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By Sir-Skittles at 16,Dec,24 16:17 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

December 14, 2024

Still recovering from Saggy serving a spoiled Thanksgiving turkey, she had lost track of time with family in hospital. With her off brand ObamaCare, she would have a massive bill to pay. Charlie's piss stain Sears pension came with no healthcare benefits. What kind of adult worked at Sears? A fucking low-life with no skills is the answer! Christmas was just 11 days away and the bank account was nearly empty. Just like her feeble mind! What would they do for Christmas?

Saggy had read that Gwyneth Paltrow had made a vagina candle and was raking in heaps of cash. It gave Saggy an idea: why not make her own cunt candles to sell? Maybe Admin would let her sell it on his cunt site! This might be the most fucked up thing she had come up with to make some money. Like Admin would let her use his site to hawk a nasty cunt candle! If he did, he should take 90% of the profits. Then again, 90% of nothing is fuck all.

Saggy started chirping out of window towards Rhanda-Lynn's trailer. She told her friend to come over it was time to get paid! Deep down, Rhanda-Lynn knew that it would be another fuck up of a plan. But she was always willing to try to help her friend. We have often asked, what does that hillbilly Tchir bring to the table? She never helps anyone. This was going to be an epic failure for sure.

When Rhanda-Lynn finally made it over to Saggy's trailer, Saggy was bouncing around like a retard off its chain. Rhanda-Lynn listened to Saggy's latest scheme of making cunt candles and could hardly contain her laughter. After all, she knew what her friend's nasty minge smelled like and it was not fresh. Who in their right mind would buy a candle made with old lady cunt butter?

Saggy's legendary stank would not be easily harvested. It was mostly dried yuck. Then a dimly light bulb went off in Saggy's brain! They would use the trailer park panty collection to make up a brew! Saggy found a large pot and put the water on the boil. When the water was boiling, she started to put in the dirty nasty trailer park panties. Many pairs were stained and contained various colors of discharge. Not the normal hot panties other women wore. No, these were trailer park panties and were disgusting.

As the nasty brew continued to cook, Charlie started screaming what the fuck is going on! He was nearly green with the stench coming from the kitchen. And when I say kitchen, Saggy had her oven/stove taken from the health department. She was using a propane tank and burner. A total shit show to say the least. To get some candle wax, they two old broads broke into the trailer park hurricane shelter. They stole all the candles and melted them down.

Charlie cursed his life and the shit his wife had caused. He was still fuming that her stupidity caused his criminal past to be exposed. Being a registered sex offender, he was not allowed on a cock and cunt site. He had to delete his profile in shame. He grabbed a six pack of cheap beer and limped his way outside. His prosthetic legs were used and did not fit well. Forrest fucking Gump walked better than old Charlie! He let loose a ton of obscenities and racial slurs as he left the trailer. Charlie boasted he was off to make some money for the family. When our prominent Florida member heard this, they nearly were exposed for laughing so hard!

Charlie had never known success. Born with a low IQ and failing at everything he touched, what did he think would change now? Saddled with being a registered sex offender, he was very limited on what he could do and where he could work. That and his advanced age made him undesirable from every employer. The walking fucking dead indeed! How many more years did he have left anyway? He also suffers from high blood pressure and an auto-immune disease. This did not stop him from taking gas station cock size pills and cheap Viagra from India. Most of these pills were filled with sawdust and cockroach remains. We saw him speed off in Saggy's piece of shite Nissan Rogue.

Back inside the trailer, the two geniuses were hard at work making their first cunt candle. They mixed their cunt stew into the wax and let it set. It would take several hours to harden for their scent test. Saggy was already not satisfied with the scent. It was missing something. The watered down panty stew might not be enough to give her buyers what they wanted. Rhanda-Lynn said she had to go feed her cats and would be right back.

Saggy sat there alone in her trailer. She had to come up with something and then it hit her, just like when Charlie gave her domestic violence! Saggy screamed for Rhanda-Lynn to bring over her empty cat food tin cans. Rhanda-Lynn had four flea ridden cats they all they did was eat and shit. Rhanda-Lynn brought over a large garbage bag filled with empty cat food tins. The scent was already nasty but it did remind Saggy of her own snatch smell. Saggy took several tins and rinsed them out with water. She poured the water into cunt fume stew and bingo, she got the scent she knew everyone would love.

Yes, you dumb broad. Everyone wants to smell Indian food left in a diaper that was been inside a hot dumpster!

Stay tuned, Saggy's first sample will be out soon for market research!

cat52! Nasty old lady!
By Mongo at 16,Dec,24 17:47 other posts of Mongo 
Mongo love the smell of mama fishy fishy
By Sir-Skittles at 16,Dec,24 23:46 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
yer nasty mammy should was her cunt parts in bleach

By phart at 06,Dec,24 15:07 other posts of phart 
There is hope for all the old birds out there!
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Found a 4th mate and laid a egg at 74 years old
By dgraff at 06,Dec,24 19:41 other posts of dgraff 
Hey candy or cat did the same thing
By phart at 06,Dec,24 22:15 other posts of phart 
Cat laid a egg?
By dgraff at 06,Dec,24 23:38 other posts of dgraff 

By CAT52! at 06,Dec,24 22:54 other posts of CAT52! 
I've been with the same man, on and off, for 55 yrs.
By dgraff at 06,Dec,24 23:39 other posts of dgraff 
but did you lay an egg
By phart at 07,Dec,24 04:02 other posts of phart 

By CAT52! at 07,Dec,24 14:38 other posts of CAT52! 
By Sir-Skittles at 15,Dec,24 17:48 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
A family of inbreds and cerebral palsy retards... cat52!

That mongoloid is too old for Make a Wish- So stop trying to sign up. Fucking grifter!

By phart at 07,Dec,24 12:46 other posts of phart 
liberals needing a house?
here's 1
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By Sir-Skittles at 02,Dec,24 19:35 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Of course lying Biden pardoned his only rat left alive!

Hunter will fuck up again... don't worry!
By phart at 03,Dec,24 03:26 other posts of phart 
10 year blanket immunity. That is trying to cover his own ass, he is not worried about hunter much, worried about himself.
Democrat double standard. I posted a link here somewhere showing that biden actually wrote or voted on some of the laws that hunter was charged with and there are black men behind bars right now because of the same thing hunter did.biden is a racist asshole.

By phart at 05,Dec,24 15:58 other posts of phart 
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By Sir-Skittles at 27,Nov,24 15:23 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
November 26, 2024- Saggy Granny Trailer Park 0957 hours

Saggy Granny woke up and put her wrinkled hand down her shower curtain sized panties. She was hoping to find wetness but it had been a drought for so many years. The only time she got wet these days was when she made Charlie cry and used his tears for lube. Not sure who is more pathetic, the Saggy Granny her her cuck registered sex offender Charlie. Saggy looked her at the lump in her bed. A pathetic little cuck indeed. His limp noodle was as useless as a bag of shaved cunt hairs. He was sound asleep and ripping ass. A cripple with two missing legs, diabetes, and an autoimmune disease. Gross!

It took Saggy several minutes to get on her feet. Her weak legs struggled to support her weight. Bitch should stop eating Arby's and ding-dongs. That and the nearly two gallons of Mountain Dew she took down each day. That is the kind of diet that could knock down a hippo! Saggy waddled out to their living room and plopped her fat ass down on the sofa, exhausted from her 15 foot walk. She turned on one of her favorite shows- "Grey's Anatomy."

Like most things in life, Saggy watched snippets and then called herself a subject matter expert. The only thing she has esoteric (Saggy, esoteric means one has specialized knowledge) in is being a rat grifter. I will save you having to Google it! Saggy liked seeing the crash cart used on the show when someone was in cardiac arrest. Having the training and technical equipment to bring someone back from the dead fascinated her. It gave Saggy an idea! If only we could harness the energy coming from her brain and could put it to good use! Then again, we might be able to lightly toast some bread!

Saggy went outside and found their pile of junk. They could not even afford to have it picked up. In this pile, there was a smashed TV leftover from when Mongo trashed her trailer. She pulled some of the old wiring out and cut it free. Next, she found two 9-volt batteries and watched a YouTube video how to connect everything up. In her feeble mind, she was going to use this set up to shock her cunt back to life! Yes, some readers may be shocked or repulsed, but this is the Saggy Granny!

Saggy got her crash cart set up on the living room table, which was missing a leg. Kind of like Charlie. It was supported by some old books that had never been opened. Saggy turned up the TV to mask her screams and connected the leads from the battery to her big cunt lips. Rhanda-Lynn walked in just as Saggy connected her device, sending the electricity into her dead cunt. Rhanda-Lynn screamed when she saw her friend's nasty cunt spread open, and being electrocuted!

Saggy screamed in pain and her hands went numb. She was unable to remove the leads from her lips. Her nasty merkin was was smoking and about to catch fire! Rhanda-Lynn panicked and tried to find an fire extinguisher. Rhanda-Lynn looked everywhere and cursed her retarded friend for being so stupid. Saggy continued to scream as her cunt was smoking, and not in the good way! The only thing Rhanda-Lynn could find to put on the fire was the cat's used litter box. She picked it up and emptied on to Saggy's flaming cunt! Rhanda-Lynn also ripped off the leads from Saggy's burnt flaps. What a fucking mess!

By now, the smoke alarm was going off in the trailer and this alerted other residents. There was a crowd gathering out front of her trailer. Not because they wanted to help, or even call the fire department. No, they were massing to try to steal from Saggy or see if she would be burnt up! Some sick fucks with demented values living in this shit stain park! Rhanda-Lynn went outside and cursed at them to go back to their trailers!

Back inside, Saggy sat wounded, covered in used cat litter. Rhanda-Lynn asked what in the fuck was she thinking!!! Saggy said she was just trying to feel young and sexy again. Rhanda-Lynn laughed under her breath that it was not 1975! Saggy managed to get off the sofa and walked outside, cat litter falling off her cunt as she limped. Rhanda-Lynn stood by at the ready with a garden hose and sprayed Saggy down. Being sprayed with a hose made Saggy cry. She knew Charlie had been through this when he was arrested for his wandering hands on that poor young girl!

As Rhanda-Lynn finished up her spray down, she reminded Saggy that Thanksgiving was in two days! They had a lot of work to do and needed to get real. Saggy nodded, but was more worried about her burnt cunt than dinner. She could already feel the searing pain from the electrocution and burnt merkin. For those of you unfamiliar with what a merkin is:

A pubic hair piece. A toupee for the pubic area/genitals. In the 1700’s when mercury was used to treat sexually transmitted diseases (Gonorrhea or Syphilis) one of the side effects was the loss of pubic hair. To disguise this condition, that was not cured by mercury, a Merkin was employed.

Rhanda-Lynn suggested that Saggy take some off brand Advils and they could get her some aloe at the store. Going to the ER was out of the question. No insurance and bill collectors were hounding them for past due medical bills. The storied life of the Saggy Granny! They got into the car and went off to some off brand market to get the remaining things for their shit dinner.

They had their list and would be gone most of the day. Stay tuned!


Nasty pig! Cat52!
By CAT52! at 05,Dec,24 13:41 other posts of CAT52! 
sir-skittles Bronx rat

By phart at 03,Dec,24 16:31 other posts of phart 
You know, if a person still identifies themselves as a democrat, they are fucking stupid.
A democrat president repeatedly lied about not pardoning his son for a gun crime. and then did pardon him. A party of gun control FREAKS that had this been Trump or his family ,they would be swinging from the tree. hypocrisy and flat out lying to the American people.
Harris, blows 1.4 or so BILLION dollars, that is Billion with a big B, and 20 million or so in DEBT ,still begging for money! IF she can't manage her campaign funds, you still trust her and her party with your taxes??? Get a mri of your head and make sure the hamster didn't die sometime during the Clinton administration.
By Sir-Skittles at 03,Dec,24 21:16 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Oh, and ruining the education of hundreds of thousands of kids, bankrupting/forcing businesses to shutter... and making us all mask up and socially distance for WHAT?

To cover up the chinks did this to the world? Wuhan lab leak!

And Biden sucking off Soros and the crazy left taking away our energy independence on day one... The left is fucking mentally ill.
By phart at 03,Dec,24 23:06 other posts of phart 
Oh yea, and obiden just promised 1 billion to africa because of their drought. Hell they have been in a drought for decades. Just handing money out that COULD have went to American problems. how many lead pipes can we swap out for 1 billion? how many homeless vets can we shelter for 1 billion? I am so glad his ass is leaving office.

By CAT52! at 29,Nov,24 13:14 other posts of CAT52! 
MAGA Jesus You People Are Stupid

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By phart at 29,Nov,24 15:49 other posts of phart 
Well IF you would take the time to read, the mexican president is ALREADY talking to Trump about how to control the border to avoid the tariffs. China is already talking to him about it. YOU threaten these people to get their attention to get them to the table to negotiate solutions to bigger problems.
Besides, with you liberals comparisons of Trump to others, He would be considered GOD and Trump JR would be Jesus, get your name calling straight.

Vance-Ramasamy 2028!
By Sir-Skittles at 29,Nov,24 22:17 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
The Mexicans already caved and Trump is not even in office yet! WINNING!!!... Not sure why Mexico does not shore up their southern border. Would keep the other countries from emptying their jails, homeless camps, and mental hospitals to send north...

I heard Trump is ordering the review of green cards issued to criminals and sexual predators. Looking to send them back too!

Probably should take Charlie's wrinkled old limp cock off yer page- He is violating his sexual predator registration stipulations!

By phart at 30,Nov,24 00:25 other posts of phart 
unannounced visit by Castro's boy to Mar a largo!2 months before the man is in charge and is already taking care of business.
all 3 countrys are helping drugs and people get into our country, and talk of reaching into their wallets woke them up!

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has arrived in Palm Beach, Florida, ahead of a meeting with U.S. President-elect Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Lago resort, according to media reports.

The incoming Trump administration confirmed the meeting to Newsmax.

Trudeau's public itinerary did not list a scheduled visit to Florida.

Trump on Monday threatened to impose a 25% tariff on imports from Canada and Mexico until the countries clamped down on drugs, particularly fentanyl, and migrants crossing the border.

Officials from Mexico, Canada and China, along with major industry groups, have warned that the hefty tariffs threatened by Trump would harm the economies of all countries involved, cause inflation to spike and damage job markets.

By CAT52! at 30,Nov,24 13:19 other posts of CAT52! 
No she didn't.
By phart at 30,Nov,24 15:22 other posts of phart 
her countries loss if she doesn't work with Trump
By CAT52! at 30,Nov,24 23:11 other posts of CAT52! 
We need Mexico as much as Mexico needs us. You expect the Mexicans not to retaliate if we put tariffs on their goods?
By phart at 01,Dec,24 02:53 other posts of phart 
They are allowing people to carry drugs thru their country and into ours, so it is appropriate to threaten them somehow to get their attention to fix that issue.
By dgraff at 01,Dec,24 12:53 other posts of dgraff 
Don’t listen to that old crazy democrat
Donald Trump is doing just fine he knows what he’s doing
He’s shaking things up just as he promised and our bordering countries are getting nervous he’s keeping them in line
By phart at 01,Dec,24 13:15 other posts of phart 
they can get in line or they can get left behind.We are moving Forward to a brighter future.Without their cast out people and their dope
By dgraff at 01,Dec,24 13:37 other posts of dgraff 
Absolutely 👍
By phart at 01,Dec,24 14:20 other posts of phart 
Here's how the meeting with Trump went for ol castro's boy,
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By Sir-Skittles at 01,Dec,24 13:45 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Last time I checked, Mexico's exports to the US make up nearly 75% of their export economy. In other words, the US has significant leverage here. And unlike weak and manipulated Biden, Trump knows this.

Mexico needs to start enforcing its own laws. Part of the tariffs should be used to fund border security, and the same should apply to other countries that send us their criminals and gang members. The situation has gotten out of hand, largely due to policies from certain Democrats, particularly those who subscribe to a "not in my backyard" mentality. Like the majority of democrats on both coasts. Clueless muppets.

This issue didn't escalate until Governor Abbott started sending illegal immigrants to cities like NYC, Chicago, and Martha's Vineyard, highlighting the NIMBY hypocrisy.

The mayor of Denver will regret not cooperating with federal law enforcement when illegal immigrants start arriving in large numbers, leading to increased crime and higher costs. Even NYC is beginning to shut down migrant shelters, recognizing the financial burden and generational debt they have incurred. Publicly, liberals express outrage, but they might secretly be relieved that Trump is taking action, as the situation had become unmanageable.

Many liberal policies lack sound financial strategy. For instance, Kamala Harris spent over a billion dollars on her failed campaign. Policies like green energy, defunding the police, and issues surrounding transgender rights often seem impractical. They are clearly not want the majority of the US supports.

There is no such thing as a free ride or an open border. A country without secure borders is poorly run. Even with a US passport, one cannot stay indefinitely in the UK without restrictions, and this is our closest ally.

Democrats need to understand that we can't provide for illegal immigrants in ways we don't even provide for our veterans or citizens. It's unacceptable.
By phart at 01,Dec,24 14:30 other posts of phart 
Yep, dig into Mexican factory owners wallets, and they will pay attention and demand their leadership do something.

By CAT52! at 02,Dec,24 13:33 other posts of CAT52! 


Mexico Trade & Investment Summary

U.S. goods and services trade with Mexico totaled an estimated $855.1 billion in 2022. Exports were $362.0 billion; imports were $493.1 billion. The U.S. goods and services trade deficit with Mexico was $131.1 billion in 2022.

U.S. goods exports to Mexico in 2022 were $324.3 billion, up 17.0 percent ($47.2 billion) from 2021 and up 50 percent from 2012. U.S. goods imports from Mexico totaled $454.8 billion in 2022, up 18.9 percent ($72.2 billion) from 2021, and up 64 percent from 2012. U.S. exports to Mexico account for 15.7 percent of overall U.S. exports in 2022. The U.S. goods trade deficit with Mexico was $130.5 billion in 2022, a 23.7 percent increase ($25.0 billion) over 2021.

U.S. exports of services to Mexico were an estimated $37.7 billion in 2022, 21.4 percent ($6.6 billion) more than 2021, and 38 percent greater than 2012 levels. U.S. imports of services from Mexico were an estimated $38.3 billion in 2022, 35.5 percent ($10.0 billion) more than 2021, and 116 percent greater than 2012 levels. Leading services exports from the U.S. to Mexico were in the travel, technical and other services, and transportation sectors. The United States had a services trade deficit of an estimated $631 million with Mexico in 2022, down 122.9 percent from 2021.

U.S. foreign direct investment (FDI) in Mexico (stock) was $130.3 billion in 2022, a 7.6 percent increase from 2021. U.S. direct investment in Mexico is led by manufacturing, nonbank holding companies, and finance and insurance.

Mexico's FDI in the United States (stock) was $33.8 billion in 2022, up 21.5 percent from 2021. Mexico's direct investment in the U.S. is led by manufacturing, wholesale trade, and real estate.

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A trade deficit occurs when a country buys more goods than it sells. Put simply, trade deficits are the result of higher imports compared to imports.
We, the US, buys more from Mexico than sells to them. Who pays a tariff? A tariff is paid by the IMPORTER in the country where the goods are imported. That’s here, in the US. Now, what do you think the IMPORTER will do to cover that tariff? He will raise the priceyof the imported goods and WE WILL PAY FOR IT.
No damage will be done to “the pockets of the manufacturers”
And for what? Because a trading partner refuses to SOLVE OUR PROBLEM? We can’t solve it so we shift the burden to Mexico, Canada, or whatever?
By phart at 02,Dec,24 15:42 other posts of phart 
We don't legally have to pay the higher price, so the market goes away for their products shortly after the importer is stuck with warehouses full of shit they can't sell us. We the consumers make the final choice and have the final say. We don't HAVE TO PAY. But we can also put politicians in office that fix the problems.
By CAT52! at 02,Dec,24 21:38 other posts of CAT52! 
That’s a great idea. When 97% of the products we buy are from other countries , especially China, what do we do for food, clothing, and just about everything else?
--------------------------------------- added after 102 seconds

I bet the “consumer” will pay. After all, didn’t you as prices went up during Old Joe’s administration?

By CAT52! at 02,Dec,24 13:36 other posts of CAT52! 
Why? Why should they use their tax money to fix some foreign country’s problems?
By phart at 02,Dec,24 15:35 other posts of phart 
Because their lack of border security is causing the problem.but as you can see below in the link, caravans started getting broke up shortly after the phone call, on both ends.
By CAT52! at 02,Dec,24 21:43 other posts of CAT52! 
YAFOS. Mexican president is going to fight and I’ll bet Donny Boy crumbles while shouting victory.

By phart at 02,Dec,24 15:32 other posts of phart 
YES SHE DID! HA HA FUCKING HAHA> Trump got what he wanted!
ANd he is NOT in office YET!

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By Sir-Skittles at 01,Dec,24 14:57 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Saggy Granny Thanksgiving Special- The finale

Fuck you Saggy!!!

November 28, 2024- Saggy Granny Trailer Park

0547 hours

It had been a very tough night for the Saggy Granny. She woke up in the fetal position on her kitchen floor. Even the cockroaches left her carcass alone. She had mouthed off to Charlie last night and paid dearly. After her cunt was electrocuted and burned (see Saggy Granny Thanksgiving Special Part 4) she was in agony. She had been crying trying to air out her burnt sniz when Charlie got up, demanding to be fed and watered. Saggy made the mistake of running her day walker mouth and took a direct hit to her head. Charlie's aim was accurate and cast iron skillet did its job. This all went down when she got back from picking up her appetizers.

Saggy was in a fog. She had come so close to the first perfect Thanksgiving for her scummy family. Charlie had ruined that! She cursed the day she met him, especially after his wandering hands were all over that poor **** girl. Marrying him a second time is the definition of insanity. Expecting a new outcome after repeated failures! Saggy had to get it together. There was still time to un-ass her dinner.

Meanwhile, Rhanda-Lynn was starting her day in the trailer next door. She had showered, washed her cunt parts, and was making coffee. Rhanda-Lynn was ready to start cooking and left her church clothes in her trailer. She had on her working/cooking clothes and went to the Saggy Granny's trailer. The stench of failure from last night permeated the trailer park. Since it was a holiday, at least no bill collectors, process servers, or warrant squads from the sheriff would be picking off anyone today.

Rhanda-Lynn barged into the Saggy Granny's trailer like she was on a Kool-Aid commericial. Saggy's door was in horrible shape from Mongo's attack and the sheriff breaking it down. Rhanda-Lynn knew something was wrong. It was too quiet and she saw a trail of blood on the floor. She knew Charlie had tuned up her Candy cane again! Outraged, Rhanda-Lynn went into Saggy's bedroom and saw Charlie was still asleep. As punishment, she took his prosthetic legs and threw them up on the roof. Fuck him she thought! A worthless lump of shit.

Rhanda-Lynn went back to the kitchen to help her friend. Saggy was moaning and complaining. In other words, a typical day in the trailer park. Saggy told Rhanda-Lynn to hurry. She had to take a huge Saggy dump and screamed she was touching cloth! Disgusting I know, her panties could not take much more. Rhanda-Lynn helped Saggy waddle to the toilet and helped get her panties down before Saggy fell onto the toilet seat, exploding like a fucked up pinata! Rhanda-Lynn nearly threw up and the sounds and smell being unleashed. It was a triple flush day.

Their biggest priority was the mother fucking turkey. It had been thawing out for the last two days. Saggy was praying the FEMA turkey would still be fresh and edible. Rhanda-Lynn opened their ancient fridge and pulled out the FEMA branded turkey. They cut the plastic covering from their prized bird and were hit with a fairly awful smell. Saggy was nearly in tears as they discovered part of the turkey was green. This is what you get when you depend on the government to feed you! Rhanda-Lynn having a slightly bigger brain pan, said they needed to wash of the stink and cut the green part off.

Rhanda-Lynn washed off the turkey in the sink making sure to clean up the cavity and asshole. She reached inside the turkey and found something that did not belong. It was a note in a plastic bag! Rhanda-Lynn did not tell Saggy and hid the note in her bra. She would read it later. She was hoping she had won something that would change her life. They turned on the oven and put their off brand bird into cook. Next, they had to focus on the sides and to set the table.

1330 hours- Saggy Granny guests arriving for dinner

Saggy granny heard the screaming and yipping out front. She knew that it was her grand daughter Broccoli. Named for a vegetable that a large number of people did not like or want. A very cruel name Saggy gave her because it was not its fault it had cerebral palsy! Many researchers have traced the causes of CP to in-cest or abuse to the fetus during pregnancy. Saggy herself survived two coat hanger abortions and fetal alcohol syndrome.

Charlie forbid Broccoli from coming inside. We believe this out of guilt. Saggy felt the same way and knew letting her uncle fuck her was a huge mistake. A disgusting scummy family I know! After Charlie had the trailer maintenance man collect his legs off the roof, he went to work outside. He had a large chain, collar, and water dish for Broccoli. She would be chained to the tree under the shade while the rest of the scummy cunts were inside. Charlie had made Broccoli a special burrito filled with horse tranquilizers. The screaming, jumping, and yipping would be over soon enough! This type of abuse was just beyond cruel!

Charlie walked back inside and had to get into his harness. Once securely strapped in, he pushed the remote to carry him to the dinner table. Old Chuckles did nothing to help but demanded to be fed. Saggy had done her best to set the table. Placing plates, mis-matched silverware, and various glasses around their shitty folding table. Saggy had placed a bag of potato chips on each plate for their first course. The savages tore through the chips and were pounding on the table for more eats.

Next was the main course- The turkey was ready and Saggy proudly carried out out to the table to carve it up. Charlie and the rest of the mongoloids were already digging into the turkey with their forks. Fucking animals. Saggy brought out the instant potatoes, off brand stuffing with Arby's fries, some dinner rolls. The rolls were actually buns from Arby's sandwiches Saggy had saved up. Nothing too good for her family! Saggy had wanted to say why she was thankful but was cursed by everyone as their mowed down their expired turkey.

After they mowed down their feast, family fuck up was in a food coma. They were all asleep when things went south. Saggy's daughter woke in pain. Her gut felt like it had broken glass in it. Everyone else was in severe pain too. Rhanda-Lynn then informed them they just eaten a turkey that expired in 2018.

It was going to be a night they would never forget. They only had one toilet and in the distance, they could hear the ambulances coming. Saggy had crippled her already retarded family with spoiled meat.

What a total loser! We will follow up on their condition when we get report from the hospital.

We will also reveal what Rhanda-Lynn found inside the turkey!

/blogs/58793.html cat52!

By phart at 01,Dec,24 14:22 other posts of phart 
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By phart at 25,Nov,24 20:04 other posts of phart 
Now why would jack smith being doing this unless he is trying to protect his job?
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By Sir-Skittles at 25,Nov,24 22:55 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Because his case was built on lies... but he kept taking his orders from Biden, Obama, and Soros. Now, it is time to face the fiddler!

Jack Smith is a fraud and he wasted millions on this BS
By phart at 25,Nov,24 23:22 other posts of phart 
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Well I have said it before and will say it again, had Trump went home to Marlargo and never ran for another office again, NONE of these court cases would have ever happened. The only reason they happened is to try to defame Trump, It BACKFIRED because we saw for it what it was, using law for revenge.
By Sir-Skittles at 01,Dec,24 13:49 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Chuck Schumer, Pelosi, and the rest of the democrats are in panic mode. They are the ones that usually start this kind of nonsense and they cry when it gets used on them...

Pathetic. Just look at Schumer's latest that he supports the filibuster. Now it is okay... because they lost the senate.

Stacking the courts, ending the filibuster, no ID to vote, and control the media. They are great supports of democracy!

By phart at 28,Nov,24 23:11 other posts of phart 
Skittles, I think AI has read 1 to many of your saggy granny chronicals!
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By phart at 27,Nov,24 13:32 other posts of phart 
The draining of the swamp of unneeded workers has begun, I love it, cleaning house of jobs that are not needed. clipping away at the national debt by eliminating unneeded workers that are costing us millions in insurance and workers comp and paid leave and Salarys.
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If you work for the feds, you better be trying really hard to make yourself look useful, or be working on a resume!

By phart at 27,Nov,24 13:17 other posts of phart 
The lawfare tactics failed the democrats and they are finally admitting it.
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By Gntlmn at 26,Nov,24 04:27 other posts of Gntlmn 
I can't wait to see the expressions on the faces of these dumb shit drinkers of Putin's diarrhea, when bananas are $6 a pound and a loaf of bread is $10...

By phart at 25,Nov,24 20:39 other posts of phart 
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dei training,doing more harm than good?
By Sir-Skittles at 25,Nov,24 22:20 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

Stands for: Didn't earn it!
By phart at 25,Nov,24 23:21 other posts of phart 

By Sir-Skittles at 25,Nov,24 22:38 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
We found the proof Saggy Granny!

Charlie is a scummy predator and has to register for life! And this is all thanks to you being an idiot posting your drivers license! What a retard!

cat52! He lower than smashed shit on the sidewalk.

By CAT52! at 23,Nov,24 19:25 other posts of CAT52! 
Erectified4U, you posted a response to my comment on this pic

after my response to your other post.
You said,
"you might want to investigate everything you just said so you don't look so clueless. That kid sniffing **** is the worst President in our history and if you think different you've won the idiot of the week award! So pathetic!"

Wow, you certainly told me off. Such a long litany of offences Pres. Biden committed, but, like most of your kind, you have a lot of mouth and very little facts. So, here, in the public forums, tell us why Biden is.....how did you put it?.....Oh, yeah. "That kid sniffing **** is the worst President in our history"

By phart at 20,Nov,24 01:19 other posts of phart 
CAT, here is a clear explanation of the problems biden is leaving TRUMP. Also, listen to the biden being found behind a palm tree!!
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By CAT52! at 21,Nov,24 17:17 other posts of CAT52! 
The Clown left Biden a full blown pandemic that was so badly handled that hundreds of thousands died and left the economy dead in the water. Now, you come with a diplomatic problem and want us to believe poor Donny Boy is going to have it rough? Yeah, right.
By phart at 22,Nov,24 18:21 other posts of phart 
You can blame fauchi no mask for 2 months man for most of that, Trump was misslead, and everytime he presented a idea to work from ,you all took it wrong.
By CAT52! at 22,Nov,24 21:43 other posts of CAT52! 
He was the President. If I can't blame him then you can't blame Biden for the economy. Biden followed his economic advisers.

By phart at 21,Nov,24 01:30 other posts of phart 
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By phart at 21,Nov,24 00:10 other posts of phart 
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By phart at 20,Nov,24 22:56 other posts of phart 
ol joe wanders off into the Amazon,

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By phart at 20,Nov,24 14:50 other posts of phart 
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By phart at 10,Nov,24 13:24 other posts of phart 
The numbers are in,
electoral votes,
226 Harris
312 Trump
270 to win
70,916,946 votes (47.9%)harris
74,650,754 votes (50.5% TRUMP
I think harris's path to victory has been closed.
By CAT52! at 10,Nov,24 13:28 other posts of CAT52! 
I admit. The people that voted have spoken. It's a sad time for the USA.
By phart at 10,Nov,24 15:05 other posts of phart 
cat, what is really sad is so many people like yourself will refuse to even glance over what is taking place and consider alternatives to your beleifs.
Take the fema employee that denied help to Trump supporters in your state. That kind of hate by folks like you is why your side will have a hard row to hoe for a long time.
Get past the hate, and think outside your box, dei does not work, dope is bad,illegal immigration is sapping our countrys resources dry, come in thru the front gate and do it right.
SO many democrats will openly admit, they simply voted kamala because of their dislike for Trump,nothing about her policys. HATE lost the election for democrats.plain and simple HATE.
By CAT52! at 10,Nov,24 16:57 other posts of CAT52! 
I don't care if he fixes all that. I don't want my president to be this

And I don't believe he can fix all those problems.
By Sir-Skittles at 10,Nov,24 18:11 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Maybe Trump will find a cure for Cerebral Palsy?
By Jamie at 10,Nov,24 19:57 other posts of Jamie 
[deleted image]
By Sir-Skittles at 10,Nov,24 20:16 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

Give back to your community for once- instead of being a leach!

Report to the Miami Airport Tomorrow at 0930. Cargo hangar 676.

They need help folding and boxing up all the shit Harris Walz clothing that is shipping to Africa.

By CAT52! at 11,Nov,24 14:20 other posts of CAT52! 
I never took more than Social Security retirement. Like every thing else the comes out of your mouth, this is shit too.
By Sir-Skittles at 11,Nov,24 14:31 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
So you are in fact, poor!

Guess Charlie's big Sears pension is helping out!

Only an idiot would bank on social security to live!
By CAT52! at 12,Nov,24 12:17 other posts of CAT52! 
I never said I was rich or poor but only a fool would ignore getting $1k/month. I retired at 62. I paid into Social Security. It belongs to me.

By phart at 10,Nov,24 20:20 other posts of phart 
He will at least try , unlike biden that couldn't even ride a bike or walk up stairs. Making the US laughing stock having such a weak leader.
By Cody8789 at 12,Nov,24 05:23 other posts of Cody8789 
Cat, what will you do when social security collapses and you no longer will get a check from the government.
By phart at 12,Nov,24 11:39 other posts of phart 
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By CAT52! at 12,Nov,24 12:20 other posts of CAT52! 
Cody, I don’t need SS to live but I also believe that the Congress won’t allow it to collapse. Think about it. 60%of retirees dependent on it. The economy would implode.

By dgraff at 14,Nov,24 11:53 other posts of dgraff 
To bad it’s a done deal

By dgraff at 15,Nov,24 11:39 other posts of dgraff 
Well he is your president so in your face bitches

By dgraff at 15,Nov,24 11:36 other posts of dgraff 
Take notice to the states that voted for Harris are burning 🔥
New Jersey
New York
All have wild fires 🔥
Burn in hell bitches
By phart at 16,Nov,24 01:40 other posts of phart 
there was also something about she won alot of the states that don't require voter id. Never did bother to read much about it since the election was not disputed, didn't figure there was any need to study about it.

By phart at 12,Nov,24 22:35 other posts of phart 
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Liberal media is suffering to, 54% veiwership lost already? I guess people are tired of having fairy dust blown up their ass's.
By CAT52! at 15,Nov,24 16:00 other posts of CAT52! 
I think we are tired of assholes not listening to the truth. Time will tell. Heck, just look at his cabinet members
By phart at 16,Nov,24 00:21 other posts of phart 
Wait till the DogE gets in full swing and starts trimming government waste. No need for tax increases. A new day is dawning. Even if prices don't drop alot, the money spent will stay in the US instead of going all over the world.

By Sir-Skittles at 16,Nov,24 16:56 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
As compared to Biden's tranny, a fat pig surgeon general, a transportation secretary with no background in transportation... and a long list of failures that he fucked up. Train crashes, port strikes, airline ATC fuck up, etc etc.

By phart at 16,Nov,24 18:07 other posts of phart 
The book of bidens success storys is a blank stack of paper.
His failures on the other hand, would require some of the ocean water cooled super computers to store all the facts on ssd

By CAT52! at 17,Nov,24 00:25 other posts of CAT52! 
At least they all are doing very well. The Clown’s choices are going to make this country go down the tubes.
By Sir-Skittles at 17,Nov,24 13:37 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Is Charlie's big Sears pension at risk!?

What does something like that pay out a year? Like $13K?

Fucking pathetic how little he made. A fucking bum makes more than that!
By CAT52! at 17,Nov,24 17:14 other posts of CAT52! 
Sears did away with the pension almost 20 yrs ago. They went to 401k’s. He did alright but cashed it in when they said you couldn’t cash it in until retirement at 65. He cashed it in before and we placed it in other places.

By phart at 20,Nov,24 01:02 other posts of phart 
Not to mention the suit case stealing nuclear waste disposal guy with no hair on his head. Strange how someone that can be that smart in nuclear, can be so dumb elsewhere

By phart at 20,Nov,24 01:01 other posts of phart 
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just in case anyone missed it

By Sir-Skittles at 17,Nov,24 16:22 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
cat52! telling more lies- this is NOT a pacekmaker scar... more like a surgery from 1988. Or, maybe she got it done in shit stain Africa and they used a sawsall to open up her saggy chest!

By phart at 17,Nov,24 16:49 other posts of phart 
pacemaker goes in the upper left shoulder i think
By Sir-Skittles at 17,Nov,24 17:51 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
She is an attention seeker and pathological liar.

A total site muppet and rat. She obviously is mentally unstable.

By CAT52! at 19,Nov,24 19:08 other posts of CAT52! 
Phart That is not a pacemaker scar. That’s a CABG scar for a triple bypass. Two weeks after a pacemaker was inserted on the left upper chest to maintain a minimum 60 beats/minute. If the beats are above 60/min the device lays “dormant”
AND, YES, I LIED ABOUT IT BEING FOR ME. WOODY58 had the procedure. Eight months later they replaced one heart valve with a porcine valve and repaired another valve next to the one replaced. Both were not closing completely. The replacement valve is good for 10 to 15 yrs. He’s not expected to survive that long. That’s why they used a porcine valve and not a mechanical one.
By phart at 19,Nov,24 19:57 other posts of phart 
Wow, the dr sure was a debbie downer, I would have thought they would have more confidence in their work than to say, "He aint gonna last long so here is a patch job". Kinda sad on their part. remind me not to come to florida for heart work.
By CAT52! at 19,Nov,24 22:05 other posts of CAT52! 
At 71, 5 yrs ago, 15 more yrs is not normal. They go by actuarian statistics. It's standard everywhere. Besides, he can get a second operation.

By Sir-Skittles at 17,Nov,24 15:50 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Such a great day- Cat deleted her scummy page!


Trump will make it happen again soon!
By phart at 17,Nov,24 16:17 other posts of phart 
she is still on under CAT52!

By Brian_Mansion at 17,Nov,24 16:40 other posts of Brian_Mansion 
Shes still a complete idiot I see...
By phart at 17,Nov,24 16:50 other posts of phart 
Not a complete idiot,she is missing parts!
By Brian_Mansion at 17,Nov,24 16:55 other posts of Brian_Mansion 

By phart at 17,Nov,24 16:40 other posts of phart 
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Only in America does the richest man-Entrepeneur,a President elect and a rock singer get in 1 picture.

By Sir-Skittles at 16,Nov,24 17:50 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
November 15, 2024 - 1437 hours- Saggy Granny Trailer Park

Ever since President Donald Trump had been elected, Saggy had been depressed. She screamed and posted her libtard meltdowns on Tik-Tok. We have it on record that Tik-Tok had so many complaints about Saggy's videos that they had to take them down. Saggy was filled with outrage and blamed her enemies on the cunt site for making that happen. Or the Chinese have an algorithm that keeps old cunts of their platform!

Saggy had started to read about the 4B movement (she should start 4F, the F is for failure.) Basically a bunch of nasty fat broads who shave their heads so no one wants to fuck them. Our old Saggy should save her gray hairs. No need to shave her head, no one wants to fuck her anyway. The only bald thing was her old lady cunt. Hairs ceased to grow there, like a farm field in Africa. Nothing grows there! Even when she tried to wear a merkin, it just fell off. Not even super gluing the merkin would make it stick. Bottom line, nothing wants to be near her rat snatch.

Saggy loved to get her news from the pig cunt Rachel Maddow and the dingy broads on The View. Ever since Saggy's fucked up trip to NYC, she stopped reading the New York Times. Too many big words for her to understand anyway. New York City chewed up Saggy and shit her back out. See the Saggy Granny Visits NYC blog series. A true fuck up and site retard. She will never leave Florida at this point. Sadly, she will soon join her dead daddy and mama. A cheap pine box coffin would be an upgrade from her shit box house.

Today, Saggy decided to visit the trailer park pool. The trailer park toughs would be in school today. So it was safe for Saggy to play in the pool. It would also double as a bath for her. The chlorine would help clean her front and back cunts. Saggy was trying to find her swimsuit and was throwing things all over her disgusting, cheaply decorated trailer. There was nothing over $50 in value in her rat cave. Saggy found her off brand swimsuit. The struggle was for real getting her rolls into her swimsuit. We heard a lot of cursing and crying as she wedged her pear shaped body into the suit.

Finally satisfied all her lumps and rolls were tucked in, Saggy looked into the mirror. She did not like what she saw. It reminded her of being laughed up the last time she wore a swimsuit. Some hecklers told her she looked like a garbage bag filled with soup and doorknobs. Cunts that remember this should be howling with laughter reading this blog. Saggy grabbed her 84oz of Mountain Dew, some Ding Dongs, and chips and met Rhanda-Lynn out front.

Rhanda-Lynn was an overweight lump. She deleted her profile her but everyone knows she looked like Mrs. Kool-Aid. Round and fat! Neither of these broads owned a proper beach towel so they snagged two that were drying on a neighbors clothesline. True hillbilly shit indeed! The waddled their way to the pool to make their big entrance. Today, they would start planning for their Thanksgiving dinner. This year would be different! Not fucking likely you stupid cunt!

Saggy arrived at the pool and was expecting someone to play her entry music. At least that was what was playing in her feeble mind. No today, it was just another shit day in the trailer park. Saggy found two lounge seats. They were covered in cobwebs and were missing several parts to the seat. Typical trailer park shit. Nothing is easy being the Saggy Granny. If she had only made better choices! Marrying a sex predator was probably the most retarded thing she had done. Well, maybe getting remarried to him is the top fucked up thing. Then again, making letting her scummy uncle throw her a fuck is also top ranked.

Saggy plopped her snacks and trucker sized drink down by her lounge seat. She started walking towards the pool. There were move waves coming from her stomach and thighs than the ocean. A bastion of physical fitness! Our old lump walked towards the pull. Jumping in was out of the question. Shit does not float and she would sink to the bottom. Being a scummy trailer park, the idea of having a lifeguard was a source of endless amusement. Saggy slid into the pool like a turd going into a toilet. As she entered the water, she created a slick of disgusting bodily fluids. Not even the Exon Valdez left this much destruction!

Saggy stayed in the shallow end, matching her IQ. She let the water clean out all her cracks and creases. The trailer park maintenance man watched with registered disgust knowing she had wrecked the pool. Destroying toilets was her speciality but why not wreck a pool too! Rhanda-Lynn came in heavy and nearly caused a tsunami when her fat ass hit the water! It was getting late and school was letting out. They missed their window to get out of the pool before the kids rolled by howling with laughter. One of them yelled out, look they turned to the pool into a z00! Another heckler commented the z00 animals look so cute in captivity!

Humiliated, the two hippo models lowered their heads in familiar shame. Saggy took out her frustrating on the pack of Ding Dongs and sucking down a gallon of Mountain Dew. Saggy and Rhanda-Lynn huddled up to talk about their big Thanksgiving dinner. At the forefront of their discussion, was their ongoing lack of money. What kind of adult does not have enough money to buy a mother fucking turkey!? Two fucking retards! That is the answer!

Their discussion centered around who would be invited, what they planned to serve, entertainment, and seating. This won't exactly be an Algonquin round table of snappy repartee. More like two of Jane Goodalls chimps speaking to each other.

Will they have enough money for Thanksgiving?

What will be on their menu?

Who will get the invite?

Will the drooling vegetable be allowed this year?

Stay tuned cunts!

Saggy Granny Cat52! you stupid cunt!


By Sir-Skittles at 16,Nov,24 16:59 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Saggy Granny!


Oh my! cat52!

By CAT52! at 15,Nov,24 18:18 other posts of CAT52! 
Food prices worried most voters, but they likely won’t see lower grocery bills under Trump

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By phart at 15,Nov,24 04:58 other posts of phart 
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New song,Cat, this is for you! Miley Cyrus's hit "Wrecking Ball,"

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By dgraff at 15,Nov,24 11:29 other posts of dgraff 
Love it he is a wrecking ball for sure and he has a wonderful singing voice
In your face democrats

By phart at 13,Nov,24 16:10 other posts of phart 
NOW this should indicate something. IF Jack Smith was on the up and up with all his bullshit that he spent over 60 million dollars of our tax money on, why is he chickening out since Trump got reelected? UH?? UM< could it be he is a crooked son of a bitch and he is running to hide???
Could it be that he is afraid of the truth being exposed? i wonder how many documents have been shredded by him and his cohorts since last weeks victory???UM< I bet ALOT.How many computers and hard drives and cheap cellphones have met the sledge hammer?
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By phart at 13,Nov,24 12:46 other posts of phart 
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Go jump Steven!

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By phart at 13,Nov,24 00:49 other posts of phart 
Trump got his 312 electoral votes and just like that, The cackling stopped.

By phart at 12,Nov,24 21:01 other posts of phart 
60 million dollars spent by jack smith going after Trump. with no real results. just think what positive things could a have been done with that money. No telling how much the witch hunts actually cost taxpayers
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By CAT52! at 03,Nov,24 18:36 other posts of CAT52! 
Donald Trump‘s late-night social media outburst has once again highlighted the stark contrast between political rhetoric and economic reality.
Since he’s been losing ground everywhere and facing the harsh reality of his probable defeat on November 5, Trump has stayed awake late in the night, trying to come up with some big words to show he knows a thing or two about economics. The result is a quick rant on X in which he makes dire economic predictions about Kamala Harris’ potential victory while simultaneously promising an unprecedented economic boom under his leadership.
However, these claims appear to conflict with economic analyses and historical data. Multiple studies suggest that both candidates’ policies would affect the economy differently than Trump claims, with his own proposals potentially leading to higher inflation and significant deficit increases.
By dgraff at 06,Nov,24 04:09 other posts of dgraff 
Hog wash
By Sir-Skittles at 06,Nov,24 22:04 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Stock market is up crazy today... BITCOIN too..

Russia looking to reset with the US... and Houthis asking for a ceasefire

That is day one!

That is what winning looks like. Not like the old cock and cackling rat team.
By dgraff at 06,Nov,24 22:13 other posts of dgraff 
Absolutely 💯 percent agree

By phart at 06,Nov,24 22:15 other posts of phart 
1500 points UP today!

By Ananas2xLekker at 07,Nov,24 15:04 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Oh, NOW the stock market going up is a sign for a good economy.
I thought it was the price of groceries.
By phart at 07,Nov,24 21:19 other posts of phart 
Still is having a good run!, grocerys will come down first of the year.
By Ananas2xLekker at 08,Nov,24 08:50 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Really, HOW? Will Trump do Anti-Price Gouging, like Harris proposed?

Will he give tax-dollars to farms, food factories or supermarkets?
Or will he lower food quality standards, so it can be produced cheaper?

If Trump lowers all the wages, sure groceries will become cheaper,
but not more affordable for all the people with lower wages.
By phart at 08,Nov,24 13:42 other posts of phart 
There are alot of factors that affect cost of goods,like grocerys. ENERGY cost thru out the entire process of growing a crop and getting it on your table, affects the cost of the food. Lower the cost of the fuel to plant,grow,transport the food,the cost can be lowered without any affects on profit margins.

Reduce regulations on emissions of transportation equipment,making the equipment less costly to build, will have a + effect on cost of food, and anything else that is hauled, just google the emissions requirements for trains in california, will double the cost of moving goods. what do you think that will do to the cost of whatever is being moved?

And something else while it's on my mind, 1 of my friends is working on the buildings for Wolfspeed right now, guess what, allready announcing layoffs? Weren't this company given some breaks to make chips for us?
By Ananas2xLekker at 09,Nov,24 10:07 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Another factor in the price of groceries is who picks your lettuce and who cuts your meat. That's being done by 12 million undocumented immigrants, they say.
Trump wants to deport them all. Do you think that is not going to affect prices?

By phart at 07,Nov,24 21:22 other posts of phart 
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By Ananas2xLekker at 08,Nov,24 08:59 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
He is very eloquently voicing his indoctrination.
It's completely removed from reality.

The only plan he voices; let's get to work.
Do you think Americans were not working the past 4 years?

Get back to work dgraff, your handouts will be gone. Listen to this guy.
And you phart, do you think Trump considers you disabled? Does he care?
How about the children? Those moochers were not pulling their weight.
Get to work y'all! Yeehaaaa!
By phart at 08,Nov,24 13:43 other posts of phart 
Americans have been going thru the motions, but haven't accomplished anything but feed the "Machine" for biden admins hand outs to put illegals in 400$ a night hotels and shit.

Nothing wrong with letting kids that Want to, to mow grass on saturdays for spending money, to learn how the free enterprise system works, since they don't teach it in schools and parents are to busy fucking off to teach them
By Ananas2xLekker at 11,Nov,24 17:50 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I start caring less and less about what you lot are saying,
because you are not being honest.

"HATE lost the election for democrats.plain and simple HATE."
Exactly! Your hate, for Democrats, for legal working Haitians, for women athletes who you accuse of being transgender, for FEMA that you accuse of not helping enough, for prosecutors and judges doing their job of holding your criminal, treasonous cult-leader accountable, for unions who are working to help working people to resist their exploitation, for women who want to have bodily autonomy,
for women who don't want children, for famous people who are speaking out against the monster you support, for single mothers who are working 3 jobs to feed their children, for men who don't treat women like property, hate, hate, hate.
And to deny it, you are doing nothing but projection. I'M DONE WITH IT!!!

You picked a horrible scumbag, because you want a horrible scumbag.
It's not about policies or people being able to afford food, it's just all hate;
hate towards the working class and hate towards the anyone who's different.
But instead of a microgram of insight into the character of the man you chose,
you accuse the other side of hate. A woman who did not once speak ill about the voters who hate her. Your cult-leader's campaign was nothing but hate; racist hate and misogynist hate, clear as day. It was sick and the people who accept or turn a blind eye to it are also sick.

For hate, you need a scumbag in charge, to hurt all the people you hate.
He's promising exactly what you want; hurting everyone he hates.
Well, you got him now, and he will fuck you up too, because he hates everyone.
By phart at 12,Nov,24 02:19 other posts of phart 
if a woman has a dick, it aint a woman. that is not accusing, that is going by what we were all taught in anatomy in school.There has been male and female sports for century's and it is demeaning to women that work hard for something and still can't get it because a man steals it from them wearing a pair of walmart panties with their dick duct taped up their ass crack,
And you are welcome to let a movie star or Taylor swift tell you who to vote for when they are swimming in money if you want to.And if a general that wants his men wearing panties on the front lines and the names changed on military bases because it MIGHT offend someone, I don't put any stock in his warnings. he is part of the problem.NOT the solution.

By phart at 11,Nov,24 02:46 other posts of phart 
hey cat, here is a option for you, taylor swift and all the other liberal democrats that are upset with the election.
4 year journey all over the world for you,
According to the company's website, the four-year package costs $159,999 per person for a double room or $255,999 for a single-occupancy cabin.
Just have someone house sit for you and let them pay some rent,and use that to help offest the cost of living on the water.
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By Sir-Skittles at 11,Nov,24 13:46 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
That is more than Cat has made in last 20 years!

Maybe she can get a discount? Or maybe she can work her way aboard?

No need to house sit her single story dumpster!

By PITBULL at 10,Nov,24 18:22 other posts of PITBULL 
Trump is working to modify the Constitution to run again for another term.
By phart at 11,Nov,24 02:35 other posts of phart 
the liberals and democrats are already melting down. Are you trying to stroke them out?

By phart at 10,Nov,24 22:44 other posts of phart 
Millions spent to study monkeys sleeping on meth? Cat's on treadmills?
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By phart at 10,Nov,24 20:19 other posts of phart 
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The wheels on the bus go round and round!

By dgraff at 09,Nov,24 11:52 other posts of dgraff 
Ever give any thought to Elon Musk for president 4 years from now he does love his country we have the control now and i would like to keep it that way
Let’s never ever let the communist democrats in power again
By phart at 09,Nov,24 12:05 other posts of phart 
Sadly it is confirmed he was not born here. Similar to Arnold in california, he could run for governor of a state or something but not President. I think he will serve well in the government efficiency department being discussed. Thoee 2 words, government and efficiency are not commonly used in the same sentence. Elon and Trump are the only 2 I ever heard even considering it . There is so much overlap in what each department does, that could be streamlined. it's not like there will be services lost,may even be faster and certainly done cheaper. All those new hires at the irs, they may want to look for another job. I hope that 600 dollar thing about 3rd party payments is at least uped to 6000 or so. would be a big help even to my own economy. So much hope right now, just a big burden lifted from the nations shoulders as to where we will go the next 4 years as a nation. so great.
By dgraff at 09,Nov,24 18:47 other posts of dgraff 
I’m just thinking ahead while Americans still remembers the train wreck the democrats were to this country I’ve already started a movement on Facebook to get a republican governor in the state of Pennsylvania
By phart at 09,Nov,24 19:52 other posts of phart 
good luck, 3 counties in nc decided who the governor is here it seems. The smear campaign they ran on Robison worked.I guess people don't realize or care that 3 different countries, have it out for the US and the presidential election is not the only 1 worth meddling in. It would be easy for a hacker to go to a porn site,and hack into it and put info in it to be "discovered" at the right time.

By Ananas2xLekker at 09,Nov,24 22:24 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Elon Musk taking control of the US as a dictator,
that would literally be COMMUNISM!!!

A government that fully owns and controls the means of production,
and the people serving their great leader, as though he was a GOD.
It's literally the former USSR and the current North Korea.

By dgraff at 09,Nov,24 23:59 other posts of dgraff 
It was just a thought
By Ananas2xLekker at 10,Nov,24 09:51 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
You lot are deeply afraid of communism, while you're blindly running towards it.
By phart at 10,Nov,24 12:59 other posts of phart 
Well, 1 of the things done to work towards communism is taking control of media. George soros just bought control of over 200 Am radio stations here in the US, the last safe space for conservative talk on the air waves. that is running towards communism.
By Ananas2xLekker at 10,Nov,24 14:20 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
George Soros

AM radio stations? As long as I am alive, AM has been dead in my country.
Are you still sending each other Morse code telegrams too?

The air waves are indeed 100% a safe space for conservative talk,
but all the social media is dominated by right-wing grifters too.
Safe spaces are for snowflakes. How about you support free speech?
You handed the control over free speech to big corporations and they decide
what speech they like and what speech they don't like. They didn't like racism or profanities, because big corporations don't like advertising on those videos and have their brand associated with racism or profanities. That has ended when Elon Musk bought X. He is banning actual free speech and is banning people who are voicing their opinions in a respectful way, just because he doesn't like those opinions.
Elon Musk has literally done a media campaign to help Trump.
He PAID people to register to vote and paid out prizes to voters,
that all "coincidentally" went to Trump voters.

Trump is openly promising to take away the licenses of media he doesn't like.
Under Trump, your GOVERNMENT will attack free speech. I am sure of it.
The first amendment will be ripped up and you will defend the ones doing it.

By the way; the banning of free speech is not part of the definition of communism.
It is associated with it, because authoritarianism is associated with taking away
free speech.

Communism means that the economy is fully controlled by the government.
When the owner class (the billionaires who own everything) becomes the government, then you effectively have communism.

By Ananas2xLekker at 10,Nov,24 13:29 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
I recommend this song - Tennessee Brando - Cheaper eggs.
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The link made a smiley, so you have to search for it.

By phart at 09,Nov,24 02:16 other posts of phart 
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By dgraff at 09,Nov,24 03:27 other posts of dgraff 
The red wave my friend the red wave
People must’ve been really sick and tired of the democrats bull shit
By phart at 09,Nov,24 12:00 other posts of phart 
I posted a link to the picture of the US map showing all the red counties, half of california voted red!!
Like I said, people are sick and tired of the shit. I just read about 50 or so high level fbi employee's trying to get their retirement paper work done before Trump gets in. He is already looking at getting us out of that economy crushing paris agreement and perhaps even the policing contract "nato". Suits me. America FIRST THEN help others once we are up and walking again.
By dgraff at 09,Nov,24 12:06 other posts of dgraff 
Absolutely 👍
By Sir-Skittles at 09,Nov,24 16:35 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Iran's currency sinking like Saggy's tits!

Qatar kicking out Hamas leaders from Doha

Europe signaling they want to buy LNG from the US-- guess they are worried about getting a bill for their lack of contributions to NATO

Billions pouring into the stock market- FIRE

China starting to kiss the ring again... knowing tariffs will send them packing up their factories. And those children need to work!

Mexico actually starting to protect the border- Again, fearing US tariffs.

Russia- the west is not bad and we want Trump to help end our fucked up war.

Gov of NY- days ago went on a rant about Trump.. now, after Trump called her is sucking up to him!

Jeff Bezzos- congratulates Trump!

Left loser UK Foreign Secretary days ago- Trump is a Nazi... walks that back now sending a warm and fuzzy congrats! Fucking pathetic cunt.

And it has not even been a week!

Media humiliated with all their Kamala victory predications! What an arrogant party and arrogant cunts.

The left's reaction- we are going to shave our heads and stop fucking men who voted for Trump- Like we would ever fuck you anyway!

We are also hearing rumblings that the Saggy Granny is on suicide watch!

By dgraff at 09,Nov,24 18:37 other posts of dgraff 
Two faced mother fuckers is what they are
By phart at 09,Nov,24 19:54 other posts of phart 

By phart at 09,Nov,24 11:37 other posts of phart 
Confirmation that conservatives were discriminated against for hurricane relief by FEMA. Fema confirmed it!
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I hope Trump and Elon mop the floor with the person that did this.

By Sir-Skittles at 09,Nov,24 01:20 other posts of Sir-Skittles 

The Saggy Granny's daughter!

cat52! A total Down's syndrome face!
By dgraff at 09,Nov,24 03:23 other posts of dgraff 
she looks like she swallows

By phart at 08,Nov,24 13:38 other posts of phart 
No one has answered my question on another thread so I will try it here? Why so hard to answer?

Ok so now that we have the 2024 election cycle behind us. Who do you think will run for 2028? I predict a Vance-? ticket for repubs but the dems have kinda blown their candles out, they don't have any new horses to run in the race.

By phart at 08,Nov,24 02:05 other posts of phart 
NOT in office yet and already fuel cost are expected to drop!
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By phart at 08,Nov,24 00:44 other posts of phart 
Months from taking the job and Trump is already breaking Iran down,
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months before going into office, immigrants are dropping ot of the caravan to the border>
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why swim the river to get thrown back over it I guess ?

By phart at 07,Nov,24 21:37 other posts of phart 
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I wonder how long the list is of people that said they would leave if Trump won? Of course, they lied the first time, so I don't believe them when they said they would leave this time.

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By Sir-Skittles at 07,Nov,24 22:41 other posts of Sir-Skittles 
Like Canada would take them-

Too many DUIs and other criminal pasts...
By phart at 08,Nov,24 00:43 other posts of phart 
Maybe Kim Jong Un will take them! Or Iran?

By phart at 07,Nov,24 21:25 other posts of phart 
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By phart at 07,Nov,24 03:27 other posts of phart 
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