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Copy,edit and paste here

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Started by Dev01 at 14,Nov,20 12:08  other posts of Dev01
let's go an gramer don't cunt

Similar topics: 1.?Posting Pictures in response to questions   2.Post your close-up anus pic here...   3.EDIT BUTTONS NOT WORKING   4.quick poll !   5.'COPY AND PASTE' the most useless information you can  

New Comment

By Sir-Skittles at 26,Mar,23 12:56 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Dev01 Where you been cunty?

Got just cunted to the gills on grog last night

By bella! at 24,Oct,22 11:49 other posts of bella! 
This is a post that caught my eye. leo's taunts are almost always aimed at the United States and the American people. Apparently he chooses not to see the impact of the Anglo Saxon when they left Europe. This is leo's post;

This is how white Americans treated Native Americans until quite recently.

They're sick. They exterminated them and, up until recently, kept behaving to them as if they were hyenas.

● Unfortunately, I do not have access to the link he provided to support his assertion.
By #610414 at 24,Oct,22 11:59
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By Sir-Skittles at 26,Mar,23 12:53 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Europe has always been perfect! Like for example, colonialism.

Isn't Europe where they throw bananas at black football players? Utopia! Sounds like systemic racism on the continent of Europe!

By bella! at 25,Mar,23 11:31 other posts of bella! 
Oh, this copy and paste is a dilly!

"I've never had bad sex.
Every time I have sex, both my partner and myself enjoy it.
I do make sure this happens.
It's a pure joy.
I always communicate my feelings,
my intentions, my passion.
I verbalise my needs and ask for her needs.
Most of the time, it's gentle sex
till we both cum. I never leave my
partner unsatisfied.
Her satisfaction doubles mine.
What can I say?
I just love sex and, to this day, I've
been having awesome sex.
My principles are simple:
Joy and pleasure

By #610414 at 24,Sep,22 16:59
I've noticed several references to Lipsipsuckit recently. How long are you people going to put her down?
By dgraff at 22,Oct,22 23:58 other posts of dgraff 
As long as her pictures are imbedded in our head I’m all most blind because of her
By #610414 at 24,Oct,22 12:01
You, old fart, you are almost blind anyway. 🤣😈
By dgraff at 24,Oct,22 13:07 other posts of dgraff 

By Sir-Skittles at 23,Oct,22 15:53 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

You are the Site Karen

By bella! at 23,Oct,22 17:02 other posts of bella! 
Where did you "copy" this from?

By bella! at 16,Oct,22 13:22 other posts of bella! 
dgraff recently posted this in another thread and it's worthy of repeating;

"We don’t make any thing in America anymore well we do make cardboard boxes that the other countries buy to package their products in its so sad."

You're so right about that and it is very sad. I thought I read another post somewhere about Americans not owning much of America any longer. That is true, too, because the Chinese do.
By dgraff at 16,Oct,22 13:29 other posts of dgraff 
Absolutely and they have Biden in there pocket
By bella! at 16,Oct,22 13:38 other posts of bella! 
Biden and/or family members!

By #610414 at 22,Oct,22 20:49
Interesting. If Biden doesn't get re-elected, China is SOL? How did they bribe him? Secretly gave him a Chinese made car to use as his government limo? 😈
By dgraff at 22,Oct,22 23:55 other posts of dgraff 
I quote sleepy joe when I say China is not our problem folks there really good people that was right after trump wanted to shut down all flights in or out of our country and Biden said he was being paranoid how quickly one forgets
By #610414 at 23,Oct,22 14:13
I don't understand what this has to do with having thr President in their pocket. He also said In an interview Sunday night with the CBS News program “60 Minutes,” that the United States would respond militarily to a Chinese attempt to take over Taiwan by force. That was the fourth time since 2021 he has repealed it. Doesn't sound like he's soft on China.

By Sir-Skittles at 16,Oct,22 13:40 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Even worse, China owns just shy of $1T in US debt... on top of the staggering trade deficit. Almost hard to imagine.
By bella! at 16,Oct,22 13:46 other posts of bella! 
For sure!

By bella! at 16,Oct,22 13:53 other posts of bella! 
Oh, I found what I saw. Budslover, now Jamie, posted this in CAT's thread. Gee, I miss the other Jamie.

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By Sir-Skittles at 15,Sep,22 01:06 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
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Fucking roo! Need to go drop a few to send a message
By Dev01 at 15,Sep,22 03:07 other posts of Dev01 
Big Red roo's will smash you every time. They can't be kept as pets. Anyways some need a good reverse heal kick to the head as a hard reset

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Rusty fucked wiseguy with an uppercut.

Cunts fight them overseas, YouTube humans fighting kangaroos.

A formidable apponent
By Sir-Skittles at 26,Sep,22 23:04 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Just shoot the cunt roo! Like the swordsman in Raiders of the Lost Ark!

By biggg at 07,Oct,22 20:07 other posts of biggg 
Ehh? Whatever happened to Skippy the Bush Kangaroo?
By Dev01 at 07,Oct,22 21:05 other posts of Dev01 
It's still on TV at 5am Saturday morning... channel 9.

Given that the last episode staring skippy was made in 1969, I would imagine he would be in the ground with JohnS.
By Sir-Skittles at 15,Oct,22 19:41 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

JohnS got dumped int a pauper's box for sure mate! The state took care of everything!

By #610414 at 07,Oct,22 15:50

"Your sarcasm is right on the mark and I agree 100%. How can you be so smart about so many things and so snarky socially. For whatever it's worth, nice going."

That post was supposed to be an honest compliment from me, CAT. The questioning of your social skills was not originally from me. I just agreed with it and thought it a valid question that I knew would never be answered by you. After all, by your own words, I’m your site stalker. However, the reason for this post is as follows. The site’s ONE-EYED BUSYBODY commented on it:

“Can you even imagine that the site's ALLEY CAT would have the nerve to assert that your social skills are questionable?”

To which the perfectly named member, Phart, commented:

“edit,I found it, duh, I forgot about the copy paste queen.”

JustWill commenting on your social skills doesn’t mean I have “such an issue with MY (your) social skills...”. Truth be told, you are an idiot that I seldom think about when on site. You are just an old enemy that fucked with me and mine in such a way that now, without being in danger of loosing my membership, I will try to do the same in my way. However, I also don’t like people to talk behind my back. I’ve always identified the object of my scorn. I just hate members that talk out the side of their face, but, seldom have the COJONES to be direct. 😈😈
By phart at 07,Oct,22 19:24 other posts of phart 
Social skills, you are just a mean liberal bully.

Sarcassm,that was sarcassm.
You are just a miss directed person,
By #610414 at 07,Oct,22 20:21
I rather be lost in a liberal world than know where I am in a conservative one

By Sir-Skittles at 03,Jun,22 15:39 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
kitty So much hotter than old Saggy Cat - the latter being a site lump who needs a kick in her cat cunt

By #610414 at 24,Sep,22 17:05
Leave Kitty out of this. She's hot, no denying, but, we know what you do All the time. In no time you'll be going after her. You are no good and one day you'll slip and I'll be so glad to finally take you down.

By PITBULL at 20,Aug,22 21:16 other posts of PITBULL 
CAT a/k/a the fatty saggy granny just blacklisted me again. What a loser cunt. I trashed her page and she still answers my blogs.
By bella! at 20,Aug,22 22:46 other posts of bella! 
You trashed her page? You know that sends her into a spin....that explains why she unleashed on you and flooded the Forum with the same copy and paste posts.
By PITBULL at 20,Aug,22 23:52 other posts of PITBULL 
Yes, I did! and love it too

She is now probably about to have a stroke
By #275407 at 21,Aug,22 00:04
Freddy, just be happy she blacklisted you, Ken blacklisted me five years ago,,,, best thing that ever happened to me, now I don't have to hear his childness.
By PITBULL at 21,Aug,22 00:08 other posts of PITBULL 
She unbanned for now.

Now I have the chance to attack the fatty saggy granny

By PITBULL at 28,Aug,22 18:17 other posts of PITBULL 
I told ken he is a racist and he blacklisted me

By Sir-Skittles at 27,Aug,22 13:44 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
PA-Freddy Put rounds on target!

Bella! you know she is mentally ill. She had me and Freddy banned... and unbanned us. Why? So she can bitch and moan ... and most importantly, so she can play victim. Fuck her. I am going to light her page up!
By PITBULL at 27,Aug,22 14:04 other posts of PITBULL 
I sent her about 7 gifts and she deleted them. She is a coward. She trashed my page but my plan worked and she took the bait. I kept her gifts on my page so people here know how nasty and cowardly she is. It backfire on her so good; I got more traffic to my page and her picture at the Best Image/Top Member dropped down to single digits. I ain't done with her yet.
By #610414 at 24,Sep,22 16:46
Deleting trash from trash like you is not cowardly, it's prevention from Cooties and STDs

[deleted image]

OK PA-FREDDY, I’m not blacklisting you anymore. You want a fight, I’ll give you one.

By bella! at 27,Aug,22 14:04 other posts of bella! 
Personally, I don't miss her although it seems that for reasons unknown to me, some members do.

You seem to have the need to bugger with her, but why? Is it because SHE THINKS she is a formidable opponent both intellectually and monetarily? Shoot, she would be so, so wrong.
By PITBULL at 28,Aug,22 18:15 other posts of PITBULL 
Skittles is attacking her too

By #610414 at 20,Aug,22 13:31
Wish he was a cockroach

PA-FREDDY is a blind asshole. He complaines about the looks of women members. This poor excuse of a member has been blacklisted 91 times not counting all the members that left the site because of him. You want to see what he looks like? Get your laugh here:

By PITBULL at 20,Aug,22 21:17 other posts of PITBULL 
thanks saggy. now I am getting more visitors to my page

don't forget I have more pictures to show.
By Sir-Skittles at 15,Sep,22 01:09 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Yeah--- ones that are not 20 plus years old. Or, that look like a trash bag filled with soup and door knobs

Cat Suck down a nice glass of ass water!

By #610414 at 24,Sep,22 16:41
[deleted image]

By Sir-Skittles at 15,Sep,22 01:14 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Cat members here want to "complaines" about your spelling. A third grader with Down's syndrome can write a at higher level than you!

Your CV is in shambles! A low-station slag!

By #610414 at 15,Sep,22 12:21
Dear Members, do you like Sir-Skittles? If you do then explain why he doesn't like you.
--------------------------------------- added after 76 seconds

And that is a small portion of his trash talk about members.

By #610414 at 16,Sep,22 12:51
Bella! dear, I wish I could rebutt your post here, but, we all know you can't stand criticismcriticism and you blacklist those that do. So, I'll copy and paste.

You posted:
If this is not worthy of the "Copy, edit and paste here" thread, nothing is! Although the member's spelling has always been an issue, why edit? It's being copied and pasted as originally written.

You were referring to my blog found here:


I'm glad to see you found my orthographical errors. That proves you read my blog carefully............... and, as usual, you ignored the message and took off in a tangent.
I feel sorry for you (well, maybe not really). You don't seem to be able to differentiate between an acerbic individual like me and a total troll like Skittles. For instance, I believe you are a fucking, one-eyed, bitch, witch, but, I don't go around hunting for other bitches to insult just because I don't like their looks or posts. Skittles, on the other hand, and you know this well, makes many, many, members feel bad. Several even quit the site.
I see how many members greet Skittles with a "Hey, Cunti." like he was an alright member. Most, if not all, are male members. Goes to show you what the males think of us "pussies", and you being one (I think) makes me think you approve of Skittles.

Your post continued:
Now I ask you, is this assertion not a knee slappin' HOOT!? WOW, and the whinging member apparently cannot see that they are a prime example of the pot calling the kettle black. So stereotypical!

The pot is not calling the kettle black. This pussy is calling this member a "DICK", and not in a good way.

BTW, the correct form is:
the whinging member apparently cannot see that SHE IS.........

But, who cares. The point comes across loud and clear. You hated me from day one and that makes you blind to the injustices being done to OTHER members. Stop, for once since you joined SYC, being so self-serving and admit Skittles has to go.

By bella! at 16,Sep,22 11:59 other posts of bella! 
If this is not worthy of the "Copy, edit and paste here" thread, nothing is! Although the member's spelling has always been an issue, why edit? It's being copied and pasted as originally written.

I'm talking about Sir-Skittles and those like him. Just look at a sample of his posts on other members pics.


And that's not all. He's continually making derogatory blogs about many members. Yes, he does make derogatory blogs about me and offensive posts. That's one of the reasons for this blog. Now, you might say, why not blacklist him. Believe me, I have. Weather he's on my blacklist or not, he still defames me on site. He does the same to many other members too. I say, "Why do we have to suffer this? Especially those of us who are premium members.” We should be able to refer him to the Deletion Panel for deletion. The cause? Making the site an unfriendly place to belong in. ADMIN, if you read this, how about some help?"

Now I ask you, is this assertion not a knee slappin' HOOT!? WOW, and the whinging member apparently cannot see that they are a prime example of the pot calling the kettle black. So stereotypical!

By Sir-Skittles at 27,Aug,22 01:24 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
The Saggy Granny knew her dead old papa was a coward and deserter. Here is a brief excerpt from his DD1569 document of military records:

1936- Date of Induction- Fort Banning Georgia- MEDICAL evaluation: Grade D OVERWEIGHT, LOW IQ, POOR HYGIENE

A. Basic Infantry Skills Course- Grade D

B. Rifle Range Proficiency- 46% at 100 yards

C. Overall basic training proficiency- UNSAT

MOS Designation: COOK MS-92G


Recommendation for forward deployment in theater- NOT QUALIFIED

During his illustrious career in the military, Father of Saggy Grammy (FoSG) has numerous infractions, arrests, and time spent in the stockade on three different bases.

As you can see, a real lump, troublemaker, and horrible soldier. The only thing he jumped from in the military was off the barstool.

DD-217 document review: DISHONORABLE DISCHARGE 23 NOVEMBER, 1941

As you can see, not only did this rat have a unimpressive stint in the military, he was dishonorably discharged before the US even entered World War Two. Irrespective of name of service, he was a complete failure. More importantly, the only reason he joined the military was the judge gave him a choice: jail or the military.


smell this

By #610414 at 27,Aug,22 12:35
Sir-Skittles, or should I say "THE BOTCHED ABORTION OF SYD"?

I've posted pics of my Dad's gravesite in a national veterans cemetery located just north of Tampa, Florida. Right here in SYC. You know damn well you can't be buried there unless you serve honorably.
Skittles, you are such a lowlife that my Dad would have washed his hands after beating the shit out of you, and, believe me, he could have.
By Sir-Skittles at 27,Aug,22 13:43 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

You posted a random cemetery! Just when you posted that fake surgery picture to get attention. You are mentally ill and to that point, you can't keep me banned. You need activity in your sad life.

As far as you threatening a beat down from a corpse, it just makes me shake in fear!

Maybe you should send your best that is still on two feet? Then again probably not very nice to send Charlie and is walker out

Fuck you Mrs. Tucker!

By #610414 at 27,Aug,22 20:24
I love my Charlie but for the last ten years he hasn't been able to punch himself out of a wet paper bag.
You can say and do what you want. I don't need you to verify my life.
By Sir-Skittles at 28,Aug,22 18:00 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Looks like your best is about as useful as a bag of shaved cunt hairs

Weak threats. Weak mind. Same old Saggy Granny!

Charlie is back to his walker after his scooter was destroyed

By #610414 at 29,Aug,22 13:06
How would you know about cunt hairs? The closest you've come to cunt hairs was when your mama pulled you out of her womb using a coat hanger snagged on your tiny balls. For the life of me I don't know how you survived.

By #610414 at 29,Aug,22 13:28
As your mom did as she pulled on the hanger

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By Sir-Skittles at 15,Sep,22 01:04 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Cat Old Charlie.... I heard he is circling the drain. Or, was it the toilet bowl?

By #610414 at 15,Sep,22 14:06
This is what he's really like

By #610414 at 11,Sep,22 19:13
It would appear that Huxley/ braveone has left the site again and I bet again he didn’t even say good bye to any one

I guess Bravenewone just had "little or no balls" 🤣😈

By #275407 at 20,Aug,22 21:11
Luv this topic, I'm bumping it to the top

By Sir-Skittles at 17,Jun,22 14:39 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Trouble in the trailer park... again?

I am hearing rumblings and rumors that there is trouble at her trailer. She was seen at Home Depot buying up a dozen of those big orange 5 gallon buckets.

It appears her plumbing is still fucked off after that huge storm. The Saggy Granny Cat is using said buckets as her toilet. Most of the buckets are full. A rotten schifosa!

Can we get some of the guys to check this out? PA-Freddy

By Dev01 at 09,Nov,21 20:15 other posts of Dev01 
Message from my lover Tecsan

just recently Dev01: Fuck off cunt or I will poke your eyeball out and skull fuck you. You big clit cunt

8hr ago tecsan: I will give you one warning prick...You do not want to fuck with me...Now get lost goofy bitch...
By Sir-Skittles at 12,Nov,21 00:29 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
A pissing out the window cunt, Lady Tecsan!

She is a clogged toilet!

By dgraff at 12,Nov,21 00:58 other posts of dgraff 
That fuck face sends me messages like that every morning
By Dev01 at 12,Nov,21 01:03 other posts of Dev01 
typical rat fashion 🐀🐀
By dgraff at 12,Nov,21 01:09 other posts of dgraff 
I guess he thinks he’s bothering me but truthfully he gives me some thing to do each morning
By Dev01 at 12,Nov,21 01:24 other posts of Dev01 
Unfortunately I get it once home from work so I'm brained out. But I have automated tools for responses, Not to hard to push a button
By HotFuckerBoy at 20,Dec,21 01:09 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Heres another thread that needs bumping up out of the basement

By #491031 at 20,Jan,22 16:10
He's giving you a "warning prick"?
What the fuck is a "warning prick"?
Does he hold his breath until his knob explodes like a flare to scare people off?
By bella! at 20,Jan,22 17:02 other posts of bella! 
Oh, JustWill!

Question, did you go searching Dev01's post or how did this November post get bumped to the top? Hmmmmmm.... While we are on the topic of tecsan, I find him to be such a very curious person. It's sad that he just can't seem to wrap himself around the idea that he's 50% of the problem.

He has been the target of persistent ribbing for quite some time and he will not allow the ribbing to go unaddressed. When he verbally retaliates, quite often his thoughts don't make any sense and with that said, more insults are hurled so it just becomes a "vicious circle".

In a recent blog he was whining about his profile reflects that he has blacklisted one member that he claims he has not. Who gives a rat's ass if he did or didn't? This is just another example of how he took something to the extreme and admin needed to get involved.
By #491031 at 20,Jan,22 19:28
You know me.
If I see a pile of stoopid, I am compelled to poke it with a stick.
By Dev01 at 20,Jan,22 20:18 other posts of Dev01 

By bella! at 20,Jan,22 21:48 other posts of bella! 

By Sir-Skittles at 01,Jun,22 15:28 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

Tecsan Rides his toilet reverse cowgirl so he can take a slash and send site PM's at the same time!

A true toilet profesional
By tecsan at 02,Jun,22 02:04 other posts of tecsan 
Only a plumber like you would come up with that crap.
By Sir-Skittles at 02,Jun,22 14:35 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
yer brain is as scrambled as those shit eggs you sling at work!

By tecsan at 03,Jun,22 02:32 other posts of tecsan 
You were talking about your brain when you un-clog literally shit out of drains while at your plumbing job.

By bella! at 01,Jun,22 03:14 other posts of bella! 
This post, by phart , kinda got lost in tecsan's thread. It's funny and worth repeating!

"We would all be better off if the white house just turned the teleprompter around and let us all read it for our selves instead of sleepy joe reading it to us like a stephan king novel ran thru a wood chipper."

C'mon now, not only is that spot on, it's funny as hell!
By dgraff at 01,Jun,22 10:17 other posts of dgraff 
I couldn’t agree more
By bella! at 01,Jun,22 10:56 other posts of bella! 
phart is funny as all get out!
By dgraff at 01,Jun,22 11:01 other posts of dgraff 
Yeah he is
By phart at 01,Jun,22 13:06 other posts of phart 
Yea he can be funny sometimes! and sadly factual!
I listen to joe and it is like a premade word salad bowl that has be reduced at walmart.Turning brown on the edges!
By dgraff at 01,Jun,22 15:22 other posts of dgraff 
Yuck 🤮

By Sir-Skittles at 01,Jun,22 15:26 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

By Sir-Skittles at 27,May,22 18:35 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
La Tecsana up all night in his empty room

25,May,22 23:45 Sir-Skittles: *CUNTS ONLY* by tecsan (1)

Tecsan's theme song: "All by Myself"

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By #574505 at 28,May,22 18:57
I heard his room is for verify members only
That why his room empty

By bella! at 28,May,22 20:31 other posts of bella! 
I got the impression that he's opened the *CUNTS ONLY* chatroom as a "public service" for all interested members. I mean, I don't understand the logic behind this, it's not like members have to use their points to create a chatroom, right!

His newest blog, "Anyone here feel free to PM me anytime" has a hint of desperation. He goes on to write, "I am not like a few here that will not respond. PM me and I will respond may be a while, but promise I will. I am not childish like a few here. Do not believe me try it." Gee, I hope he provides an update on how many members took advantage of this open invitation.
By Sir-Skittles at 28,May,22 20:38 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

By #610414 at 28,May,22 17:27
Hey, JustWill , you aren't able to see this but I thought that you might get a good chuckle out of it. Below is a post made by a member that you have blacklisted because of the things that they said about your partner. Yeah, the same member that was booted by admin. Well, last tonight the member wrote;

"Admin, this is your site and I (CAT) really like to be part of it. Probably not for the reasons you think. I do wish, though, there was a spot on the site where special site events could be listed."

That post made me ALMOST piss myself.

By JustWill 25,May,22

That member getting booted from the site WAS a "special site event"...--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

And you continue to not believe , not believe, not believe. I’m sorry I ever allowed anyone to use our house internet, but, it’s done and gone. JustWill is an ass because he chooses to make decisions on false information. Personally, I don’t care what a homo teacher thinks about me, especially since he’s about pertinent as a head of cabbage. You, well, as you have figured out, I use your thread more than mine because, no matter how much I argue with the members that flock to your thread, they are all good people. You are what I have to put up with to be here.--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes
This will be the last time I will mention this, I WILL NOT TOLERATE YOUR SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT AND RUDENESS IN THIS THREAD. Got it? You will not use this thread to call members "ass" especially those members that do not even speak to you or about you. You will not use this thread to use disparaging terms regarding another person's sexuality. Got it? If you cannot edit your nasty attitude and choose to continue to post your offensive posts, I will be forced to delete your posts and if that doesn't keep you at bay, I will be forced to blacklist you. Got it?

By bella! at 18,May,22 23:51 other posts of bella! 
This post deserves merit;

"Admin, this is your site and I really like to be part of it. Probably not for the reasons you think. I do wish, though, there was a spot on the site where special site events could be listed."

Isn't there a full index of features, aka "special site events" listed on the "Most Popular Normal Dicks for past 5 days" and the "Most Popular Pussies for past 5 days" pages, directly under the "Pic of the month:" pictures?
By #610414 at 21,May,22 13:53
Never noticed it. But now that I look at it there’s no mention of a giving away host positions for groups. That must be hidden under FAT ASSES THINGS TO KNOW AND DO.

By bella! at 29,Jan,22 11:36 other posts of bella! 
I spotted this post in routemaster 's thread and tribute to Meat Loaf. Rather than to further derail the thread's intent, I'm going to copy and paste it here!

Dev01 made a curious post about vaxx/no vaxx in the Meat Loaf thread. When questioned, Dev01's response was;

"Aus day+beer followed by birthday+beer followed by Tennis+beer. I did reply to your comment tho "

I THOUGHT that Australia Day was much like our 4th of July but after further reading, Australia Day seems very controversial and posted so.

The next response I received from Dev01 was as follows;

"Yes, Some call it invasion day. Seems like any excuse to have a protest. It's a great family day that most head to the beach,Have a BBQ, wear thongs and drink beer 😀 and being my birthday the next day it's a good long weekend so to speak."

Okay, so it took you to do some reading to get to this point but the word THONG is what captured my attention. In the 21st century, when I hear thong, I think of something that nestles into the butt crack that allows the full buttocks to be exposed and on display. And since December, January and probably February, too are the summer months in the Southern Hemisphere, I was imagining dev01 and all the men in their speedo/thongs enjoying the sun, beach and day. Nope! Apparently what Dev01 meant was sandals or flip-flops! Doi! The visual that I had going on in my head abruptly left!
--------------------------------------- added after 12 minutes

And for those that aren't familiar with the slang term used for a man's speedo/thong, or swimsuit that accents the man's genital area, Australian's call them "budgie smugglers".
By Dev01 at 21,Mar,22 16:41 other posts of Dev01 
🤣🤣🤣 No "budgie smugglers" for me, I'm more of a "board shorts" kinda guy. FYI in New Zealand thongs are called jandals and eski's called chilli bins

By bella! at 17,Mar,22 00:55 other posts of bella! 
At 04:06, this morning a SYC member, dingetveydi, was referred to the Evaluation Panel for deletion for the following reason; "Memeber refer to links to pay sites [sic]"

The first member and only member votes NO ABUSE and added the following comment; "Is that wrong? If guys want used panties or custom pictures and vids from me can't ask ask [sic] for a fee to cover costs?"

Uh, that's one nasty and disgusting cunt! Stupid, too! No one is interested in that boy cunt. Apparently, it didn't matter how [s]he voted or what the reason was for, admin deleted dingnetveydi.
By Sir-Skittles at 17,Mar,22 01:02 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Fire your rockets Bella

By joergh at 21,Mar,22 16:22 other posts of joergh 
good job

By #610414 at 04,Feb,22 02:24
Thank you for the gifts. This is the one place I can PM you unless we become friends. I can’t presume you’d want that but I would not be against that.

By #610414 at 20,Jan,22 15:35
Dev01, I saw this post in Bella’s thread
Sorry for this Bella but I feel the need to post this. You can delete if needed no offence taken. Makes me so unbelievably sad but soo fkn angry I could kill...

only registered users can see external links

What the fuck is wrong with the human race?

(CAT) I can’t see the external link but I agree with you. There’s a special place in Hell for people that hurt children.
By Dev01 at 20,Jan,22 20:21 other posts of Dev01 
only registered users can see external links

Probably better off to not see it
By #610414 at 20,Jan,22 20:36
You are probably right. I will take your reaction as reason enough for this human scum to be obliterated from the face of the earth.
By Sir-Skittles at 20,Jan,22 21:02 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Cat .... so, is Charlie "shovel ready?"
By #610414 at 20,Jan,22 21:11
If you mean is he plowing the fields, yes, he. is

By #610414 at 20,Nov,21 20:58
Bella! you are mistaken that I’m insulting gays. I’m insulting you and JustWill and the language I use is meant to insult but technically correct. JustWill fucks his partner, also a man, and is in a HOMOsexual relationship. I think it was him that posted in your thread (and I paraphrase), “I don’t consider calling someone a cock sucker an insult on this site”. If the “cock sucker” is a man, he’s committing a HOMOsexual act. As far as not liking gays or lesbians, it would be stupid as both Charlie and I are bisexual. What’s more, several member friends are gay or lesbian. You, JustWill, and a handful of others are the only dumb shits on site.

By bella! at 20,Nov,21 20:36 other posts of bella! 
This was posted in another member's thread, but basically speaking, this post is a modification to something that I originally posted.

"Good morning JustWill I need help with something that is related to the English language. Please help. Sometimes I find myself using the phrase, “MOTHER FUCKING HOMO , but in regard to you should it be FUCKING HOMO? I’d like to know and so would Bella! the BITCH."

Am I the only member who finds her offensive? Not only has she insulted JustWill, she has insulted anyone that identifies themselves as being gay. Shame on her and shame on anyone that tolerates her "shit behavior".

By bella! at 12,Nov,21 12:28 other posts of bella! 
I hope it's within the scope of this thread to copy and paste something that I originally posted. I'm responding to CountryCouple54, here goes;

"Do you really believe the "nice" she displays is genuine? Sorry, I don't, she's as phony as her clip on ponytail. What's the saying; You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig... She is still a pig."

By Dev01 at 12,Nov,21 13:36 other posts of Dev01 
Sure, I made it for that. Got sick of seeing second posts. Gonna make a new one called the Dev vs tecsan, thread so normal people don't have to be subjected to our bitch fight. I used to watch a show called Kenny vs Spenny, found it funny, kinda like how tecsan shoots his mouth off with his limited vocabulary and brain activity but better.

By Sir-Skittles at 20,Oct,21 01:16 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
[deleted image]

The Saggy Granny got a fake profile AND a new wig??


By #610414 at 28,Oct,21 13:35
Is she a saggy granny too?
--------------------------------------- added after 103 seconds

How about her?
By Sir-Skittles at 28,Oct,21 13:57 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
There is only ONE Saggy Granny here-- and that is YOU CAT

What does CAT stand for?

Candy's Ancient Thunder-thighs?

Crazy Ass Turd?

Charlie's Asshole Trainer? We all know he is a peg lass!

By #610414 at 28,Oct,21 14:03
Hit a nerve, boludo? How come you never post pics of that smelly body of yours?
By Sir-Skittles at 28,Oct,21 18:13 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
You are the one that keeps panicking and banning me... Sounds like MY rounds are on target! A bullseye on that giant back cunt you have!!

Fucks sake, bend over and we have a full size movie theater screen!

By #610414 at 28,Oct,21 18:18

By #644010 at 28,Oct,21 21:04
Caca and Tacos?

By #644010 at 28,Oct,21 21:08
Speaking of merkins, this right up her alley: only registered users can see external links
By Sir-Skittles at 12,Nov,21 00:31 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

By dgraff at 12,Nov,21 00:56 other posts of dgraff 
Ahhhahaha cool video the Texas chainsaw massacre movies are some of my favorite

By bella! at 30,Oct,21 05:49 other posts of bella! 
I saw a post and it made me laugh. This is it;

"Why is this man still insulting an ex-member. Especially since AussieMan or Lix are not here to defend themselves. I believe it’s because he’s a coward. He has me blocked for the same reason. Some members believe he’s smart. I believe he’s a lowlife."

What I find amusing is the member posting that comment is outraged because another member has posted something about former members. Okay, how is it any different from said poster making posts about active members? Is the rationale behind the thought that the active members can refute his/her posts and engage in an abusive exchange of words or what? My opinion is that the poster needs to concentrate on themselves and clean up their act. Kinda like the pot calling the kettle black, no?

By Sir-Skittles at 17,Oct,21 11:47 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
By Santooey [Ignore] 16,Oct,21 09:07 other posts ⤴

Definite case of clinical body dysmorphia. If the hair is pulled to the side, would we see the tape used to hold up your face? It is droopy as fuck! And what is with the lazy eye? Did you recently have a stroke?

And those arms, Jesus Christ on crutches! You shouldn't be performing plastic surgery at home!

I logged on to jerk off to some pictures. This made me instantly soft! If you have Down's syndrome or are confined to a wheelchair, I might feel sorry for you.
[+] 0 [-] Reply
By TWOWARMTTS3 [Ignore] 16,Oct,21 09:37 other posts

Santooey, Baby, I have little sympathy for your limp dick. It happens to a lot of men. Why are you dumping on me? All I wanted was an opinion on my new wig. Perhaps you might want to check my full page, but, an idiot like you would get little enjoyment. My advice is for you to go back to sucking dick, baby
[+] 0 [-] Reply
By Santooey [Ignore] 16,Oct,21 21:41 other posts

You look worse than a dead donkey with its asshole pried open
[+] 0 [-] Reply
By TWOWARMTTS3 [Ignore] 16,Oct,21 22:35 other posts

You must be one of Pa-Freddy’s fake accounts. Go away little girl. I don’t want to fight with you.
[+] 0 [-] Reply

Twowarmtts3!- Another member, speaking the truth about the Saggy Granny! Fucks sake. Her in that off brand merkin wig, all those filters, and she still manages to look like a used car! A used car no one wants to drive and will for sure end up in the junkyard! High mileage and tons of hail damage!
By #610414 at 28,Oct,21 13:30

By Sir-Skittles at 09,Oct,21 16:52 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Member TwoWarmtts3! Goes shopping for a new merkin! 09,Oct,21 12:45

July 7, 2021- Inside the confines of the trailer park-

After losing what was left of her gray snatch fur due to STD and old age, member Twowarmtts3! made a big decision. To go back in time and to make her cunny look younger, the Saggy Granny decided to purchase a Merkin. What is a fucking merkin you ask? It is basically a cunt toupee!


A pubic hair piece. A toupee for the pubic area/genitals. In the 1700’s when mercury was used to treat sexually transmitted diseases (Gonorrhea or Syphilis) one of the side effects was the loss of pubic hair. To disguise this condition, that was not cured by mercury, a Merkin was employed.

17th Century setting: Due to his treatment of the "French Pox" (syphilis) with mercury a merkin Gwendolyn used a Merkin to used to hide the side effects of hair loss and not alarm her husband.

It is true that old limp noodle Charlie liked some fur on his old bird and Saggy couldn't oblige his wishes. In fact, her hairless rat hole was like a farm field in Somalia: barren and unable to grow anything. Now, the Saggy Granny and her long time friend Rhanda-Lynn went online and found a merkin for sale at one of the more nefarious websites. Using her pre-paid Visa card, Saggy shelled out $8.50 for a brown colored Merkin. Just like the Wuhan virus, it was being shipped in from China. The girls were pleased with their purchase and eagerly awaited the package. It would take 4-7 weeks to get her new kitty carpet.

October 4, 2021- The Cunt Wig Arrives!

Cursing her endless bad luck, the vag rug took longer than expected to arrive. Rhoda-Lynn had recommended the expedited shipping, but Saggy was unwilling to part with an additional $3.99. When the package arrived, the Saggy Granny could hardly contain her excitement. She screamed out the trailer window at Rhanda-Lynn to come over so they could open the package together. Rhanda-Lynn stumbled over to the trailer at the crack of 3PM, still in her stained bathrobe. The ladies got out their pre-paid mobile phones, ready to take a video of this event. Hardly Page Six in the New York Post, but it was big news in the trailer park!

The Saggy Granny used her rat claw nails to shred the package. Once opened, there was an unmistakable scent of animal urine and chemicals. Saggy didn't give a fuck and grabbed her new merkin out like she just won the Showcase Showdown on the Price is Right! It was very furry and a dark brown color. Digging deeper into the bag, the Saggy Granny didn't see the adhesive glue that would be needed to plant this pussy sweater onto her wrinkled skin. Saggy said she would just use some tape and Rhanda-Lynn cursed her for being so fucking stupid. Rhanda-Lynn suggested Gorilla Glue. She had recalled some sista using that to keep her tracks sorted out. Just as you imagined, there was no Gorilla Glue in the trailer and the old broads headed to Walgreen's to get some glue and to pick up their prescriptions.

At Walgreens there was a new procedure. There was a security guard at the front entrance checking vaccination status and ID's. Rhanda-Lynn presented her vaccination papers and ID and was admitted. The Saggy Granny being a moron, forgot her ID. She begged the guard to accept a oxycontin pill bottle with her name on it along with a membership card from Dollar General. Reluctantly, the guard let the old rat into the store. The ladies found the glue and picked up the following medications:

metformin - for diabetes

praziquantel- for tapeworms

Alosetron- for irritable bowel syndrome

We will not list the other pick ups due to privacy issues.

Back at home, Rhanda-Lynn assisted in prepping Saggy's barren cunt and put some glue on her cunt bump and the merkin. The merkin was carefully placed onto the Saggy Granny and the glue set instantly. The Saggy Granny went to the mirror to get a look at her new fur and was alarmed it was glued on crooked! Cursing and screaming, she had a plan! Grabbing her hair clippers she gave herself a cunt haircut and fixed the problem. Now, very pleased she took some pictures to be posted on Show Your Cunt. Some of her worst enemies would be silenced now that her pussy was pretty again. Or, so she thought!

October 5, 2021- The Debut on SYC

The Saggy Granny took several pictures and uploaded them to SYC. Some of the members were immediately commenting on these pictures. A few random comments, names redacted:

By XXXXXXX 05, Oct ,21 12:46

What the actual fuck is that crooked cunt fur supposed to be! Jesus fuck!

By XXXXX 05,Sep,21 12:51

Where the fuck did you buy that fake cunt wig? Fucks sake, I can see the rat tail! Disgusting pig!

By XXXXX 05,Sep,21 12:57

Looks like the drapes and the carpet match, in length and color! Is that a rat?

Absolutely outraged, The Saggy Granny removed these pics and went back to posting her pictures from 1978. Back when her cunt had natural hair. She told Rhanda-Lynn they needed an expert. Rhanda-Lynn did some research and found out that there were many fake merkins being sold online. She was convinced these were not human hairs. There was only one way to sort this out: The ladies would head to the taxidermy store.

October 8, 2021- Skins, Scales & Fur Taxidermy- Naples FL

Wanting to get out of the swamp, and knowing this was a a sensitive issue, the broads needed a shop where they would not be known. The decided on Naples, Florida. A very affluent part of Florida. They would be on the outskirts of town obviously, but they would get a taste of Camelot today! The ladies sat outside stalking the shop, waiting for the store to be devoid of customers before they went inside.

It was not usual for two women to be at a taxidermy shop, but times were tough. Randal was working and asked how he could be of service. He cracked a joke if they wanted their beavers stuffed! The ladies were outraged but had to laugh at the joke. It got serious when they told Randal why they were there. Randal locked the front door. He did not need any real customers seeing this fur test. The Saggy Granny sat in the chair and opened her fat legs, revealing her off brand cunt.

Randal tried not to gag, or get too close to her cunny. He treated it like a dangerous animal. Using one of his taxidermy tools, he moved in and cut a hair sample off and retracted the device and the sample back to safety. Randal immediately told her to close up her legs. After all, it would attract flies and moths and that would be devastating to his store. With the sample in hand, and a magnifying glas at the ready, the analysis could begin.

Randal asked where they got this pelt and could barely contain his laughter. Saggy Granny said online via China. Randal reported the hair sample was from a Nutria, a large swamp rat:

Nutria, also known as coypu or swamp rats, are large rodents that live in areas with lots of freshwater. These mammals are native to South America and were introduced into the United States between 1899 and 1930 through the fur industry, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) DISGUSTING!!

Humiliated again, and out big money, the ladies headed back to the trailer park in defeat. They would not even get a chance to enjoy lunch at Mr. Haha's Hot Dog Hacienda.

Twowarmtts3! = mongoloid
By tecsan at 12,Oct,21 04:01 other posts of tecsan 
She is right you know...
By dgraff at 12,Oct,21 07:46 other posts of dgraff 
Ahhhahaha what color merkin do you wear tecsan to cover up that gigantic bald spot around your little dick purple perhaps 🤔

By Sir-Skittles at 12,Oct,21 21:51 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
That cunt isn't right about anything

By #610414 at 12,Oct,21 17:55
[deleted image]

My Lovable Churrito being funny. I just love him
After losing what was left of her gray snatch fur due to STD and old age, member Twowarmtts3! made a big decision. To go back in time and to make her cunny look younger, the Saggy Granny decided to purchase a Merkin. What is a fucking merkin you ask? It is basically a cunt toupee!

Now, I ask you, “What is wrong with this Merkin?

By dgraff at 03,Oct,21 14:41 other posts of dgraff 
What’s the matter tecsan are you losing your touch it only took me 5 minutes to delete all your bull shit this morning or have you realized that you can’t fight us all at the same time there just is not enough hours in the day to fight us all and yet cook for the truckers you might as well just throw in the towel put your white flag up and surrender you dumb ass hump
--------------------------------------- added after 19 hours

Just as i thought no reply no nothing this morning you are truly a beaten man I’m ashamed of you your weak all talk and no go
By tecsan at 04,Oct,21 09:50 other posts of tecsan 
Yes, I know you are a coward deleter...Be a man like shittles...Dumb bitch...
By dgraff at 04,Oct,21 10:00 other posts of dgraff 
You be a man and take your little smith and Wesson model 586 in 357 magnum and patrol your borders with that little pea shooter 357 magnum has not been the top dog since the 1950s
By tecsan at 04,Oct,21 10:32 other posts of tecsan 
Let us test it on the range...High school drop out...
By dgraff at 04,Oct,21 10:38 other posts of dgraff 
Bring it on little girl guns are the one thing I know more about then cars
By tecsan at 05,Oct,21 00:04 other posts of tecsan 
Are you kidding me high school drop out..."I know more about then cars"...Really, think you meant than but hell I may be wrong...As for guns, maybe you do know a lot, we know you like to suck on the barrel of markis...
By dgraff at 05,Oct,21 00:59 other posts of dgraff 
Hey little girl your on line early tonight you must not have diped in to the cheap scotch yet
By tecsan at 05,Oct,21 08:23 other posts of tecsan 
Damn you have to be kin to piss ass fag freddy...No one could understand that comment... I think maybe you meant 'dipped into the cheap scotch'...Hell I am probably wrong though...
By dgraff at 05,Oct,21 10:09 other posts of dgraff 
I think you need to get on your knees and slob on my knob

By tecsan at 04,Oct,21 09:51 other posts of tecsan 
Are you kin to piss ass freddy the fag bitch...???
By #610414 at 09,Oct,21 20:27
You guys remind me of one of those cheap tenants apt bldg in the Bronx. The third floor bitch is yelling at the first floor bitch that her man is not going to boff her any more.

By Sir-Skittles at 25,Sep,21 02:05 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

Twowarmtts3- juggle this you old slag:

By bella! at 26,Sep,21 05:59 other posts of bella! 
What is really difficult to "juggle" is that this screen shot hasn't even existed for a full 96 hours and it has received 45 similar comments from the same member! I wonder why admin allows this behavior to continue?
By Sir-Skittles at 26,Sep,21 13:50 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Guess he just feels sorry that Tecsan has such an awful life.
By bella! at 26,Sep,21 14:01 other posts of bella! 
And he has just added another 4 more comments/posts. If a member relies on the Activity Meter, on the surface the Meter gives a false appearance that tecsan is very "active" and most likely "popular". When you "dig" a little deeper, it's easy to detect that the member is only looney toons.....
By Sir-Skittles at 26,Sep,21 22:10 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Members Social Activity Meter
Updated once per 24 hours
My Profile Main Page

tecsan's Activity: 1497

Crazy for sure... another Whitaker
By tecsan at 27,Sep,21 07:24 other posts of tecsan 
The loser bitch shittles, probably a cocksucker too...tecsan was here...e shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...ore shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...ore shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...ore shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...///

By tecsan at 27,Sep,21 07:23 other posts of tecsan 
The loser bitch shittles, probably a cocksucker too...tecsan was here...e shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...ore shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...ore shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...ore shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]

Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...///
By Sir-Skittles at 27,Sep,21 18:37 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Point proven. He has no life!!!!

Tecsan it is time to give old Mary a push in her chair!
By tecsan at 28,Sep,21 04:17 other posts of tecsan 
It is time to push piss ass freddy of the cliff...You know it is a moron...You even told me so...
By Sir-Skittles at 29,Sep,21 00:02 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Lady Tecsan, grasping for straws. Sad.
By dgraff at 29,Sep,21 01:21 other posts of dgraff 
I know I’m getting about sick of reading his bull shit
By tecsan at 29,Sep,21 05:35 other posts of tecsan 
Then fuck off and do not read it fat gay bitch...

By tecsan at 29,Sep,21 05:36 other posts of tecsan 
You and dgraff go kiss and make up bitch...

By tecsan at 29,Sep,21 05:39 other posts of tecsan 
Fuck off gay boy shittles...

By tecsan at 29,Sep,21 05:38 other posts of tecsan 
I will enlighten you...$$$...
By dgraff at 29,Sep,21 09:23 other posts of dgraff 
Listen fuck face there is a reason no body likes you it’s because you are an annoying ass hole that was bent over as a teenager and fucked in the ass by the whole Dallas cowboys team I bet you’re ass whistles as you walk any way congratulations you just made another mortal enemy on this site so go enjoy your pizza and this time try not to crap 💩 your pants when it arrives
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

And no pissing out your windows that’s hoggish use a bathroom like every one else
--------------------------------------- added after 101 minutes

And don’t forget to flush
--------------------------------------- added after 102 minutes

And while your at it take a shower I can smell you all the way in Pennsylvania
By Sir-Skittles at 29,Sep,21 12:40 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

Tecsan has been seen pissing out of his own window. A site hillbilly! Too much cheap scotch!
By dgraff at 29,Sep,21 12:53 other posts of dgraff 
I thought maybe he liked wine 🍷 fresh out of the box
By tecsan at 30,Sep,21 05:09 other posts of tecsan 
You been warned dgay bitch...
By dgraff at 30,Sep,21 08:20 other posts of dgraff 
Your warning means nothing to me pizza boy
By tecsan at 30,Sep,21 09:27 other posts of tecsan 
We will see...Bet you and fag markis blacklist me soon...Two faggots...
By dgraff at 30,Sep,21 09:44 other posts of dgraff 
Ahhhahaha you should talk pizza boy you got fucked in the ass by the whole Dallas cowboys football team
By tecsan at 30,Sep,21 09:48 other posts of tecsan 
Now I know what your dream is...Doubt I can arrange it though...
By dgraff at 30,Sep,21 10:57 other posts of dgraff 
Yes that is my dream watching you get fucked by a whole foot ball team merciless as you start to bleed then we all stand around watching you bleed out on the floor as we all toast your pathetic life with an ice cold beer 🍺
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

Then as you start to fade out and you start twitching from the lack of blood I start kicking you in the face with my size 13 wide combat boots hoping to snuff the life out of you putting you out of your misery
--------------------------------------- added after 11 minutes

Now don’t forget this is a fictitious dream
Before you go running to admin crying that the big bad man from Pennsylvania threatened you
By tecsan at 01,Oct,21 06:12 other posts of tecsan 
Trust me bitch, I have never ran to admin and never will...I only respond when others run first to admin...Example...Piss ass freddy ran first to admin...

By tecsan at 30,Sep,21 09:49 other posts of tecsan 
Go toss some more salad bitch...
Me tough redneck guy, you are fag boy gay guy...Now fuck off shittles...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 1y ago [Delete]

Shut your cunt lady boy tecsa [sic]...Fucking cunt bitch cocksucker go play with your league, you know other cocksuckers/fags like you...

By tecsan at 30,Sep,21 05:10 other posts of tecsan 
Shittles the site plumber, it loves snacking your pipes clean...

By Sir-Skittles at 30,Sep,21 16:41 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Tecsan... $$$ she is panhandling for money! Welfare cunt
By tecsan at 01,Oct,21 06:04 other posts of tecsan 
Sir = three letters and gay = three letters...Why did gay shits just not rename itself as gay shittles...The truth will set you free shits...
By dgraff at 01,Oct,21 08:17 other posts of dgraff 
I will tell you when your done bitch now get back on your knees and suck me off now
--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes

And another thing grow some hair around that little dick for Christ sake you look like a baby all you need yet is a diaper laying under you
By tecsan at 01,Oct,21 08:26 other posts of tecsan 
By dgraff [Ignore] 16hr ago [Delete] ⤴

Your skin is to light to be a coon I think you are a hunchback Mexican
By dgraff at 01,Oct,21 08:28 other posts of dgraff 
Ahhhahaha well did I nail it or what are you a wet back or not
By tecsan at 01,Oct,21 08:34 other posts of tecsan 
What ever you want to believe racist coward fag bitch...
By dgraff at 01,Oct,21 09:49 other posts of dgraff 
Awwww is the baby dick hungry don’t worry I will feed you my dick soon
By Sir-Skittles at 03,Oct,21 13:54 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Lady Tecsan is hungry! Next time he will need TWO large pizzas and 4 cocks! Greedy cunt that he is!
By dgraff at 03,Oct,21 14:12 other posts of dgraff 
Yes he loves pizza

By tecsan at 04,Oct,21 09:53 other posts of tecsan 
Think you just described what you want for dinner faggot...
By dgraff at 05,Oct,21 10:18 other posts of dgraff 
Is it true lady tecsan you like white pizza with extra cum or do you just want the extra cum fresh out of the tube

By bella! at 02,Oct,21 05:11 other posts of bella! 
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...This has little to do with our discussion. DEV01, the couple, seem like a very nice Aussie couple. I don’t have nor will I ever have direct contact (in person, Skype, or phone) with anyone from the internet, and especially, from here. It’s not a putdown on the members. It’s a personal view for protection. I have to make excuses (my husband, boyfriend, lover, won’t let me) why I don’t do it. It’s a small fib and guys seem not to be very disappointed. What this means, lollipop, is that my reason for picking someone to “friend “ is based on what I can gleam [sic) from interaction here. Lix has always been supportive from the first time I was here. She’s also the only one that was left from that time that I’ve friended. Aussie just happened to be there and he and I always exchanged hot messages. Whatever they are or do in real life, short of illegal acts, is of no concern to me. DEV01 is in the same position. If a member(s) accepts my persona here in a friendly or even, non-chalant way, then I’m not going to get into any major argument with him/them. Lix and Aussie were friendly and supportive. DEV01 was and still is unfriendly (it’s easier to describe them like this). These are the reasons for my opinions. I don’t want to be confrontational with DEV01. They disapproved of my comments about my new love, Sir-Skittles. Did I asked them to be? Did Bella? And this was not the first time, they have consistently put me down. I know I’m rude when I get into an argument and I try, in the spirit of the site, act like a whore. That is what I want my persona to be here. No one know how I really am in real life. I’ve posted some truths about me (work experience, location, age) but that’s all. So, no one has the right to disapprove of my real lifestyle. Anyway, it’s neither here nor there. DEV01, if you are reading this, peace and long life to you.
--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes

dgraff , I'm happy that your friend is able to razzle and dazzle you with their bullshit. I've NEVER told, advised, instructed, coached, etc any member to be rude or unfriendly to another member. If Dev01 is "unfriendly" to any member that's probably because they've done something to deserve that treatment.
By #610414 at 03,Oct,21 20:48
That’s making an assumption and it could be true. I’m not, or at least, have not been a likable member, regardless of my long list of friends.
I do want to change that perception. Raszle dazzle is an opinion but if you think that, then, so be it. I like Dgraff and Sir-Skittles is funny. I get the impression some people are jealous of my feelings for friends and others.
By bella! at 04,Oct,21 00:46 other posts of bella! 
Interesting! Did you think that all of your nasty posts and your insulting and demeaning Photoshop'd pictures that you snagged from members pages would make you well liked? You scored points with lix but she's no longer here to back you up and support your bad behavior. You're trying to reinvent yourself and apparently some members think you can and have.

Razzle dazzle seemed to be a better choice of words versus saying "blowing smoke ones ass". A leopard never changes its spots and I don't think that you're able to change. And if you're suggesting that I'm jealous of you and/or your relationship with any member....NOT!
By #610414 at 04,Oct,21 01:07
You must miss Lix. You take every opportunity to mention her. I have no expectation. Some like me, others don’t. You may opine on my bad behavior as you see it. You have no idea how many members tell me that you are deserving of any bad behavior by me or others. I don’t believe that.
You are the way you are because of a lifetime of denying your goodness.
It’s not too late. What you call “blowing smoke up one’s ass” might be an honest try to be better with my friends. And I still think you are a little jealous. You wouldn’t know if a leopard can change its spots. Neither do I but I’m a woman that likes to have fun and usually do. Let’s bury this animosity and be friends.
By bella! at 04,Oct,21 01:18 other posts of bella! 
You and I be friends? Not a snowballs chance in hell!
By #610414 at 04,Oct,21 11:32
It’s ok, gorgeous. No need to feel put upon. I don’t know if I can behave friendly towards you but I’m going to try.
By bella! at 04,Oct,21 12:17 other posts of bella! 
Please, no need for insincere compliments. And if you recall the private message I sent to you upon lix's departure, all I asked was for civility.
By #610414 at 04,Oct,21 12:40
I have been civil. I may not have agreed with you about some things but, I have been civil with you. I learned something new. You don’t believe you are gorgeous? I’m sorry. Why is that?

By bella! at 02,Oct,21 05:31 other posts of bella! 
“ What is really difficult to "juggle" is that this screen shot hasn't even existed for a full 96 hours and it has received 45 similar comments from the same member! I wonder why admin allows this behavior to continue?”

What I wonder is why anyone thinks it’s their business to rat on another member indirectly through the back door
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Since it was post that was reposted and commented on, I would like to respond. Who gives a flying fuck what you think!?
By #610414 at 03,Oct,21 20:35
I don’t know. Surely you might know.

By Sir-Skittles at 01,Oct,21 10:43 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Many members have made reports of Twowarmtts3! Whitaker posting ancient pictures of her rotten minge hairs that were dark brown in color. Others reported the pictures started to look fake, and had been turning gray.

As it turns out, the Saggy Granny has lost all her matted down, gray cunny hairs due to numerous STD's, old age, and general poor health. To help make her appear young and healthy, the Saggy Granny is wearing a Merkin she purchased off the Internet.

Sad and hilarious at the same time!

By #610414 at 26,Sep,21 20:30
I can’t hide it anymore. I have to shout it from the highest building.

Sir-Skittles, Churito, baby. I can’t go on. I have to tell you, every time I see one of your posts,my knees begin to tremble, my heart starts to race, I start to feel there’s not enough air.. Churito, have pity on me. Can’t you see I’ve fallen for you? Please, give me your lovin’. Don’t leave me hanging..
By leopoldij at 26,Sep,21 22:47 other posts of leopoldij 
Do you love him so much? Are you a masochist?
By #610414 at 27,Sep,21 09:37
Perhaps you think of me as the leader of the underground. I’m human too. I adore him
By leopoldij at 27,Sep,21 19:21 other posts of leopoldij 
Please pass on to him my love.
By #610414 at 29,Sep,21 16:02
He knows it now, baby
By leopoldij at 29,Sep,21 18:58 other posts of leopoldij 

By tecsan at 29,Sep,21 05:41 other posts of tecsan 
When others stop attacking me then I will stop...Sorry bella, you need to learn the basic rules...
By dgraff at 29,Sep,21 09:30 other posts of dgraff 
Rules are for fools pizza boy
By Sir-Skittles at 29,Sep,21 12:41 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Pizza boy!!!

By #610414 at 29,Sep,21 16:01
Yeah baby! Let’s ride your Hog with me in short, short pants with the crotch cut off and a skimpy halter top.

By curvy8 at 29,Sep,21 11:08 other posts of curvy8 
can't we all just get along and share pics of cunts and cocks?
By Sir-Skittles at 29,Sep,21 12:40 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Get back in yer box Rodney King poster lass.
By dgraff at 29,Sep,21 12:54 other posts of dgraff 

By #610414 at 29,Sep,21 15:59
Curvy8, you are making the same assumption that many members make. They think the forums are part of the dick and pussy show. They are not. If it’s uncomfortable for you to be on this side, then enjoy the other side of the site, or, the less controversial threads like “Is My Dick Bigger Than Yours?”
No one will think less of you and we all would love ❤️ to show you how we love.

By bella! at 23,Sep,21 22:17 other posts of bella! 
"From where I stand the world does revolve around me and if where you stand the world doesn’t revolve around you, then I feel sorry for you."

By #610414 at 25,Sep,21 02:36
No answer?
By phart at 25,Sep,21 03:27 other posts of phart 
I have read that several times and It makes ABSOLUTLY no sense at ALL.
The world revolves around no 1 person. So do you feel sorry for every other human on earth or??????
By #610414 at 25,Sep,21 13:31
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

Phart, it's a metaphor. It means that you are the center of your own universe and, in your perception, everything around you happens for you. This is YOUR perception. My perception is that everything around me happens for me. That is a very simplified look at life that says, "I am"
--------------------------------------- added after 9 hours

All you ever do is criticize other members. Why don’t you ever get involved in a conversation talking about something important? Is talking bad about other members all you know? Is this your way of coping for your inadequate sexual performance? Is your dick too little? What is your excuse? You go looking for me to push my buttons and I’m here to tell you you don’t impress me. Maybe, other victims of your sick mind might hide or quit the site. I never will until I get tired of the site. It won’t be because of you.
You slap me, I’ll slap you twice. You kick my ass, I’ll rip your balls with my bare teeth. You insult me and desecrate the memory of my father and I’ll make sure everyone knows your whore mother tried to abort you and you are what’s left of that botched abortion. She should have sued the butcher for a pound of hamburger. That’s all you are worth. Do yourself a favor, find someone else to bother.

By Sir-Skittles at 25,Sep,21 13:46 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
That old bat Twowarmtts3 with all her mental illness and meds.. isn't even on this planet

By dgraff at 26,Sep,21 01:45 other posts of dgraff 
I don’t know about the world revolving around me but the sun rises and sets on my ass and after dark it becomes a full moon
By #610414 at 26,Sep,21 15:12
And a pretty ass it is.

By #610414 at 26,Sep,21 15:10
Sir-Skittles‘seems obsessed with my tits. Maybe he wants to taste milk from a woman or, maybe Mama was busy with the mailman at the the time

By Sir-Skittles at 26,Sep,21 13:58 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
This old bat is getting worse by the hour. What mirror is she looking a because her flappy tits look two fried eggs hanging on nails. Thankfully, her pot belly acts as a built in bra so they don't sag down into her gray cunny hairs.

Plastic surgery is not the answer either. She is too old and does not have money for any cosmetic procedure.

By TWOWARMTTS3 [Ignore] 22,Sep,21 20:36 other posts

First, baby, I’ll put my “two shit titts “ against your wife’s any day of the week and twice on Sunday. And those are the “Saggy titts” everyone seems to be afraid off. 36DDs
I am a foul mouth Russian Orthodox Catholic. I am a slutty whore and love to fuck more than one at a time. I’m not totally homo, but, I am BI and love women almost as much as I love men. I’m not a Jew but, my Savior was.
Believe it or not, I am calm. Actually, I’m laughing my head off. I managed to get 6 members to loose their cool. Not bad for a silly blond.

By #610414 at 25,Sep,21 02:31
Come get your lunch

only registered users can see external links

--------------------------------------- added after 13 minutes

Aren’t you hungry? It’s your favorite
--------------------------------------- added after 26 minutes

104 members know you are a piece of shit and blacklisted you. Tomorrow it’ll be 105. I’m going to enjoy blocking a FATHER FUCKING HOMO LIKE YOU, and dumb ass, I may not be able to cuss you direct but I’m going to wear out your Sir-Skittles all over the forums. You are going to wish you had left me alone. Go back to fucking your Mama, MOTHER FUCKING HOMO.

From @SirSkittles@——Twowarmtts3- juggle this you old slag:

Hey, Cunty, should I answer this here or in my thread?

By Sir-Skittles at 14,Sep,21 18:15 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
An awesome post from Bella... giving a bit of the curry to Lady Tecsan!

By bella! [Ignore] 13,Sep,21 03:22 other posts

Nope, I didn't get anything wrong. You are the butt of PA-Freddy's tormenting and since he is able to make you cry like a little girl, he continues to torment you. You've got it wrong.

What difference do the details of his fantasy blog make? The 14 year old boy is black, so what!? What if he added that he was 300lbs? Would you be screaming about "fat shaming", too?

As far as the word GUY goes, I'm not sure if there is an age that can be associated with the word. And IF you are a father of a boy, surely someone has said something like, "what a cute little guy", "how old is your little guy", etc. And GUY doesn't necessarily mean "male person" any longer. Sometimes a group of females will be referred to as "guys".

Your last sentence sums everything up; "why argue with a child that is 21 years of age, but it [sic] should know better...". THE PROBLEM IS YOU DON'T HAVE ANY COMMON SENSE AND YOU LOVE TO PISS AND MOAN LIKE A LITTLE GIRL.

By bella! at 23,Aug,21 02:45 other posts of bella! 
I inquired whether anyone had heard from or about Mr. CountryCouple54. Although I did not specifically say, I was concerned whether he was still in the hospital and what his general health condition was.

He responded by posting; "I'm home since Wednesday. Feeling awesome today and back to work tomorrow. Five bags of Remdesivir, antibiotics, steroids, and a plasma transfusion. Feel like a new man."

In a knock off thread the author made the following post; "CountryCouple54
I saw your post in Bella!’s thread. Congratulations."

Congratulations? Congratulations are offered when you win the lotto, when you become a first time homeowner. Congratulations for getting out of the hospital?
By #610414 at 23,Aug,21 05:00
Congratulations for beating the odds. What would you have said? My condolences? Did you leave a limb behind? I know, after I realized that you, CC54, had recovered from that most dreadful desease, I stayed up all evening trying to find the right words to express how happy I was that you are back with your family at home. I will celebrate your homecoming with some Grand Marnier. It’s wonderful. Why, I bet you opted for, “Don’t come visiting. You might still be contagious and I don’t want that shit.”
--------------------------------------- added after 7 hours

I was reading another thread and found out what the proper reaction to Mr CounttryCouple54’s hospital release is.

Cool beans! Good to hear from you!

Boy, was I mistaken.

By dgraff at 23,Aug,21 10:14 other posts of dgraff 
Beating the odds dreadful disease 🦠 what did the bubonic plague return are we now riddled with the Ebola virus how much smoke can our government blow up my ass before it starts coming out of my ears please any man or woman that can walk and breathe can beat this candy ass virus I still don’t buy in to it
--------------------------------------- added after 79 minutes

What next Chris Farley and a couple stoned screw ups will invade Mexico oh wait that all ready happened
--------------------------------------- added after 80 minutes

And wasn’t the name of that movie called Delta farce
By #610414 at 23,Aug,21 12:28
Dgraff I know you use your cute ass to stuff cool things. Getting the government to blow smoke up your ass must be a great experience. Imagine, if you were a Native American, you could make smoke signals while farting. Ebola? We got that shit to deal with again? I’m sure you can not be wrong. I saw your pic riding your hog. You are one tough hombre. Anyone can beat this candy ass virus. Hey, why do you call it “Candy”? Why not Bella ass virus? Or Kemis Ass virus? BTW, this week, just for you, the virus is free. You don’t have to buy it.
How do you ride a hog without getting all that mud getting all over you?

--------------------------------------- added after 2 hours

BTW, I just remembered. Chuck Norris right?
By dgraff at 23,Aug,21 15:23 other posts of dgraff 
No that was delta force with chuck Norris Chris Farley played it delta farce along with Larry the cable guy
By #610414 at 23,Aug,21 15:26
Oh, ok. Not my type of movie
By dgraff at 24,Aug,21 21:17 other posts of dgraff 
Why it’s funny as hell now who couldn’t believe that 4 stoned screw ups could invade Mexico and win
By #610414 at 24,Aug,21 21:33
I just don’t like Farley. Sorry.

By Sir-Skittles at 01,Sep,21 12:14 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Well, she didn't exactly attend finishing school. Or any school for that matter... So, proper etiquette is really not her speciality.

By bella! at 01,Sep,21 13:04 other posts of bella! 
My response was "cool beans", another way of me saying, cool, super, good to know, great, good news, etc.

By bella! at 30,Aug,21 15:33 other posts of bella! 
Kudos to Ananas2xLekker for his thoughtful and spot on post. It shows that he is able to be considerate of an opposing perspective and does it without being condescending or insulting.

"In my opinion phart is the most articulate and coherent poster of the right wing perspective. He is mostly respectful, stoic and tenacious and he sometimes surprises me with his responses."
By Ananas2xLekker at 30,Aug,21 20:19 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Thanks for the compliment. I will try to live up to that.

By #610414 at 26,Aug,21 17:27

Bella! posted
"Freedom comes with wisdom and no society wants people to be free". That statement I absolutely agree with.

Уseo is relatively new at being a philosopher. He’s mostly a second half of the 20th century mystic.
Freedom comes with wisdom, intrinsically. They are inseparable, and no society wants people to be free. The communist society, the fascist society, the capitalist society, the Hindu, the Mohammedan, the Christian – no society likes people to use their own intelligence because the moment they start using their intelligence they become dangerous – dangerous to the establishment, dangerous to the people who are in power, dangerous to the “haves”; dangerous to all kinds of oppression, exploitation, suppression; dangerous to the churches, dangerous to the states, dangerous to the nations.

In fact, a wise man is afire, alive, aflame. He would like rather to die than to be enslaved. Death will not matter much to him, but he cannot sell his life to all kinds of stupidities, to all kinds of stupid people. He cannot serve them. Hence, the societies down the ages have been supplying you with false knowing. That’s the very function of your schools, colleges, universities.

Response by Bella!
Word for word this is a copy and paste that you have posted as if this was your own thoughts and words. Why do you never acknowledge that you have taken the information from another source or credit the "author"?

The author is Уseo. Wikipedia is a compilation of various contributors different In every thread. Frankly, you’ve got to be dumb to think this is coming from my mind. That is except for the first line. Now, to answer your questionable question. I know it frosts your balls (if you had any) to have me in your threads. No. Copy/paste is not that easy. First you have to copy/paste the tittle of the piece. Then you have to copy/paste the URL, the location so to speak. Lastly, you have to copy/paste the author and publication it’s appearing in. All this going back and forth from SYC to Wikipedia or wherever you are getting the info without erasing all your previous work and having to start again. And for what? So some Dolce Banana can be made happy? Please. I bet 95% of our fellow members don’t even know we are talking about an Indian (that’s in the Asian continent and not Arizona) philosopher. You know? This has given you more of a pain in the ass than it will ever do me. Here’s a relative question for you. You posted a piece of philosophy without giving the author it’s due. Don’t you think the rest of the site deserves to know who Уseo is? But, no. Only Candy fucks up royally according to Bella with a !.

By #610414 at 14,Aug,21 13:42
Hey, Dev01 I’ve been told that you will carry all news fit to copy/paste from Bella!‘s thread. You ok with that?
--------------------------------------- added after 117 minutes

August 14, 2021. No posts yet from Ms Nibs.

Adult Discussion Forum