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When did you First become a member here ???

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Started by CreativeOne at 26,Aug,19 02:37  other posts of CreativeOne
Do you remember when you First started here ?

I actually started here July 30th 2009 . So I have already been here just over 10 Years and will be here to stay .

Similar topics: 1.Member with artistic pics? BAN.........????   3.DOES ANYBODY KNOW??...   4.Lonewolf is not alone anymore... changing member name   5.feature request - enhanced blacklist  

New Comment

By Dev01 at 06,Sep,22 03:37 other posts of Dev01 
2009,2010 can't really remember. Was looking long before that. We have no concept of time.... btw it was under Deviant not dev Member 53xx something.

By Louis at 04,Sep,22 10:42 other posts of Louis 
Five years ago this month.
By bella! at 04,Sep,22 11:00 other posts of bella! 
September 19th is the anniversary of your profile established on September 19, 2017. Gosh, I noticed that member #36354, pifad has acknowledged your anniversary each year, with an anniversary cake. He's such a dear and thoughtful member. If the site and the world had more people like "pifad", the world would be a better place!
By Louis at 04,Sep,22 12:01 other posts of Louis 
Yes, no doubt. He was the first person that welcomed me here when I originally joined.

By Gntlmn at 06,Sep,22 03:34 other posts of Gntlmn 
Yes! Super nice man!

By Beeze at 04,Sep,22 06:56 other posts of Beeze 
Exactly One Year, today!
By bella! at 04,Sep,22 08:57 other posts of bella! 
Happy Anniversary, Beeze!

Just an aside, if you are into celebrations you should have celebrated your anniversary two days ago on September 2. According to admin's records, the profile for member #650449 was established on September 2, 2021.

By Sir-Skittles at 01,Sep,22 13:33 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Bjuk Class of 2008 and the official Pussy Scarecrow of Chat!

No one chases off site snatch like our Bjuka!

By tecsan at 30,Aug,22 03:15 other posts of tecsan 
I do not know how long I have been here, but I am sure bella! can tell you.
By dgraff at 30,Aug,22 08:36 other posts of dgraff 
November 5 2018 so going on 4 years
By bella! at 30,Aug,22 22:44 other posts of bella! 
Dumb, de-dumb, dumb! ⬆️. And I do mean DUMB!

Go figure, been here 4 years and had no idea what the date was below his half-dozen pictures. Read his blog about the members that have blacklisted him. He seems to think that members have access to that information, ie screen names.
By dgraff at 31,Aug,22 00:19 other posts of dgraff 
By tecsan at 31,Aug,22 03:35 other posts of tecsan 

By tecsan at 31,Aug,22 03:35 other posts of tecsan 
Evidentially you have access, right? Answer little bella!.
By dgraff at 31,Aug,22 08:44 other posts of dgraff 
I also have access to your medical records and your criminal records
By tecsan at 01,Sep,22 02:38 other posts of tecsan 
I bet you do. Tell me about my criminal past, like to hear your version of my medical records. Just kidding with your comment.
By dgraff at 01,Sep,22 09:54 other posts of dgraff 

By bella! at 31,Aug,22 09:29 other posts of bella! 
WTF does "Answer little" mean? Here's my little answer, NO!
By tecsan at 01,Sep,22 02:31 other posts of tecsan 
Stop leaving off a word. I said "answer little bella!"...How much plainer must I put it? Almost anyone here on this site can get close to how long I have been here. Really an argument over what is displayd on our pages. Easy to get your goat.

By dgraff at 29,Aug,22 09:53 other posts of dgraff 
The answer is elementary my friend your start date is at the bottom of your page for every one to see
By *kmadeau* at 29,Aug,22 18:10 other posts of *kmadeau* 

By bella! at 29,Aug,22 19:31 other posts of bella! 
Tell me that it ain't so, are you friendly with kmad?
By dgraff at 30,Aug,22 00:18 other posts of dgraff 
I’m friendly with everyone
By bella! at 30,Aug,22 02:49 other posts of bella! 
Really? If you say so.

By bella! at 29,Aug,22 19:34 other posts of bella! 
Actually, like Dev01 , and many others, starsky , Bratwurst and others that escape me, Rob, the CreativeOne , was here long before the dates noted on the bottom of their current profile. Yep, the came and went but returned.

By Ray10754 at 30,Aug,22 00:40 other posts of Ray10754 
jan 2011

By routemaster at 29,Aug,22 07:50 other posts of routemaster 
Since 2013

By PITBULL at 29,Aug,22 03:10 other posts of PITBULL 
I was sent to this site by XTube, and I still here

By #675771 at 29,Aug,22 01:56
When my ex took nudes if me

By #667453 at 03,Jun,22 22:44
April 2022. I'd never heard of it prior.

By #249167 at 28,Aug,19 10:45
April 6 2012. Over 7 years now, I have met heaps of great people here & many great times.

By dgraff at 27,Aug,19 02:51 other posts of dgraff 
June 2013 six years long enough to remember things and events I shouldn’t
By Dev01 at 28,Aug,19 06:50 other posts of Dev01 

By #442079 at 28,Aug,19 04:23
First time in the spring of 2012. But had a different nickname back then...

By #583549 at 28,Aug,19 04:18
I have been here less than a year but I plan too be here for a long time!
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Since March 23rd 2019!

By #386823 at 28,Aug,19 02:48
may 6th 2013 when i was 18!

By #574505 at 28,Aug,19 02:41
December 18 2018

By WHATSUPDOC at 27,Aug,19 21:08 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
I have no idea. I believe it was sometime around 2015. You guys are good
By bella! at 27,Aug,19 21:19 other posts of bella! 
Uh, all you need to do is scroll down to the bottom of your gallery to see that you have maintained this profile since April 24, 2014.
By WHATSUPDOC at 27,Aug,19 21:54 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
Thank you bella
By bella! at 28,Aug,19 01:45 other posts of bella! 
You are welcome. I take it that you were not aware that that information was there. Just an f.y.i., that information is visible and at the bottom of every member's gallery and can be viewed by all members.

By #61033 at 27,Aug,19 20:14
March 8, 2010. Was here once or twice before that date. The date you joined is at the bottom of your page.

By 3fdfd at 27,Aug,19 17:26 other posts of 3fdfd 
I started in 2008, but due mainly to computer issues I was on & off a couple of times. Cocks are great, but the good friends you can make on here are what really makes the site worth while.

By Merky1 at 26,Aug,19 04:31 other posts of Merky1 
Has it been that long? February 28, 2009.
By bella! at 26,Aug,19 13:05 other posts of bella! 
Gosh, in the 10 years that you have been here, you have only posted once (and this is it) in the Forum. Nice to see you!
By Merky1 at 27,Aug,19 16:50 other posts of Merky1 
Well gosh. Thank you!!!

By #44980 at 27,Aug,19 16:08
Dec 28 2009, almost 10 years!!

By niginni at 27,Aug,19 07:43 other posts of niginni 
July 2009 first photo

By PoloFields at 27,Aug,19 05:36 other posts of PoloFields 
2012, rejoining in 2017

By #584899 at 27,Aug,19 03:25
Under my original name, Motцrhead13...i believe it was February 2012. I’ve left and come back several times over the years.

By pifad at 27,Aug,19 02:19 other posts of pifad 
November 9, 2009. I’ve met so many wonderful people here.

By #551147 at 26,Aug,19 19:21
WOW! 10 years, eh... That's impressive!? Just wondering... What did you win?

By eugen at 26,Aug,19 19:10 other posts of eugen 
October 5th 2009, my oldest pic is my first pic.

By steve3095 at 26,Aug,19 13:15 other posts of steve3095 
June 18 2011.

By Sir-Skittles at 26,Aug,19 12:50 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
With my original profile?

By up-for-it at 26,Aug,19 05:45 other posts of up-for-it 
February 2018

By Dev01 at 26,Aug,19 05:16 other posts of Dev01 
2009/2010 Can't really remember

By Vita at 26,Aug,19 04:03 other posts of Vita 
since january 2010 !! nice that you are here !

By bella! at 26,Aug,19 03:40 other posts of bella! 
I can actually trace myself back to June, 2011, from a post that I made in a member's blog. I know I was here prior to that, I just can't find my "footprint", but my guess is approximately 9+ years

By the way, Happy Anniversary.

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