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Started by tecsan at 12,Feb,21 05:45  other posts of tecsan
Anything welcome here if you keep it civil...Like to hear other's thoughts...

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By tecsan at 05,Jun,21 06:34 other posts of tecsan 
Like I said anything...How does everyone feel about the covid-19 vaccine...Anyone think it was rushed too quickly...
By #485312 at 06,Jun,21 09:25
its all bullshit, when immunized people still arent allowed to travel or do anything, its bullshit. here we had a couple had a premmi baby, both parents were immunized and they werent allowed to see their baby, even after 2 weeks of quarantine from a state with no covid, to a state with no covid.. its all shit.. now the media hype is deadlier strains are on the loose to try and make more people get vaccinated, only around 10 percent of medical staff and supposed front line workers got the vaccine, so theyre really confident of it working.. and only now are they finally considering building purpose build quarantine camps out side the city and metropolitan areas for in coming travellers. So NO, we arent opening once they have their vaccinations... thats how effective it is, thats how wanted it is here, and its not going to change a single thing here.. *lix*

By sherryann at 09,Jun,21 02:47 other posts of sherryann 
In March 2020, I was really concerned about the virus. Now, like then, I will never get that shot. (I've never had a flu shot either.)
By phart at 09,Jun,21 21:34 other posts of phart 

And to think for a couple months,feb and march,I was listening to fauchi, Only to find out recently he is part of the fucking problem. Trust those government employed people from that department again? Hell no.
Shot? Hell no.If everyone around me is "protected" then no one is in danger but me.And I am responsible for my safety.
By sherryann at 10,Jun,21 00:40 other posts of sherryann 
Yeah in the beginning he had me buffoload too but I knew I wouldn't let them inject that poison in me. As screwed up as the government is, they may mandate it. Hope I am wrong
By phart at 10,Jun,21 03:27 other posts of phart 
It would not surprise me.But it will probably become part of what all the babies get in the future along with the shots they have to have to go to school and such.

By #623135 at 18,Jun,21 13:01
You, Sherryann and you Phart, have a choice to take or not take the shots. Great, but why try to change other people’s mind by calling these shots poison? You two have been spouting conspiracy theories as far as I can remember. For some reason you two believe this country is being swallowed up by the medical groups,the big business groups and the generalismos of the world. Your lives must be like the kids in that movie were the Soviet Union invades the USA.
By phart at 18,Jun,21 16:15 other posts of phart 
and you seem to live in Disney world sometimes.
A good friend about died from the virus ,a few months later took the j and j shot and was back in the er that night..
Now he is having heart problems. The virus has a 99% survival rate.Why take the risk?
I am not personally trying to change anyone's mind.I just say how I feel about it.

By tecsan at 13,Jun,21 11:24 other posts of tecsan 
I would not give up quiet so soon...I have never had the flu vaccine either...
By sherryann at 13,Jun,21 18:22 other posts of sherryann 
I know lots of us who have not. Plus why get a shot for something that most people recover from?
By tecsan at 14,Jun,21 07:02 other posts of tecsan 
Dam good point sherry, but what if you were one of the statistics, think you would change your mind...Just to be clear though I still think the vaccine was rushed and still am undecided as to get it...

By #623135 at 18,Jun,21 12:47
Sherry Ann, most people survive heart attacks. Why take meds to lower colesterol or high blood pressure? Why loose weight or stop being obese? I believe that the actual reason is that you are scared to take the shot(s) but don’t want people to think you are so you look for excuses. It’s your choice. Good luck.
By sherryann at 18,Jun,21 15:21 other posts of sherryann 
Angel, you are right. I AM afraid of taking that shot. I shouldn't call it poison, right again. I don't know what's in it so shouldn't say a word. Medicine affects me strongly whereas another person may be able to tolerate it better. Same as when I was a drinker, it affected me faster than it affected my fellow drinking friends. Same with the sun, it hurts and burns my skin as my friends just get tan. I know all that has nothing to do with the shot but I am not afraid to say you are absolutely right! I am afraid to take the shot. I don't care if people think I am afraid to take the shot Angel, nor do I care what anyone thinks about me admitting you are right. What people think doesn't matter to me. I will continue to wear my mask in public as the unvaccinated are required to do here where I live.

By tecsan at 18,Jun,21 06:14 other posts of tecsan 
Some love to change their nicks here or add characters and symbols...Why, are they ashamed of the first crap they made up...???
By #623135 at 18,Jun,21 12:40
.In my case I’ve tried to keep a form of the “Twowarmtts” nick. The others are plays on my nickname in real life, like Candyangel, ANGELKITTEN and angel

By #623135 at 08,Jun,21 14:23
What happens if AngelOfDeath kicks the bucket? Does he become the angel of the AngelOfDeath? A MOTHER FUCKING HOMO ANGEL?
By tecsan at 09,Jun,21 02:16 other posts of tecsan 

By tecsan at 18,Jun,21 07:38 other posts of tecsan 
Think this one stuck in his crawl a little...
By #623135 at 18,Jun,21 12:36

By #623135 at 18,May,21 00:19
angelofdeathreason to blacklist.

Senile old bat shit crazy coot with dirt bags that hang to her old pasty cracked cankles.

Not angel of death......more like death warmed over. Coward. You hide behind blacklisting..
By tecsan at 19,May,21 05:04 other posts of tecsan 
Hell has no fury...

By Sir-Skittles at 28,May,21 15:42 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
twowarmtts3- stupid cunt- you hide behind blacklisting. Go back to sucking off those welfare rats in your trailer. Oh wait, they are all limp cock lumps!
By #623135 at 28,May,21 20:37
Skittles,. Twowarmtts3 says you trash her page when she unblocks you. You are doing that to my page now. I know you just want to have fun. BTW, she would like to know why you think retirees are welfare rats.
By tecsan at 29,May,21 07:05 other posts of tecsan 
Give him time and he will be what he calls a 'welfare rat'...He will open his eyes one day and realize it...
By #623135 at 29,May,21 10:47

By tecsan at 02,Jun,21 03:38 other posts of tecsan 
So you are scared and blacklist???Guess you love to hide by blacklisting that is fine, it is offered here and should be used when you are scared or feel threatened...
By #623135 at 02,Jun,21 20:01
,No, I blacklist to keep my page clean. Angel1227! Is wide open so the likes of Skittles can trash my page until they are blue in the face.
Twowarmtts3 is closed to all the mother fuckers.. my page is clean and I can chat with my friends without having that trash in my page.
Your tone in your post suggests I’m scared. Go read my posts in Bella’s thread and then suggest I’m hiding.

By tecsan at 03,Jun,21 04:05 other posts of tecsan 
This comment fits angelofdeat... The group blacklists or finds backdoors...
By #623135 at 03,Jun,21 11:17
Sorry, after so many years here, I still forget about the little reference arrow.
--------------------------------------- added after 24 minutes

If I may, since we are talking about blocking, let me use your post.

Dgraff posted:
Hi fatty I see you

He was referring to Lix. I think one should not throw stones if one lives in a glass house. If you’ve ever had the misfortune to visit his page, you’ll agree he would make a horror nightmare with his looks.
He also posted:

Well you must be friend just because you laughed about lixsipsucket being grossly over weight hey there is another woman on site she’s that old her tits sag down to her belly button and her ass sags down to her shoes

He was answered By AngelOfDeath
Yeah, puke*shitbucket or whatever that old manatee calls it’s self was never a friend of mine. Neither was that old package of stale crackers with the tits that sag past it’s knees.
By #485312 at 06,Jun,21 09:34
":AngelOfDeath: reason for blacklisting....
Narcissist & bloated sea cow carcass that talks shit out if it’s ass acts tough but is nothing but an ugly fat loser cunt that never amounted to shit & thinks it’s special because a bunch of desperate losers on the internet give it attention"

so I take it "YOU'RE ALL A BUNCH OF DESPERATE LOSERS ON THE INTERNET"... but funny how the vulgarangel still wants all you 'internet losers' to looks at her gash??? had to look it on the banner today, flashing its wares for the 'bunches of losers' to pay her some attention???? I hope you all drop by and give her what she wants... some LOSER ATTENTION FOR HER LOSER SEEKING CUNT is how I see it ... maybe she should get some of the anal bleach, to take the stain off it ... *lix*
By #623135 at 06,Jun,21 11:52
I agree with you. I didn’t post a rebuttal just to take a break. Sometimes I get tired of arguing with these MOTHER FUCKING HOMOS. This @Angelodeath@ HOMO follows the shit group. He blacklisted me before I had a chance to see what he/she looks like. It looks like we are a huge thorn in the OneEyedBitchWitch’s group. You in particular make her squirm. Her knickers have so many knots she could play cricket with them.

By tecsan at 09,Jun,21 02:19 other posts of tecsan 
Sad to say, but angelofdeath is a name given to me in real life off of here...Never agreed with the reason though...

By phart at 09,Jun,21 01:49 other posts of phart 
I had a bad case of hung chow today. Apparently not enough fiber.
--------------------------------------- added after 25 hours

similar case today.Don't know what I am doing different to have hung chow all the sudden. I know my appetite has went all but away the last few weeks.
Just snack and drink milk and don't eat a "meal" except breakfast now.

By tecsan at 03,Jun,21 06:43 other posts of tecsan 
Angelofdeath lets others use the name to try and intimidate people...

By #544594 at 21,Apr,21 23:37
Did you know it’s possible cum AND fart at the same time? My GF likes when I do that.
By HotFuckerBoy at 11,May,21 20:54 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 

By tecsan at 02,Jun,21 07:40 other posts of tecsan 
Almost anything is possible...

By dgraff at 30,Apr,21 01:15 other posts of dgraff 
Hi fatty I see you
By tecsan at 11,May,21 06:04 other posts of tecsan 
Sorry you feel that way...
By dgraff at 11,May,21 09:54 other posts of dgraff 
That was directed at lixsipsucket our war has been going on for 7 years she knows she is fat and she knows who it was directed at
By Sir-Skittles at 11,May,21 12:43 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Lix... more like Lbs... As in too many of them! A site lardo

She is a toilet model
By dgraff at 11,May,21 13:22 other posts of dgraff 

By tecsan at 17,May,21 04:05 other posts of tecsan 
Hey skittles atleast I can spell miscellaneous unlike your friend freddy...

By tecsan at 02,Jun,21 04:53 other posts of tecsan 
Shittles is a site reject...Runs like a bunny rabbit when scared...

By #642199 at 11,May,21 15:47
By dgraff at 11,May,21 16:21 other posts of dgraff 
Nice to meet you thanks for joining us
By #642199 at 11,May,21 16:47
Oh I’m not exactly new. It’s been a while. Just popping in to say hello. Usernames an inside joke between me and another member. Once they see it I’ll change it to something a little familiar.
By bella! at 11,May,21 16:54 other posts of bella! 
The choice of music is confusing....
By #642199 at 11,May,21 17:04
Oh, is it? Well I don’t see any rules established that they needed to be clear. Con permiso Delores.
By dgraff at 11,May,21 22:19 other posts of dgraff 
Well you must be friend just because you laughed about lixsipsucket being grossly over weight hey there is another woman on site she’s that old her tits sag down to her belly button and her ass sags down to her shoes
By #642199 at 12,May,21 00:28
Yeah, puke*shitbucket or whatever that old manatee calls it’s self was never a friend of mine. Neither was that old package of stale crackers with the tits that sag past it’s knees.
By dgraff at 12,May,21 00:40 other posts of dgraff 

By tecsan at 17,May,21 05:41 other posts of tecsan 
BTW...What do you mean by changing it to something more similar...

By tecsan at 17,May,21 05:38 other posts of tecsan 
Do not understand...I originally was advised to not upset you by another member...That member also stated it would be my demise if I did...Not trying to start anything, just wondering as to the truth of the above...
By #642199 at 17,May,21 18:07
I’m not up to any shenanigans here. As long as those who have fucked with me in the past and stole my pictures and put them on Craigslist and other sites and tried to find out my identity leave me the fuck alone I’ll do the same. The last person who tried it learned I’m not one to fuck with. I’m sure they still are dealing with the mountain of unpaid delivery fees that caused their household …
By tecsan at 18,May,21 03:01 other posts of tecsan 
Whoa, I have never or never will do something like that...I like friendly conversations, well unless provoked like you were...

By dgraff at 19,May,21 10:08 other posts of dgraff 
I like your style sweetheart hit them were it hurts their wallets there is a saggy old woman down south that’s soon going to find out that I’m the same way

By tecsan at 28,May,21 04:41 other posts of tecsan 
If I want to know your identity, I will ask...Simple as that...Never have I posted a picture without consent or the pics being mine...Be nice to know who you are but I respect your privacy...

By phart at 25,May,21 15:22 other posts of phart 
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only registered users can see external links

By #485312 at 05,Apr,21 20:41
to the maggot bag skittles, no I haven't asked for a vote on any contest, and it seems again your feeble mind is just making up bullshit in your constant quest to slander my name around this forum, the only CUNTS here asking for votes, would be your friends, well not even your friends, the people who tolerate your racism, misogynist, and utter brain dead conversations... you better go and bed sit that other CUNTS threads you haunt and hopefully catch the virus and die too... that would make the world a far better place with less arseholes like you
go throw your micro dick into your dried up flesh light, and stroke out your frustrations like you always do, stroking over grannies on syd and whinging that you cant get enough of them, as most of you that whine in forums like you are all sex starved.. that's blatantly obvious to all of us, and your attacks on anyone that you think are me???? well I get lots of messages of guys telling me that youre so paranoid in chat, you say everyone is me??? that's GREAT!!! you really are stupid and your feeble mind is always wondering is it me?? lol, youre a fucking bigger loser than I even gave you credit for skittles.. and youre starting to sound like that other American dirtbag dgraff, if you don't get laid(which is most nights), you slag lix, so I know your life sucks every time you mention my name, I take it as a bigger compliment that you can only throw shit at someone you don't know, that's about your mental capacity, as your mind isn't able to process anything but my arse... guess you just have shit for brains as I suspected...and you don't sound smart to me, you just sound like a loser, but hey, if you hang out with the biggest losers on site, and you fit in with all the window lickers you associate with ... *lix*
By #610414 at 19,May,21 21:52

By tinyboy at 15,Apr,21 22:56 other posts of tinyboy 
I like to suck small cocks. Is that OK?
By #574505 at 15,Apr,21 23:21
I'm small sure you can

By #610414 at 19,May,21 21:50
That’s why you are a “tiny boy”

By tecsan at 14,May,21 06:57 other posts of tecsan 
Hell rice gases me...
By HotFuckerBoy at 14,May,21 20:51 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Now thats a new one. Does it give you big loud ones?
By tecsan at 15,May,21 00:22 other posts of tecsan 
Why does that surprise everyone...My last girlfriend said I was lying til we went an had Chinese food and I love fried rice...
By HotFuckerBoy at 15,May,21 01:27 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
I haven't had rice effect me that way. Being you mentioned fried rice, sometimes they mix onions in it, could that cause it? If not, it just must be how you process it or something
By tecsan at 15,May,21 06:21 other posts of tecsan 
Think you hit it, because plain white rice does the same...My last girlfriend found out the hard way, sad to say...

By HotFuckerBoy at 16,Apr,21 16:58 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
If I eat a lot of fried onions it makes me fart
By dgraff at 29,Apr,21 09:55 other posts of dgraff 
Breaded mushrooms do the same thing to me
--------------------------------------- added after 61 seconds

Now I’m thinking of liver and onions
By HotFuckerBoy at 29,Apr,21 20:09 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Hahaha, Burger King onion rings are a sure fire way to get my ass whistling Dixie.
By phart at 11,May,21 20:45 other posts of phart 
if I eat Deviled eggs with pinto beans and pepsi cola for dinner,then later a taco from Taco bell for supper.I disperse nuclear mushroom clouds.
By bella! at 11,May,21 20:48 other posts of bella! 
I bet you do!

By HotFuckerBoy at 11,May,21 20:51 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Hahaha, wow, that's some drastic gastric there!

By 2nice at 11,May,21 20:51 other posts of 2nice 
How colorful. Hence your username.
By HotFuckerBoy at 11,May,21 20:55 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 

By phart at 11,May,21 21:39 other posts of phart 

By #544594 at 18,Apr,21 21:22
When I feel a big fart coming, I grab and pull one cheek out, it gives the fart a whole new high pitched, treblely rattling sound. It's called a "Cheek Pull Fart". My GF likes when I do that. Try it at your next office meeting or family gathering.
By HotFuckerBoy at 11,May,21 20:54 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 

By leopoldij at 28,Apr,21 12:23 other posts of leopoldij 
Here's a poll question asked recently

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Now tell me how you'd answer that.
By #485312 at 29,Apr,21 20:49
yes. I get it, he was horny when he wrote it *lix*
By leopoldij at 29,Apr,21 23:41 other posts of leopoldij 
That's why you should cum first before you write or talk.
By tecsan at 11,May,21 06:06 other posts of tecsan 
I came across that question...Thought it was weird...
By leopoldij at 11,May,21 08:51 other posts of leopoldij 
People don't understand that a yes/no question is very specific. It's not the first time that someone wastes points like this. In real life they'd waste real money....

By Sir-Skittles at 26,Mar,21 19:48 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
A thread started by a cook!! A recipe for being a cunt!!
By tecsan at 02,Apr,21 07:50 other posts of tecsan 
Really, does anyone here buy this idiots BS...He has no idea about me, yet he tries to lie his way through...Guess that is what bigot/racists do...
By Sir-Skittles at 02,Apr,21 16:05 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Oh look at Woke Tecsan--- being called a cook is racist! Go sniff Pelosi's rotten knickers
By tecsan at 03,Apr,21 06:32 other posts of tecsan 
Not what you called me...Remember niggette, coon and "n____r"...Remember again, "I know you are a "n____r"...

By tecsan at 11,Apr,21 04:25 other posts of tecsan 
I will leave pelosi to you since you adore her so much or is she really a he...???

By tecsan at 29,Apr,21 07:59 other posts of tecsan 
Being called a cook is a damn lie bitch...Even dgraff is using it...He will blacklist me or regret it...

By tecsan at 11,Apr,21 04:23 other posts of tecsan 
And an ignorant piece of crap trying to change it because he hates the topic...Sorry looser boy...

By tecsan at 17,Apr,21 04:56 other posts of tecsan 
Loosers try to distract like this...

By tecsan at 17,Apr,21 06:44 other posts of tecsan 
Beats the hell out of your threads jackass...

By tecsan at 28,Apr,21 07:16 other posts of tecsan 
Your art is great...

By tecsan at 17,Apr,21 06:43 other posts of tecsan 
The largest idiot here is shittles or freddy (fredrica)...Just friendly thoughts...

By #544594 at 16,Apr,21 22:00
I took a big dump at 6:30 this morning
By #574505 at 16,Apr,21 23:06
By #544594 at 17,Apr,21 00:00
Yeah, it was a great big dookie too! Part of it was above the water

By tecsan at 15,Apr,21 05:16 other posts of tecsan 
There are a few here just to argue and piss others off...Do not let this distract you from the site...They are just having fun in their minds, so someone should appease their desires...

By tecsan at 12,Apr,21 04:51 other posts of tecsan 
Shits, please stay away if nothing good to say...

By tecsan at 11,Apr,21 04:27 other posts of tecsan 
Shittles...This beats most of yours...Go find pelosi and ginsberg and decide which is better...

By tecsan at 09,Apr,21 05:14 other posts of tecsan 
I see fredrica likes to post here...Guess that is because his blogs are blocked for newbies...Glad to help out fredrica...༼☯﹏☯༽

By leopoldij at 24,Mar,21 23:58 other posts of leopoldij 
New topic:

[deleted image]
By tecsan at 04,Apr,21 07:29 other posts of tecsan 
I would rather stick to the topic by leo...
By leopoldij at 04,Apr,21 14:24 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm glad you like my topic.
By tecsan at 05,Apr,21 07:06 other posts of tecsan 
I love pussy what can I say...
By leopoldij at 05,Apr,21 11:51 other posts of leopoldij 
We all do man.

By leopoldij at 26,Mar,21 11:12 other posts of leopoldij 
Another topic
[deleted image]

By tecsan at 21,Mar,21 06:23 other posts of tecsan 
This posted by claimed to be paralegal freddy... "I was on a chat room early this afternoon and 2 members were having an argument about "minor children pics". One of the members was posting pics of very young people. In my opinion, they were not minor pics. The pics were young guys with shaved pubes hair but no minor. The member rejecting the pics was saying to other member to stop posting minor children's pics. I tried to settle the feud but not success.
The member posting the so-called minor children's pics claim the pics of the guys were 18 yrs old.

I would like to know what are minor children's pic
for you" A 12 year old knows the answer to this crap...
By leopoldij at 24,Mar,21 23:58 other posts of leopoldij 
Who was doing that?
By tecsan at 25,Mar,21 02:32 other posts of tecsan 
I have no idea, but the question was posed by freddy...

By Sir-Skittles at 23,Mar,21 01:28 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

By dgraff at 23,Mar,21 09:39 other posts of dgraff 

By tecsan at 24,Mar,21 01:38 other posts of tecsan 
Racist moron...༼☯﹏☯༽
By Sir-Skittles at 24,Mar,21 01:55 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Says you and your feeble mind The Coon is here to help you!!!
By tecsan at 24,Mar,21 06:40 other posts of tecsan 
The shittles is here to help you...Love watching fredrica jerk off...Or so fredrica say...

By Lvphose at 17,Mar,21 11:58 other posts of Lvphose 
How do you delete a pic or vid from your gallery?
By bella! at 17,Mar,21 13:38 other posts of bella! 
Click on the picture or video that you want to delete and directly below it, right-hand corner is a box that reflects;

Delete This Image

By Lvphose at 18,Mar,21 03:14 other posts of Lvphose 
Thanks Bella!
By bella! at 18,Mar,21 03:15 other posts of bella! 
My pleasure.

By dgraff at 17,Mar,21 22:10 other posts of dgraff 
Hahaha well did I ever piss off an Aussie woman this week

By #485312 at 14,Mar,21 21:10
I kicked no one to the curb, she got her nose out of joint because I called out revenge porn using ex girlfriends heads photoshopped on pornstars bodies, and she took that personally because some of her shots were photoshopped, Im pretty sure, your fowl mouth called her far more names and dragged her through the mud far more than I ever had or will, unlike you and your cunt friends, but she chooses to suck up your arses now and feed off the dags you feed her, some days you like her, some days you treat her like shit.... that's how you lot roll ... and that's her choice, your 'banter' is so great apparently... gee whats todays news??? how many feathers you have in a duvet and your racist dribble on George and his family, if you need your dose of racism and trashing others, that's where you go ... *lix*
By #610414 at 17,Mar,21 12:47, like Bella, Dgraff, Phart and several others, got it wrong. I don't choose to "suck up your arses now and feed off the dags you feed her". I choose to visit Bella's forum site because her site is usually the only site that has some interesting topics. The forums are full of innate threads that belong in the heads of overheated male brains. You, on the other hand, seldom participate in the forums and never under your account name. For a long time I was a champion of the people that got trashed by Bella's crowd and you was a big recipient of my effort to fight trashing of my friends. It turns out it was for nothing. Lix, you've got your opinions on what I'm doing now. Frankly, I don't give a rat's ass what they are and that is the same about anyone else. Bella, Dgraff, Phart, Jamie, or all the other members that may or may not want to be friendly, they can all kiss my ass. I'm doing AND ENJOYING, my time on the site. Just an aside......Phart, who almost always has opinions totally opposite to mine, is usually the nicest to me.
As far as needing someone to defend me for some of the shit posted about or against me, I think the site knows that when my ire is molested, I don't take prisoners. So, in honor of what I considered a friendship, you, and Dgraff can keep out of my existence on site.
By #485312 at 17,Mar,21 19:15
hey, don't explain anything to me, Im not the self appointed site police and I really cant bothered to read what you've written after the word CUNT AND DIRTBAG on the first line, theyre only worth pissing on in my opinion *lix*
By #610414 at 17,Mar,21 19:28
I'm lost. What?????

By #485312 at 17,Mar,21 05:17
oh look, the dirt bag Dennis and his micro dick mate that gives me no attention, ('cough, go look at his blogs and polls and see who has the obsession with who' cough)....
seems youre worried about me kicking poor aussieman to the 'curb'??. wow, I couldn't care less if you think that, I just love that youre a lonely old dirt bag and your mate is a obsessed moron of old ladies, he just cant get enough, ALL his blogs are about his eternal obsession Im told.. and his bitterness is like drinking poison and hoping someone else will die.. yeah, that's how sick and ridiculous your 'FREINDS' are, just like that fucked up pair of florida fakes, countrycouple with the fake pics and the fake friends...
oh did I forget to mention that dgraff is dirt bag???? just to let everyone know exactly how I feel about supposed men who trash others because they look like their EVIL step sisters... sounds more like you think youre Cinderella, only no prince wants to take a toad like you to any ball, let alone kiss you... *Lix*

By dgraff at 14,Mar,21 20:44 other posts of dgraff 
Well Lixy pixy spoiled meat pie I didn’t lie I’ve read your posts before and you care about no one but your self and the one woman that stuck up for you you kicked to the curb that one woman was candy or were you to stupid to realize that
By Sir-Skittles at 15,Mar,21 02:55 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

By dgraff at 15,Mar,21 01:29 other posts of dgraff 
Hey lix if I want any lip from you I will scrape it from my zipper oh that’s right you don’t like white men you prefer abo,s I’m with you tribal gang bangs are hot
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

So how long till you kick poor Aussie man to the curb like you did to everybody else who ever got close to you

By #485312 at 14,Mar,21 20:01
Here's dgraffs latest news clip, because he is a brain dead twit with a limp dick and rotten teeth.... EXTRA EXTRA ..... READ ALL ABOUT IT.....
"That sounds like some thing stupid lix would say she has no compassion for any one but her self "
yeah, sounds like dgraff didn't get laid again, so his next best thing to do, is slag off *LIX* ... he really does have a complex about her, he cant stop thinking about her, he cant go a single week of his life, without mentioning her and slagging her in a shitty forum thread, soley used by the sites sewerage to regurgitate useless information, like when dgraff went out side last and when he took a dump...and when his overlordess lets him, licks the shit dags off ITS arse to add EXTRA flavour to his rancid bullshit remarks....
heres an internet medal for your scrawny old chest and limp dick.... YOU WIN THE 'WHINING OLD MAN WITH A LIMP DICK MEDAL'..... wear it with dirt pride *lix*

By Sir-Skittles at 14,Mar,21 12:01 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
This looks REALLY popular!!!

Especially when 12 of 20 posts are from Lady Tecsan

Dumpster... more like in the toilet!

By tecsan at 14,Mar,21 07:48 other posts of tecsan 
Maybe it does like all your lying blogs shits...Was meant for any topic or can you not understand that...

By Sir-Skittles at 18,Feb,21 17:47 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
This looks like it belongs in the dumpster!

By tecsan at 20,Feb,21 09:49 other posts of tecsan 
Right next to bubbles and your sorry assed dumpster diving shitheads...Keep calm shits you know you want the vote back all can see it dumbass... /polls/2687.html vote here for free /polls/2687.html

By tecsan at 02,Mar,21 07:32 other posts of tecsan 
Right were you live little shittles...༼☯﹏☯༽

By PITBULL at 15,Feb,21 00:13 other posts of PITBULL 
fuck up topic, you rat
By tecsan at 16,Feb,21 08:35 other posts of tecsan 
Really your grammar sucks again little bitch maggot...༼☯﹏☯༽Maybe if you learned between present and past tense then maybe you would have said "fucked up topic"...You are brain dead little bitch... ༼☯﹏☯༽
By PITBULL at 16,Feb,21 15:30 other posts of PITBULL 
fucking moron. You don't tell me how to spell when you writing is like a 7 yrs old kid.
By tecsan at 17,Feb,21 09:26 other posts of tecsan 
Let me quote you "You dont't tell me how to spell when 'you'...'when you writing is like a 7 yrs old kid'"...Maybe we need to focus more on grammar for your ridiculous sorry ass who knows maybe shits can help you too...Dumbass...༼☯﹏☯༽

By tecsan at 17,Feb,21 09:27 other posts of tecsan 
Really, what the hell is wrong with you...???
By PITBULL at 17,Feb,21 23:36 other posts of PITBULL 
so much for keeping civil here. You stupid faggot.

By tecsan at 20,Feb,21 09:46 other posts of tecsan 

By tecsan at 13,Feb,21 02:40 other posts of tecsan 
Anything goes here...Just nothing illegal...
By #574505 at 14,Feb,21 19:14
Why is this thread not on the dumpster you little gay lover
By #605848 at 14,Feb,21 21:28
tecsan are you bjuk twin?
By bjuk at 14,Feb,21 23:23 other posts of bjuk 
By tecsan at 16,Feb,21 08:34 other posts of tecsan 

By tecsan at 15,Feb,21 09:04 other posts of tecsan 
You tell me...You posted here... ༼☯﹏☯༽

By tecsan at 15,Feb,21 09:07 other posts of tecsan 
Can you back up your comment or are you like to two lying bitches here...I do not think you are...༼☯﹏☯༽

By tecsan at 17,Feb,21 09:29 other posts of tecsan 
Again you posted to the dumpster so answer...

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