Started by Bigthickone at 07,Sep,19 01:00  other posts of Bigthickone
Similar topics: 1.Foursome, 2 Couples 2.Mobile Support 3.Cock Rings and ED, any help?? 4.How did you convince them to show you their dick? 5.Most Befriended Member New CommentComments: |
Wanted to show off my sexuality and see if anyone wants me and so here I am today
To show off my cock, and discovering other nice looking ones
So i typed show your dick in google search and i lol'd when i saw a site called aplace you can actually do that had to join :p
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What happened to the hotpussy trailer park blog anyways? That shit was howling!
Interestingly, however, it's the exchange of thoughts and ideas with other members that keeps me here.
No I know for sure I'm bi and would love to have a same sex experience.
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