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Started by #48694 at 17,Mar,10 02:33
I wanna know ur opinion/experiences with sex and drugs?

Did it enhance the sex?

Are some drugs better than others for enhancing sex?

Please leave a comment or feel free to ask me about my own experiences.


Similar topics: 1.Do The Drugs Work   2.drugs and sex   3.Should I whore myself on the street corner for money & drugs? :*   4.Cumming Faster/Sooner   5.Cocain  

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By bottomboi69 at 16,Nov,23 12:31 other posts of bottomboi69 
I love doing coke,i get sooo horny that i'll do anything kinky,taboo,perverted even things that can't be said here
By Cody8789 at 08,Mar,25 22:27 other posts of Cody8789 
I don’t do coke, I prefer pepsi, but the Pepsi doesn’t make me horny

By Bicockwhore at 08,Mar,25 15:06 other posts of Bicockwhore 
Well I smoke crack cocaine and meth and sniff Poppers it gets me so horny it opens my throat and my butt and then I let man use me and abusing all night long groups of that 3 to 10 men and I take it raw no rubber I let them shoot their loads in my butt and my throat all night long I let him videotape it all you got to do is get me high and I'll do anything and I'll do it anywhere

By SexIsLife at 18,Nov,23 21:47 other posts of SexIsLife 
I've smoked weed before go for sex when I was young. I can remember it took approximately twenty or twenty five minutes to ejaculate. The girl I fucked had multiple orgasms and the moment few minutes before I came she's started to crying. That was the best of the best fucking session I had in my entire life.

By tecsan at 17,Nov,23 08:00 other posts of tecsan 
I get your drift bottomboi69 me too with one exception, think you know what that is.

By #675771 at 19,Apr,23 06:23
Doing meth with a buddy once made us horny, I got turned on by his big curvy brown cock and let him face fuck me. On my back naked he slapped my little cock and balls, he called 2 of his buddies over and they got high too. They teased slapped chocked and spanked me roughly. I loved being naked as they roughly made me beg and sob.

By #668298 at 09,Aug,22 14:31
Sex on meth is one of the greatest and best feeling experiences you'll ever have having sex with a woman feels so fucking good and then letting a man bend you over like you have a pussy and fuck you in your ass like a bitch almost too pleasurable just got done with the first one of the day now

By Dev01 at 05,Jul,22 21:52 other posts of Dev01 
Drugs are bad mkay
By #275407 at 26,Jul,22 23:38
They can't even tell a story where I can understand them because of the drugs
By Dev01 at 26,Jul,22 23:46 other posts of Dev01 
Bloody Canadians
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Mr Mmmmkay looks like our new Prime minister Mmmkay

By #673346 at 26,Jul,22 20:33
Age14 when I lost it funny short story well depends how I word it...

So I was going threw a hard time and relied on drugs I got close with a drug dealer we were pals like brothers he took me in and gave everything I needed but he had issues with his misses so I started to help him out so he didn't lose her, I was a bit off a ladies man so I was perfect in a way did everything and she loved it knowing the fact he was doing all this nice stuff treating her cooking taking her out and so...

But in the end she started to clock on to it knowing it was me doing it all I didn't think nothing off it, then she started talking to me and texting wanting to meet up, I started to fall for her and so on.

Then one day i was out picking magic mushrooms and doing them at the same time with the drug dealer and one of his mates all off our heads having a good time but that evening I went round hers and had pizza with her watched a movie.

Then we went up stairs I was loving life at this point off my head on mushrooms and knowing the fact am gonna get pussy for the first time, it was the best experience I ever come to in my life.

By #675771 at 26,Jul,22 08:38
When I was 17 i had a 19yr old buddy who was in college. One weekend he invited me to his house as his parents were away. In the living room he took out coke and made lines. After finishing the lines he put his gand in my pants and i loved it. Soon I was naked sucking his big dick. I moaned as he put his big hard uncut dick in my bussy. He fucked hard till cumming in me

By #662360 at 21,Jul,22 21:38
Only Sildenafil (Viagra). After taking one, as soon as I got sexually aroused I got rock hard boners that stayed up after jerking one off or after a shag ready for another one.

By Sissyfagsub at 21,Jul,22 16:37 other posts of Sissyfagsub 
When on meth it shirk up tiny cock an doing what told an showing baby tiny cock size ballsac an fag_slut doing with everything be told seeing an spanking slapping cock soon seeing sucking cock an get fuck by cock in pussy show. Make sissyfagsub zone don't care who see an do with having done with cock ballsac show everyway ask

By #673003 at 05,Jul,22 20:10

By #665772 at 11,Apr,22 03:22
Mdma is really nice for masturbation, literally edge all night long, would love to do this with another guy sometime, makes a hard cock feel and look amazing!!!

By #536019 at 10,Apr,22 13:43
Cannabis and edging masturbation.

By liccalottapussy2 at 10,Apr,22 04:27 other posts of liccalottapussy2 
weve done gangbangs for her, she would shoot up coke beforehand and fuck hard for hours

By #64328 at 04,Apr,22 18:56
Snorting coke always brought out a wild side in me. Alcohol and drugs definitely lowers inhibitions

By #664918 at 02,Apr,22 05:43
Smoking weed with other people makes me horny as hell and want to dress up in girls clothes or lingerie and Jack off for hours

By #662518 at 16,Feb,22 18:47
To be honest I love sniffing poppers smoking crack cocaine and letting men butt fuck me and choke me with no rubber give me some rock cocaine I'll let you use me All Night Long

By thicknsmooth at 05,Jan,22 03:51 other posts of thicknsmooth 
Has anyone ever put a line of coke on someone’s cock shaft and sniffed it off? I have done that and I found it to be a huge turn on

By dgraff at 19,May,19 13:18 other posts of dgraff 
You guys are all young yet so have your fun but if your over 40 and doing meth your a heart attack waiting to happen a friend of mine died at the young age of 43 his heart exploded and jumped out of his chest and if your smoking crack or meth your front teeth will rot right out of your head and if your doing that shit with a weak mind to begin with you will be a dumb ass before you know it
By #585719 at 19,May,19 13:24
I'm a product of the 60's and I can tell you, before or after 40, you are a dumb ass if you do.
By #275407 at 03,Jan,22 17:00
You don't have to be a product of the 60s to know how stupid you are if you use meth.
By phart at 03,Jan,22 17:12 other posts of phart 
Amen. If anyone can't get on the internet or just look around and see the negative effects of meth to the human body and decide it is not for them, they had the mental capacity of a turnip to start with.

By Ablaze at 03,Jan,22 16:54 other posts of Ablaze 
Yes. I love both.

By #657977 at 03,Jan,22 16:11
Hi I smoke dope everyday and jackoff for hours at a time...I love it

By #652988 at 02,Jan,22 13:12
I been smoking meth all night and got to suck my first dick and got to fuck his ass it was great and wanting to do it again and I want to have a dick in me so d you dick isn't to big because I can't take it my first time having a dick inside my virgin ass any takers

By #652833 at 23,Oct,21 16:32
I love meeting men online and sniffing popper and smoke meth and getting my asshole strength out and get choked a d and slap in face and get spit on and drinking piss

By lovetolickyou at 19,May,19 06:46 other posts of lovetolickyou 
I used to be a cocaine fan and it helped get me to some mind-blowing fantasies. The best physical reaction came from doing acid. I could cum ten to twelve times a night and only stopped because my cock was too sore. For two or three days after acid, I'd stay chubbed out and precumming. One of the best sensations from drugs came from powdering my glans and frenulum with meth. I could cum spontaneously multiple times without touching myself. I don't do drugs any more, but I love and miss all the fun that drugs added to sex.

By #534381 at 25,May,17 13:07
I love being high on meth and playing with my cock I wished I had someone to get high with me and play together as we watch porn. The oral sex on meth is fucking incredibly great. I'd rather do that than Fuck especially also if your cock is shaved smooth. I almost get hard thinking bout the feeling it gives me!!!
By #534396 at 01,Sep,17 03:06
Same, also I tend to enjoy anal more

By #530092 at 11,Oct,18 04:57
Ya boy thats a for sure I love sucking on smooth cocks when Im high! wish we were closer I would be there with you sucking

By #563747 at 22,Oct,18 06:14
So hot, doing this right now

By #589016 at 19,May,19 00:55
Mmm, when I take meth with my friend, we love getting nude and fucking each other, I love sucking his cock

By #569341 at 16,Oct,18 15:08
"Mmm, drugs are bad mmmkay" - when other people take them lol.
I am actually completely ****-free and have been for a few years. Everyone's brain-chemistry is different. Some drugs might enhance things for some people and do the opposite for others. Everyone always raves about MDMA and sex, but personally i strongly dislike (stupid h.a.t.e. World censor) RAVES and all dance music except for drum&bass and break beats/hip hop instrumentals, so.......i have had sex with girls that were on it and it was good sex; but they kind of started irritating me with their "space cadet" shit, before/during/after.
Weed is good, if you can handle it. Coke and speed aren't ideal - especially for your size and staying power. I tried a sex pill once too, made me constantly hard but limited my "growing" power.
That's my 2cents
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

P.S.: i'm not going to read any other posts; but i'm sure someone mentioned meth/ice/shaboo - if you even try that shit (with or without sex in the equation), you are a fuckhead with a death wish - have you not ever seen a meth head?!!!

By #568296 at 11,Oct,18 01:01
My step dad and his boyfriend smoke meth and rub each others cocks. One afternoon they came into my room and smoked with me, touching me while smoking. Eventually they stripped me naked and made me suck their cocks. They took turns fucking me hard making me moan loudly

By #550094 at 04,Aug,18 17:50
Poppers are as far as I go, and I personally don't
consider poppers to be a drugg.
I try not to huff too much poppers if I'm on a
Viagra pill because then the effect of the Viagra
gets defeated by the poppers; that's just something
I've learned in my experience.

I've done pot, acid, hash, and drank a lot during my
younger years. By the time I was 25 I quit all that stuff
out of boredom and I didn't like waking up with hangovers
the next day.

Today at 53, I'm drugg-free
( except for poppers, lol. )

By #552392 at 04,Aug,18 17:36
My friends dad and his friends walked in on us naked, they all are high on meth and now gangbanging me violently. They are all wild and kinky,

By leopoldij at 24,Jul,18 06:58 other posts of leopoldij 
Sex *is* a

By #552392 at 24,Jul,18 06:57
My friend when on coke fucks me more violently than usual

By #553253 at 05,Apr,18 09:59
The **** was ecstasy.
A party turned orgy, I think I had sex with everyone there, and it lasted over 12 hours! You just cant stop!

By #502711 at 02,Sep,17 21:54
Weed definitely makes sex better. Enhances the feeling & as soon as the weed kicks in & I see my girl just sitting there my dick just gets hard & I wanna fuck.

By Nottsplaymate at 02,Sep,17 20:53 other posts of Nottsplaymate 
My number one is definitely weed which is what I have smoked almost every day for the last 30 years and always makes me up for most things . But the best sex was in the 90 on mdma ever touch was amazing , speed is frustrating as your head is racing with things you want to do and you become a total exhibitionist but keeping an erection can be difficult. But I've always enjoyed anal tho so I'd always managed to make myself cum .

By #537181 at 01,Sep,17 18:48
Well when I take meth,coke or ecstasy I will do anything,I,d catch a taxi strip naked chuck clothes out window and get dropped at gay resort,pub or any place were I could be played with

By #522126 at 25,May,17 17:22
A girlfriend of mine would strip naked and sit in an armchair with one leg on each arm of the chair,she would smoke a joint and watch porn,as her pussy started getting wet I would go down and very slowly lick her out,she always had a huge orgasm and rewarded me by sucking me off and swallowing my load.

By #535562 at 25,May,17 05:14
Good times with weed

By kebmo at 25,May,17 04:49 other posts of kebmo 
In the '90's I did "some" coke. I had a girlfriend at the time and I just couldn't get it up. Never.
Perhaps now that I've matured and found cocks more interesting I would like coke & cock. Not to be though; the coke is behind me and the cock is in front of me.

By skinb at 02,Apr,16 14:09 other posts of skinb 
I used to love smoking weed and then eating pussy. I love eating pussy anyways but being high made it even more intriguing.
By kebmo at 25,May,17 04:45 other posts of kebmo 
That's the munchies.

By #535417 at 25,May,17 03:21
I love smoking crack cocaine and get fucked I first smoke crack I was 18 i worked at a fast food place and this black in his 40 anthony invented me to his house and we started party they started smoking crack and before i know i was naked with 8 in of black dick down my throat and then he fuck my ass bare backed for 1 hour

By #488209 at 25,Jun,16 09:18
Cocaine ecstasy speed all make me proper bad av filthy for hrs soon as slightly disturbance n stop ur soft in seconds but good but longer the the lob
By #460385 at 25,Jun,16 11:27
Now it all makes sense.

By #503470 at 21,Apr,16 14:29
I,ve found havin sex on drugs makes you do stuff that you normally wouldnt do when straight, alcohol does the same thing,it just makes you have no inhibitions,i still do it and have never regreted anything i,ve done,it turns me and my wife into total sluts,we will try anything

By _avg_ at 03,Apr,16 01:12 other posts of _avg_ 
Drugs are bad, mmkay?

By #131042 at 02,Apr,16 19:24
OK before I start, I am totally **** free now and I do not promote the use of social drugs for any reason!
Coke is fucking awesome, made me a fucking Rhino on heat! Some fucking mad things I did when I was young and foolish!
Copious amounts of weed smoked on a daily basis, getting my dick sucked while smoking a joint was one of the best things ever!
Don't do drugs kids and ...err....stay in school !!
By #358797 at 02,Apr,16 22:18
You just instantly went badass on me... Lol.

By #508778 at 02,Apr,16 09:04
Meth makes sex with women better but when I'm high all I think about is receiving cocks. I imagine it is wonderful also.
By #467412 at 02,Apr,16 09:52
amphetamines can make sex last for many hours, however, it is juxtaposed with difficulty ejaculating. Viagra helps but sometimes that's not enough. Wanking can last for hours and if you're with someone the tactile experience is also enhanced.

What have been your experiences?

By #6741 at 18,Mar,10 22:56
Getting high (weed) and masturbating is fucking awesome. I tried jerking off on shrooms but i kinda freaked myself out, i was also disgusted by my own penis at the time.
By #467412 at 02,Apr,16 09:49
tripping and sex I've found are not good companions; though I'm speaking from my experiences many decades ago. Looking in a mirror whilst tripping is a hellish experience, sex never entered my mind, or the mind I was using at the time..

By spermkiss at 18,Mar,10 23:32 other posts of spermkiss 
Hey, there was nothing like taking a hit of LSD at the gay bath house and sucking dicks all nite.

By #30712 at 18,Mar,10 09:28
i'm clean nowadays, but coke or amphetamines make it way better, and longer.... ahhh, memories. medical fact
By spermkiss at 18,Mar,10 23:30 other posts of spermkiss 
Been there, done that, really fine.

By #15784 at 17,Mar,10 06:41
love jackin off all coked up. i can jack for hours like that
By spermkiss at 18,Mar,10 23:29 other posts of spermkiss 
I agree, there's nothing like it. Also sucking cock on coke is really fine. I could give head for hours.

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