5-G can pin-point you to with in inches . I have not hab a cell for 3 months and I don't miss it a bit. when I do have one it stays at home, I have a CB in my car . Any way you all should watch this video . only registered users can see external links
By #502711 at 10,Jul,21 22:10
I'm not surprised. People have been going out & destroying these things that's how much they believe they're bad for us. I invested in 5G though, even though I don't like it. Might as well make some money off it
Yeah, unfortunately it's the Chinese making the money & possibly spying on us with it & western countries are trying to get rid of it. We have heaps of 5G towers in the city here, but I only ever get 4G on my phone.
Maybe the Israelis are the worst at the moment. They supply authoritarian regimes with the worst spyware available; Pegasus. It's used to crackdown against their opposition and spy on world leaders. It is probably even used by Mexican drugs cartels to find and kill journalists who stand against them.
So what do you think about the perv nerd Bill Gates and his now defunct mirage? So much for being one of the most richest . Hard to believe after all the good they did , that it ended in disaster .
Money is the problem . Wish we could do away with it , like in Star Trec. What ever you want you jest use the replicater. I guess he was having a sexual relationships with his s o n. With all that money he could of bought a hole bunch of professional tricks. Hum I wonder if he ever watched porn.
By #502711 at 26,Jun,21 22:16
Hear about this? only registered users can see external links
wow man what a dark circle, and all are fifty rich and are associated. I say wow again , this shit is beyond be leaf. Thanks now I am going to go and read that again. This definitely wouldn't be the last we here about this. Have a G-Day mate.
By #502711 at 30,Jun,21 20:56
The multitudes of celebrities & politicians that were in cahoots with Epstein are unbelievable.
Kangaroos have three vaginas. ... Koalas, wombats and Tasmanian devils all share the three-vagina structure. The side ones carry sperm to the two uteruses (and males marsupials often have two-pronged penises), while the middle vagina sends the joey down to the outside world.
By #502711 at 27,Aug,18 10:03
Nature is amazing. You learn something new everyday
I didnt search, I just know that kangaroos can have 2 to 3 embryos going at a time, and can hold off releasing them till times are good, and the one in the pouch is ready to leave.. they only give birth to a peanut size joey .. I guess its pretty common knowledge to australians, how marsupials are different to other mammals .. some have backward facing pouches, some can fly, pretty incredible diversity .. *lix*
I'm sure that aboriginals knew about all that for thousands of years and what we think of as strange was probably very commonplace to them, and still is.
Also, every human has an asshole and only one. But some humans have nothing else except an asshole. Now I understand why they're colloquially known as assholes.
Isn't biology fantastic?
By #485312 at 26,Sep,20 04:19
that coming from a pair of fakes, with poorly photo shopped pics, who whinge when 'fakes' make it to front page.. get some more of your shitty fake shots out.. I need a good laugh *lix* --------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes
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heres the proof, showing the crooked lines in the tiles of this poorly photoshopped pic. in an attempt to make her tits look bigger and her hips smaller lol. I've highlighted it for the rest of the site to see what a pair of fakes you are... *lix*
In real life, never. I don't see dicks in real life because I only have sex with women. On the internet, anything is possible. The above pic looks like it's the joining of two ones. If so, excluding the size, it's nicely done. But I can't be 100% sure it's fake. It's only a hypothesis.
no, i can't. because i have no evidence other than an impression. i only report images for which i have good evidence. Besides, there's no rule against photoshopping or editing. It could, for example, be the joining of two pics that he owns. How should I know that? Unless we can prove that an image is a copy of a public one, one that belongs, say, to a pornstar, then i can't report it.
[deleted image] before uploading this pic, i made it a bit lighter so that her nipple is more visible. i also cropped it so that her face is not visible.
By #610414 at 26,Sep,20 13:40
Nothing wrong with that. Adjutments are not photoshoping unless you CHANGE the pic
Thanks. I sometimes adjust because I take many pics in haste and rely on my apps to rotate, crop, center, darken or lighten. Also, occasionally, I produce "artsy outcomes" such as making it black and white or delete all colours except, say, red. I never superimpose my cock to a pussy unless, in very very few instances, it's a tribute; in which case, I state this explicitly in the title.
I once superimpose a kind of xmas decoration to my cock (like a ribbon or something) that I picked from the internet. I was flagged for deletion. It was bella who alerted me that I had been reported and told me to remove the pic. I did. But I find the thing weird.
Well, you know, it was when bлłļв was pretending to be friend. So, maybe, it was her who reported me and then told me that someone reported me, trying to solicit my friendship and loyalty this way. As you know, she has need for supporters/subordinates, probably the result of some real life psychological problem. One way to attract supporters is by causing problems and then appear as a saviour. Similar tactics occur around the world. Often, people who cause problems and the governments who solve them are identical. The usual scenario: a country creates internal disorder claiming it's done by external agents, and, this way, it gains people's support and trust. US, Russia, China, you name it, they all operate this way when they feel it's necessary. It's something that's been happening for at least 2000 years.
By #610414 at 26,Sep,20 17:28
while you may be right, I believe it just happened
Alright. Maybe you're right. Again, it was a hypothesis. Based only on the fact that I hadn't seen anyone else who moved from the position of a friendship (initiated by her) to a position of hatred. I found it bizarre.
By #610414 at 26,Sep,20 18:33
do you drop the friendship if you have something to say about a member?
You all may find this hard to believe , but I saw Bella's titty s on the Trending page one day. She had posted 2 pictures of her fine looking pair . I sent her a teddy bear gift and she asked why I had sent a gift , and I replied , I saw a pair of pictures on the trending page with your pair there . She replied, all right , ok.
By #485312 at 09,Oct,20 19:52
I don't believe they were hers, looks nothing like the big lopsided tits she sent me last year to repost... lucky you sent an expensive bear, or she would have called you cheap and told everyone about it!!! she notices this stuff and if you stiff her out with a cheap gift, she would have told EVERYONE about it, Im cheap, according to her ideals on PRETEND GIFTS. *lix*
you can shop your own pics as much as you like, theres no rule against it. you cant post pics that are stolen or 'borrowed' from the net like professional porn stars and claim them to be yours. what youre doing is making it easier to see the REAL action, what those pair of jokers are doing is trying to make themselves out to PERFECT, when theyre far from it ... but trying to fool others in the process shows how confident they really are... or NOT!!!
we all know his wife is covered in sun spots and her tits are saggy, now he's cut the side off with the bend tiles, but whats even funnier is the tiles on the other side are bent worse *LIX*
By #485312 at 26,Sep,20 21:45
its not against the rule to photo shop, so you make your saggy wifes tits as round as you like, or you can cut the photo to cut out the bad shopping lol, only problem with that is .. the tiles on the other side are just as badly bent as the side he tried to cut out
I don't believe the pic you sent is shopped, it just a POV shot which makes the foreground appear bigger. judging by the size of her hands, if 2 fingers about an inch and half, my estimate is his cock is only 6 inches in this shot. if she left her hands out it would have looked bigger.. *Lix*
I used my eye sight on the pic in the example, I could see the distortion from a thumbnail pic.. you can see when someone blurs large areas too, like a whole arse cheek, it shows in the thumbnail shot, it looks like cartoon colouring when they try to alter the shading too much. *lix*
By #485312 at 24,Jun,21 02:45
yeah, same fake tits on banner today, look at all those sun spots, you cant change the damage to your skin and I seen these same tits again today *lix*
Charlie needs to check out the fake pics running for POM, both are as fake as fuck, one has a crease line on her arse so deep you stick your finger in it, that has been, PHOTOSHOPPED OFF, we all know that arse is crusty brown, sun spotted and with a big deep crease in it, and WOW, POOF, in one hour oh photo shop, you can take out the pimples, pores, the hairs and even the fat arse line crease it developed from being like every ... I guess if it fools them, it fools most idiots *Lix*
By #610414 at 09,Oct,20 21:57
HAHAHA. That's one of the good things when you show yorself as you are or where. Mama,what you see is what you get.
Hi folks, I heard that the site policeman bella! goes to church! She's religious! Does anyone know about it? Ha ha. Can you imagine someone going to church and being on a sex site? No wonder she's so self-righteous and a control freak!!
By #623135 at 16,Jun,21 18:14
There’s a lot to atone. She must need two extra hours for confession
She can't confess that she's on a site with dicks and cunts (excepting hers), imagine what would happen!
I always find it hilarious that the ones ego talk too much about morals and righteousness are the ones who first violate them. Religious ones learn how to be judgemental towards others but never towards themselves. Or, simply, they have things to hide and hide them under the pretext of religiosity.
I remember the days after Clinton had his dick sucked by Monica L and shot his cumload on her skirt. He appeared holding a bible in his hand to show his "repentance". What did he do wrong? Nothing, except that he fucked her in a public office. He should have fucked her somewhere else, that's all. Men and women need to have sex. Why pretend they don't? And they don't need to be monogamous. Why pretend they are?
More to the point, why the fuck do you join a sex site if you're so judgemental and self-righteous?
Her association with religion/church now explains her behaviour.
I find it hilarious that people raised with no moral compass, no belief system, no foundation of education can talk bad of people that are.
Bill Clinton was-is a married man.When he stood before God and family , or the justice of the peace, he took a oath to be faithful to hillary. Poor dumbass,but that is beside the point.He broke his vows, his promise,his guarantee that he would be loyal to his wife. A person raised with a moral compass knows that it is wrong to be sexually active with someone besides your wife.If bill could break that basic promise,or oath, to be loyal to his wife ,who's to say he would not have broken the sworn oath to serve the USA?
But what you know of being faithful? That concept is related to religion you so strongly denounce,but have NO viable alternative to present.
By the way leo,there is no hatred of you on my part,we just disagree strongly,understand?
Also,why not just say, "not your fault" or "my fault" why the cryptic messages?
Religion is the problem. It's fake.
There can't be any morality based on myths.
Religious people tend to be much more immoral and pretentious than people who are normal.
Religion is an excuse for committing crimes, for *****philia, for wars, for lots of shit.
As for the "cryptic", she wrote in Latin, I replied in Latin. If she has written in French, I would have replied in French.
By #623135 at 17,Jun,21 03:56
Phart you are mixing several premises and some are not true as you’ve stated it. Religion does provide a means to exchange Many[quantify] Muslim-majority countries and some countries with sizable Muslim minorities accept polygyny to varying extents both legally and culturally; some secular countries like India also accept it to varying degrees. Islamic law or sharia is a religious law forming part of the Islamic tradition which allows polygyny.[13][14] It is derived from the religious precepts of Islam, particularly the Quran and the hadith. marriage vows, but, it’s not the only way to make a vow of faithfulness. A person raised with a moral compass doesn’t have to think it’s wrong to be sexually active with other partners. Many cultures practice polygamy. . You don’t have to be religious to understand and practice monogamy. Love is what’s required
No, I was just trying to see if the method @username worked.
And since I'm being told that bella likes to comment about me,
even though she has blacklisted me, I thought to be kind to
her and give her something to do for the weekend,
because she'll see her name and the numbers next to it,
and she'll try to find their meaning. I like to be kind
to my friends and positively contribute to their well-being,
by giving them gifts or messages or things-to-do,
not arbitrary ones, but after studying their their
It's like gifts, you see? If you give a gift to a mere
acquaintance then it can be arbitrary,
but if you gift to a friend or a partner, then it's best
if you know what they want and what will keep them
both busy and happy.
hey did you hear leo, the dirtbag cant afford gas for his car this morning, he's blaming one person that doesnt even work in an oil refinery, and not the leader of his country for his demise, that really hurts when your gas guzzler is out of price range to run, he better suck some more dick to he can afford to drive to the shop in future *lix*
No i didn't hear. Why does he need gas? Can't he use his farts?
By #502711 at 14,Apr,21 20:55
“Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.”
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God bless the Z00.S.A!
Sorry Americans, but i'm watching your nation die, & it breaks my heart. I always thought the USA would rule the world forever, but its decline is in full effect...
Trust me,not all Americans are happy with the country and it's falling the way of the dodo bird.But so many welfare recipients have had kids and they vote the way they continue to get freebies.it can't last much longer,as the working class is getting smaller.
By #502711 at 15,Apr,21 21:27
The media is brainwashing people to support these politicians that don't even care about them. When somone does come along that actually wants to make the country great & proves it with their actions, the media still convinces the populace that they are a bad person. The media uses loaded words to convince people. "Racist" is the worst word, even when you have not done or said anything racist, these social justice warriors, these "Antifa" use these words to gather support for their ridiculous cause, which is destroying your country. Social media is a pandemic, worse than the virus, because idiots use it to incite riots & also to spread DISINFORMATION... Do your homework before you quickly believe what these people tell you to believe.
Aussieman, nice to hear you say hope Trump comes back. Me too. Also the USA has been dead a long long time. And you are right about the word racist...smart man! The shot is not FDA approved, so I will not get it. Incredible how quick people listen and obey during this last year plus.
By #502711 at 29,Apr,21 20:52
Even though i'm an Aussie & don't really have to live under Trump's rule, I was loving life while he was president. The world seemed like a better place while he was running things, I even had hope for Australia that we might take a page out of his book. & yes, people are too quick to believe everything that they're told. We're all being programmed to roll over, like good little submissive citizens, & follow the bandwagon into a totalitarian dystopia. I'm pissed sherryann, & losing hope in humanity.
By #610414 at 30,Apr,21 12:58
AussieMan. Aren’t you following a bandwagon too, only on the other side of that political line? We had THAT CLOWN for four years plus the pre-election debacle. Don’t you think that as normal people, not left wing zealots, we who got governed by tie Clown, we who got the brunt of his disastrous view of governance, we have more right than anyone to say, “What a fuckup he was”? So tell me, why doesn’t Australia follow suit and elect a Clown like prime minister? And, why the leaders of most of the successful countries of the western world are having a meltown with joy that THE CLOWN is gone?
Aussieman, I lost hope long long ago...sadly it is all downhill from here on out.
I too loved life during President Trump's 4 years. You and I and tons of many others agree.
Keep your thinking straight the way it is now, never change. So many young people (and old), think so goofy nowadays.
Be well.
By #502711 at 05,May,21 21:05
The youth & I suppose the elderly are brainwashed by television. The media is biased & only hire people that think like themselves, & this is how the Western populace are being conditioned to accept WHITE genocide by the importing multitudes of ethnic peoples that HATE us & do not want to assimilate into Western culture, but to turn the West into a third world, war torn, shit hole. The barbarians are no longer "at the gates" of Rome, but have totally infiltrated its society & also its government. Alongside these people that hate our ways, are also the degenerate, guilt riddled Whites that give these primitives a platform on which to spew their poison... The West has lost all of its men, & when one does come along that gives me hope, the leftist scum assassinate them politically...
You are absolutely right in everything you've said! If I could carry my TV I would have thrown it out years ago. The electronic media have the sheep exactly where they want them. I feel like I am a lone soul among multitudes of alien zombies that can't think for themselves. You cant have a first world nation with majority third world people taking it over. It then becomes the 3rd world country they left. For a younger person, you are spot on. And yes, they hate us. You are 100% absolutely right about that! Too bad most people don't know that fact.
By #502711 at 06,May,21 07:08
Many people know this, they're just too afraid to go against the majority mindset. Maybe two people sitting next to each other think in a right wing way, but both speak to each other as if they are both liberals, if you understand, probably because they're both afraid to let it be known that they don't really think like how society wants them to think. The average person is too afraid to not fit in, & to think independently is to be different, which means weird. The laymen don't like intellectual discussion, it scares them. Which is why I hardly speak at all to anyone... Maybe i'm just a pessimist, but I also know that i'm a realist & that in itself is depressing to be aware of the apocalypse & yet no one listens to the crazy guy with the "The end is near" sign around his neck... Hope you have a wonderful evening, Sherryann
Aussieman, again, how right you are! People like to be fashionable, follow the group, fit in, etc etc & none want to be called "racists" so they do whatever it takes to avoid that including jumping on the Trump hating bandwagon as well as an incredible deep seated hatred for their own race. (Mainly other white people are self hating) It is sickening to see. I too, am a realist, loner, and never talk to people either because I can't stand being around them so avoid what I am not a part of. Very very dark days ahead which will only get worse with time. Enjoy your Thursday Aussieman & take care.
By #610414 at 25,Apr,21 22:12
Phart these are statistics from public institutions.
In March 2019, a total of 2,008,197 Americans received TANF.
The majority of welfare recipients (80%) are children.
In 2018, $31.3 billion was dedicated to providing TANF support.
Less than 1% of welfare funds are associated with fraudulent activity.
The average SNAP benefits per 2-children family were $393 per month.
Paying for the wine in one of those fancy presidential parties cost more.
By #485312 at 25,Apr,21 21:34
America has never ruled the world. the people who rule the world have their name on the bottom of every item in your house, and funnily, I don't have one thing with "Made in the USA" on it??? the people who rule the world, have their shit in everyones house, life wouldn't be the same without them, your computer was made in china??? everything you wear, is made in china, we all live and breath the red dragon, and just try to buy locally made anything??? china took all your blueprints and is now making the guns and ammo that you will all use to shoot each other with.. so I know who is, and who will always rule the world... and America doesn't come close *lix*
By #610414 at 25,Apr,21 22:19
We are #2 --------------------------------------- added after 105 seconds
That chart makes it very clear that Americans are getting lazy and non productive.
By #610414 at 29,Apr,21 00:19
So #1 or nothing.
By #502711 at 29,Apr,21 20:54
If you desire superiority then yes.
By #610414 at 29,Apr,21 21:42
If your mom cooks ham and eggs for breakfast and the neighbor makes apple turnovers, sausage, and mimosas, what do you care if ham and eggs are your favorite?
If you lack the desire to be the best at what you do,then you are in the way of those that do.
By #610414 at 30,Apr,21 11:45
There’s an old saying. You shoot for the moon, but, if you don’t make it, grab some stars. --------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
Phart In your premise then you are saying that anyone who is damaged is in the way of the rest
lack of desire is not the same as being damaged.Damaged is usually no fault of the person.Being sorry,lazy and no good,with total lack of desire to be anything but a bum,is most likely the fault of the person
By #610414 at 01,May,21 02:21
Fault doesn’t come in to it. The result is the same.
But the stars are further out than the moon is, so if you can't even make it to the moon, how is it possible that you can at least grab some stars? It's not like they are at a halfway point between earth to the moon.
that chart doesn't look right to me, were is Taiwan?? if its not made in china, its made in Taiwan, and they didn't get a mention, I don't know what americans actually manufacture, as I have nothing made in usa in my home, the only thing here I can see that's made 'from' the US is rotten ronnies burgers, cononel sanders fried chicken?? not one electrical device has USA on it?? if the USA does manufacture, than it must be the most over priced items ever to get their name second on the list.. from what Ive read, Detroit isn't the car manufacturing centre it once was with empty factories and homes and a lack of jobs there?? is all this fake news??? or is the pretty graph just made to make Americans feel prouder about themselves?? seems the same thing is happening there as here, your garages are being taken over by Indians, your hospitals are full of foreign doctors ?? there is a global watering down of 'nations'.. and what will happen if anyone goes to war with india??? will these people still sell you petrol ??? or will they back their own and shut down whole countries by starving us all of petrol?? no petrol, no trucks, cars, transport will come to a stand still here .. *lix*
By #610414 at 30,Apr,21 11:59
1. Machinery – $206 billion
Industrial equipment made in the U.S.A has the best reputation of any in the world. These products are sold to any country that requires mining equipment, tractors, or advanced pumps, which pretty much includes most of the industrial world.
2. Electronic equipment (including computers) – $170 billion
The United States is still at the forefront of the most advanced computing devices.
3. Spacecraft and aircraft – $131 billion
Europe’s Airbus can’t compete with Lockheed-Martin or Boeing in terms of quality or reputation. This is our number #1 export to the U.K.
4. Cars – $127 billion
Several years ago, Asia was giving Detroit fits. Today, however, American-made vehicles are making a comeback.
5. Petroleum – $106 billion
This may come as a shocker, but America is now a net exporter of oil.
6. Medical equipment – $83 billion
Nobody makes life-saving devices to higher standards than the U.S.
7. Plastics – $60 billion
The United States exports this commodity to nearly all of its FTA partners.
8. Gems, precious metals, and coins – $58 billion
This category is America’s 2nd most popular export to Hong Kong.
9. Pharmaceuticals – $47 billion
The United States is second only to Germany in terms of its market share for prescription drugs.
10. Organic chemicals – $39 billion
China and Japan buy a combined $5.2 billion of this commodity from the US
Well, objections never stopped the government when they want to put hwys thru black neighborhoods or railroads thru. Why suddenly the convenient desire to keep 1 group of people happy? Because it helps the liberal agenda.
By #610414 at 01,May,21 02:14
Because Indian lands are considered sovereign nations
So perhaps that explains why indians are not apt to leave their reservations because they would no longer be under that "umbrella".I often wondered why they didn't branch away from those reservations and try to make better for themselves.
By #610414 at 05,May,21 23:03
Aussie, don’t get the shovels out yet. Yes, we are going through a tough patch but remember, we went through not only the Great Depression of the 30’s but the great dust bowls in the mid west. We had the soup lines and really bad politicians. We survived a civil war and the KKK. This country will survive this too. Most of us believe very strongly in that.
We agree on 1 thing, this country will survive. It will be a rough row to hoe though.This current situation is like a big balloon at the dollar store.Oh so cute as it is blowing up with helium. But if the ol gal don't get that knob turned off quick enough, KAPLOOYEE. I think the economy is going gangbusters for a month or 2,people will run out of this free money and then crash.As we all predicted. I had no idea this much more free money would be flying around,all this tax credit for kids thing and such.
By #502711 at 06,May,21 06:58
People were a lot tougher back in the day. People are soft now. & back then, America was all on the same page, where as now, thanks to multiculturalism, many conflicting ideas on where your country should be headed, are dividing the USA. Not just the USA but we suffer from these problems in Australia & from what I hear, pretty much all of Europe, save for a few conservative nations.
By #610414 at 06,May,21 10:33
But, isn’t that the actual problem? In the USA the Republicans are decimated. All they have is support of Trump. We need a strong Republican Party to push back on the Democrats. Keep them honest. I believe we will pass this and go forward. And so will most of the world. My scare is a rogue nation starting WWIII
By #485312 at 22,May,21 20:38
yeah, far too much done for foreigners and not for the people who are born in the country, its better to leave and become an indian, and come back, they throw money at you if youre from another country crying poor *lix*
By #632721 at 22,May,21 11:45
Go to MissH20. You'll get hard if you're a Man and wet if you're a Woman. You can't help but want to f*** her!
Pay attention to this thread and contribute. /forum/thread.php?id=29814&p=1#t562306
Estб aqui para disfrutar todos los que aman la mъsica latina, jazz, etc.
I saw this vid
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of a Chinese guy fucking a Chinese prostitute in a filthy room, without condom, in disgusting conditions. She just lowered her knickers, he shoved his bare dick inside for a few minutes and when he was done, he has his dick sprinkled with water, she pulled up her pants again, done. Meanwhile you could hear a rooster shouting and some trucks or trains. It must have been a room under a bridge. The dirt there is incredible. They never wash the walls or floor, the bed is filthy, they girl fucks everyone in the same dirty conditions. How is that possible?
By #610414 at 02,May,21 20:50
They were conceived in those conditions and their immune systems are able to withstand it. if me or you were to go over there and do the same thing,we would probably come home with stuff that Ajax and brillo pads would not take off.
Kinda like getting ready for a trip to India,which we can't make right now,their water is all but poison to us here in the US and people have to take sort of pill or something for a time before going over there.
By #502711 at 05,May,21 20:52
They're a pack of animals & need to be cleansed from the earth...
That's what I said. They're hiding their genitals. lol
By #502711 at 14,Apr,21 08:00
Ok guys, remember to get your vaccinations, because we need to sacrifice the lives of our youth so that we can sustain the lives of the sick & dying for a little bit longer... Ah yes, we need, for the sake of those that are on deaths door step, to sacrifice the future of our children & let them suffer in anxiety, for the dying... I don't wear a mask, I will NOT be getting vaccinated & I will not die of covid... The corona virus death toll is a statistic of those that have died WITH covid, not OF covid... I heard, from the very voice of Elon Musk himself, that if you have covid & you get hit by a car, you will be marked as a corona virus death... I don't call this a "corona virus pandemic", I call this "The Great Corona Virus Hysteria"... The worst thing about the virus is that everyone believes what the people on the news say. Even when they're telling you something that isn't in your best interests, & yet they tell you everything the government is doing IS in your best interests... You are all the vaccine experiments.
I couldn’t agree with you more what’s the best way for a government to control the people? Is to scare the shit out of them and keep them scared --------------------------------------- added after 38 seconds
Me I’m not buying into it
By #502711 at 14,Apr,21 08:53
No shit. I just watched a video with the guys from CNN saying fear sells only registered users can see external links. Listen to this song too: only registered users can see external links The song sucks, but he says something like "shoot Bill Gates vaccine in your arm" this pandemic scare is a way for the "great reset" to be implemented. look it up. Klaus Schwab runs the World Health Organization. & this vaccine is a way to make money & shoot us with vaccine that has been killing young people... We were worrying about the extremely elderly & weak. Now we're sacrificing the youth to save dying people. It's madness! Call me NOT politically correct, but fuck the old people & the dying. I believe in natural selection. This virus is the WRATH OF GOD, punishing us for fucking with nature & evolution & allowing sick & retarded people to live. I don't care what any of you think about that, that's what I think... I hope Trump comes back...
I agree with you 100 percent and who knows what is in this shot they are giving you it might be a form of population control it might make men sterile --------------------------------------- added after 73 seconds
Anyway I don’t trust them any farther than I can throw them
By #502711 at 14,Apr,21 10:11
Well no one really knows what these vaccines will do in the long term, that was my first thought when they were talking about this. & after I heard of the first blood clotting victim, I knew I was right. only registered users can see external links
I aint getting the shot.I am sick of the shit storm they are making of this virus thing.
All the lock downs did was prolong the inevitable.
By #502711 at 14,Apr,21 20:50
I just heard Dr Fauci say that even with all of these vaccinations, that the virus will still exist because there will always be some variant alive somewhere in the world. So this virus is here to stay. When do the people take a stand & say enough is enough. I'll tell you what, with the riots over police killing a black kid, maybe it would not have exploded like it did if people weren't already frustrated by these lockdowns. There's riots & protests all over the world over these lockdowns. It's going to be anarchy if our politicians don't get a hold of this shit.
Well,from what I read a month or so ago,the 1918 flu variant is still alive and well after 100 years.
Traces can be found in most + flu test.
By #502711 at 15,Apr,21 21:31
The Spanish flu, THAT was something to be worried about. There were actual bed-ridden, young victims of that. Hospitals were overflowing. Look at the hospitals during THIS virus, they're practically empty & say that they're empty because they want plenty of beds for the virus victims, but if there's so many empty beds, then obviously the virus is not as deadly as they're all making it out to be..
...everyone else read the same thing I read in fact even phart commented that you are just mean for what you said about Bella....
Phart...please tell me what I said about Bella! that you consider mean. At least show me were I have to go to see what I've said about Bella!. Ever since we unblocked each other, I have tried hard not to be nasty to her. Yes, we don't see eye to eye about a lot of things (like how she sticks up for @Degraff@) but I never meant to say anything mean about her getting covid.
Well the thing about the blood clots is that it happens to young healthy people, because the clots occur because your bodies immune system is reacting to the vaccine. Where as elderly peoples immune system isn't as good, so the clotting isn't as likely to happen.
By #610414 at 26,Apr,21 16:08
Funny story. Before I joined SYC, I did not know anything about SKIPE. Several guys invited me to SKIPE and my answer was always the same, “I don’t know how to SKIPE. My husbands didn’t like me to SKIPE. Truth is I didn’t know how. One guy decided to teach me, Dgraff. He told me how to connect? And we agreed on a virtual strip tease. He took one piece of clothing and I would do the same. Shirt first. I kidded him he got the better part. Then the pants, etc. The last thing was our undies. I went first and down they went.............Well, he was next. He hooked his thumbs on the elastic and brought them down. I started to laugh so hard I had to break the connection. His balls looked like undersized prunes, all wrinkly and red/blue, but the real shock was his cock. I wouldn’t call it a cock but the location was right. It looked like a Vienna sausage. You know, like those tiny sausages they put in spaghetti sauce? And it had a little curve. You need a bloodhound to find it. We never SKIPED again but he’s been putting me down ever since.
By #610414 at 14,Apr,21 22:02
For those that believe like Aussie, buy your ticket to Gianna, take your cool air mix and leave behind enough money to pay for your cremation
The risk of side effects of the "vaccine" are greater than the risk of death from the virus.
Kinda like saying "let a 50 mph Chevy Vega run over you now,so you can survive a 50 mph tractor trailer strike if 1 hits you".
By #610414 at 15,Apr,21 11:52
This will be my last comment on this. As I’m doing this I’m listening to the CDC say that about 5 people out OF A MILLION get complications. You do as you feel right. I got my shots without any complications and now I hope I have some protection. If I don’t I’m not any worse off and if it does, I’m that much better off. As I’ve said,”do as you feel you should”. Time will eventually tell us who was right.
By #502711 at 15,Apr,21 21:41
The vaccine, they say, causes blood clots to people under 50 years old. Now, Candy, with all of the millions of people that have died from this, how many were healthy & relatively young? Not many, most of the victims are very old & very sick. How many videos have you seen with healthy people that have the virus, like Ellen Degeneres for instance, she's not that young, but she got a little sniffle & then was fine afterwards, like many many others. They say this pandemic is worse than WWI, WWII, Korean war, Vietnam war put together. I find that offensive, because those wars killed millions of the worlds young, with entire futures ahead of them, not to mention the epidemics & pandemics that were running rampant alongside those wars. Millions of the weak have been purged, it is God's will. Deus vult!.. Call me stupid, Candy, but i'll still be alive...
By #610414 at 15,Apr,21 22:07
Good luck to you. Those wars killed young and old alike. I value the old and the infirm's life as I do the young. This is not a case were the young will survive if we feed the old people to the beast. Again, and I hate to repeat myself. DO AS YOU WANT AND IN THE END YOU'LL EITHER SURVIVE A BOUT, WON'T GET IT AT ALL, OR GET VACCINATED. No one is twisting your arm. It's funny, first it was fake news, then it was a conspiracy, now it's a dangerous drug. When was the last time anything was 100% safe? The Salk vaccine
The Salk vaccine had been 60–70% effective against PV1 (poliovirus type 1), over 90% effective against PV2 and PV3, and 94% effective against the development of bulbar polio.
Yet it was the miracle drug of the fifties.
Lover, do as your heart tells you. Whatever happens after is LIFE.
By #502711 at 16,Apr,21 00:21
Well we know what people were like in the 50's, we all thought asbestos was safe. Some of these vaccines only have a 50% efficacy rate. If you had the flu & you were told that you could get over the flu faster with a vaccine, but there's also a chance you could die from it, would you still get it? Did you also know that past vaccines had to go through vigorous tests & experimentation that would last decades before the scientists would inject people with them? But the corona virus vaccine was put together in a matter of months & now the tests & experiments are being used on the world populace. Also polio IS something to be worried about, it paralyzes people & causes death to anyone. If polio was getting around I would get vaccinated for that & did as a child, though not of my own choice. I don't need to be told to do whatever I feel is right, because I'm a sovereign individual that understands his rights & will not be scared into becoming a guinea pig for the government or the WHO or whoever else.
By #610414 at 16,Apr,21 00:48
Today, the flu seldom kills. Covid killed half a million in one year in the US alone. You sure you want to compare?
By #502711 at 16,Apr,21 08:07
How do we know that they didn't just mark people that died of the flu in 2020 as corona virus deaths? What if the numbers are made up? How come there's so many hospital beds with no patients in them? These are questions that should be asked, we shouldn't just blindly believe what we're told. There has been many professionals come forward to question the whole pandemic reaction, some say it's an overreaction, I say it's a hysteria. When anyone can show me a statistic on the ratio of deaths by age range & healthy vs non-healthy people & show me that healthy people are dying in great numbers, then i'll think about taking this seriously. But I only see & hear vague reports & contradictions about this pandemic..
By #610414 at 16,Apr,21 11:30
How do we know there's no sentient life on Mars? How do we know if Elvis is really dead? How do we really know we walked on the moon? You have to have a little faith, but, did you notice how hard you try to sell it to yourself? Me? I got the shots. Easy piecy.
By #502711 at 16,Apr,21 23:11
I don't know how Mars, Elvis & the moon landings are related, but i'm not trying hard at all to sell whatever it is you think i'm selling. All that I have said is coherent & logical. It didn't take much thought at all to elaborate on all that I have learned since this pandemic started. But i'll give you a thumbs up for feeling good about receiving your vaccine. How about that?
Nice, very nice. Thanks for pointing it out. Direct link is here
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I like it. They also have demonstrations!
Happy to hear. Its good to learn new things, and even more fun when it has to do with sex, and kinky stuff. I have started an archive to have to refresh my brain on things that might pop up . I like the demonstrations on the subjects after they are talked about. Great site.
It's a funny video shot from someone who was trying to tame the animal (goat?) and the animal attacked him and in his attempt his pants went down. It's just funny. But if you think it's inappropriate I could delete it *if* I had an option.
By #502711 at 09,Apr,21 04:33
I thought it was one of those muslims consummating the marriage.
I'm sorry to offend whomever I did. I know that people get married to a variety of things these days but it's not up to me to criticise anyone. They can get married to their pillow, to their chair, to their gods, to an idea, to a superhero, to a harem, to a jehova witness, to a man, to a she-man, to a he-she-womyn, to their great cousin, to a transvestite greengrocer, to a disabled kangaroo, to a buddhist muslim, and even to a real woman. We can't be critical. I respect all choices.
I am glad I am in my 70’s,. I can’t see how you younger people are going to pay back 30 trillion dollars, the national debt. Sure as hell not with the Monopoly money they are handing out now!! China won’t have to fight us, they will just take over after this country defaults on its loans. Of course the politicians don’t give a hoot, because Nancy, Chuck and the rest of them won’t be around when the end comes. Margaret Thatcher was right eventually you run out of other people’s money!!
National debt of which nation? Tanzania? It can't have that much debt. Neither can Uzbekistan. Maybe the US? No problem either. Three US issues new money when there's debt. Which country are you talking about then?
Do you think the US borrows money from China? The national debt is not borrowed money, it's created money. It's not other people’s money, it's your money.
You don't pay it back, you never have. The national debt is not a mortgage.
You ease national debt, by just letting it devalue over time. That's called inflation.
An ounce of gold in 1900 was $20, now it's $1720. In about a hundred years it might be $150,000. Your current debt would be a breeze then.
If you care about the budget, care about what they spend it on. Do they spend it on your well-being? Do they invest it in society, so it can give the best economic return?
Or will it just be used for cutting taxes for millionaires and billionaires?
Well,they want to waste money on train tracks hardly anyone will ride on, they want to build "New" roads,while the 1's we drive on are all but back to stone age standards. Wastful spending. Maintain what is is place.Much cheaper in the long term.
Just simply don't spend anything on alot of things would be the best short term solution to the issue.
The infrastructure in your country is on par with the third world. Everyone who has visited your country tells me most of your country looks worse than the slums in Italy.
Maintenance costs money, if you don't know.
Every time the Democrats are in power, right wingers cry about the budget. Every time the Republicans are in power you think they budget is in good hands. It is completely the other way around. It's true Republicans cut spending on social expenses, but they cut taxes for the rich so much more, that the deficit explodes every time.
And every time the Republicans are in power, some major crisis happens. So it's them who are destroying your country. The Democrats are just not fixing it fast enough.
I’m picturing you sitting at the bottom of the dike with your finger in the leaky hole you seam to think you know a whole lot about my country with out ever coming here and seeing for your self so tell me what makes your country so great I’m told it sucks over there you people are so third world your riding bicycles yet you do know that the automobile was invented way back in the late 1800s
It must be the areas where your freinds are going that makes it look bad. I have never been to New York,but from what I was told it would seem if the earth had a anus it would be in New york.But I also know that new york is HUGE and it can't all look like the limited area that they delivered a machine to.I have been in Detroit,and MOST of it looks like a slum.But, look at the liberal government,and that explains it.They taxed the auto industry out of the state for the most part.
Well, a few went to New York, that's true, others went to Pennsylvania, Florida and California. They said some areas were beautiful, but even then you see stuff that looks like it hasn't been maintained in decades. Also the electrical system is really antiquated.
The ten most distressed cities in America (2015)
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You can't tell me those are all liberal governments.
By #610414 at 05,Apr,21 13:00
onthelose, who said we have to pay it back? If it gets too much of a problem, we declare bankruptcy and watch as the other countries try to help us out. Remember, it hurts them tenfold for us to stop paying.r
By #485312 at 07,Apr,21 03:14
I don't think any country is in debt, I don't see any world leaders panicking over it, or making plans to pay it back??? I think they've been holding out on us and holding more money then they let on.. the world didn't stop after this pandemic, I don't see our polititions making plans to pay back any debt, but have used it as a way to up fines and use speed cameras a new revenue raising outlet. I think our government has used this pandemic to track us, to entice us into a cashless society with fear of 'dirty money', catching tax cheats as they use the codes to count the customers in shops ... so theyre raking in money that was not disclosed before the pandemic with electronic banking ... its all an exercise in getting people to comply too, to do as theyre told, to stay in doors, to change life long habits, and replace them with 'new world habits', and they will keep us suspended for years, this wont end with this one virus, they'll make everyone so paranoid, that we'll enjoy being 'saved' from ourselves in the end... *lix*
This one comes from veryshyguy . Got to love it. It will you giggle , and that's what we all need. Enjoy.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOgd9hitEAE --------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes
link works just copy and paste it to your browser . I ges this site has a problem with sharing things GO FIG. only registered users can see external links --------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes
What’s wrong with my blog lix you should be proud to be a character in such great folklore as Yukon Pete
By #610414 at 19,Mar,21 14:27
I’m a character too. Your imagination is active but you can only imagine it, baby, because you have no chance, nor will you ever have a chance to be so lucky. There’s not enough coin in the world to let you mount us........or me anyway.
It has nothing to do with me it’s a tail of Yukon Pete the one ball half breed and that was written 2 years ago --------------------------------------- added after 28 minutes
Still funny to this day even what’s up cock reposted it in his shits and giggles blog
You're welcome mate. There are a few things I like posting:
-- Sex, of course
-- Jokes
-- Interesting stuff
I wish people stopped the endless trolling and nonsense posting. Not good for anyone.
By #485312 at 16,Mar,21 19:50
well Im just going to disagree with you, just for the sake of dribbling crap for ever over nothing, what ever you said, I don't agree ... and its really annoying when everyone wants to be friends and play guitar while singing kum-by-ya to each other... I turned on your site and the strobing bent my brain... its all your fault and hey!!! can you comment on my old blog... I hear its really annoying and drives some of the MENTAL PATIENTS here cray cray... *lix*
I'm really sad about that. I want people to be friends. I used to be friends with @dgraff ;because he's a nice person. However, something happened at some point and we made a huge mistake by blacklisting one another. I feel terrible about it. Same story with @Freddy another really nice and humorous guy. Why be enemies when can be friends and sing, as you say, kumbaya? And yet another nice guy is @Ken31234 He's a Japanese American with a cock that many men and women love. I was about to hook him up with Symone, a French chick who loves Japanese cock because she's petite and her pussy can't take big things. But he blacklisted me before I could help him. Take care.
I'm really sad about that. I want people to be friends. I used to be friends with dgraff because he's a nice person. However, something happened at some point and we made a huge mistake by blacklisting one another. I feel terrible about it. Same story with Freddy another really nice and humorous guy. Why be enemies when can be friends and sing, as you say, kumbaya? And yet another nice guy is Ken31234 He's a Japanese American with a cock that many men and women love. I was about to hook him up with Symone, a French chick who loves Japanese cock because she's petite and her pussy can't take big things. But he blacklisted me before I could help him. Take care.
By #485312 at 18,Mar,21 09:15
yeah that dirt bag came by aussiemans page last week, he thinks we don't notice, but his stench is like a dead rat and cant be mistaken.. freddy is just a moron, no one likes freddy, he's like that kid who people only use to steal his lunch money, and then they throw him away when they get what they want... Ive never heard of Ken, sounds like he's his own worst enemy...
the only sad thing is, they believe their own shit. like the stink bag dgraff, the only good thing about him, is he has a loud mouth CUNT as his best friend, they deserve each other and look, the CUNT had to get its handbag out and bash them over the head with it... BAD DIRT BAG, BAD ... see how IT has them under ITS thumb.. they cant move with out the CUNT giving them permission to talk now... lol, I wonder if it got its PIGS EAR stitched back up, it was sagging like it lopsided tits, maybe the dirt bag should take them to shop and knock some of the saw dust out of them... *lix*
By #485312 at 16,Mar,21 19:45
why do people care when or where other people put THEIR comments???? really who the fuck cares if someone comments on an old picture, or replies to an old blog??? is this really something so fucking terrible you have to make a BULLSHITERY comment in forum about it??? or is your mind really going to shit when EVERY little THING, EVERYONE ELSE DOES, ANNOYS THE FUCK OUT YOU HERE???? maybe if this kind of thing is news worthy enough to you, than a site like this, isn't one for YOU! *Lix*
Yes, I know, but the question is why? What's the point in believing something obviously false? I can't understand that.
By #502711 at 09,Mar,21 19:39
I actually think they really believe this. I actually worked with a guy that believed the earth was flat, he was a bit of a religious Christian nut, even though he wasn't even Christian. But he believed the earth was flat, that space is water & the stars are bubbles in the water. The videos filmed in space showing earth makes it looks like a globe because of fish-eyed lenses, all this kind of crap. As Ananas said, the internet has been able to influence more people with ridiculous beliefs.
The people pushing it don't believe it themselves. They are con men, making money from their conferences (tickets of $149). They also get financed by rich people who think it's to their self interest to destroy trust in science.
If they can sell people this bullshit, they can sell them anything, like cutting taxes for the rich benefits the working class, unions are bad, safety regulations are just a nuisance, you should give lots of money to your church so all your wishes are answered, health insurance is better than single payer and climate change is a hoax.
How Average People Fall For The Flat-Earth Conspiracy
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The 10 Things That All Flat Earthers Say:
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Flat earth is anti-science, climate chance is science. All scientists support the science of climate change, except for some grifters who are bought off by big oil.
When your argument is climate change can't be true, because the earth is big, than you are anti-science.
Denying climate change is not much more sophisticated than denying global earth.
You're also ignoring overwhelming evidence and accepting ridiculous arguments.
What people don't understand is that long ago humans realized that they can figure out lots and lots of things using their mind and some simple observations.
Eratosthenes, about 2 thousand years ago, knew that at noon sharp a building would cast no shadow in one city but a building in another city would cast one. And several people verified that. This, he said, impossible if the Earth is flat.
Having thus shown that it's not flat he assumed that it's curved and the simplest curved object is a sphere. By measuring shadows and angles he computed the circumference of the sphere using simple geometry. He found 40 thousand km. We now know that he was right and that he made an error of only 75 km. The actual circumference is 40075. Wow!
This newspaper article explains the simple calculation that, nowadays, any schoolchild can understand. only registered users can see external links --------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes
If people, 2 thousand years later, are that stupid and can't understand Eratosthenes' simple argument, then the world is doomed.
In fact, nowadays, we can perform the experiment easily. If you live in Sydney, call someone in Perth when there's good weather in both cities, and ask them to measure the shadow of a 10 metre tall object and compare it to the shadow at the same time cast by a 10 metre object in Sydney. If the shadows have different lengths then the earth isn't flat. --------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes
Fucking morons. And crooked guys who make money from these stupid morons. And asshole politicians and teachers for not being able to provide good sound basic education but keep teaching kids shit.
This was the top discussion forum topic today so I'm posting my latest upload.
[deleted image]
No, there's no reason for doing that. Just felt like it.
OK let's switch gears . This site has a lot to do with Community, and this Forum has to do with stuff. Well here's some Stuff, that has to with Community, Sexually, and Fandom. If you click on this please take the time to watch it. In my opinion it is Excellent. Have a G-Day. --------------------------------------- added after 101 seconds
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By #502711 at 08,Feb,21 07:32
Yes, this certainly is a place to post stuff & this post definitely counts as stuff... Is this something you're into, do you do that kind of stuff & if so how come you don't have a furry outfit?
I am all ready a bear I don't need even more fur. Also I couldn't afford the fur suet , they start at $2,000 and top out around $20,000 . Just going nude is much creeper. It also show what kind of bi-est crap we have to still have to dill here in the states
By #502711 at 27,Feb,21 10:59
Goddamn, then it shows how commited some of the "furries" are when they own the suits then
Ya they make some bazaar looking suits . some speakers built into built in , so have RGB lights all over them . some would scare the shit have out of you if you seen one. I gess some furries have to have a handler to help lead them around because they cant see very well. I gess it hotter then fuck wearing the fur and get over heated. I am a sweat hog so I would freak out in in fur. I hear there's a lot ferries in Japan and down under in Australia . also they have a lot of artists that sell there work at theses shows. The things we humans do for fun and spend are money on. Have a G Day mate. PS I fucked my brains out last week end, still on that roll.
By #502711 at 03,Mar,21 07:29
Yes, Humans like to be anything other than what they are. Must suck to be a Human. It doesn't surprise me that the Japanese would be into this.
Found this online
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The more you know!
Kangaroos have three vaginas. ... Koalas, wombats and Tasmanian devils all share the three-vagina structure. The side ones carry sperm to the two uteruses (and males marsupials often have two-pronged penises), while the middle vagina sends the joey down to the outside world.
Isn't biology fantastic?
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes
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heres the proof, showing the crooked lines in the tiles of this poorly photoshopped pic. in an attempt to make her tits look bigger and her hips smaller lol. I've highlighted it for the rest of the site to see what a pair of fakes you are... *lix*
Can you please check on this?
It looks photoshopped.
[deleted image]
Also, where is the site?
I once superimpose a kind of xmas decoration to my cock (like a ribbon or something) that I picked from the internet. I was flagged for deletion. It was bella who alerted me that I had been reported and told me to remove the pic. I did. But I find the thing weird.
we all know his wife is covered in sun spots and her tits are saggy, now he's cut the side off with the bend tiles, but whats even funnier is the tiles on the other side are bent worse *LIX*
I don't believe the pic you sent is shopped, it just a POV shot which makes the foreground appear bigger. judging by the size of her hands, if 2 fingers about an inch and half, my estimate is his cock is only 6 inches in this shot. if she left her hands out it would have looked bigger.. *Lix*
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The Onion is a satirical digital media company.
I always find it hilarious that the ones ego talk too much about morals and righteousness are the ones who first violate them. Religious ones learn how to be judgemental towards others but never towards themselves. Or, simply, they have things to hide and hide them under the pretext of religiosity.
I remember the days after Clinton had his dick sucked by Monica L and shot his cumload on her skirt. He appeared holding a bible in his hand to show his "repentance". What did he do wrong? Nothing, except that he fucked her in a public office. He should have fucked her somewhere else, that's all. Men and women need to have sex. Why pretend they don't? And they don't need to be monogamous. Why pretend they are?
More to the point, why the fuck do you join a sex site if you're so judgemental and self-righteous?
Her association with religion/church now explains her behaviour.
Bill Clinton was-is a married man.When he stood before God and family , or the justice of the peace, he took a oath to be faithful to hillary. Poor dumbass,but that is beside the point.He broke his vows, his promise,his guarantee that he would be loyal to his wife. A person raised with a moral compass knows that it is wrong to be sexually active with someone besides your wife.If bill could break that basic promise,or oath, to be loyal to his wife ,who's to say he would not have broken the sworn oath to serve the USA?
But what you know of being faithful? That concept is related to religion you so strongly denounce,but have NO viable alternative to present.
By the way leo,there is no hatred of you on my part,we just disagree strongly,understand?
Also,why not just say, "not your fault" or "my fault" why the cryptic messages?
Religion is the problem. It's fake.
There can't be any morality based on myths.
Religious people tend to be much more immoral and pretentious than people who are normal.
Religion is an excuse for committing crimes, for *****philia, for wars, for lots of shit.
As for the "cryptic", she wrote in Latin, I replied in Latin. If she has written in French, I would have replied in French.
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Funny how I never heard about this in the news.Did you?
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And since I'm being told that bella likes to comment about me,
even though she has blacklisted me, I thought to be kind to
her and give her something to do for the weekend,
because she'll see her name and the numbers next to it,
and she'll try to find their meaning. I like to be kind
to my friends and positively contribute to their well-being,
by giving them gifts or messages or things-to-do,
not arbitrary ones, but after studying their their
It's like gifts, you see? If you give a gift to a mere
acquaintance then it can be arbitrary,
but if you gift to a friend or a partner, then it's best
if you know what they want and what will keep them
both busy and happy.
Just a skirt.
Lollipop, I don’t care if I have to share with Lis, I would be yours to make you happy anyway you want. :x :x
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--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
This is a question posed by someone recently.
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God bless the Z00.S.A!
Sorry Americans, but i'm watching your nation die, & it breaks my heart. I always thought the USA would rule the world forever, but its decline is in full effect...
I too loved life during President Trump's 4 years. You and I and tons of many others agree.
Keep your thinking straight the way it is now, never change. So many young people (and old), think so goofy nowadays.
Be well.
In March 2019, a total of 2,008,197 Americans received TANF.
The majority of welfare recipients (80%) are children.
In 2018, $31.3 billion was dedicated to providing TANF support.
Less than 1% of welfare funds are associated with fraudulent activity.
The average SNAP benefits per 2-children family were $393 per month.
Paying for the wine in one of those fancy presidential parties cost more.
--------------------------------------- added after 105 seconds
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
Phart In your premise then you are saying that anyone who is damaged is in the way of the rest
Industrial equipment made in the U.S.A has the best reputation of any in the world. These products are sold to any country that requires mining equipment, tractors, or advanced pumps, which pretty much includes most of the industrial world.
2. Electronic equipment (including computers) – $170 billion
The United States is still at the forefront of the most advanced computing devices.
3. Spacecraft and aircraft – $131 billion
Europe’s Airbus can’t compete with Lockheed-Martin or Boeing in terms of quality or reputation. This is our number #1 export to the U.K.
4. Cars – $127 billion
Several years ago, Asia was giving Detroit fits. Today, however, American-made vehicles are making a comeback.
5. Petroleum – $106 billion
This may come as a shocker, but America is now a net exporter of oil.
6. Medical equipment – $83 billion
Nobody makes life-saving devices to higher standards than the U.S.
7. Plastics – $60 billion
The United States exports this commodity to nearly all of its FTA partners.
8. Gems, precious metals, and coins – $58 billion
This category is America’s 2nd most popular export to Hong Kong.
9. Pharmaceuticals – $47 billion
The United States is second only to Germany in terms of its market share for prescription drugs.
10. Organic chemicals – $39 billion
China and Japan buy a combined $5.2 billion of this commodity from the US
Estб aqui para disfrutar todos los que aman la mъsica latina, jazz, etc.
I'm keeping a minimum distance of 5000 miles
from people like him and his girlfriend
--------------------------------------- added after 19 minutes
I checked. Nothing shows up in search engines.
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of a Chinese guy fucking a Chinese prostitute in a filthy room, without condom, in disgusting conditions. She just lowered her knickers, he shoved his bare dick inside for a few minutes and when he was done, he has his dick sprinkled with water, she pulled up her pants again, done. Meanwhile you could hear a rooster shouting and some trucks or trains. It must have been a room under a bridge. The dirt there is incredible. They never wash the walls or floor, the bed is filthy, they girl fucks everyone in the same dirty conditions. How is that possible?
Kinda like getting ready for a trip to India,which we can't make right now,their water is all but poison to us here in the US and people have to take sort of pill or something for a time before going over there.
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Me I’m not buying into it
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Anyway I don’t trust them any farther than I can throw them
All the lock downs did was prolong the inevitable.
Traces can be found in most + flu test.
...everyone else read the same thing I read in fact even phart commented that you are just mean for what you said about Bella....
Phart...please tell me what I said about Bella! that you consider mean. At least show me were I have to go to see what I've said about Bella!. Ever since we unblocked each other, I have tried hard not to be nasty to her. Yes, we don't see eye to eye about a lot of things (like how she sticks up for @Degraff@) but I never meant to say anything mean about her getting covid.
Kinda like saying "let a 50 mph Chevy Vega run over you now,so you can survive a 50 mph tractor trailer strike if 1 hits you".
The Salk vaccine had been 60–70% effective against PV1 (poliovirus type 1), over 90% effective against PV2 and PV3, and 94% effective against the development of bulbar polio.
Yet it was the miracle drug of the fifties.
Lover, do as your heart tells you. Whatever happens after is LIFE.
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I like it. They also have demonstrations!
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You don't pay it back, you never have. The national debt is not a mortgage.
You ease national debt, by just letting it devalue over time. That's called inflation.
An ounce of gold in 1900 was $20, now it's $1720. In about a hundred years it might be $150,000. Your current debt would be a breeze then.
If you care about the budget, care about what they spend it on. Do they spend it on your well-being? Do they invest it in society, so it can give the best economic return?
Or will it just be used for cutting taxes for millionaires and billionaires?
Just simply don't spend anything on alot of things would be the best short term solution to the issue.
Maintenance costs money, if you don't know.
Every time the Democrats are in power, right wingers cry about the budget. Every time the Republicans are in power you think they budget is in good hands. It is completely the other way around. It's true Republicans cut spending on social expenses, but they cut taxes for the rich so much more, that the deficit explodes every time.
And every time the Republicans are in power, some major crisis happens. So it's them who are destroying your country. The Democrats are just not fixing it fast enough.
The ten most distressed cities in America (2015)
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Detroit, Michigan
Memphis, Tennessee
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Atlanta, Georgia
Baltimore, Maryland
Fresno, California
Las Vegas, Nevada
Chicago, Illinois
Tucson, Arizona
Houston, Texas
You can't tell me those are all liberal governments.
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You will probably not like his jokes, but he actually makes a lot of sense about how the debt works.
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link works just copy and paste it to your browser . I ges this site has a problem with sharing things GO FIG. only registered users can see external links
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Now it works GO FIG AGAIN.
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Do a barrel roll
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A man tells his doctor, “Doc, help me. I’m addicted to Twitter!”
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Here we go...
A man tells his doctor, “Doc, help me. I’m addicted to Twitter!" The doctor replies, “Sorry, I don’t follow you …”
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Still funny to this day even what’s up cock reposted it in his shits and giggles blog
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Do click here /forum/thread.php?id=24978#325
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-- Sex, of course
-- Jokes
-- Interesting stuff
I wish people stopped the endless trolling and nonsense posting. Not good for anyone.
the only sad thing is, they believe their own shit. like the stink bag dgraff, the only good thing about him, is he has a loud mouth CUNT as his best friend, they deserve each other and look, the CUNT had to get its handbag out and bash them over the head with it... BAD DIRT BAG, BAD ... see how IT has them under ITS thumb.. they cant move with out the CUNT giving them permission to talk now... lol, I wonder if it got its PIGS EAR stitched back up, it was sagging like it lopsided tits, maybe the dirt bag should take them to shop and knock some of the saw dust out of them... *lix*
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An interview from 1988, but still as relevant as it ever was.
If they can sell people this bullshit, they can sell them anything, like cutting taxes for the rich benefits the working class, unions are bad, safety regulations are just a nuisance, you should give lots of money to your church so all your wishes are answered, health insurance is better than single payer and climate change is a hoax.
How Average People Fall For The Flat-Earth Conspiracy
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The 10 Things That All Flat Earthers Say:
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When your argument is climate change can't be true, because the earth is big, than you are anti-science.
Denying climate change is not much more sophisticated than denying global earth.
You're also ignoring overwhelming evidence and accepting ridiculous arguments.
Eratosthenes, about 2 thousand years ago, knew that at noon sharp a building would cast no shadow in one city but a building in another city would cast one. And several people verified that. This, he said, impossible if the Earth is flat.
Having thus shown that it's not flat he assumed that it's curved and the simplest curved object is a sphere. By measuring shadows and angles he computed the circumference of the sphere using simple geometry. He found 40 thousand km. We now know that he was right and that he made an error of only 75 km. The actual circumference is 40075. Wow!
This newspaper article explains the simple calculation that, nowadays, any schoolchild can understand. only registered users can see external links
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If people, 2 thousand years later, are that stupid and can't understand Eratosthenes' simple argument, then the world is doomed.
In fact, nowadays, we can perform the experiment easily. If you live in Sydney, call someone in Perth when there's good weather in both cities, and ask them to measure the shadow of a 10 metre tall object and compare it to the shadow at the same time cast by a 10 metre object in Sydney. If the shadows have different lengths then the earth isn't flat.
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Fucking morons. And crooked guys who make money from these stupid morons. And asshole politicians and teachers for not being able to provide good sound basic education but keep teaching kids shit.
[deleted image]
No, there's no reason for doing that. Just felt like it.
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