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What lead you to this site??

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Started by Bigthickone at 07,Sep,19 01:00  other posts of Bigthickone
What life events and desires brought you here

Similar topics: 1.Foursome, 2 Couples   2.Mobile Support   3.Cock Rings and ED, any help??   4.How did you convince them to show you their dick?   5.Most Befriended Member  

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By Moench at 12,Feb,24 07:02 other posts of Moench 
I was looking to see if there were more men who loved wearing women’s underwear and google brings me to SYD

By Antonek at 12,Feb,24 04:39 other posts of Antonek 
I found the site by accident. I always wished I had been a nude figure model in college but I was too shy. I don’t remember what I searched, but this site came up. I got up the nerve to take a nude pic and submit it. I’m glad I did. I guess it was also the rush of seeing myself in a public forum totally exposed that was such a turn on. I’ve received so much positivity from this site and I really try to return favor to everyone else.😊

By #690553 at 11,Feb,24 15:54
Hardly getting any action from my husband so I decided to explore different parts of the internet.

Wanted to show off my sexuality and see if anyone wants me and so here I am today

By cumcouplessa at 10,Feb,24 03:46 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Our love for mmf 3'somes brought us here. Hoping to find suitable sex partners? No luck as yet, but we realy enjoy browsing and looking at all the sexy cock pics. The cum video's are an added bonus.

By Fixittight at 10,Feb,24 00:49 other posts of Fixittight 
Actually have an account on Fetlife and came across a profile that had his cock pictures and one mentioned this site. So here I am

By #688512 at 23,Feb,23 14:46
Being a horny boy who just turned 18, and wanted to try showing off now that I could! I knew I was big, and couldn't wait to see what people would say.

By Ablaze at 22,Jan,23 14:50 other posts of Ablaze 
I love to watching, to play and to fuck with big cocks.

By #687130 at 22,Jan,23 10:09
Looking at porn sites always thought my penis was on the small side but here it’s good to see allsorts. Love showing it off since having it cut.

By probowler298 at 21,Jan,23 14:47 other posts of probowler298 
To expose myself naked online.

By Pibo2020 at 21,Jan,23 14:40 other posts of Pibo2020 

To show off my cock, and discovering other nice looking ones

By #463848 at 21,Jan,23 09:16
Seeking the photos of dicks that I would like to wank

By Strongmember# at 19,Jan,23 20:31 other posts of Strongmember# 
penis obsession obv

By #662360 at 17,Jan,23 23:17
Finding I liked showing my cock to others in erotic poses and seeing other men’s cocks. Enjoying talking dirty about sex.

By knewbi at 17,Jan,23 21:28 other posts of knewbi 
The fact that I am always horny directed me here and the great people around here keep me here..

By Dev01 at 23,Sep,19 05:48 other posts of Dev01 
By Sir-Skittles at 14,Jan,23 22:51 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

By massco at 14,Jan,23 21:23 other posts of massco 
I just did a stupid google search. She me your cock and it got me here.

By Sir-Skittles at 08,Dec,21 13:23 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
That bitch Hotlips and her pictures

By #514663 at 07,Dec,21 22:49
I honestly can't remember how I first found this site as it was a number of years ago. I always had an interest in nudity and expressing myself in a sexual way.. And of course in seeing other dicks as well it was a turn on from the start and I still love meeting others and getting feedback from those enjoying my pics

By curious10 at 07,Dec,21 14:15 other posts of curious10 
To look at all the beautiful penises and vaginas that people are willing to show on here.

By #652988 at 07,Dec,21 11:41
To show off my dick and find a man to suck me off

By 3fdfd at 12,May,20 03:41 other posts of 3fdfd 
A guy I met on another site. He told me the pictures were larger here & the site was generally better. It was & I moved over here about 2008. No regrets. I've met a lot of great guys here.

By #64328 at 11,May,20 17:32
I've always liked seeing other guys cocks. Did an internet search. Found a site called dick.net and while chatting ask if anyone know of other site and was directed to this one

By #616943 at 09,May,20 22:07
I am horny and love to show off.

By Dev01 at 07,Sep,19 10:00 other posts of Dev01 
I lead,not leeded
By #578610 at 17,Sep,19 20:30
Lead? Maybe, but, I bet you point a lot?
By Dev01 at 24,Sep,19 09:08 other posts of Dev01 
Sure..I'm ready

By #600026 at 23,Sep,19 08:35
I like sexual things oneday i decided i wonder if there is a place to interact with people sexually also wonder what other people thought about how i look sexually what people think of my dick is it good size they like it?
So i typed show your dick in google search and i lol'd when i saw a site called showyourdick.org aplace you can actually do that had to join :p

By Robben at 23,Sep,19 04:36 other posts of Robben 
I was a validated member on a cock size comparing site (Nice place) on which it was a limit on how many pictures one could load up. An another member on that site recommended SYD and I visit it. Well, since then I visit SYD almost every day. Often many times on a day. Or night.

By #551147 at 17,Sep,19 22:02
Saw it on the stall wall at a Truck Stop Diner in South Florida. It also said... For hot times find Randa-Lynn...
By #535529 at 17,Sep,19 23:21

--------------------------------------- added after 76 seconds

What happened to the hotpussy trailer park blog anyways? That shit was howling!
By #551147 at 22,Sep,19 23:08
He just wasn't getting paid enough. 😒 Perhaps we can offer lipshitz up to him for payment?

By cumcouplessa at 18,Sep,19 03:30 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Would have to say that our craving to find suitable partners for mmf fun brought us here. Hasnt been very successfull in that area, but has always been fun. We both enjoy perving over all the lovely cock and pussy pics, and get a huge turn on from the cum video's.

By spermkiss at 18,Sep,19 00:20 other posts of spermkiss 
Pictures of dicks, what else.

Interestingly, however, it's the exchange of thoughts and ideas with other members that keeps me here.
By #551147 at 18,Sep,19 01:02
Like this one ➡️ /forum/thread.php?id=22645#23 ? OR how about this one ➡️ /forum/thread.php?id=28121#9 ?

By dgraff at 07,Sep,19 09:56 other posts of dgraff 
A billboard on I78 east in Pennsylvania
By #578610 at 17,Sep,19 20:28
By dgraff at 17,Sep,19 22:47 other posts of dgraff 
Then bring your old yugo in we fix anything

By #574505 at 17,Sep,19 21:28
Well I Google dicks and pussy that's how I found this site..

By #579822 at 07,Sep,19 07:46
A mistake
By #578610 at 17,Sep,19 20:31
Your dad's. He just didn't pull out fast enough.
By #574505 at 17,Sep,19 21:25

By WHATSUPDOC at 07,Sep,19 04:16 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
I always had girlfriends but love a perfect cock. My vision of the perfect cock. So maybe it's about time to go find him.
By niceonebighead at 17,Sep,19 20:23 other posts of niceonebighead 
cocks luv cocks playing or sucking them

By Pistonbroke at 07,Sep,19 11:42 other posts of Pistonbroke 
I have been bi curious for a long time, always felt somewhat self concious about my cock size, even though the women seemed to enjoy it. Posting pics here was my 'coming out" to myself, have had only positive comments and quite enjoy when someone tells me they got excited looking at them.
No I know for sure I'm bi and would love to have a same sex experience.

[deleted image]

By cumonme1 at 07,Sep,19 11:34 other posts of cumonme1 
Found it by surfing porn sites, glad I found it

Adult Discussion Forum