Started by bella! at 14,Sep,19 16:25  other posts of bella!
Similar topics: 1.What is the purpose of this site? 2.The 'nutters' on this site... 3.HEY YOU!!..CAN I HAVE YOUR OPPINION..?? 4.!!!!* Where to ? *!!!!!!! 5.About securing this WEB site on the internet and a cautionary note to those on this site. New CommentComments: |
This is the picture that TWOWARMTTS2 entered in the Pic of the Month and now CHOCONUT is uploading it on her page?
Well, isn't that interesting! A verified member using internet pictures as if they were her own AND having two profiles displaying the same "pinched" picture!
How was it that CHOCONUT didn't know that the picture really was not that of TWOWARMTTS2? Golly, ALL those mental cases living in the same mobile home group home.
I posted it to my temporary pics, as she will probably delete it as soon as she sees this.
Here's a link to the real pic : only registered users can see external links
who knows who she is supposed to be in their multi adult household, want members to believe "she" posts pictures of her, over a period of almost 50 year.
Why whould I delete members who pay for the site and bring a lot of fun and joy to other members here? That would be extremely unwise from every point of view. From what I can see you all are having lots of fun with them. They practically live in your own head rent-free and it seems you don't want to evict them any time soon from there. So why should I?
Honestly I never cared about how many accounts people have on the site as long as they don't run scams on other members and don't try to cheat the points system. Couple of accounts from the same location at the same time was always OK since some couples living in the same house open 2 accounts.
Yeah, TWOWARMTTS, hotpussy, TWOWARMTTS2, WetNoodle, CHOCONUT are barrels of fun. Those looney toons think they've pulled the wool over the eyes of so many.
Overall, you overestimate my involvement in this site's life. Unlike you, I don't live on this site.
I can only suggest that there are people, other than admin, who are involved in banning profiles.
By the way, do you recall your former membership number?
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Just joined the site 4 days ago and already a contributor to the Forum. Nice to have you!
I noticed that you only have 37 points and that's not much. Let me know if you need more.
Heck, everyone needs some backup profiles. Who knows, one day this personality suits you and tomorrow you might want to be someone else.
Problem with this, however, is that the system gives a lot of false positives and I can tell the difference only looking at all the data myself. There is a mark indeed, but it's only shown to me and I have to dig deeper if I want to know if it's false or real. And even then I'm not always sure. But in most of cases those are different people accessing the site from some huge ISP, like Verizon or Comcast. They are not duplicate accounts of the same person.
I have one other profile on here... Admin, can you post what it is please?
and these 2 were deleted some time before:
If you opened others, I'm sure they will be detected quite soon. I see no reason to waste my time on it, you are actually way more predictable than you think. Usually I see your troll accounts in chatrooms just looking at them, no detection needed. But I don't visit them recently.
FL-Grandson was a very bad member!
The Saggy Granny is the primary target.
--------------------------------------- added after 167 hours
That’s not true. I’ll be 74 this month and I know what I want. I want for Admin to take your blog writing privileges taken away. The same for Skittles.
Fuck that old slag and granny cunt worshipper! Defending his rat! woody58
Get a grip on what is left of your days gramps!
PS- Your cheap, Payless shoes are perfect for your pauper lifestyle!
Cat hanging on here but a cunt hair- All her bitching, whining, and complaints and not one cunt here cares. As the saying goes, she continues to hoist her own petard!
Is she running her mouth, again?
Everready/Glasgow_boy - Good mate and good for the site
Breed- tuned up that site cunt Monted BADLY
Luv69- tried to be a site villain- Just a lump really
Monted- Not really. Just a site slag really. A used pinata!
Anyone else I miss??
Is it possible that you possibly forgot two other members worthy of being mentioned? I'm not sure what "fairy" she was at the time, nor was she really a villain, but she did get into a few scraps every now and then and her opponents were worse off than brfore. There was also arir39, mainly shaking things up in chat but did find time to come into the Forum.
Too bad the stupid cunt put the thorny stems in... ouch!
TWOWARMTTS2, please remember to take your medication and a life.
Oh my
I think "their" constant denial about being one and the same is insulting to our sensibilities as well as laughable!
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Mr. dgraff, YOU deserve an award for being so tolerant for so long! 🏆
I submit to you to following excerpt taken from one of IT'S recent postings.
"You know I have to copy/paste to make sence either in your thread or some other thread."
Now I ask you... What's the likelihood that 2 supposedly different individuals using the SAME ip address slaughter the SAME word? Both not having the good SENSE that God blessed an apple with? OR perhaps they (wink wink) want EVERYONE to realize just how much COMMON SENCE they lack.
She can be whoever and whatever she wants to be, I give less than a flying fladoodle, she's still a mental case! Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo!
Oh Bella! that's just a mere coincidence.
I could have listed more of the common misspellings, but I need to keep a few in my back pocket so I know who's REALLY talking at any given time under any given profile name.
🤔 Funny how the different person used the same gotdamned Christmas House picture to dispute the "Mobile Home" innuendos, that Twowarm used months ago in another thread to me. You're right... She's losing it!
OR, because they all reside within the same group home and share the same electronic devices, MAYBE that device has predictive text and misspells the same words most of the time.
OR, MAYBE CHOCONUT was home schooled by TWOWARMTTS2 and that's why they share the same punctuation and spelling nuances.
OR, MAYBE Candy is a looney toon who has multiple personalities. You pick your truth.
A potbelly for sure! More rolls than a bakery!
I truly believe she hears a whistling sound when she she walks... or waddles.
--------------------------------------- added after 18 minutes
BTW, Candy's "mobile home" houses her, Charlie, Mike, and me.
[deleted image]
You freakin' don't need to litter the Forum up with your rebuttals with copy and paste designed for the "unsuspecting member". If the unsuspecting member is interested, they will find the original post in the original thread. Period, end.
You are so fucked up thinking that you have outsmarted everyone once again. You are truly a mental case.
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And, we like to give the unsuspecting member a helping hand.
Such hatred and meanness needs some advertising.
You go ahead and be CHOCONUT, the 39 year old "couple" from Fallon, Nevada, who according to the above picture, lives with Candy, Charlie and Mike, somewhere near Orlando. Um, your profile states you are a "couple". Doesn't your significant other live with all of you? What about Gerome? Or is that another lie manufactured by Candy?
Like I said, group home full of mental cases. BTW, you spell just like Candy.
Never mind. It doesn't matter. Think whatever gets you wet.
Looks like Candy has blacklisted me with both of her profiles! Mental case! WHACK-A-DOODLE! Cuckoo for cocoa puffs!
I get that some members might not like my opinions or how I deliver them and that may very well be the reason that they choose to blacklist me. I've been blacklisted by many and many of those involved, to my knowledge, I've not interacted with. Yes, I've been blacklisted by gay members that I've "welcomed", I was blacklisted by two members due to the PLAY BALL! feature. Funny, I was blacklisted by a gay member/player for passing the "ball" to him (that was the time that I realized that the list of the members online was no longer in alphabetical order AND another time when I took the ball from a player. Poor dear, I guess he thought the "ball" was his to keep. As a rule, I don't blacklist first but if you blacklist me, I will blacklist you back.
What really gets to me is a specific member with multiple profiles that has erratic behavior. Blacklists because it is in "the heat of the moment" then chooses to unblock. That is so fricken weird. What are you, a sixteen year old girl with your monthly visit from "Aunt Flo"? Hell no, a social security collecting, old woman.
As a noun, sence is an "archaic form of sense" but still useful. So tell us, there are 4 or 5 members in this thread. The only ones we can see is Bella. You 5 or 6 members and Bella, what makes you think we are trying to be smart asses trying to make you look gullible? I mean like 2nice's quips. It's like he's trying to sound important or smart. Dgraff, the "I'm tougher than a gorilla" and just as ugly. Let's not forget Scorpio that true to his namesake will sting you when you least expect it. And Bella, this Midwestern, Lullu Belle with her finger of death. You don't have any integrity any of you.
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True to ourselves let us remind you that no matter how you feel about us, we are not going anywhere. We are part of the site and you can kiss our asses. We'll be here to copy/paste any stuff you post that's worth showing it to the rest of the site. We will be here to make fun of you. All legal like. We'll pay our dues and have fun as that's what we've been having. Hahaha
New bitch site by our resident VIC
See recent poll created. Cunts.
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes
Your poll is doing much better than TWOWARMTTS2's poll, SKITTLES A,K.A PIDDLES. She's only had 3 people participate so my guess is, people really appreciate your antics.
I don't know, the poll was there several hours ago. Freddy insulted her poll in his blog so maybe she could not "stand the heat".
She reacts so hastily "in the heat of the moment" and does things that I believe she regrets so she may have regretted her poll and/or Freddy's blog convinced and shamed her enough to remove her blog.
Impulsive, irrational, and an idiot. The three ingredients to a feeble mind and miserable life. The SaggyGranny
I don't know, the poll was there several hours ago. Freddy insulted her poll in his blog so maybe she could not "stand the heat".
She reacts so hastily "in the heat of the moment" and does things that I believe she regrets so she may have regretted her poll and/or Freddy's blog convinced and shamed her enough to remove her blog.
You've got to give her credit, if she does something wrong she tries to correct it. She was adviced by a friend that allowing other members to see who and how they voted was a vote stopper. She didn't regret her previous actions. Shame is what those two scoundrels should be experiencing. Same by the members that give them safe harbor.
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Also, I did not vote yet, but whatever the vote, you can add one more negative vote. WetNoodle (who really doesn't give a shit about this site) can't vote. Twowarmtts2 voted already and they have a joint account.
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No wonder Dgraff and others go around saying that.
Dgraff, you are starting to be annoying. If you have something to say to Twowarmtts2, be a man and say it directly to her. In private or public. Your stupidity, along with the stupidity of your fuckturd buddies at that fat bitch, Bella, is getting old. GO AWAY. GO SMELL ASSHOLES, ASSHOLE
It was directed at DGRAFF. The fat bitch, Bella part is reasonable. I saw your tits, baby. And you DO BITCH.
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If I'm wrong about your looks, I'm sorry
is that right?
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
you look like it
[deleted image]
May be
mandy658 (#573272):
Abusive or annoying or make inappropriate comments (like speaking about **** / kids / murder or some other weird stuff)
Current member: TWOWARMTTS2 detected as possible previously banned members:
May be
mandy658 (#573272):
Abusive or annoying or make inappropriate comments (like speaking about **** / kids / murder or some other weird stuff)
If there was a profit to be made or some good reason, there is the slim chance of the ip or the accounts being hacked.But for a pecker and puss website,I don't think there is enough to be gained by trying to hack it
Or so I am told
Current member: Yesmycockisreallythatsmall detected as possible previously banned members:
High probability
Mycockistiny (#567042):
reported by 576224
Reason given
Feel free to include several links here, if there are more than one image breaking your copyrights.
Please note that we will ignore all copyright infringement abuses without a proper DMCA information.
only registered users can see external links
Another link. If you scroll through it you’ll see the stolen photos
only registered users can see external links
Approved by:
228621 YES The referral is reported correctly as a copyright violation but no link provided. I did a reverse search of the picture of the two women licking the penis (which is on the Popular page), can be found ALL over the internet. Sorry, I don't know how to post the link.
262784 YES
275407 NO What violations are accuring, it's up to you to show why
319098 YES bella's right, pics are everywhere and going back to 2010.
378336 NO
402884 NO No proof no deletion
415389 YES
417783 YES
509246 YES Sorry. I know the reporting member has the burden of proof but I must agree with Bella! I added the link. As Bella states these pics are on main. Not fair to real amateur members
509847 NO No proof
517599 YES
520142 YES
539868 YES
Just wanted him to see Bella's work
You truly fit the descriptive of WHACK-A-DOODLE to the tee!
Go to bed, Choconut, you sad, beautiful, bitch!
--------------------------------------- added after 89 minutes
I collected enough points to change my site name. I'm thinking
Scorpi069, Sckittles, Degraff, or Bella$
What do you think?
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I guess you are trying to make points with the queen B. I thought only Skittles was an asshole.
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Listen Mandy your in no position to start trouble admin all ready suspects you as being Mandy 658
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Oh what a tangled web we we’ve when at first we practice to deceive
I am not Mandy. I am not Twowarmtts2. The only reason Admin thinks that is because a bunch of shit heads sucking at the tit of the albino witch, are all taking her suggestions as fact. Even Admin says "suspected". And, before you ask how I know that, Twowarmtts2 showed me the URL to access it outside the site.
And that comes from a poem by Sir Walter Scott. He's not in a bike club
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I forgot
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--------------------------------------- added after 88 seconds
I also forgot
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The day you can prove your position, let me know. I'll be glad to pull my pants down and let you kiss my ass. Till then, go play with your bike, your guns, and your dicks
The Admin has access to the electronic trail of info refered to as IP address and servers and such.IF he says he suspects something,it may be he does give the benifit of the doubt in case of hacking.But he probably can see numbers that confirm it.
What baffles me,is why anyone,would get a kick out of making a disturbance on a website in the first place.Why not go out in the street and raise hell or bash in windows in town or something so they can actually see and feel first hand peoples reaction to their actions.Instead of hiding behind a keyboard in lala land.
I wonder what your views are about someone like Skittles who trashes member's pages. Or, a Freddy with his Rat of the Day blogs.
I believe you and your fellow Bella follower look at what you want to see and ignore all else.
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I am not implying Bella is a ring leader of a nefarious nature. All I mean is that only some of the members that participate or contribute in her forum, are the ones that Twowarmtts2 has trouble with. I guess, by association, I'll be bestowed that pleasure, too.
What I do know, as she has told me, is that not one of you have had the intestinal fortitude to complain or face her in a private message. All of you are very brave in a group.
--------------------------------------- added after 91 minutes
By bella! [Ignore] at 15,Sep,19 13:15
TWOWARMTTS2 , uh, I meant to say CHOCONUT , has been all into this thread defending her um, er, landlord, sister-in-law, friend, TWOWARMTTS2 ever since TWOWARMTTS2 blacklisted me, AGAIN.
See what I mean? Innuendos, lies, misinformation. Twowarmtts2 is not alone in starting crap. And, I've been involved without wanting to be.
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I’ve spoken to her in many private chats
Your good old boy sayings are funny. I guess they are posted in the outhouse crapper walls. Don't forget your corn cob when visiting.
Good night, Sir. Tomorrow there'll be another dark and dangerous conspiracy. (BTW, ALL ASSHOLES STINK)
Since they put "Choco" in the name, they're probably claiming it to be... Gerome! Just keep your eyes peeled for the next new name to include Beans Or Beaner something or other...
No one likes an angry cunt,they are so dry and irritating,be a happy cunt,warm and hospitable
See for him and many more like him, we need a thread called... Known Asswipes and Pukes.
I'm afraid "VILLAIN" is TOO much of decent word for that one. Just my
--------------------------------------- added after 32 minutes
BTW Mr.Dgraff
When you said "Leo"
were you referring to this one ➡️ leopoldij,
and is this ➡️ /forum/thread.php?id=22645#23 the comment you're speaking of?
Still am!
And no retraction, no apologies, no asking admin to remove it, he honestly thinks it's ok to do that to people.
Really, really sick.
Oh you noticed huh? Yeah, he has no shame.
Besides, why should he feel ashamed? He pays good money for each service his women provide for him.
That is disgusting
b) Any and every member of any/all of the Crews on here.
c) Multiple dummy and fake account holders.
d) Trolls that stalk you and when you smash them back call you a bully or do something described in the next category.
e) People who hide behind blacklists and opportunities at being vindictive/cynical anonymously or where the person they are barbing will not see it (at least, not immediately) and will therefore not be given the chance to respond.
f) Homophobes, racists, ignorant and bigoted people in general and people who bully the defenceless.
g) Any combination of a), b), c), d), e), f).
h) Occasionally, me - my behaviour/personality is often bullish & too intense.
i) People who are not aware of, or will not admit to, their own negative/antisocial personality traits and/or bad behaviour; or their propensity to fall into any or all of categories a) through to f).
There’s more, but i already have my list of likes/dislikes in my blog...and it’s a sunny Sunday morning.
I am familiar with the stuff that tecsan posts because I took an opportunity to respond to one of his asinine blogs. Once I posted my opinions and thoughts in his blog, he took that as free reign to post whatever he wanted on my page. And sadly, I see his STUPIDITY all over the place but it is more sad is that these rants are in places that prospective new members might see.
My points speak for themselves. I’m not a “name and shamer”. I fight my own battles and i try to do so “face to face”. However, similarly to you, i am willing to take accountability for the fact that i am a flawed person (as is everyone)👍👍👍
But! There's a few jug headed motherfuckers around here that are simply incapable of comprehending YOUR reasoning. Primarily because it's... YOUR REASONING! Of course it could just be too many alpha personalities basically saying fuck you to one another. Who knows!
I would rather be insulted in one thread than all over the forum.
I choose not to mention the username as I do not wish to draw attention to one who seeks too much attention as it is.