Season by NK Jemisin

By boc at 04,Aug,24 07:25 other posts of boc 
The Demon-Haunted World
Book by Ann Druyan and Carl Sagan

By wycowboy at 30,Jul,24 20:53 other posts of wycowboy 
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six

By earthy at 30,Jul,24 16:54 other posts of earthy 
The wolfman

By #718164 at 30,Jul,24 05:20
MILK by Matthew Evans

By Cody8789 at 29,Jul,24 21:27 other posts of Cody8789 
The cat in the hat or green eggs and ham

By #719572 at 28,Jul,24 14:37
Frightfest guide to monster movies was quite interesting and facts were facianating

By routemaster at 26,Jul,15 09:39 other posts of routemaster 
Notes From a Small Island by Bill Bryson

By #208346 at 25,Jul,15 16:45
Any thing by James Patterson

By tb1 at 23,Jul,15 17:56 other posts of tb1 
Gathering Prey, the latest Lucas Davenport novel by John Sanford. It's terrific
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Radiant Angel, a John Corey novel by Nelson DeMille, not one of his best I am sorry to say.
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Motive, the latest Alex Delaware and Milo Sturgis thriller from Jonathan Kellerman. It's a great read.

By #360485 at 20,Jul,15 22:30
China Mievilles Perdido Street Station

By iowaguy at 18,Jul,15 17:07 other posts of iowaguy 
Stephen King's Night Shift. I am currently reading The Hunt For Red October.

By #485312 at 15,Jul,15 14:00
my attention span isn't long enough to read a book *lix*
By #68656 at 15,Jul,15 14:24
Dear *lix*.
I know exactly how you feel regards the short attention span, it can be frustrating.
By #485312 at 16,Jul,15 03:17
yeah, l read a page and forget what lve read and have to read it again..l give up after 3 attempts *lix*

By slipper at 16,Jun,15 19:33 other posts of slipper 
"The Universe in a Nutshell," for the second time.

By Gntlmn at 16,Jun,15 04:33 other posts of Gntlmn 

By routemaster at 12,Jun,15 02:12 other posts of routemaster 
"Dangerous Lady" by Martina Cole, I'm really into crime thrillers, especially those of the recently deceased Ruth Rendell. The "Inspector Rebus" novels by Ian Rankin and the "Inspector Banks" novels by Peter Robinson are great too and going back in time try those of Agatha Christie, Ngaio Marsh, Dorothy L. Sayers, Margery Allingham, etc. Even the romantic novelist Georgette Heyer wrote some very good contemporary thrillers in the 1930s. Love the classics too, Dickens, Trollope, George Eliot but my favourite of all is "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Bronte of which there has never been a decent film or t.v. adaptation. Nevil Shute is another great favourite of mine, a wonderful story teller, especially his 1949 epic novel "A Town Like Alice". I started out as a c h i l d with Enid Blyton and I STILL think she's the best c h i l d r e n ' s author of ALL time whatever the politically correct brigade think. Who are they to tell US what we should or shouldn't read and what we should or shouldn't enjoy?

By Sickboy at 17,Apr,15 20:52 other posts of Sickboy 
I am currently reading, World War Z An Oral History Of The Zombie War. By Max Brooks! ............
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“Imagine what could be accomplished if only the human race would shed its humanity.”
By #204766 at 18,Apr,15 02:02
I am trying to read world.war z but it doesn't really do that much for me finding it quite boring

By #481583 at 10,Jun,15 00:39
World war z is a very good book.

By #481583 at 10,Jun,15 00:37
American sniper!!

By #360485 at 10,Jul,14 03:23
Any Christopher Moore novel. "The Island Of The Sequined Love Nun"..Lamb the gospel according to Biff Christs' childhood pal...The stupidest angel...You suck etc...
By #484107 at 18,Apr,15 14:55
all of his books make me laugh out loud

By spermkiss at 18,Apr,15 02:26 other posts of spermkiss 
"American Savage" by Dan Savage.

By Sickboy at 12,Jan,13 18:56 other posts of Sickboy 
Also the hunger games reminds me alot of a film called Battle Royal.....(its a Japanese film!)
By #204766 at 12,Jul,14 11:44
To be fair the film the condemned is closer to battle royale

By #204766 at 12,Jul,14 11:45
Have you seen all the millennium trilogy films

By #204766 at 12,Jul,14 11:41
The girl who played with fire but to recommend one I woul have to say american psycho by brett easton Ellis

By small_dik at 10,Jul,14 01:50 other posts of small_dik 
The Sludge Bomb - G Walters. A terrific sci fi action adventure book I found on Highly recommend it if you're a sci fi fan.

By #147052 at 09,Jul,14 19:56
Vince Flynn's last book.

By #466241 at 09,Jul,14 15:16
I don't read often but i quite enjoied :
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick
By Sickboy at 09,Jul,14 17:56 other posts of Sickboy 
Good book and a brilliant film!!

By Gntlmn at 09,Jul,14 17:34 other posts of Gntlmn 
Earthly Powers-A Burgess

By Sickboy at 11,Jan,13 19:55 other posts of Sickboy 
Wow no fucker reads anymore ...shud I do a Vs ..Vs thing instead!!
By #444014 at 05,Jul,14 12:09
I read Paul Daniels....but not a lot
or is it destructive spaniels ?...
Hang on...I got it...instruction manuals

I just got a book on crooks and conmen from the charity shop for 20 pence..
By Sickboy at 05,Jul,14 20:24 other posts of Sickboy 
Charity shop's are the best place to buy books. You get a cheap book they get the money they need, it's a win win situation

By _avg_ at 05,Jul,14 17:22 other posts of _avg_ 
I'm not much of a casual reader (mostly textbooks), but the last few books I (mostly) read were Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot, Richard Dawkins' Blind Watchmaker, Douglas Adams' The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and Tolkein's The Silmarillion...

By #214409 at 14,Jan,13 21:42
pillars of the earth and the other recent books from ken follett. if you like sci fi, try isaac asimov's foundation series. life of pi was good. i've been told the hunger games series was good too.
By sweetslit at 29,Apr,13 03:51 other posts of sweetslit 
Pillars of the Earth is an amazing book… have you read the sequel, World with out end?
By #214409 at 06,May,13 23:11
I did! And also finished his WWI and WWI books...

By Sickboy at 29,Apr,13 21:44 other posts of Sickboy 
At the mo I am reading , The death and life of superman it at a charity shop! for 20 pence! I Thouht id give it a go.

By #153561 at 13,Jan,13 05:17
Sadly I cant rember the author but Divergent and Insurgent where good reads. Then you have the "Maximum ride" series from James Patterson the last book was released maybe two months ago, but still my alltime favorite was "Angels and Demons" by the guy who wrote "The davinchi code"
By #201583 at 29,Apr,13 17:49
Veronica Roth. Four Rocks. They just started filming Divergent.

By #374428 at 29,Apr,13 04:38
"Good Omens" by Neil Gamon and Terry Pratchet is a must read for anyone! It is a sattire of the apocalypse...soooo funny!!!
By Sickboy at 29,Apr,13 09:13 other posts of Sickboy 
terry pratchet is cool, haven't read any of his books in a long time, have to get me a couple now!

By Sickboy at 14,Jan,13 19:09 other posts of Sickboy 
Wow I should really not post anything when I have been drinking!!! ....what a knob
By #360973 at 29,Apr,13 04:31
There wouldn't be a forum if there was a "must be 100% sober rule", sick
By Sickboy at 29,Apr,13 09:08 other posts of Sickboy 

By Sickboy at 14,Jan,13 19:12 other posts of Sickboy 
I have started reading Red Dwarf!! ...proper funny
By #360973 at 29,Apr,13 04:29
There's a book version? TV show was funny
By Sickboy at 29,Apr,13 09:04 other posts of Sickboy 
There are four of them!......Infinity welcomes careful drivers..
Better than life..
Backwards...and The last human.
All were very funny they are the only books that made laugh out loud while reading!

By #374428 at 29,Apr,13 04:39
anything by R.A. Salvatore, Piers Anthony or Anne Rice...they are all wonderful too!

Don't forget "The ****" by Rhonda Byrne
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why would S*E*C*R*E*T be wrong to post?

By Sickboy at 13,Jan,13 20:35 other posts of Sickboy 
I maybe from Oxford but I can't spell for shit!!

By Sickboy at 13,Jan,13 20:33 other posts of Sickboy 
Read*?? Not sure that's right!!
......... jaws was cool

By Sickboy at 13,Jan,13 20:29 other posts of Sickboy 
I have read all Dan Browns books all were excellent

By #181785 at 13,Jan,13 04:37
It was right after the movie came out, and it was really good it was called JAWS! No really I don't read much, well at all.

By Sickboy at 12,Jan,13 18:53 other posts of Sickboy 
I liked the film of fear & loathing but have not read the book

By Sickboy at 12,Jan,13 18:50 other posts of Sickboy 
Thanks for all the comments will be lookin into some of these

By Sickboy at 11,Jan,13 20:59 other posts of Sickboy 
Yay!! Thanks guys

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