Started by MoeJoe at 12,Oct,09 08:34  other posts of MoeJoe
Similar topics: 1.Strangest place you have masturbated? 2.The Unusual 3.unusual turn on's ;D 4.Most unusual place you’ve had sex 5.Describe an odd place you have masturbated before New CommentComments: |
On the ladies toilets at work when everyone had finished for the day
All of the employees would move out from their work station for me to collect their garbage, expect one. Hot little slut, young girl that sat at the front desk that would turn to the side & open up her legs so I could see her panties while I was on my knees, fidgeting around getting hold of her bin, always wore a mini skirt & was a bit of a party goer, with the stories she used to tell me her & her sister were total sluts, I have no doubt, she was a total cock tease & hot as fuck.
After getting rid of the garbage would retire to the toilet & furiously jerk my cock, never took me to long to cum.
Needless to say, this little slut always had a empty bin 🤭
In the back of a shop with the owner.
In a relatives garden shed
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That's why San Francisco is very unamerican. People there are like you. Real America is Boise, Detroit, Auburn, Huntsville, Kansas City, Charleston, Petersburg KY (where Noah's ark and the creation museum can be found), etc. Shame on you.
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Holy Fucking Jesus, Leopoldij...You done got me agin! I be such a simpleton that is SO gullible...
at a construction site, overnight.
I got out very late from a concert, and the public buses
had stopped running. I was too far to walk home.
So I walked for a bit and came to a construction site
that had a couple of port-a-johns.
One of the porties was huge- large enough to fit
a wheelchair inside it...
...I figured I'd lock myself inside it and crash a nap
until dawn when the bus begins its first run.
I shut myself inside the portie, set my digital
wrist-watch alarm for dawn, and tried to nap.
Couldn't sleeep. A sneaky thought came to mind:
"Jerk off and leave a splotch of cum on the toilet
for the construction workers to find the next day."
I laid out some pages from an old newspaper on the floor,
dropped trou, and started jerking off until I came.
Suddenly I heard someone knock on the door.
I stopped jerking and laid very quiet as I slowly
pulled my trousers back on, and slowly stood up in a
ready-to-fight position...
...the person outside then started banging on the door
and rocking the portie back-n-forth. I was nervous!
I thought the crap in the toilet was gonna spill on me;
OR, the person would break in and find me in there
and attack me; OR, I thought it was a cop!
After a few never-ending minutes the banging and
rocking had stopped.
It sounded like a man, because I heard a male voice
cussing out loud and then he walked away.
I figured it was probably a homeless guy needing to
use the portie; or just some overnight street thug
or crackhead looking for a place to chill.
I remained inside the portie until dawn.
As soon as the alarm in my wrist-watch sounded off
I got up and out of there like the fastest bat
out of hell.
That was the weirdest, and SCARIEST, place I had
ever masturbated.
I masturbated to orgasm in the back seat of the car on family trips. I did it at my desk in grade-school. I did it in the public swimming pool. I did it in the back seat of the school bus on class trips. My best friend & I did it together in the bushes while riding our bikes out to his grandpa's farm.
But the most unusual place has to be in church. When I was really young, I usually masturbated to orgasm during every sermon!
I was house sitting for a month, and 3 weeks into it, I ran out of fish food. Not wanted to get more, I remember what I did the first couple days, and just jerked a lot into the fish tank. It was ackward to get up next to the fishtank, so I just jerked off whereever, and made sure to wipe the cum off whatever it shot on, and put it in the fish tank. Besides what I couldn't get up off stuff, and the one time I came into their mayo jar,
I was pretty drained and not horny at all at the end.
Once i got more confident and more horny, i walked round the other side of the park and stripped naked and walked around naked and suppperrrr solid!
Almost cumming at the wind brushing past my cock!
Sat down and wanted at most of the benches around the park (small park)
Fingered my ass... had a proper horny session....
So i started to walk to the entrance completely naked at around 1 am, saw someone, couple local lads that would have recognised me, so i nipped into the bushes and hid. Even with the fear of them seeing me, my cock wouldn't go down!
So i started tugging away, once they had walked past i quickly walked the other way and got dressed... i had been posting on CL that night and got a match, invited him to the park, and we sucked each other off.... Fucked me in the middle of the path under a street light too!
Was amazing! Genuine story too!
Message me if you wanna know some details!!
But no one came up that day. Later the next day a girl asked me white spots would come from that were all over the dark rooftop. It must be color because its pretty much. I told her it would be sperm, she laughed her ass off.
One year later I proved it to her. Damn, she wasnt hot but I was desperate and fell in love with every girlish being.
-- in the car, while in traffic jam
-- at a hotel corridor
-- in a classroom with my hand through hole in pocket. Teacher was hot.
-- at the beach under a towel
-- at the beach, exposed
-- in the sea
-- in a swimming pool
-- In locker room
-- on a bus, and managed to cum without touching my cock at all!
-- in dressing room of big department store
-- in the movie theater
-- while walking empty Street
dang....none of my female friends are "mooners"...
I went through a phase a couple of years ago of sneaking into the ladies' toilets and masturbating, that was quite horny especially if someone came into the next cubicle for a piss
This summer I was out cycling and came to a barn in a quiet part of the countryside, anyway I decided to wank there... I was hoping some horny farmer would catch me and fuck my arse, but no-one came (except me