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Are your balls bigger than your penis?

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Started by Odin_york_pa at 13,Mar,15 14:40  other posts of Odin_york_pa
Some of my favorite type of male genitalia are the ones where the balls are bigger than the penis itself. I don't know why, but I think that's pretty hot. Anyone on this site fit this description? Love to see the pics!

Similar topics: 1.Around what age does your penis reach its full size?   2.Stretching Balls by vacuum pumping   3.Fat hanging veiny big cock huge balls   4.Big balls, little penis   5.LOWER HANGING BALLS AND MUSHROOM PENIS HEADS  

New Comment

By Moench at 25,Oct,22 21:16 other posts of Moench 
i don't like my long balls
By Reinhold at 06,Feb,23 06:35 other posts of Reinhold 
ich mag meine bдlle auch nicht

By #381551 at 28,Oct,22 11:31
yup... [deleted image]

By #681656 at 27,Oct,22 04:22
Honest to God, I didn't know that was even possible. Interesting! Learned something new today! Thanks! XoXo

By nekekal at 26,Oct,22 22:25 other posts of nekekal 
No. I have small balls and a big cock. My cock is always bigger than my balls.

By boc at 26,Oct,22 01:18 other posts of boc 
When I am flaccid its close.

By MilaBoobs at 25,Oct,22 22:30 other posts of MilaBoobs 
i prefer big cock and not bigger balls than cock

By #463848 at 22,Oct,22 13:24
When very soft my dick rides them like a saddle.

By #615400 at 20,Oct,22 08:18

By Paktax at 19,Oct,22 22:14 other posts of Paktax 

By massco at 12,Oct,22 17:11 other posts of massco 
Yes looks like they are.
[deleted image]

By jonns at 08,Oct,22 19:44 other posts of jonns 

By Sir-Skittles at 25,Jan,20 14:01 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Bjuka post yer pics here!

By andrew999999999 at 23,Jan,20 21:08 other posts of andrew999999999 

By german_guy at 23,Jan,20 18:59 other posts of german_guy 
not at all

By #583141 at 23,Jan,20 15:45
Close when I’m soft[deleted image]

By #463848 at 23,Jan,20 08:59
When soft, much smaller

By #609726 at 23,Jan,20 08:48
only registered users can see external links

By phart at 14,Jan,20 14:03 other posts of phart 
Sadly everything about me is bigger than my penis.Balls,belly,brain by a fraction.
By #551147 at 14,Jan,20 14:09
LMAO Oh stop it! I know an ole bag your most certainly smarter than...

By #590624 at 14,Jan,20 00:15
almost the same size but balls still bigger

[deleted image]

By #603797 at 12,Jan,20 18:21
[deleted image]

By #64328 at 12,Jan,20 16:37
Of course, but only when I'm soft. I have noticed most guys at the gym are too. Unless they have a semi boner

By Ohioguy at 11,Jan,20 04:31 other posts of Ohioguy 

By Ohioguy at 11,Jan,20 04:29 other posts of Ohioguy 

By Dickventures at 11,Jan,20 00:13 other posts of Dickventures 
Here's a couple from me, though the difference isn't huge:

By jonns at 10,Jan,20 14:50 other posts of jonns 

By #536913 at 30,Jul,17 02:36
Any time I'm soft

By cumonme1 at 29,Jul,17 12:03 other posts of cumonme1 

By DarkMax at 29,Jul,17 06:37 other posts of DarkMax 
"Are your balls bigger than your penis?"
By 2nice at 29,Jul,17 09:32 other posts of 2nice 
Why dig up this dusty post, and then post something stupid?

By Odin_york_pa at 28,Dec,16 00:42 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
I see some nice entries. I really like when the balls are physically bigger in size (length and girth), the balls. Not the sac, but testicles themselves. Extremely hot!

By AnsonnBoi at 27,Dec,16 10:53 other posts of AnsonnBoi 
When I'm fresh out of the cold swimming pool yes. My dingdong shrinks like mad.

By cockbot3000 at 18,Dec,16 21:18 other posts of cockbot3000 

By #455846 at 12,Nov,16 15:18
not always...

[deleted image]

depends on how you look at me, this is how i like guys to look at me...
By #519672 at 15,Dec,16 19:59
lookin good
By #455846 at 16,Dec,16 03:54
thanks, most of the time my penis is just a bit bigger

By Nevermore at 18,Dec,16 13:39 other posts of Nevermore 
I would like to look at you like that.

By JeffinKS at 27,Oct,15 13:32 other posts of JeffinKS 

By #143536 at 27,Oct,15 22:01

By #519672 at 15,Dec,16 20:00

By #363802 at 18,Dec,16 13:25
Very nice,Jeff

By #363802 at 18,Dec,16 13:22
What do you think? [deleted image]

By CreativeOne at 05,Apr,15 07:14 other posts of CreativeOne 
Here are a few from my page

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

Enjoy and feel free to stop by my page to see more !
By Odin_york_pa at 05,Apr,15 15:08 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
By CreativeOne at 26,Oct,15 12:27 other posts of CreativeOne 
Awwwwwe .... Thank You so much for saying that !

By 3fdfd at 01,Nov,16 12:46 other posts of 3fdfd 
You know I like your balls. Your dick ain't so bad, either

By #519672 at 15,Dec,16 20:00

By #519672 at 15,Dec,16 19:59
hangin balls-tight balls -hanging cock they all cum the samelol-enjoy them all and lick them all

By Shown at 12,Nov,16 20:56 other posts of Shown 
maybe [deleted image]

By cockbot3000 at 11,Nov,16 02:28 other posts of cockbot3000 
My balls usually hang much lower than my cock!

By #64328 at 01,Nov,16 18:07
I have always notice in the gym most guys when totally soft don't hang past their balls. In high school i would give it a tug and with a semi hung down past my balls. I notice guys checking it out on the sly. Most thought I had a big one. Little did they know I cheated alittle

By doedeldi at 14,Mar,15 15:26 other posts of doedeldi 
By Odin_york_pa at 15,Mar,15 20:12 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
nice and hairy, excellent pic!

By 3fdfd at 01,Nov,16 12:48 other posts of 3fdfd 
Great hairy balls as well as a super nice looking hairy uncut dick

By #373484 at 06,Apr,15 08:12
[deleted image]
By Odin_york_pa at 07,Apr,15 02:30 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
that definitely fits the description, thanks for sharing

By 3fdfd at 01,Nov,16 12:47 other posts of 3fdfd 
great balls, my friend

By #121361 at 24,Sep,16 12:00
My Part [deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 7353 hours

By #509888 at 23,Sep,16 01:56
Here are my balls about 2 inches each
By bella! at 23,Sep,16 11:38 other posts of bella! 
Your balls definitely appear to be proportionately bigger!

[deleted image]

By #509888 at 23,Sep,16 01:57
Cock 61/2 balls 2 inch

By #455846 at 27,Oct,15 16:31
sometimes, i have to say things change a bit because of the fact I am a'grower'
By earthy at 27,Oct,15 19:45 other posts of earthy 
Me too.

By #424204 at 27,Oct,15 18:30
I do

By #289712 at 27,Oct,15 13:17
If it's cold

By john12 at 27,Oct,15 01:07 other posts of john12 
And my nuts are way bigger then my dick .

By earthy at 26,Oct,15 16:27 other posts of earthy 
I'm like that a lot of times.

By #64328 at 06,Apr,15 16:45
At times my cock is smaller. I think we all get shrinkage. Usually when soft my cock hangs just a little lower than my balls. With a semi quite a bit past my balls. In the gym I have noticed most guys dicks dont hang past their balls when soft
By Odin_york_pa at 07,Apr,15 02:30 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
you're right a lot don't hand past their balls. I like the far extreme of that

By Fritz at 05,Apr,15 13:47 other posts of Fritz 
no, both are tiny

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