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This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by bella! at 14,Sep,19 16:25  other posts of bella!
This thread is dedicated to bitch about those members that really piss you off! Is it, in alphabetical order, bella! , what a bitch and the ringleader, Freddy , always in search of the site rats, could it possibly be Skittles , the self proclaimed site muppet smasher or TWOWARMTTS2 , the member who has had multiple names as well as multiple profiles?

Bash whichever member is listed or unlisted. Hopefully admin will allow us to have a dedicated thread that won't be sent to the dumpster. And feel free to post pictures, if that floats your boat!

Similar topics: 1.What is the purpose of this site?   2.The 'nutters' on this site...   3.HEY YOU!!..CAN I HAVE YOUR OPPINION..??   4.!!!!* Where to ? *!!!!!!!   5.About securing this WEB site on the internet and a cautionary note to those on this site.  

New Comment

By bella! at 23,Sep,19 18:02 other posts of bella! 
Can someone dumb this down for me, please?

This is the picture that TWOWARMTTS2 entered in the Pic of the Month and now CHOCONUT is uploading it on her page?

By dgraff at 23,Sep,19 18:30 other posts of dgraff 
That’s the old bag 80 years ago coconut is using it in the best image game and ever notice that the two are never in the same game
By #574505 at 23,Sep,19 19:31
Can they sent each other a gift..🎁

By big9inch21 at 23,Sep,19 19:30 other posts of big9inch21 
I'll take a stab at it. It's a fake pic taken off the internet, here's a link to the original off xhamster. It clearly shows its not the face of the above mentioned whack-a-doodles. only registered users can see external links
By bella! at 23,Sep,19 19:38 other posts of bella! 
You are going to get yourself blacklisted for calling her a WHACK-A-DOODLE!

Well, isn't that interesting! A verified member using internet pictures as if they were her own AND having two profiles displaying the same "pinched" picture!
By #574505 at 23,Sep,19 19:39
That pic worth 50 points
By bella! at 23,Sep,19 19:42 other posts of bella! 
50 points times two profiles! Somebody report them, make them go POOF!

How was it that CHOCONUT didn't know that the picture really was not that of TWOWARMTTS2? Golly, ALL those mental cases living in the same mobile home group home.

By big9inch21 at 23,Sep,19 20:46 other posts of big9inch21 
It appears she has a few more net pics on her profile as well here's another example: /yrbt4jnilepspic.html
I posted it to my temporary pics, as she will probably delete it as soon as she sees this.
Here's a link to the real pic : only registered users can see external links
By bella! at 23,Sep,19 21:16 other posts of bella! 
She is a Looney Toon! She, WetNoodle, her husband, CHOCONUT,
who knows who she is supposed to be in their multi adult household, want members to believe "she" posts pictures of her, over a period of almost 50 year.

By #551147 at 23,Sep,19 21:39
Wow! Nice catch

By bella! at 23,Sep,19 19:42 other posts of bella! 
Hey, nice to see you again.
By #574505 at 23,Sep,19 20:04
Funny thing pic is gone on both profile two was long on in two mins and co o in 1 hour
By bella! at 23,Sep,19 20:19 other posts of bella! 
I'm not sure I understand, but you do know that admin will remove pictures, too? If the internet pictures were removed when Candy was not online, that had to be admin. That's his way of diffusing a potential problem without the possibility of the member being deleted. Why he is okay and he knowingly is aware that she has multiple profiles, is beyond me.
By #574505 at 23,Sep,19 20:26
No she remove it from both profiles

By admin at 23,Sep,19 22:13 other posts of admin 
I did not delete any images from the site in past 2 days.

Why whould I delete members who pay for the site and bring a lot of fun and joy to other members here? That would be extremely unwise from every point of view. From what I can see you all are having lots of fun with them. They practically live in your own head rent-free and it seems you don't want to evict them any time soon from there. So why should I?

Honestly I never cared about how many accounts people have on the site as long as they don't run scams on other members and don't try to cheat the points system. Couple of accounts from the same location at the same time was always OK since some couples living in the same house open 2 accounts.
By bella! at 23,Sep,19 23:02 other posts of bella! 
I do believe that you have removed pictures from members profiles in order avoid members from being deleted.

Yeah, TWOWARMTTS, hotpussy, TWOWARMTTS2, WetNoodle, CHOCONUT are barrels of fun. Those looney toons think they've pulled the wool over the eyes of so many.
By admin at 24,Sep,19 00:35 other posts of admin 
I may do this when some old member does something stupid and this happens, I don't know, may be twice per year, but still, I did not delete any images from any profiles for any reason in past 2 days.

Overall, you overestimate my involvement in this site's life. Unlike you, I don't live on this site.
By bella! at 24,Sep,19 00:50 other posts of bella! 
Sorry to disappoint, I don't live on your site, either.
By admin at 24,Sep,19 02:37 other posts of admin 
And this means you don't know what really happens and should not run your mouth telling things that are not true.
By bella! at 24,Sep,19 02:56 other posts of bella! 
Oh, you say the sweetest things!

By #685802 at 08,Jan,23 17:47
What i don't understand is why you banned my IP when I bring so many. I link my page to a lot of people. You should unban my original IP. I paid for premium too. I have not broken ANY rules.
By bella! at 08,Jan,23 18:02 other posts of bella! 
Are you certain admin banned you and/or deleted your profile? You must be aware that there is an Evaluation Panel that reviews referrals made by members, right? The Panel receives some strange requests from members. One of the memorable referrals I recall was made on a picture of, I believe, a male, in a washroom stall, sitting on a commode. All you could see was legs and hightop sneakers. There was also the referral of a picture that was just lips. In both situations, the person referring the members for deletion was convinced these were picture of people who are under the age of 18. Recently, there was a member who was referred for deletion because he posted internet pictures in chat.

I can only suggest that there are people, other than admin, who are involved in banning profiles.

By the way, do you recall your former membership number?
By admin at 19,Jan,23 03:53 other posts of admin 
No one banned "her". "She" consequently created and deleted 2 profiles and now is on the third one. I don't know is it a multiple personality disorder or just some kind of dumbassery. Usually I don't care, but I don't like when people with this kind of behavior start making shit up that relates to me in some way.
By bella! at 19,Jan,23 04:08 other posts of bella! 
Oh, I'm aware there have been multiple profiles in a short period of time. There's been 1) Sarahthesexybeast, which you identified was deleted by owner on December 23, 2022. 2) Sarahthesexybeast2, #685802, 3) anon567, Greengoddess and she's back using Sarahthesexybeast. The profiles of Sarahthesexybeast2, anon567, Greengoddess and once again Sarahthesexybeast have happened all within the last 10 to 12 days. Oi!

By admin at 08,Jan,23 18:32 other posts of admin 
I honestly don't know what you are talking about. I can see you had older account "Sarahthesexybeast", but it was not banned. According to the log it was deleted by the user, i.e. you on December 23. If you had some IP problems registering new account, that's just because some proxy and vpn networks are permanently blocked in the registration form, not because someone banned you specifically.

By #600020 at 23,Sep,19 22:29
This reminds me of Casablanca. "It seems that Destiny has taken a hand!..."
only registered users can see external links

By big9inch21 at 23,Sep,19 20:41 other posts of big9inch21 
We've been on a site sabbatical Seriously though, been busy with life and some other projects, so we haven't been around the site much the last year or so. Hopefully now that things are slowing down up here, I will be around some more I'm hoping. Good to see you still around, got a lot of other friends to catch up with as well. I forgot how much fun this site can be, mixed in with a little drama as well.
By bella! at 23,Sep,19 21:13 other posts of bella! 
Good to know that things are slowing down for you, you have been missed!

By Sir-Skittles at 25,Sep,19 16:44 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
@Big921 = site cunt. You are missed! Call me later bitches!

By bella! at 23,Sep,19 20:03 other posts of bella! 
Hey, what can you find on this picture? I guarantee you that it is not TWOWARMTTS2 or CHOCONUT now or 50 years ago. That roadkill sitting on her head is a dead giveaway.

By #574505 at 23,Sep,19 20:27
Damm I don't to make 50 points

By big9inch21 at 23,Sep,19 20:50 other posts of big9inch21 
I think this one is actually her bella! It looks like her body to me in this pic this time, she just has her hair different in this one.
By bella! at 23,Sep,19 21:20 other posts of bella! 
No, she admittedly said she has a "hair" issue and that's why she wears that synthetic ponytail that she bought from CVS. She clips it on her head with a "Whatever Happened To Baby Jane" bow to give herself a more youthful look!
By #551147 at 23,Sep,19 21:43
Now that's friggin funny right there!

By #600020 at 23,Sep,19 22:36
The problem with that is that you don't believe what you should and believe what you shouldn't. HAHAHA
By #574505 at 23,Sep,19 23:08
Not another one how many you have
By bella! at 23,Sep,19 23:39 other posts of bella! 
Jamie, I was thinking the same darn thing. Like a cockroach, you see one, you know you have an infestation!

By bella! at 23,Sep,19 23:50 other posts of bella! 
Hello and welcome to SYD/SYC!

Just joined the site 4 days ago and already a contributor to the Forum. Nice to have you!

I noticed that you only have 37 points and that's not much. Let me know if you need more.
By #600020 at 24,Sep,19 00:07
Hi. I don't need points. I'm here to look, mostly. I didn't think I'd be compared to a roach. Is everyone that friendly?
By bella! at 24,Sep,19 02:58 other posts of bella! 
Where were you compared to a cockroach?
By Sir-Skittles at 24,Sep,19 05:13 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
600020 went poof!

By bella! at 24,Sep,19 15:46 other posts of bella! 
So now the story is that she was unable identify her picture from the internet picture? Yikes! I can see where there would be confusion!


By #569341 at 24,Sep,19 00:02
If admin isn’t going to boot every single sad fuck with multiple accounts on here; Skittles’ suggestion in my NEW IDEAS thread re branding a conspicuous mark on each of their pages saying MULTIPLE ACCOUNT / DUMMY PROFILE USER should be enacted! ASAP!
By bella! at 24,Sep,19 00:22 other posts of bella! 
And you read admin's reasoning but you knew that already because I believe he's said it before.

Heck, everyone needs some backup profiles. Who knows, one day this personality suits you and tomorrow you might want to be someone else.
By dgraff at 24,Sep,19 01:37 other posts of dgraff 
I tried to open up an account for markis but it would not let me using my email address and my tablet

By admin at 24,Sep,19 02:34 other posts of admin 
Skittles would have had such a mark among the first then.

Problem with this, however, is that the system gives a lot of false positives and I can tell the difference only looking at all the data myself. There is a mark indeed, but it's only shown to me and I have to dig deeper if I want to know if it's false or real. And even then I'm not always sure. But in most of cases those are different people accessing the site from some huge ISP, like Verizon or Comcast. They are not duplicate accounts of the same person.
By Sir-Skittles at 24,Sep,19 05:12 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

I have one other profile on here... Admin, can you post what it is please?
By #551147 at 24,Sep,19 06:10
Looks like a challenge to me...
By admin at 24,Sep,19 08:04 other posts of admin 
It would be a challenge if he was as important as he tries to convince others he is. There are even rumors that he is my arch enemy. In fact I mostly don't care about him and sometimes even find him entertaining.
By #551147 at 24,Sep,19 09:14

By Sir-Skittles at 24,Sep,19 14:24 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Agree with Admin.. some think I have some beef with him... and it is not true at all.

By Sir-Skittles at 24,Sep,19 14:26 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Admin knows I love any negative branding, warning labels, etc on me page. ...

By admin at 24,Sep,19 07:59 other posts of admin 
I deleted 2 of your accounts 2 weeks ago:


and these 2 were deleted some time before:

If you opened others, I'm sure they will be detected quite soon. I see no reason to waste my time on it, you are actually way more predictable than you think. Usually I see your troll accounts in chatrooms just looking at them, no detection needed. But I don't visit them recently.
By Dev01 at 24,Sep,19 08:23 other posts of Dev01 
C'mon skiz is good for site. Like Eveready was, unless they getting wingdings and pizza they get angry lol.
By admin at 24,Sep,19 08:35 other posts of admin 
Eveready was a dumbass writting anti-semitic insults in public chat while living in a country where people actually get into prison or become untouchable (lose jobs, etc.) for anti-semitic insults they wrote on internet.
By Dev01 at 24,Sep,19 08:47 other posts of Dev01 
I was accused of that too. I get exactly what you mean. Just saying. I liked the old days but it's not a business proposition.

By dgraff at 24,Sep,19 11:11 other posts of dgraff 
Awww I liked FL grandson that poor boy having hotpussy for a grandma running around Florida showing her 80 year old bits to who ever would look no wonder half the people down there are blind
By Sir-Skittles at 24,Sep,19 14:24 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

FL-Grandson was a very bad member!
By dgraff at 24,Sep,19 15:32 other posts of dgraff 

By #610414 at 18,Jan,23 14:06
Damn, Sir-Skittles, don't you get tired of showing the rest of the members what a botched abortion you are? 🤣🤣👿

By Sir-Skittles at 16,Jan,23 18:34 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Just hanging out here.... thinking of some awful site villain stuff to do this year

By bella! at 16,Jan,23 19:50 other posts of bella! 
And I identified YOU along with me, Freddy and Twowarmtts aka CAT as being SITE VILLAINS. I'm sure we will see your wrath soon enough.
By Sir-Skittles at 16,Jan,23 21:31 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
It is possible

The Saggy Granny is the primary target.
By dgraff at 17,Jan,23 02:44 other posts of dgraff 
I’m lurking around here to only I’m hunting democrats
By bella! at 17,Jan,23 04:39 other posts of bella! 
Hunting democrats does not count toward being a SITE VILLAIN!
By dgraff at 17,Jan,23 10:22 other posts of dgraff 
No I’m a political villain 🦹‍♀️

By Gntlmn at 13,Dec,22 04:51 other posts of Gntlmn 
"tecsan" is a genuine shit-sucker.
--------------------------------------- added after 167 hours

By tecsan at 18,Dec,22 05:39 other posts of tecsan 
What hole are you talking out of ass-licker?
By Gntlmn at 18,Dec,22 07:13 other posts of Gntlmn 
Just die, little turd.
By tecsan at 19,Dec,22 05:19 other posts of tecsan 
The turd will die in your mouth turd sucker.
By Gntlmn at 20,Dec,22 04:46 other posts of Gntlmn 
Micro-dicked little nazi hermaphrodite coprophagia addict -drink more diarrhea.
By tecsan at 20,Dec,22 07:26 other posts of tecsan 
Nice you have to resort to humiliation when you are upset little boy.

By #685802 at 08,Jan,23 17:43
Fucking cowardly body shaming whore.
By bella! at 08,Jan,23 18:09 other posts of bella! 
I must say that I have never been of tecsan to "shame" anyone for their body image. On the contrary, in the past, he has been quite complimentary with his comments, almost borderline over the top.

By Sir-Skittles at 12,Dec,22 18:40 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
By WOODY58 [Ignore] 03,Dec,22 11:49 other posts

That’s not true. I’ll be 74 this month and I know what I want. I want for Admin to take your blog writing privileges taken away. The same for Skittles.

Fuck that old slag and granny cunt worshipper! Defending his rat! woody58

By #681164 at 12,Dec,22 20:07
CAT Doesn't need me to defend her. She has no problem rimming you a new ass any time she wants. My posts are as a service to the site. Bad smells and a puke page like yours should not be what the public sees when they come looking. The problem with you is that you are dick challenged and seldom, if ever, get satisfaction, and that's always by borowing someone else's dick. Sonny, you sure leave a bad smell behind as you pass. Talk about passing................🖕
By Sir-Skittles at 12,Dec,22 21:37 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Is why that ass water drinking pig you live with has me banned? Because she is scared and yellow!

Get a grip on what is left of your days gramps!
By #681164 at 12,Dec,22 22:14
No, it's because you are what we scrape off of the soles of our shoes. Your obsession is a bore. She's into trashy talk with other men and political arguments. You don't have what it takes to be bothered with you. Me? I live with a woman that loves to argue. With me she does it in a nice way, but, I got into the habit too.
By Sir-Skittles at 12,Dec,22 22:34 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Her fat gut and rat cunt are both disgusting. She has no shame and has made most of the site limp and dry. Obsession is not the word I would use. She is more like an inspect I step on for amusement.

PS- Your cheap, Payless shoes are perfect for your pauper lifestyle!

By #685802 at 08,Jan,23 17:46
My comedic hero 🥰

By Sir-Skittles at 18,Dec,22 13:37 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

By Sir-Skittles at 12,Jul,22 00:21 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

Cat hanging on here but a cunt hair- All her bitching, whining, and complaints and not one cunt here cares. As the saying goes, she continues to hoist her own petard!

Fuck you Saggy! Word is out that the Saggy Granny is desperate to make a new profile. It will be attacked on arrival!
By tecsan at 18,Dec,22 05:41 other posts of tecsan 
Cut the crap and go back to the first comment here.

By Sir-Skittles at 29,Sep,19 14:20 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
I vote that TwoWorms be REMOVED from Site Villain and put into site Mongoloid.. or anything but this thread. She is no villain. Just an idiot!
By bella! at 29,Sep,19 14:33 other posts of bella! 
I was only attempting to "categorize" a few of the members that some members dislike into a "villain" category.

Is she running her mouth, again?
By Sir-Skittles at 30,Sep,19 22:59 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Endlessly.. and it would be okay if it made sense.... she is not mentally stable

By Sir-Skittles at 25,Sep,19 18:55 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Previous Site Villains Worth Mentioning:

Everready/Glasgow_boy - Good mate and good for the site

Breed- tuned up that site cunt Monted BADLY

Luv69- tried to be a site villain- Just a lump really

Monted- Not really. Just a site slag really. A used pinata!

Anyone else I miss??
By bella! at 25,Sep,19 19:02 other posts of bella! 
Well, thank you for mentioning those previous members.

Is it possible that you possibly forgot two other members worthy of being mentioned? I'm not sure what "fairy" she was at the time, nor was she really a villain, but she did get into a few scraps every now and then and her opponents were worse off than brfore. There was also arir39, mainly shaking things up in chat but did find time to come into the Forum.
By #587780 at 25,Sep,19 21:45
Good old fairydust..!
By Dev01 at 26,Sep,19 06:36 other posts of Dev01 
I was thinking more Poseiden... sorry forgot that was monted first persona...and Patrick member #2
By Sir-Skittles at 26,Sep,19 13:42 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Patrick is a dandy lass.. a true knicker lass I am certain he spreads his legs and his cunny looks like a vase of roses

Too bad the stupid cunt put the thorny stems in... ouch!

By Sir-Skittles at 26,Sep,19 13:45 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Fairy was no site villain.. she just didn't take shit from pussy lipped Monted... and he got SMASHED!!!
By bella! at 26,Sep,19 14:07 other posts of bella! 
For sure, she was not a villain, but could be scrappy if provoked.
By Sir-Skittles at 26,Sep,19 16:53 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Forgot to menton Deno/ Acro28... an awesome site villain!

By bella! at 25,Sep,19 19:22 other posts of bella! 
Not only does TWOWARMTTS2 troll the Forum, she's now trolling my page.

TWOWARMTTS2, please remember to take your medication and a life.
By Sir-Skittles at 25,Sep,19 19:44 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
I literally told her the same thing... just this morning!
By bella! at 25,Sep,19 20:41 other posts of bella! 
Did she copy and paste your page in her thread, too?
By Sir-Skittles at 26,Sep,19 02:10 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
yes.. and her blogs..
By bella! at 26,Sep,19 03:18 other posts of bella! 
Perhaps she should friend you, she enjoys interacting with you.
By Sir-Skittles at 26,Sep,19 13:43 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Aye--- it is the worst cast of the Stockholm Syndrome I have ever seen! Sad! She has lost the plot for sure!

By Sir-Skittles at 25,Sep,19 00:31 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
By bella! at 25,Sep,19 00:56 other posts of bella! 
Do you really feel that you need more than that "thing" on the left side of your page enough? Isn't that enough of a warning? Heck, there are not many members that carry that membership rating.

By bella! at 25,Sep,19 02:13 other posts of bella! 
I would wager to say that you do keep things "lively".

By bella! at 21,Sep,19 15:35 other posts of bella! 
Has anyone noticed that CHOCONUT and TWOWARMTTS2 have the tendency to copy and paste the same ol' same ol' stuff all over the place?
By dgraff at 21,Sep,19 16:32 other posts of dgraff 
I can’t see anything from either one and I’m glad I black listed the both of them and
By bella! at 21,Sep,19 16:39 other posts of bella! 
CHOCONUT has been busy copying and pasting things in multiple places, JUST LIKE CANDY. I don't recall any other member(s) doing that, the need to be seen and be heard is like an addiction for Candy.

I think "their" constant denial about being one and the same is insulting to our sensibilities as well as laughable!
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

Mr. dgraff, YOU deserve an award for being so tolerant for so long! 🏆
By 2nice at 21,Sep,19 17:38 other posts of 2nice 
As we all know, it is the same person.
By bella! at 21,Sep,19 17:50 other posts of bella! 
No, no, no! They keep saying that they are all individual people. Apparently, the trailer is home for Candy, Charlie, Gerome, Mike and CandyMandyBonBonCharlieTwits, yep, all five of them! Is it a trailer of a group home?
By #551147 at 21,Sep,19 19:05
If there's ANY doubt, in anyone's mind, whether they are one AND the same. Just like the use of ,,,,, exposed her/him (jury is still out on that one),
I submit to you to following excerpt taken from one of IT'S recent postings.

"You know I have to copy/paste to make sence either in your thread or some other thread."

Now I ask you... What's the likelihood that 2 supposedly different individuals using the SAME ip address slaughter the SAME word? Both not having the good SENSE that God blessed an apple with? OR perhaps they (wink wink) want EVERYONE to realize just how much COMMON SENCE they lack.
By bella! at 21,Sep,19 19:18 other posts of bella! 
I know, I know, and she wanted me to point out the spelling mistakes. HELL, NO! I think it's fun for her to have the TWOWARMTTS2 profile where she acknowledges being the 67 year old woman that she really is but posts pictures from nearly 50 years ago. And CHOCONUT, the 39 year old couple. Do you recall TWOWARMTTS, hotpussy and now TWOWARMTTS2 originally claimed to be 39.....

She can be whoever and whatever she wants to be, I give less than a flying fladoodle, she's still a mental case! Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo!
By #551147 at 21,Sep,19 19:49
Ahhhhhh 😅 You're SO right, I completely forgot about that. 😉

Oh Bella! that's just a mere coincidence.

I could have listed more of the common misspellings, but I need to keep a few in my back pocket so I know who's REALLY talking at any given time under any given profile name.

🤔 Funny how the different person used the same gotdamned Christmas House picture to dispute the "Mobile Home" innuendos, that Twowarm used months ago in another thread to me. You're right... She's losing it!
By bella! at 21,Sep,19 20:21 other posts of bella! 
I've given it thought, maybe "THEY" are telling the truth, maybe "THEY" are two different people. Maybe it is "US" and that includes admin, that have stepped into another dimension and have entered the TWILIGHT ZONE!

OR, because they all reside within the same group home and share the same electronic devices, MAYBE that device has predictive text and misspells the same words most of the time.

OR, MAYBE CHOCONUT was home schooled by TWOWARMTTS2 and that's why they share the same punctuation and spelling nuances.

OR, MAYBE Candy is a looney toon who has multiple personalities. You pick your truth.
By dgraff at 21,Sep,19 20:57 other posts of dgraff 
In her blog I gave her the chance to prove it to us all I told her to take a group picture with choconut in the middle holding the computer with my page on the computer but she declined saying she owes us nothing that’s when I pulled the trigger
By bella! at 21,Sep,19 22:39 other posts of bella! 
Well, it should be a simple enough task since so many adult people live under one roof, don't you think?

By bella! at 22,Sep,19 00:16 other posts of bella! 
Sorry, just burying some stupid crap.
By dgraff at 22,Sep,19 01:25 other posts of dgraff 
She is lieing to us and one thing I hate is a lieer
By bella! at 22,Sep,19 01:28 other posts of bella! 
She's a crazy old mental case, living in a world of make believe. Seriously, probably a lot of underlying psych problems that have gone unaddressed for too many years.
By dgraff at 22,Sep,19 02:01 other posts of dgraff 
I agree

By phart at 23,Sep,19 21:27 other posts of phart 
The "member" may be living in a world of make beleive but it aint Mr Rogers nieghborhood for sure!

By Sir-Skittles at 22,Sep,19 11:30 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Agree, the SaggyGranny says she is comfortable with her body (lots of cushion I guess) but promotes her ancient pics all the time...

A potbelly for sure! More rolls than a bakery!

I truly believe she hears a whistling sound when she she walks... or waddles.
By phart at 22,Sep,19 22:35 other posts of phart 
I think,"weliketolook" is also 1 of their profiles.Not sure.but similar patterns.
By bella! at 23,Sep,19 01:08 other posts of bella! 
Hmmmm......WeLike2Look are new members, they haven't been here one week.
By Sir-Skittles at 23,Sep,19 03:48 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
weliketolook... now has a site welcome gift package on their page

By #598172 at 21,Sep,19 18:18
I haven't been a member for long. In the time that I've been here, I noticed a quirk in your attitude. When you are accused of something, you don't acknowledged it. I suspect that after so many years of being told what you are and what you are not, you found it easier to ignore accusations and not have to reply. Sometimes it's hard to refute the truth. Candy (and me now) we find it hard not to defend ourselves from baseless accusations. And that is why we copy and paste. An unsuspecting member would not know what was going on with just a rebuttal to a post in another thread. We copy and paste for that reason. Now, why does it bother you or anyone. Is the copy/thread obsene or does it expose your true colors? I know you know who has me blacklisted. You conviniently post within their posts. You know If I wanted to rebut, I could not do it in that thread. You know I have to copy/paste to make sence either in your thread or some other thread. You know what I think? I think you are a coward. It reminded me that you'll say things like, " Did you notice her mistakes " but never list them. It's an open question for others to wonder. False accusations. How does our esteemed leader puts it? FAKE NEWS? But, the matter of copy/paste, it's old news. I'm sure you got other mud to throw.
--------------------------------------- added after 18 minutes

BTW, Candy's "mobile home" houses her, Charlie, Mike, and me.

[deleted image]
By bella! at 21,Sep,19 18:35 other posts of bella! 
Accused, by who, you? And accused of what? Just an f.y.i., I don't give two shits about anything you accuse me of. I am one person, one profile and the only thing that I've ever vacillated on was unblocking you.

You freakin' don't need to litter the Forum up with your rebuttals with copy and paste designed for the "unsuspecting member". If the unsuspecting member is interested, they will find the original post in the original thread. Period, end.

You are so fucked up thinking that you have outsmarted everyone once again. You are truly a mental case.
By #598172 at 21,Sep,19 18:43
And there she is in all her glory. At the very least, you are hardheaded. At worst you are just as uncouth as Candy. Although she has a right to be. You never blacklisted me. Your obsession wouldn't let you admit there's more than two people in our household. Candy, at this moment, is at the funeral of her youngest boy's mother in law along with Charlie. But, it's fake news.
--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes

And, we like to give the unsuspecting member a helping hand.
Such hatred and meanness needs some advertising.
By bella! at 21,Sep,19 19:00 other posts of bella! 
Look, the idea behind this thread was to post and discuss the site villains.

You go ahead and be CHOCONUT, the 39 year old "couple" from Fallon, Nevada, who according to the above picture, lives with Candy, Charlie and Mike, somewhere near Orlando. Um, your profile states you are a "couple". Doesn't your significant other live with all of you? What about Gerome? Or is that another lie manufactured by Candy?

Like I said, group home full of mental cases. BTW, you spell just like Candy.
By #598172 at 21,Sep,19 19:37
You are dense. Did it ever occur to you that Mike is my " significant other"? We say we are from a small town in Nevada. The chances of anyone being from Fallon is a thousand to one. If you say you are from Miami and you look like me every guy on site wants to visit when on vacation. Gerome is a good friend and as you notice, a friend with fringe benefits. Damn, even that? My spelling? How far has your parano
Never mind. It doesn't matter. Think whatever gets you wet.

By #598172 at 21,Sep,19 23:02
How do you change a house, Scorpio69? Want us to move so you can believe?

By dgraff at 23,Sep,19 03:16 other posts of dgraff 
So you old beotch you print copy and paste everything else but you forgot were I gave you the chance to prove to us that there’s more then one person using the same IP address you declined my guess is that we are right your a lonely old sole with no one

By dgraff at 22,Sep,19 23:29 other posts of dgraff 
The old bitch sent me a bitch slap then black listed me what a child she is like I really care
By bella! at 23,Sep,19 01:13 other posts of bella! 
So, she isn't above "thrashing" other member's pages, but don't trash hers! For as much as she bitches and whines about her page being trashed, I would have thought she was above doing something like that. That's sad, but what could you expect from someone so shallow and sad herself?

By bella! at 23,Sep,19 01:18 other posts of bella! 
If you would like it removed, I will remove it. Some time ago, and over a long period of time, I was gifted piles of poop. At first, I removed them and then I decided, what the heck. I let them remain, it was a constant reminder of what a jerk the sender was.
By dgraff at 23,Sep,19 02:11 other posts of dgraff 
It can stay I don’t care it only makes her look bad
By bella! at 23,Sep,19 02:20 other posts of bella! 
And that is my point. That "gift" is a reflection on her, not you. Anyone who has even paid attention to her nonsense knows how pissed she gets when someone sends her a "negative" gift and she rants on and DEMANDS that they remove it. Leaving that "bitch slap" gift up will remind you and visiting members that she is a "negative" old lady who chooses to live by double standards.
By dgraff at 23,Sep,19 02:49 other posts of dgraff 
Yep I agree even her Aussie friends see that she only brings them trouble

By bella! at 22,Sep,19 01:23 other posts of bella! 

Looks like Candy has blacklisted me with both of her profiles! Mental case! WHACK-A-DOODLE! Cuckoo for cocoa puffs!
By Sir-Skittles at 22,Sep,19 12:54 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
mentally unstable and filled up with cowardice! A very impulsive group of idiots...
By bella! at 22,Sep,19 13:42 other posts of bella! 
When you say "cowardice", what do you really mean by it?

I get that some members might not like my opinions or how I deliver them and that may very well be the reason that they choose to blacklist me. I've been blacklisted by many and many of those involved, to my knowledge, I've not interacted with. Yes, I've been blacklisted by gay members that I've "welcomed", I was blacklisted by two members due to the PLAY BALL! feature. Funny, I was blacklisted by a gay member/player for passing the "ball" to him (that was the time that I realized that the list of the members online was no longer in alphabetical order AND another time when I took the ball from a player. Poor dear, I guess he thought the "ball" was his to keep. As a rule, I don't blacklist first but if you blacklist me, I will blacklist you back.

What really gets to me is a specific member with multiple profiles that has erratic behavior. Blacklists because it is in "the heat of the moment" then chooses to unblock. That is so fricken weird. What are you, a sixteen year old girl with your monthly visit from "Aunt Flo"? Hell no, a social security collecting, old woman.
By Sir-Skittles at 22,Sep,19 22:27 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
twocunts is a coward because she runs her mouth, starts shit, trashes pages, THEN bans before you can respond. A coward who can't take what she dishes out...
By bella! at 22,Sep,19 22:36 other posts of bella! 
So she sends negative gifts? Heck, I just posted my thoughts in Freddy 's blog comparing you to one another.

By #598172 at 21,Sep,19 23:24
Well, if you guys are right, then you guys need to get a life. It means that for the last 4 yrs we've been entertaining you by making you try to prove we are fakes.
As a noun, sence is an "archaic form of sense" but still useful. So tell us, there are 4 or 5 members in this thread. The only ones we can see is Bella. You 5 or 6 members and Bella, what makes you think we are trying to be smart asses trying to make you look gullible? I mean like 2nice's quips. It's like he's trying to sound important or smart. Dgraff, the "I'm tougher than a gorilla" and just as ugly. Let's not forget Scorpio that true to his namesake will sting you when you least expect it. And Bella, this Midwestern, Lullu Belle with her finger of death. You don't have any integrity any of you.
--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes

True to ourselves let us remind you that no matter how you feel about us, we are not going anywhere. We are part of the site and you can kiss our asses. We'll be here to copy/paste any stuff you post that's worth showing it to the rest of the site. We will be here to make fun of you. All legal like. We'll pay our dues and have fun as that's what we've been having. Hahaha

By #598172 at 21,Sep,19 20:28
New bitch site by our resident VIC

By Sir-Skittles at 20,Sep,19 13:42 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Are site villains... good for the site?

See recent poll created. Cunts.
By bella! at 21,Sep,19 00:18 other posts of bella! 
Here is your poll and it seems to have attracted the attention of 8 members. Maybe only 7, if you were one of the voters.

--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

Your poll is doing much better than TWOWARMTTS2's poll, SKITTLES A,K.A PIDDLES. She's only had 3 people participate so my guess is, people really appreciate your antics.

By #551147 at 21,Sep,19 10:53
LOL I think she was insulted and took the poll down...
By Sir-Skittles at 21,Sep,19 13:39 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
I wonder which of her personalities gave that order???
By bella! at 21,Sep,19 14:21 other posts of bella! 
Ain't that the truth!

By bella! at 21,Sep,19 14:19 other posts of bella! 
POOF! goes the poll!?

I don't know, the poll was there several hours ago. Freddy insulted her poll in his blog so maybe she could not "stand the heat".

She reacts so hastily "in the heat of the moment" and does things that I believe she regrets so she may have regretted her poll and/or Freddy's blog convinced and shamed her enough to remove her blog.

By bella! at 21,Sep,19 14:32 other posts of bella! 
Look, TWOWARMTTS2 has reworked her poll. I'm overlooking her mistakes but it now makes sense. I notice there are still only 3 members who vote. Could those voters be none other than TWOWARMTTS2, CHOCONUT and Charlie aka WetNoodle?

By Sir-Skittles at 21,Sep,19 16:08 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

Impulsive, irrational, and an idiot. The three ingredients to a feeble mind and miserable life. The SaggyGranny
By bella! at 21,Sep,19 16:13 other posts of bella! 
Did you notice or spot the poor dear's mistakes?

By #598172 at 21,Sep,19 15:17
POOF! goes the poll!?

I don't know, the poll was there several hours ago. Freddy insulted her poll in his blog so maybe she could not "stand the heat".

She reacts so hastily "in the heat of the moment" and does things that I believe she regrets so she may have regretted her poll and/or Freddy's blog convinced and shamed her enough to remove her blog.

You've got to give her credit, if she does something wrong she tries to correct it. She was adviced by a friend that allowing other members to see who and how they voted was a vote stopper. She didn't regret her previous actions. Shame is what those two scoundrels should be experiencing. Same by the members that give them safe harbor.
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

Also, I did not vote yet, but whatever the vote, you can add one more negative vote. WetNoodle (who really doesn't give a shit about this site) can't vote. Twowarmtts2 voted already and they have a joint account.

By #598172 at 21,Sep,19 12:27
Scorpiсo, she just reworked her poll. Check it out

By bella! at 17,Sep,19 18:50 other posts of bella! 
Does anyone really believe that the profiles for TWOWARMTTS2 and CHOCONUT are profiles for two separate and distinct people?
By #598172 at 17,Sep,19 19:57
Yes, I do. Why are you trying to cause trouble?
--------------------------------------- added after 105 seconds

No wonder Dgraff and others go around saying that.
By bella! at 17,Sep,19 23:57 other posts of bella! 
So do you think that admin has it wrong as well? Maybe he's just a troublemaker and a fake hunter?!
By #598172 at 18,Sep,19 00:09
Yes, I do. There's a lot of "seems to be" there. Admin is trying to work his business. You, on the other hand are nothing more than a busy body that puts her nose where it doesn't belong. You are the trouble maker. You don't know anything about me. You just want to be the Queen B that makes member's time here a miserable time. Candy has it right, you are a One Eyed Bitch Witch. I said you would be reasonable. I was wrong.
By bella! at 18,Sep,19 00:39 other posts of bella! 
When did you call me "reasonable"? Was it before or after you posted this; "the stupidity of your fuckturd buddies at that fat bitch, Bella, is getting old. GO AWAY. GO SMELL ASSHOLES, ASSHOLE."? So, Candy-like.
By #598172 at 18,Sep,19 01:07

Dgraff, you are starting to be annoying. If you have something to say to Twowarmtts2, be a man and say it directly to her. In private or public. Your stupidity, along with the stupidity of your fuckturd buddies at that fat bitch, Bella, is getting old. GO AWAY. GO SMELL ASSHOLES, ASSHOLE

It was directed at DGRAFF. The fat bitch, Bella part is reasonable. I saw your tits, baby. And you DO BITCH.
--------------------------------------- added after 62 seconds

If I'm wrong about your looks, I'm sorry

By #535529 at 17,Sep,19 22:15
I would say they're probably one and the same
By #598172 at 17,Sep,19 22:24
Well, I would say you and Bella are the same member

is that right?
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

you look like it

[deleted image]
By #535529 at 17,Sep,19 22:25
Not a chance mate!

By Sir-Skittles at 17,Sep,19 23:28 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
guaranteed same old pressed ham.
By phart at 18,Sep,19 00:17 other posts of phart 
Current member: CHOCONUT detected as possible previously banned members:
May be
mandy658 (#573272):
Abusive or annoying or make inappropriate comments (like speaking about **** / kids / murder or some other weird stuff)
Current member: TWOWARMTTS2 detected as possible previously banned members:
May be
mandy658 (#573272):
Abusive or annoying or make inappropriate comments (like speaking about **** / kids / murder or some other weird stuff)
By bella! at 18,Sep,19 00:41 other posts of bella! 
That's what I'm saying! And what are the chances of admin being wrong?
By phart at 18,Sep,19 00:46 other posts of phart 
Very slim as the admin has access to ip address's. So he can read the numbers and compare.
If there was a profit to be made or some good reason, there is the slim chance of the ip or the accounts being hacked.But for a pecker and puss website,I don't think there is enough to be gained by trying to hack it
By Sir-Skittles at 18,Sep,19 07:19 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
IP address schemes... are easily changed and manipulated..

Or so I am told

By #551147 at 18,Sep,19 00:59
Since they put "Choco" in the name, they're probably claiming it to be... Gerome! Just keep your eyes peeled for the next new name to include Beans Or Beaner something or other...
By Dev01 at 18,Sep,19 07:37 other posts of Dev01 
Gerome is spelt Jeremy...

By dgraff at 19,Sep,19 16:25 other posts of dgraff 
Well I for one am not dealing with that bunch I’m done I black listed both of them

By #598172 at 18,Sep,19 01:21
I can't comment on PHART'S post. Skittles is banned by me.
Current member: Yesmycockisreallythatsmall detected as possible previously banned members:
High probability
Mycockistiny (#567042):
reported by 576224
Reason givenlease include DMCA required information here.
Feel free to include several links here, if there are more than one image breaking your copyrights.
Please note that we will ignore all copyright infringement abuses without a proper DMCA information.

only registered users can see external links
Another link. If you scroll through it you’ll see the stolen photos
only registered users can see external links
Approved by:
228621 YES The referral is reported correctly as a copyright violation but no link provided. I did a reverse search of the picture of the two women licking the penis (which is on the Popular page), can be found ALL over the internet. Sorry, I don't know how to post the link.
262784 YES
275407 NO What violations are accuring, it's up to you to show why
319098 YES bella's right, pics are everywhere and going back to 2010.
378336 NO
402884 NO No proof no deletion
415389 YES
417783 YES
509246 YES Sorry. I know the reporting member has the burden of proof but I must agree with Bella! I added the link. As Bella states these pics are on main. Not fair to real amateur members
509847 NO No proof
517599 YES
520142 YES
539868 YES

Just wanted him to see Bella's work
By bella! at 18,Sep,19 01:39 other posts of bella! 
My work? So being a voting participant in the abuse/referral process is something that you think is wrong? Or am I wrong for researching the referral to the best of my ability prior to placing my vote?

You truly fit the descriptive of WHACK-A-DOODLE to the tee!
By #598172 at 18,Sep,19 02:25
You are wrong for enjoying the process and deletion
By dgraff at 18,Sep,19 02:30 other posts of dgraff 
Watch your Ps and Qs I would be happy to vote to delete you
By #598172 at 18,Sep,19 11:24
Threats? I could ask Twowarmtts2 to ask Lix to refer you to the committee for making threats all the time. I bet she would vote to delete you. You watch your Ps and Qs. No, really, your spelling and grammar is worse than mine.

By bella! at 18,Sep,19 02:51 other posts of bella! 
I never said that I enjoyed it? It is a PRIVILEGE and I am only one of many voices.

By #598172 at 18,Sep,19 02:30
Well, you truly fit the discription of a One Eyed Bitch Witch in all the forums
By bella! at 18,Sep,19 02:52 other posts of bella! 
Go to bed, Candy, you sad old bitch!
By #551147 at 18,Sep,19 04:19
ROFL 😄😆🤣😂 Atta Girl!

By #598172 at 18,Sep,19 11:28
She's not here!!!!! Why not post this on her forum thread? Or, here's an original idea, in a PM. I am Choconut. It's easy.

Go to bed, Choconut, you sad, beautiful, bitch!


By dgraff at 18,Sep,19 10:46 other posts of dgraff 
Yeah go to bed candy you drank enough vodka for one night look at you your a drunken mess again please seek help
By #598172 at 18,Sep,19 11:31
So says a septuagenarian with a drippy dick and bad eye sight. Can't even see the name in my account. Are you going to threaten me again?
By dgraff at 18,Sep,19 13:47 other posts of dgraff 
How long do you intend to play your little game candy ??? The jig is up every one knows
By #598172 at 18,Sep,19 14:48
Yes, Dgraff, what ever you say, whatever the jig is.
--------------------------------------- added after 89 minutes

I collected enough points to change my site name. I'm thinking

Scorpi069, Sckittles, Degraff, or Bella$

What do you think?
By dgraff at 19,Sep,19 01:25 other posts of dgraff 
Who fucking cares

By #598172 at 14,Sep,19 20:08
Seems to me that blacklisting would defeat the purpose of the thread. Unless we nominate Polo Fields and Yimmy.
By dgraff at 14,Sep,19 20:57 other posts of dgraff 
Hi candy
By #598172 at 14,Sep,19 21:32
Dgraff, you sound a lot like Phart. Freddy sounds a lot like Skittles. 2nice sounds a lot like Scorpio69. And Bella sounds a lot like JustWill. So what? I've been told about you people and your theories. I think that asshole, Skittles, even started a thread like that.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

I guess you are trying to make points with the queen B. I thought only Skittles was an asshole.
By phart at 14,Sep,19 23:11 other posts of phart 
Well,I am here to say that I only have 1 profile here,under the name of PHART. No other profiles,no desire to create any more as I am not here to annoy people or cause problems. Ask your freindly Admin if there are any other profiles linked to me if beleiveing that is to difficult.
By #598172 at 14,Sep,19 23:18
Well, relax. No one is saying you have more than one profile. Although, that is very unusual. Almost all the members I've talked to have two, three, or more profiles.
By dgraff at 14,Sep,19 23:22 other posts of dgraff 
Really that’s against the rules
By #598172 at 14,Sep,19 23:35
No one pays attention to it. Look at Freddy and Skittles
By dgraff at 15,Sep,19 01:50 other posts of dgraff 
That’s two different accounts I know them personally
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

Listen Mandy your in no position to start trouble admin all ready suspects you as being Mandy 658
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

Oh what a tangled web we we’ve when at first we practice to deceive
By #598172 at 15,Sep,19 10:33
Of course you know them personally. You are the third account. It's Skittles AKA Freddy AKA Dgarff. You put your nose into every argument around here.

I am not Mandy. I am not Twowarmtts2. The only reason Admin thinks that is because a bunch of shit heads sucking at the tit of the albino witch, are all taking her suggestions as fact. Even Admin says "suspected". And, before you ask how I know that, Twowarmtts2 showed me the URL to access it outside the site.

And that comes from a poem by Sir Walter Scott. He's not in a bike club
By dgraff at 15,Sep,19 10:58 other posts of dgraff 
Three different accounts three different people your as fucked up as your friends
By #598172 at 15,Sep,19 12:24
Well, you didn't expect me to be different from you or other members, did you? We are all fucked up. Imagine chatting with shitheads in a porn site as if we were something.
By dgraff at 15,Sep,19 12:39 other posts of dgraff 
You have to understand candy has betrayed our trust time after time with different accounts she thinks she is fooling everyone but we can spot her a mile away just like your last comment with three of those things classic candy for sure
By #598172 at 15,Sep,19 13:50
Ok, just to continue your thought. Why do you consider she betrayed your trust, time after time,with different accounts? Did she use those supposed accounts to target you (that is plural) in any way? Did she trash your pages under the fictitious accounts? Did she cost you points? As I understand it from what I've read, when she wants to kick your ass, she does it in the open and, as far as I can see, with the truth. At least she doesn't show a yellow streak like you are showing. Being nice in one thread and taking the nuts position in other threads. What's more, from someone that is very informed about "Candy" twice she was not part of the site yet you and those other asshats blamed her for other people's actions
--------------------------------------- added after 27 seconds

I forgot

--------------------------------------- added after 63 seconds


--------------------------------------- added after 88 seconds

I also forgot
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

The day you can prove your position, let me know. I'll be glad to pull my pants down and let you kiss my ass. Till then, go play with your bike, your guns, and your dicks
By phart at 15,Sep,19 14:35 other posts of phart 
Choco, at least he plays with something instead of peoples minds you know? He has a life that can be defined. Unlike some "members" here that have no life.

The Admin has access to the electronic trail of info refered to as IP address and servers and such.IF he says he suspects something,it may be he does give the benifit of the doubt in case of hacking.But he probably can see numbers that confirm it.
What baffles me,is why anyone,would get a kick out of making a disturbance on a website in the first place.Why not go out in the street and raise hell or bash in windows in town or something so they can actually see and feel first hand peoples reaction to their actions.Instead of hiding behind a keyboard in lala land.
By #598172 at 15,Sep,19 16:10
Phart, if you mean by playing with people's minds that Twowarmtts2 politics, like gun control and abortion, are mind bending, then you are right. As far as making a disturbance on a website, that, you would have to provide proof. You can't have arguments without at least two people taking part in it. Twowarmtts2 is and has been a very successful member for many years. If you take away the part where she's on the forums, then she's great. Over 200 friends. Considered very friendly. Very active in many different areas of the site. No complaints about her except by the Bella group that you are a part of. Her pics are in hundreds if not thousands of "Favorites" lists. She is friends with many of the same members you and Bella's followers either hate or put down. So, you, who by your own words, "I keep her blocked. I don't want anything to do with the member." You think she gets a kick out of making a disturbance?
I wonder what your views are about someone like Skittles who trashes member's pages. Or, a Freddy with his Rat of the Day blogs.
I believe you and your fellow Bella follower look at what you want to see and ignore all else.
--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes

I am not implying Bella is a ring leader of a nefarious nature. All I mean is that only some of the members that participate or contribute in her forum, are the ones that Twowarmtts2 has trouble with. I guess, by association, I'll be bestowed that pleasure, too.
What I do know, as she has told me, is that not one of you have had the intestinal fortitude to complain or face her in a private message. All of you are very brave in a group.
--------------------------------------- added after 91 minutes

By bella! [Ignore] at 15,Sep,19 13:15

TWOWARMTTS2 , uh, I meant to say CHOCONUT , has been all into this thread defending her um, er, landlord, sister-in-law, friend, TWOWARMTTS2 ever since TWOWARMTTS2 blacklisted me, AGAIN.


See what I mean? Innuendos, lies, misinformation. Twowarmtts2 is not alone in starting crap. And, I've been involved without wanting to be.

By dgraff at 15,Sep,19 17:43 other posts of dgraff 
Next I guess wet noodle we start speaking
--------------------------------------- added after 30 minutes

I’ve spoken to her in many private chats
By #598172 at 15,Sep,19 20:11
WetNoodle, Candy's husband, can't answer you. He is the other half of the Twowarmtts2 account. He's blacklisted by Bella
By dgraff at 15,Sep,19 23:06 other posts of dgraff 
Yeah sure opinions are like ass holes everyone has one and a few of them stink
By #598172 at 15,Sep,19 23:41
I can't stop you from going around and smelling assholes. You want to make a survey, go right ahead. I can tell you my asshole stinks and that's for free.
Your good old boy sayings are funny. I guess they are posted in the outhouse crapper walls. Don't forget your corn cob when visiting.
By dgraff at 15,Sep,19 23:45 other posts of dgraff 
See right there classic candy and you wonder why we think it’s one person with several accounts
By #598172 at 15,Sep,19 23:57
Either she's very smart or you all are very dumb. I like to think she's smart. I like expressing myself like her, because, bud, you people are dumb.

By #598172 at 16,Sep,19 00:42
At the end of the day, nothing has changed. Twowarmtts2 is having fun sexting with a bunch of pervs that she likes. You are wondering if you are right or not. I have my thumb up my ass. Want to smell it?
Good night, Sir. Tomorrow there'll be another dark and dangerous conspiracy. (BTW, ALL ASSHOLES STINK)

By 2nice at 16,Sep,19 23:17 other posts of 2nice 
You know it’s Candy, dude. She ALWAYS has to have the last say in any argument.’s always stupid.
By dgraff at 16,Sep,19 23:52 other posts of dgraff 
Yep she’s fucked in the head

By #574505 at 16,Sep,19 23:43
By phart at 18,Sep,19 01:58 other posts of phart 
none you would want.

By #598172 at 18,Sep,19 01:31
By bella! at 18,Sep,19 01:40 other posts of bella! 
You are starting to unravel, Candy!
By phart at 18,Sep,19 01:52 other posts of phart 
The Admin has training that makes him more than qualified to determine who is the same and who is not.HE is also the ONLY 1 that has access to info to prove or disprove anything in a 100% factual way.

By #598172 at 18,Sep,19 01:26
By Scorpio69 at 17,Sep,19 20:59

Since they put "Choco" in the name, they're probably claiming it to be... Gerome! Just keep your eyes peeled for the next new name to include Beans Or Beaner something or other...


By #202354 at 16,Sep,19 23:04
OMG I had no idea there was so much drama going on behind the scenes here. I'll never be able to unsee some of the mental images this thread has brought forth.
By #551147 at 17,Sep,19 22:24
What did you expect with a site chocked full of Real Dicks and several Super Cunts?
By #535529 at 17,Sep,19 22:41

By mr_blue at 17,Sep,19 22:48 other posts of mr_blue 
Super cunt is known as cuntasaurus vexed
No one likes an angry cunt,they are so dry and irritating,be a happy cunt,warm and hospitable
By #535529 at 17,Sep,19 22:50
Now that's the funniest thing I've heard all day. Thanks for the laugh.

By #551147 at 17,Sep,19 23:20
Bahahahahaha 😄😆🤣😂 Oh that was a good one Bluey! Thanks for upstaging me. 😉

By Sir-Skittles at 17,Sep,19 20:29 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

By dgraff at 14,Sep,19 19:57 other posts of dgraff 
LEO is the sickest person on this site after that comment about cuming in food and drinks with out peoples knowledge he belongs in jail
By #551147 at 14,Sep,19 20:51

See for him and many more like him, we need a thread called... Known Asswipes and Pukes.

I'm afraid "VILLAIN" is TOO much of decent word for that one. Just my of course. 😉
--------------------------------------- added after 32 minutes

BTW Mr.Dgraff

When you said "Leo"
were you referring to this one ➡️ leopoldij,
and is this ➡️ /forum/thread.php?id=22645#23 the comment you're speaking of?
By dgraff at 14,Sep,19 23:25 other posts of dgraff 
Yeah that’s the one it still sickens me
By #551147 at 15,Sep,19 12:17
I just wanted to clarify to be sure in all fairness.
By #535408 at 16,Sep,19 01:44
I was thoroughly disgusted by that too.
Still am!
And no retraction, no apologies, no asking admin to remove it, he honestly thinks it's ok to do that to people.
Really, really sick.
By #551147 at 16,Sep,19 04:13

Oh you noticed huh? Yeah, he has no shame.
By bella! at 16,Sep,19 04:25 other posts of bella! 
Fortunately for me, I have blacklisted him. I cannot see, therefore cannot be DISGUSTED by his usual posts.

Besides, why should he feel ashamed? He pays good money for each service his women provide for him.
By Dev01 at 16,Sep,19 05:13 other posts of Dev01 

By #551147 at 17,Sep,19 20:00
Bella! If you REALLY wanna see it, uh hem, to unno, validate that we aren't being TOO judgmental. I can screenshot it, if you like. 😄

By #598172 at 16,Sep,19 10:38

That is disgusting

By #569341 at 15,Sep,19 00:34
a) Schemers and manipulators.
b) Any and every member of any/all of the Crews on here.
c) Multiple dummy and fake account holders.
d) Trolls that stalk you and when you smash them back call you a bully or do something described in the next category.
e) People who hide behind blacklists and opportunities at being vindictive/cynical anonymously or where the person they are barbing will not see it (at least, not immediately) and will therefore not be given the chance to respond.
f) Homophobes, racists, ignorant and bigoted people in general and people who bully the defenceless.
g) Any combination of a), b), c), d), e), f).
h) Occasionally, me - my behaviour/personality is often bullish & too intense.
i) People who are not aware of, or will not admit to, their own negative/antisocial personality traits and/or bad behaviour; or their propensity to fall into any or all of categories a) through to f).

There’s more, but i already have my list of likes/dislikes in my blog...and it’s a sunny Sunday morning.
By bella! at 15,Sep,19 16:41 other posts of bella! 
Speak up, say what you want to say and don't pussyfoot around.

I am familiar with the stuff that tecsan posts because I took an opportunity to respond to one of his asinine blogs. Once I posted my opinions and thoughts in his blog, he took that as free reign to post whatever he wanted on my page. And sadly, I see his STUPIDITY all over the place but it is more sad is that these rants are in places that prospective new members might see.
By #569341 at 16,Sep,19 01:52
That’s why i didn’t name the sad troll, b!
My points speak for themselves. I’m not a “name and shamer”. I fight my own battles and i try to do so “face to face”. However, similarly to you, i am willing to take accountability for the fact that i am a flawed person (as is everyone)👍👍👍

By mr_blue at 15,Sep,19 12:45 other posts of mr_blue 
Mr Tiddles

By #551147 at 14,Sep,19 20:36
🤔 Hmmmmm this could be interesting...
By bella! at 15,Sep,19 00:56 other posts of bella! 
I would rather bitch about people/members in one spot rather than crapping up a good discussion with shit slinging.
By #551147 at 15,Sep,19 02:07
I totally understand and get it

But! There's a few jug headed motherfuckers around here that are simply incapable of comprehending YOUR reasoning. Primarily because it's... YOUR REASONING! Of course it could just be too many alpha personalities basically saying fuck you to one another. Who knows!

By #569341 at 15,Sep,19 03:43
That is fair. Unless they don’t visit the forum - then it is actually even more vindictive than people chatting shit privately. That was not in anyway directed at you, b! - we have our periodic break-ups; but you are not on my shit list (we’re friends with similar personalities that clash occasionally)

By 2nice at 14,Sep,19 18:56 other posts of 2nice 
This thread is unhealthy.
By PoloFields at 14,Sep,19 19:16 other posts of PoloFields 
This forum has enough bashing already.
By bella! at 14,Sep,19 19:31 other posts of bella! 
It seems as though that in any given Forum thread, things can and will go sideways.

By bella! at 14,Sep,19 19:29 other posts of bella! 
Seriously? You feel this thread is unhealthy? With the number of threads that want to discuss f*cking your father, mother, brother, sister, cousin after having sniffed their "knickers and you think this thread is unhealthy?

I would rather be insulted in one thread than all over the forum.

By #450957 at 14,Sep,19 18:55
In all the time I’ve been on this site there has been only one member who I find annoying.
I choose not to mention the username as I do not wish to draw attention to one who seeks too much attention as it is.
By 2nice at 14,Sep,19 19:00 other posts of 2nice 
The intention of this thread is to name someone.

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