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Started by #491031 at 28,Jul,16 18:08
Similar topics: 1.Over 60 Bi Curious--??--Why now?? 2.I like to play and suck, but not the fuck...where can i suck 3.I suck you suck me 4.HUGE UNCUT BLACK PENIS 5.I'M A BIG DICK SUCKING ANIMAL New CommentComments: |
I'm bi, but I'll take the card and the teeshirt, thanks
By definition, a guy sucking another guy's dick is a homosexual act. (Homo means 'like' or 'same')
The whole "it only matters if you get emotionally attached" stuff is just a rationale invented by bisexual people who are ashamed of their bisexuality.
From an American Psychology Association Q&A
What is sexual orientation?
Sexual orientation refers to an enduring
pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual
attractions to men, women, or both sexes.
Sexual orientation also refers to a person’s
sense of identity based on those attractions,
related behaviors, and membership in
a community of others who share those
-https://www.apa.org/topics/lgbt/orientation.pdf under headiing What is Sexual Orientation?
--------------------------------------- added after 18 minutes
I am mildly physically and emotionally attracted to other men, therefore I am bisexual. Even if I never acted on it, or only looked at solo women or lesbian or even no porn, and never fantasised about another man, whatever I would still be bisexual by definition because I am attracted to other men.
--------------------------------------- added after 34 minutes
If a man had sex with another man and that attraction was absent and they only did it because it felt good and sex is fun, then he would not be bisexual. This is because he is not sexually attracted to men physically, emotionally, or in some other way. This goes for both genders and both hetero and homosexual orientations. If it was a gay man having sex with a woman even though he is not attracted to her this not make him bi, he would still be gay.
Just to be clear I am personally openly and unashamedly bisexual and always have been, though I also live in a place where there isn't any stigma attached to it and if anyone would try to shame me for it I haven't met them in the 20 or so years I've been open about being sexually active with other men. I have no political or moral intent. I'm just showing you that technically you are wrong.
By the 'I just like dicks, but am not attracted to men so I am not bi/gay' theory, what percentage of the male anatomy do you have to be attracted to in order to qualify as bi/gay?
What if you are turned-on by penises AND testicles? How about if you find men's butts to be kinda sexy?
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes
My comment was posted BEFORE you added the "I am mildly physically attracted to other men..." part of your post. That's not the part I was speaking about when I talked about playing with semantics.
You are probably mildly bisexual like I am, because you are attracted to at least one male primary or secondary sex characteristic. I am mostly attracted to penises and rarely other parts, though I would and have pursued romantic relationships with men in the past. Generally secondary sex charistics like body shape, beards, boobs, shape of butts, stuff like that are considered more than genitals, but everyone is different. Usually the line between monosexuality (straight/gay) and bisexuality blurs the closer you get to it, I've said I'm both straight and bi in the past as it took me a while to figure it out. And you don't have to be sexually attracted to something to like it. I fooled around with a few straight friends in my youth, still do actually. When I discussed it with one recently he said it was because it's fun and feels good. However, he doesn't see it as anything different from playing video games with me, and I can tell there's no romantic interest or anything like that, it's hey lets get off together because I'm bored and or horny.
All that said, you can call yourself whatever you want. Even when I called my self straight or some other random labels like straight plus, or whatever others, I would often tell people I'm bi because it requires less explanation.
Sorry for the TL;DR, I'm just explaining how it works on a more technical psychological level. I find this sort of thing fascinating psychology and philosophy and shit. Actually from a young age learning about how sex works on a biological and psychological level has been arousing for me. Ever since I read about how the anatomy works in a university biology textbook when I was 9, horny, and would get off to anything even remotely related to genitals. Guess I have a knowledge fetish
But the point is, I'm not bi. Not the way I figure it.
Sucking titty-nipples serves no purpose for a full-grown man, so it is a waste of time...
However, I suspect that gay men don't find your titty-nipples to be that exciting...
Being gay is about ATTRACTION, not LOVE.
Unless, of course, you are one of those guys who falls in love with every dick he sucks...
I knew i was gay before i even sucked a dick or had any sexual contact with a man
There are plenty of gay men who do not like sucking dick and some haven't done that for years after trying. Sucking dick or any other sexual act is not what makes one gay.
I know a guy who doesn't like having sex but he lives with a guy and they are a gay couple and are known so;
Being gay is not just what you do but more how you feel
Good on you, though, that you are that self-aware...
Because than, by the official definition, you're bisexual.
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"a) see usage paragraph below : of, relating to, or characterized by sexual or romantic attraction to people of one's same sex and of the opposite sex also : of, relating to, or characterized by sexual or romantic attraction to people of one's own gender identity and of other gender identities
b) biology : possessing characters of both sexes and especially both male and female reproductive structures : hermaphroditic"
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"Sexual activity with, or sexual attraction to, members of both sexes."
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"Bisexuality is a broad and inclusive term that describes physical attraction, romantic attraction, or sexual behavior that is not limited to one sex. In the scientific language of sexual orientation, bisexuality encompasses both heterosexual (different sex) and homosexual (same-sex) attraction or behavior. In everyday language, depending on the speaker’s culture, background, and politics, that translates into a variety of popular definitions such as:
Attraction to men and women
Attraction to same and other genders
Attraction to all sexes or genders
Love beyond gender
Attraction regardless of sex or gender"
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So there is some variation in the definition of bisexual(ity). Are there definitions
that exclude you?
There are off course blurry borders in the scale from straight, to bisexual, to gay/lesbian, but I really don't understand the confusion about the meaning.
So if a guy says 'I'm gay, but I am attracted to women too' (which is not exactly what spermkiss said, but it's an example), than I say that according to the generally accepted definition (at least in The Netherlands), he's not gay, but bisexual. And if a guy says "I'm straight and I love women, but I also love sucking cock and a handsome man gives me a boner", than I say that he's not straight but bisexual.
So even if a guy never had sex with a woman and he has sucked and fucked hundreds of guys, but he still knows he's sexually attracted to women, he's bisexual according to the definition I know.
The definition of "bisexuality" is EXACTLY how you state it.
Unfortunately, a large number of 'bisexual by definition' folks seem to desperately need to muddle things up by creating a massive and shifting scale to define their own sexuality along the gay/straight continuum.
Apparently, "bisexual' is too GAY for some people and too STRAIGHT for others.
These are also the same people who are constantly crying: "Why do we have to label everything?"
Which is sort of why I started this whole thread to begin with. Like most of the stuff I post here, it was intended to be tongue-in-cheek and a poke at all of the "I'm totally straight but love to suck dick" that were showing up in the forum at the time.
Also, do not get me started on "heteroflexible"--an idiotic term which was being tossed around in these parts not so long ago. "Heteroflexible", it seems, means the exact same thing as "bisexual" but, because it is a different word and has "hetero" in it, it is much better!
Years ago, I befriended a colleague and years later I discovered that he was very homophobic. He once said that he didn't like porn with closeups of girls sucking dick, because it would make you gay.
He grew up in a tiny village in the rural part of our country, so his homophobic nature was probably bred from youth. I somewhat suspected he wasn't totally straight and had problems accepting it. Once in the last night shift, when discussions regularly turned raunchy and the two girls in the team would definitely have had reasons to condemn all the guys for sexually transgressive behavior, but fortunately they allowed and participated a lot, he asked all the guys if they would suck their own cock if they could. Several admitted they tried, but couldn't. I admitted I tried and could. I didn't go into detail, but my team was much intrigued. One guy called me 'pornstar' after that for years, but luckily they kept it in the team (at least the explanation for it).
I think he was also intrigued, because started that subject again publicly several times, where I was defensive to keep it under control, but he never talked about it with me personally. Our friendship continued for years after he quit his job for another, but we never talked about what I think were repressed sexual urges, actually from the both of us.
I think he had a lot of other repressed feelings, he never confided me with, because he committed suicide years later. The last I heard from him was a phone call, in which he talked about moving back to the area where he was born (about 180 miles from us) and find a job there. He was sort of saying goodbye, but I said we could visit him there and he would always be welcome to stay over.
He actually sounded upbeat, so I never imagined there was something wrong, but we found out weeks later he hang himself. No one informed us, because we never had any connection with his family. Afterwards I did blame myself for not seeing some signs. Maybe I could have helped him.
He was a very closed off person. It's why we connected, because I am too, but I could never imagine being as closed off as he turned out to be. I'm not just still sad, but also still shocked about it. In this day and age, there is no need to repress so much of your feelings.
That said, there are some males who are of an age that has made them realise that sex with females is too complicated and who prefer to get sexual activity with a male (if possible).
An interesting thread. I once picked up a guy on the cruise block downtown. Or more correctly he picked me up. I spotted him first time around and knew right away that he was a hustler. The second time around he got in my car without any encouragement from me. Right up front I made it clear that I wouldn't pay him and he said that was OK. I think he really wanted to get off the street. Perhaps the police had been on him.
Chatting with him back at my house I learned that he was 32 years old and had been hustling since he was 16, half of his life. He spotted some handicraft items that I made and went ape over them. So I gave him one and he said he was going to give it to his girlfriend.
Then he said "Now I'm going to thank you." With that he took out his upper plate and gave me a gum job the likes of which I never had before or since. I wonder if he told his girlfriend what he did to get her gift.
I have visited the main red light districts in The Hague and Amsterdam a few times
(as a tourist, not as a customer) and except for all the girls, I've seen no men and
only one transvestite. The girls attracted me a lot, but I was even more intrigued
with that one transvestite. I'm sure there must be male prostitutes in the Netherlands,
but I don't know how and where they offer their services.
I guess you use the same definitions for sexual orientation as I do, which is just following the official definitions:
- Heterosexual (straight): Sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex.
- Bisexual: Sexually attracted to people of both sexes.
- Homosexual (gay or lesbian): Sexually attracted to people of one's own sex.
Therefore, I don't think anyone checks either box just from their sexual activities.
The only question that checks any box is: "To what sex(es) are you sexually attracted?"
So if you say: "I'm GAY and I like pussy", I think you mean you are only or mostly sexually attracted to other man, but you also like pussy. Many might consider you bisexual from that statement, but I agree with you that being attracted to one or both sex organs is not the same as being attracted to the sex of the whole person.
So I consider myself to be straight, because I am attracted to women. When a woman is dressed in revealing clothes or she bends over in tight jeans/short skirt or I get an(un)intentional upskirt or downblouse view, that sends a signal to my heart to pump up the beat and send blood to one specific place. However, I can't remember any straight guy ever having that effect on me, no matter how handsome, regardless of what clothes he's wearing, either in underwear in dressing rooms or nude in the sauna. My maximum reaction to any handsome guy might be some admiration (of his hard work) or some envy (without any intention to do the same hard work).
However I checked the box for bisexual here, because I do like sexual acts that are
not considered 100% straight, I am very attracted to transvestites and transsexuals and I do fantasize about sucking cock (other than my own). That is considered bisexual by many people.
I've never been to The Hague but I've been to Amsterdam twice. Of course I had to see the legendary red light district. What struck me most was how clean and wholesome it was. The streets were clean and litter free and it looked like any other business district. Except the business was sex. Looking around at the people on the street, of course there were single gentlemen who were there to look over the wares on display and to perhaps avail themselves of the professional services being offered. But there were also couples there on dates. Couples of all ages from teenagers to senior citizens and everything in between. There were also families with small children. It looked like Disneyland with whores. I could just visualize one of those little girls turning to her mother and saying "Oh mommy, I want to be a whore when I grow up."
Like you I have heard that in the red light district there are now "window boys" in addition to "window girls", but I didn't see any. But I cannot imagine that male prostitution does not exist in the Netherlands. Hell, it exists all over the world. There is nothing to stop a gay man from selling his body and I'm sure many find it exciting. (More about this in the next paragraph.) There are also a lot of ostensibly straight men who will engage in sex with other men for money. (Gay for pay.) Often they will only assume inserter roles, the most frequent being the hustler allowing the gay man to suck him off. But for the right amount of money, nothing is off the table. Or in the case of the guy I took home, no money at all, just a handmade handicraft item. Another thing I'll note about that encounter is the he never took off his pants and wasn't even crazy about me feeling his cock thru his pants. He was just giving me oral service. He approached it in a very businesslike way like a short order cook preparing the perfect eggs over easy. He was very good at oral service and I could tell he had done it before.
Now about gay men prostituting themselves, I once had an encounter with a gentleman whose mother was a whore. He grew up in a whorehouse and he thought paying or getting paid for sex was totally normal and natural. It wasn't like he just blurted this out in the first five minutes, but it came out in bits and pieces over the course of our afternoon together. I didn't pay him anything nor did he expect me to (our encounter was for fun, not profit), but he was quite candid in saying that being paid added a layer of excitement. "I'm going to have sex anyway, why not get paid for it?"
There is now a TV program on called 'Ik word prostituee', which means 'I become a prostitute'. only registered users can see external links
I have nothing against prostitution and I want it completely legalized and normalized, but I've never wanted to pay for sex myself. That's primarily because of my personal inhibitions. I have paid for a few personal sex shows, that were all initiated by friends, when we went to the sex shops in Rotterdam.
I like your stories. How long ago have you been in The Netherlands and how long did you stay?
The first time in Amsterdam was just overnight about six or eight years ago. We were going to a safari vacation and the tour operator offered a break in the travel with an overnight in Amsterdam. Which is a good thing because it's roughly 25 hours from the west coast of North America to most places in Africa. The second time was four years ago for three days before boarding a ship for a cruise vacation.
As for the safety of prostitution, yes there is risk, especially for those who work the streets. But the window girls in the red light district are working in a pretty safe environment. The rooms are closely monitored and if any client gets abusive there will be bouncers on him in a heartbeat. He'll probably face criminal charges. That's the beauty of legalized prostitution. Where it is illegal the sex worker finds it hard to make a complaint for fear of being prosecuted herself.
I think "That was fun, but I'm glad to be home."
The Netherlands does have a tendency to not completely legalize, but condone. So, the prostitution itself is legal, but many of the girls are migrants from Eastern Europe and even some illegal immigrants. They get taken advantage off a lot. However that also happens in greenhouse jobs.
We also have legalized the using and selling of weed, but not the production of weed. So that leaves much criminal activity.
There are tests with legal production of weed, but it's all to slow and weak for my taste. The ideas about prostitution are not heading in the right direction. The government is talking about forbidding it, even from some of the left, because it's considered misogynistic. I disagree with that completely and I am convinced prohibiting prostitution will just make the life of many women much worse.
Learning how a guy's dingus tastes seems just a bit more personal than knowing his name...
I mean, if you've had them wash your car, then probably not.
Here's a side question:
What kind of person actually keeps such an exact count, and...um...WHY?
Also, if the guy you're blowing is making you eat a pig's eyeball before you do it, you should probably find a new regular suck-buddy.
"you might like it as much as I do cocksucking"--I'm not sure that that is possible. From the way you talk, you like cocksucking a lot. I don't know if anyone here could like it as much as you claim to. I mean, you're willing to eat a pig's eyeball just to give a guy a blowjob. I'd never go that far.
Don't shoot yourself in the head, no one wants to clean the shit splatters off the walls when your useless noggin explodes.
Have more respect..
You couldn't be more wrong.
Sex is exactly one-third of sexuality.
2. I don't need any study to support my statement. All I need is the ability to count letters.
3. How a person chooses to live their life has nothing at all to do with my original post.
4. My three-year-old nephew has "identified" as a puppy for the past two weeks. Should we take him to the vet?
5. I never specified that the four cocks had to be from four different partners. You can blow the same guy four times and still qualify.
6. Perhaps if you stopped being celibate and actually had sex with someone you wouldn't be this cranky.
7. I take it, from the grumpy tone of your posts, that you aren't really interested in getting a mempership card and a free T-shirt.
As to the "make statements that are most likely opinions and state them as facts" bit:
I am guessing that the part of my original post--the very first line that says "I'm thinking four"--didn't indicate clearly enough for you that what followed was an opinon.
But if you like sucking dicks, that means I think you're at least sexually turned on by men's bodies (even if it's only their dicks?). I wouldn't say it makes you gay, but it may qualify at least as bisexual.
Having said all that, I'm a big believer in not telling other people how to identify. It is for them to say, no one else.
This is why we know that cats are not dogs and poison is not good to eat.
I'm not sure where you got the "looking down their nose at us because we like something different" part when reading my post. There's nothing at all in there about passing judgement on anyone.
Therefore, I have to place you in the category of "people who read things that aren't there into stuff they see in the forum".
There is a difference between being sexually attracted to a guy and liking to have sex with a guy.
I am a fan of casual sex. I love having sex with another guy. I am not looking for a relationship. I am looking to get naked with a guy and enjoy ourselves. I am not bragging here, but I have had sex with at least 200 guys. Some people like drinking beer. Others like going to hockey games. I like having sex with a man and I love to suck a man's cock. This week is typical ... three guys came over here to have sex. They are all married to women, but they love having sex with another man ... me. I was also I was the third guy in a mmm threesome. One of the other two is s straight single who loves m2m sex.
At the end of the day, however, I will be sleeping with my partner ... the guy I have been in a relationship for over seven years. We love each other and are committed to each other. Yes, he has sex with other guys. So do I. I am gay and far prefer sex with a guy. He is bi and has sex with both.
Sucking cock does not make you gay. It is just a preference you have when you are having sex.
Then there's the phenomenon of the straight cocksucker. These are men who identify as straight and who live as straight but never-the-less like to suck cocks. And there are a lot of them out there. Undoubtedly millions worldwide.
[deleted image]
post scriptum: always like how much effort you put into the question. Like that ...
What if you identify as a duck?
Sorry, but words have definitions for a reason.
Take, for example; Robin Hood.
He "considered" himself to be a hero because he only robbed from the rich to give it to the poor.
However, that doesn't change the fact that, by definition, he is still a thief. See?
what it all boils down to is, society forces us use labels like "strait" or "gay." Humans judge people different from themselves. And its not limited sexual orientation. Race, gender, physcal apperence, even location. Take someone from the city, and take them to the country. Immediatly, they will judge and label everything as "a bunch of HICKS and REDNECKS living in the STICKS."
I myself was labeled as FAT. just for being a little big. and just like race or gender its not something you can easily change.
Judgeing people like that, and Labels, are the root of all evil in my book. It may not seem like a big deal now. But I've seen it cause so much pain and death in my life. A student was killed in my school just because he was labeled gay.
the point im trying to make, is that "gay" and "strait" are just labels, and all it is, is just personnal preference.
sorry for the rant. I just watched the Howard Stern 9/11 broadcast, so I'm just a little agrivated.
If everyone on the planet was just called Bob, the fat Bobs and gay Bobs and midget Bobs would STILL be dealing with the same problems they had before their Bobification.
Semantic games don't change human nature.
The "label" didn't cause his death, a murderer did. Chances are, that same person would have come up with a different justification for that horrible crime even if the poor k1d had not been "labeled gay". Because h@te-filled sociopaths are still h@te-filled sociopaths...no matter what they "consider" themselves to be.
but no, we have to slap a label on it, just to segregate those who may enjoy something you may not.
By definition, sucking your friend's dick makes you gay (or bi). That's how words work. They have meanings, which help to make communication between people effective.
Words don't pass judgement.
It doesn't matter what you want to be called. The behavior you practice, by definition, is gay (or bi). Your feelings about the matter don't even enter into the equation.
You may be "just a person", but you are "just a person" who is doing stuff that bi/gay guys do.
By your reasoning, the fact that the word "retarded" is no longer widely used would mean that there were no longer any mentally retarded people left on the planet.
Abolishing a word does not change the reality.
Also, Robin Hood is a fictional character.
Perhaps it would have helped you more if I had said:
For example--Donald Trump considers himself to be the smartest man in the room. However, that doesn't change the fact that he is really a total idiot.
Also, I'm yet to receive my t-shirt, even though the fourth cock I sucked was a few years back, and I've sucked more since then. I sucked 2 last Sunday at the sauna complex I visit frequently.
If there were no other men in the room, he might be right...
Also, when I'm out in public, if I see a woman, I'll sometimes think to myself whether or not I'd have sex with her, but when I see men, those thoughts don't cross my mind.
It's very uncommon, even for bisexuals, to be interested in a long-term relationship with either sex without a preference.
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If a guy's only supposed to have one dick, then what is a cocktail?
Because an alcoholic cocktail contains liquor that is diluted and mixed with non-alcoholic ingredients, they were given a similar nickname.
And another question is:
Who cares? We are who we are, and what the rest of the world might think about it might be interesting, but mainly irrelevant.
Be who you are - you can't be anyone else, anyway...
I can understand it being better when you're not turned on, for a few different reasons, but I'm assuming you mean hard.
Unless of course, you're one of those douchebags that humps their mouth even though it's making them gag/choke... in which case, what the fuck?!
The ones who won't admit that they are ducks are ashamed of being a duck. They don't want to stop behaving in a duck-like fashion, even enjoy doing ducky things; they just have so many hang-ups about what they think being a duck makes them, that they refuse to admit the truth.
If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck, and sucks dick like a duck--it's a fucking duck.
The problem isn't with the "label", the problem is with the person who needs to lie to himself in order to cope with his desires and subsequent behavior.