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Started by kebmo at 05,Aug,18 08:29  other posts of kebmo
Similar topics: 1.Hmmmm now what am I supposed to do about this?? 2.New Years sex 3.🤘🏻🤘🏻METAL🤘🏻🤘🏻 4.Tons of shopped photos on the site - most don't even recognize? 5.Real life movie encylopedia New CommentComments: |
Orville Wright’s passenger, Thomas Selfridge,
died four minutes into a test flight.
-History channel
It was made with approximately 1.2 million rivets that were replaced with high strength bolts in the 1980s for maintenance.
-The History Channel
Ravioli_Max … but you probably already knew that! 😁
His 75th wedding anniversary is on July 7th.
-PBS News
-How do they do it?
associate cleanliness with both of those colors.
-Read on the Internet so it must be true!
-CTV News
-Chris Wallace
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And that's why a sextant was so important. They needed to see on what parallel they were coursing through. What's more the captains time peice had to be super accurate. Modern navigation could not be done without these two items.
-David Attenborough
1) 1814. By the British army. Inspired by George III, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
2) 2021. By US citizens. Inspired by Donald Trump, President of the United States.
Harvard was established in 1631, the oldest college in North America.
-America Over the Edge, BBC Earth
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Matter of fact, the story seems to support/reinforce the fact that those BLACK men were used like test animals. Two modern day Presidents apologized for the atrocities. That being said, they want the Black community to "trust them" and take the vaccines first. I completely understand why a vast majority of the "Black community" are like... "No thanks!" I'm not black and I don't intend to take it, EVER!
Guess you Canucks are a lil slow on getting the real news.
Yesterday, our wonderful state of Texas filed a lawsuit against 4 of the contested states. I can only assume your smart enough to know the ONLY court that can settle lawsuits between states?
All I can say, is... DON'T FUCK WITH TEXAS!!
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But alas... No worries, right! NO fraud was committed. Move along, there's nothing to see here.
Yep, you surely must be right. That's his only reasoning for doing what he did. Now, what's the excuse why 4 other states joined the lawsuit? They must all be trying to cover for corruption and gain pardon favor too, huh?
-Neil deGrasse Tyson
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Some people hide behind the blameless inuendo. Kebmo, I........... Oh, it's useless. The Bella! Stench has started to perfume your mind. Anything you say must be true. I bring offensive material to your thread. My Thread on the labor party of England is not trivia. Knowing 30000 Canadians faught in the Viet Nam war is and that's so FUNNY.
[deleted image]
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Move over there live there a few years then come back and tell us how wonderful it is
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Go a head move over there don’t let the door hit you in the ass
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Who are you going to believe me a reputable business man or a site whore
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How’s the job at the truck stop has ronda Lynn been in lately for her truckers special
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Hey Lix candy said you have a maggoty hole is this true
-CTV News
1. China
2. India
3. United States
4. Indonesia
5. Brazil
6. Pakistan
7. Nigeria
8. Bangladesh
9. Russia
10. Japan
[deleted image]
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Looking at all those Weiner's
You’re a fuckin’ programmer named Christine Gontarek who fucked up. She sucked my cock, fell in love, and she was locked in. She’s gonna get her second chance to suck my cock again. If she turns me down, she’s gonna go straight to Hell. She won’t pass “go,” she’ll never fuckin’ win; she’s the cunt who thought she was God, but that’s okay, I don’t give a shit -- as long as she sucks me off when I tell her, 'cause she’s my zombie. I captured that motherfucker, and she’s my cassette. I want that cocksucker to send me, at least, 50,000 fuckin’ dollars; if she can’t do it, I’ll try $10,000; if she can’t do that, I’ll try $5,000, but that’s it. If you’ve got a dowry of $5,000, come out here and suck me off, do what I tell ya from now on, and you can join me in eternal time. Ya hear me, Christine? You get one more fuckin’ chance. If you got $10,000
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You went for line drawings and you fucked up you fuckin' idiot
You brain-washed yourself you mother fuckin' stupid cock suckers, because you never studied your Holy Homework. That's two capital H's there, all the rest are lower case in any fuckin' case. Supreme Court, you are not the fucking Supreme Court of anything, except Hell! For the next ten-thousand years you will shovel your shit and eat it, because you're on repeat mother fucker. It just started backwards and you can't do a fuckin' thing about it. The public are gonna take back every fuckin' thing that you took away from them you mother
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Case closed
Guess he told you!
This ➡️ @ Tecsan @ squeeze them together = Tecsan
@ Dev01 @ squeezed = Dev01
Works with ANY name on the site, just has to be spelled just like they have it.
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Just like that ➡️ @NAME@
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He is a bully here and likes to make threats...༼☯﹏☯༽
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[deleted image]
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Fucktard cunt.. From my sister you **** cunt
What administration oversaw the HIGHEST fuel prices in American history?
Did you guess Obama/Biden? 🤔 CORRECT!
Remember this ➡️ [deleted image]
Enjoy that $2 a gallon while it lasts...
If Harris/Biden are determined the winner's, you can prepare for even WORSE than the above. Just don't forget to thank a liberal nut-job afterwards.
I remember the days of very high oil prices fondly. My city, my Province and my Country all benefit greatly from high oil prices.
Ahhhh, the good old days.
The global oil situation is too complex for a short blog but in the short term it is easy to find winners/losers. Right now many exploration projects are on hold because the return on investment is negative with current pricing. Demand will pick up again but there are also competing energy sources emerging as well as more efficient machines. Big oil had diversified into plastic, but that is another issue.
Be well!
the world's largest display of penises and penile parts. , the collection holds well over 300 penises from more than 100 species of mammal. Also the museum holds 22 penises from creatures and peoples of Icelandic folklore
Wild Rockies,
BBC Earth
PBS News
Never really thought about that, but I think that's probably accurate.
It's a great show!
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Photos of Pine Beatle infestation.
-Discovery Science
-How Do They Do It?
PS. not, of course, accusing YOU of being a bullshitter. I re-read that and thought it could be misinterpreted!
-Google (who knows more about anything than my ex-wife)
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The pith, the skin left on segments after peeling and separating, is is removed by soaking the segments in a solution of water and 1% HCl for 40 minutes and it dissolves. It is then rinsed off and canned with juice.
-How Do They Do It?
-CBC News
Tell me more, please. And just what is imported to us Michiganders?
In a word: Automotive. Michigan's #1 country to export to: Canada.
This only goes to 2017 but it has lots of great info.
only registered users can see external links added after 11 minutes
As many as 2,000 Canadian health care workers cross the Detroit/Windsor border daily to work at Metro Detroit hospitals.
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As far as a large number of Canadians working in Detroit, yes, and not just in hospitals. Yes, I WORKED (past tense) for a major healthcare insurance company that is almost situated right at the end of the Detroit/Windsor Tunnel and yes, the company employed many Canadians. Whether the Canadians worked in an hourly job or had a salary job, the USD was stronger which in essence, made their paycheck "bigger".
Try this.
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This is the Spanish National Anthem with lyrics, that are no longer used.
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Good morning
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-Good Housekeeping
I've got time on my hands, maybe I will make a holiday batch and give it as a gift!
They make them look appealing, and like sweets (candy for you!), and they're toxic if you put them in your mouth. Bonkers!
I make enough, from one bar of soap and the borax and soda, to last a month or so.
When you have time, share your recipe, please. Maybe your recipe will inspire me to make my own.
Your recipe says mason jar, the recipes I saw were made in 5 gallon buckets. The suggested use of two tablespoons to 1/4 cup of soap and coming from a mason jar sounds workable for me.
PS. it's only my choice to use unscented soap. Kinder on my skin!
-CTV News
Even more fucked up is, I DON'T believe you're just being flippant either.
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How did Sherry Ann put it? THIS is why I adore you! (One reason).
-Speaker of the house of Commons, Geoff Regan
"Meals on Wheels has never missed a delivery in it's 48 years in Calgary".
-CTV news
That's impressive!!
Middle Island: only registered users can see external links
Alaska, Idaho, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin.
-CBC News
about 40 miles from here is a house that still to this day has the horse hoof prints in the hardwood floors. The general rode his horse thru the house and kept it in a room at night while the yanks were in the area.
Why should we forget the people that suffered from the wrath of the yanks raping the women and k1ds and killing livestock,burning towns? why? And don't forget those damned carpet baggers that came down here and finished off alot of southerns taking their money and everything else they could.I hope there is a specail place in hell for Sherman and his kind
Sadly some fly it for the sake of hatred.No excuse for that
The objects and purpose of the Sons of Confederate Veterans is "to encourage the preservation of history, perpetuate the hallowed memories of brave men, to assist in the observance of Confederate Memorial Day, to aid and support all members, and to perpetuate the record of the services of every Southern soldier."[1] Significant debate has occurred on whether their views represent an accurate interpretation of history[7] or a deliberate distortion of history based on Lost Cause of the Confederacy ideology.[8] A project of the group, the National Confederate Museum, has continued this debate with supporters claiming the museum "will be out of the reach of the long arm of political correctness." It is due to open during 2019.[9] Detractors have stated that "casting the Confederacy as a honorable force standing strong against Northern aggressors is a willful misreading of the historical truth that the institution of slavery was at the core of the Civil War."[10]
This can be found on line. While I'm sure there's many dedecendants of confederate soldiers, the war was not an honorable one for the south. Taxation was not an issue. The south made good profits from the sale of cotton.
The main reason was
As the first state to secede, South Carolina's “Declarations” established precedent and unabashedly claimed that the primary reason for secession remained the refusal of northern states to comply with the Fugitive Slave Act and the Dred Scott (1857) decision.
They fought to keep an agricultural society that could only survive financially by having slaves.
If you think remembering family members that fell in that war, that despicable flag should not be it's symbol.
Think about this. German people proudly displaying the Nazi flag because a family member died defending Auschweiz
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BTW, Sherman was a horrible person. He was a butcher and his troops, today, would have been charge as war criminals. Having said that, not only was he effective, he shortened the war considerably. His boss, Grant, was a butcher too.
IF the south coulda held out a while longer,alot of yanks died of sexualy tranmitted deseases.
Sadly the owner of the books I was able to read a little from on a weekend passed away and the books are gone.Or I could copy and paste.
First, if true, it doesn't speak well of southern women or their men. The pox was rampant in the south? Souther belles were whores?
Don't you think these books were propaganda left over from some sick minded individuals?
I can see it now. Sir, why do you display the Confederate flag? Because my great great grandma was a whore who tried to infect as many of them there damn Yankees as possible. She made sure Sherman and his bunch knew her
The French must have felt like the south had a cause as they were on the Canadian border set to atack from that side.
Some Hawaians joined in .https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawaii_and_the_American_Civil_War
At least 40 Australians got involved
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It was also news to me that Russia was getting involved! Wow.
The books I was referring to were printed in the 1880's and were first hand accounts from soilders and family members.It was about 20 books with marroon covers kinda like a set of encyclopedias.The lady that had them when I met her was 98 years old and she was in the Daughters of confederate veterans.Best I can remember the books were the result of alot of hard work by women back then that wanted the truth documented..She also had a set of similar books covering WW1 ,which is another war for whatever reason the PC crowd wants forgotten.It's monuments will be next I guess.
You go back in history a bit and remember Eisenhower wanted people to see and remembr the truth about the jews and the torture.Similar thing.History wants to deny it ever happened.
The French had a vested interest for the south to win. Do some research and you'll see the French liked to buy cotton at a better price than through wholesalers in the north. Cotton was a worldwide wonder material when processed. There were no man made cloth then.
In any war, there are men that like to be in it. They love to be in harm's way.
World War I was eclipsed by WWII. It was a useless war that not only did not solve anything, but, it was the reason for WWII.
It seems that Texan cocks are nicer too. I've noticed that over the years that I've been here. My personal choice, not statistically.
-Smithsonian Channel
The La Fayette Escadrille (French: Escadrille de La Fayette) was a U.S. unit constituted in 1916 under French command, made up of volunteers who came forward to fight for France during World War I. The escadrille of the Aйronautique Militaire was composed largely of American volunteer pilots flying fighters.
Later, when America joined the war, they became part of the Army Air Corp. Many new recruits died learning how to fly