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Started by #21751 at 30,Aug,09 15:05
My sixth grade art teacher, she was first. It was a long time before a girlfriend sucked me. Even longer before a guy sucked me and I found out I liked to suck cocks.

Similar topics: to know how many cocks shes sucked   2.How often do you get your dick sucked, and how often do you cum from being sucked?   3.Where to get my dick sucked in Chicago or sucking first time   4.The Taste of Cum   5.Sucked my first dick!!  

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By Ubique at 16,Jul,24 05:13 other posts of Ubique 
Women. And I could never understand the fascination with getting blown because I always had to help them so I could finish. First time I was blown by a guy I was painting his tonsils in under 5 minutes and I didn't have to lift a finger.
By kebmo at 16,Aug,24 03:12 other posts of kebmo 
When guys suck a cock they do it because they really, really want to. You can trust me on that one.

When girls suck a cock, it is often something they feel obligated to do. Of course, there are a lot of women who absolutely love to do it, but not enough of them!
By Gntlmn at 16,Aug,24 03:59 other posts of Gntlmn 
SO true

By #720154 at 15,Aug,24 16:06
I was 14 he was MUCH older. 1st time from female she was 17 I 20

By SexIsLife at 14,Aug,24 19:24 other posts of SexIsLife 
I've got my first blowjob from one of my cousin (female). She's 15 yo and I am 19.

By #719329 at 20,Jul,24 19:10
A guy when I was 9

By Gingerscape at 09,Jul,24 15:32 other posts of Gingerscape 
Depends on how you define it. First to have a mouth on my cock was my male cousin when I was 5 and he was 6. First to really suck me was a girl when I was 17. First guy to suck me to orgasm was when I was 23. That cousin of mine sucked me to orgasm when I was 28.
By Cody8789 at 17,Jul,24 15:25 other posts of Cody8789 
That’s bullshit
By Gingerscape at 18,Jul,24 17:44 other posts of Gingerscape 
Can you be more specific as to what you think is bullshit?

By #718164 at 16,Jul,24 06:05
Female at 18, Male at 22.

By lovetolickyou at 15,Jul,24 23:01 other posts of lovetolickyou 
I had several girls and one older woman suck me before I had the experience from a guy. I'd always heard that guys would be better because they knew how it felt. It hasn't been that way for me very often, although the only person I've ever cum with simultaneously was another guy.

By Mynakedcock at 25,May,23 07:47 other posts of Mynakedcock 
A gal at school as a dare from her friends.
By leopoldij at 11,Jul,24 01:31 other posts of leopoldij 
Did the friends watch?
By Mynakedcock at 11,Jul,24 04:11 other posts of Mynakedcock 
By leopoldij at 11,Jul,24 07:12 other posts of leopoldij 
Oh that must have been great!!+

By #633962 at 13,Jan,21 19:50
My first time was with a girl next door I was 10 she was 9 we were in her garden where she had a tent we where showing our bits. She was touching my cock i was fingering her fanny she asked if she could taste my cock of course i let her as long as i could put my cock in her she agreed so my first blow job was also my first fuck. This continued for a while, we in her bedroom both naked (her parents were out) I was fucking her, all was well until her younger brother came into her room and saw us basically fucking he was 8 years old he asked what we were doing? Playing sex she said, can I join in asked her brother? If you want to get your pants off and start playing with your willy i moved my hand down to his willy and started wanking his 3in willy he soon had dry orgasm, I then gave him his first blowjob he then sucked me off while licked out his sister.this went on for 3yrs until they moved away, have not seen them since.that was many years ago.
By Adriandd at 07,Jul,24 21:46 other posts of Adriandd 
Lucky sod wow wish I was involved

By cumcouplessa at 29,Jun,24 19:25 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Guy friends at school. Guy friends after school. Then a chick and I married her 🤣

By nakeddude at 29,Jun,24 11:49 other posts of nakeddude 

By fs9318 at 29,Jun,24 08:54 other posts of fs9318 
I was 13 when I got sucked off by my PE teacher in his office. I unloaded into his mouth and stayed hard, so he sucked me off to another orgasm, where I shot another load which he swallowed. It was very sexy and I loved it. I don't think he could believe his luck, especially as I was fully formed at 13.

By 1NiceRod at 27,Jun,24 11:23 other posts of 1NiceRod 
A guy. He was a buddy from school. He was a year older.

By #715578 at 25,Jun,24 15:29
A girl, my 1st girlfriend, I was 14, she was 13.

By ScottsCock at 25,Jun,24 13:45 other posts of ScottsCock 
Girl, neighbor she was 16 and I was 13

By #717510 at 24,Jun,24 22:42
Was a guy when I was 18. He loved sucki g and getting a mouthful of warm cummm. I’m sucked him too but not to completion. Him and a GF a few years later were only ones got my cumm in their mouths.

By Cody8789 at 27,Jan,24 01:05 other posts of Cody8789 

By curiousrene at 27,Jan,24 01:00 other posts of curiousrene 
My first was when I was 16 with a guy friend from high school. The first with a gal was when I was about 25.

By #709175 at 25,Jan,24 11:44
I did write on here about this experience a couple of years ago. I don't mind repeating it because it truly was my first experience of being sucked or a least played with. I was only 10 or 11, old enough to be on a ferry going home from visiting my grandmother. minding my on business and a guy, much older than me sided up to me asked how am I and would I like to go into the toilets with him, naive me said yes and in there he pulls my pants down and started to play with me, playing, playing and I take over and start to pull myself, oh such a small dick I had, before I know it out dribbles all this clear fluid. Well he got a bit disappointed.... My naive self exclaims' "I didn't know you wanted that stuff."

By #709175 at 25,Jan,24 11:31
When I was big enough to be sucked, probably 14 or so it seemed like everywhere I went, on the ferry, Boy Scouts or just hanging around the local fish & chip shop there were old guys that wanted to suck me off, and I let them. It didn't hurt or worry me, I didn't have to think about it, it just happened. I didn't touch them or even have any interest, they would just pull my pants down and kiss and suck on me, I don't even know if I would cum, but I must have because they would keep coming back. This went on for years, at least until I discovered girls.

By Cummingforyou at 23,Jan,24 13:52 other posts of Cummingforyou 
Guy who was my best friend at the time . We were both 17 and happened out of the blue . Was in his house when we found a stash of his dads porn and we both got aroused looking at the naked guys and girls . The girl’s tie ends hand jobs before going on Blowjobs . He noticed my pjs were starting to tent likewise his when he said what it would be like if another hand touched our docks and would it enhance our pleasure than our own hands. I said well do you want to try to his shock which got his cock bulging in his pants . He said let’s try and pull our pjs down together in which we went down to our underwear still on but a massive erection we both showed . I said fuck it and pulled down my underwear exposing my now rock hard 6 inch penis just 2 yarda from him . He was a little shy so I grabbed his pants and pulled them down to see his uncut member pointing to me . After a couple of minutes I took the courage to wrap my hand around his cock pulling his foreskin back and forth with his breathing became heavier. I took his hand and put on my cock where we both got into stroking mode which gave us both incredible pleasure rushes . This went on while we were looking at girls giving blowjobs where I said let’s try that so got down and and wrapped my mouth around his incredible manhood and grabbed my head while fucking my mouth I pulled away to his dissatisfaction and said your turn when he got down and put his mouth on my member which sent me into heaven. This went on as we took it in turns and after a while he grunted and shot his load into my mouth which tasted salty. He then finished my off with his hand

By #688177 at 23,Jan,24 07:58
Girl, think I was 8 or 9, I started eating pussy at 8.

By tixHH at 22,Jan,24 04:52 other posts of tixHH 
an older guy sucked my cock first an swallowed my load. i was 14. at the age of 15 the mother of a good friend sucked my cock in the backyard!

By Jamie at 21,Jan,24 23:37 other posts of Jamie 
A older man when I was 15

By hairypussywife at 21,Jan,24 19:21 other posts of hairypussywife 
Lady hooker when I was 16 then my first girlfriend when I was 19

By #708276 at 21,Jan,24 08:48

By #665411 at 03,Aug,23 13:58
Can’t remember if I’ve replied to this one before, takes too long to go through and see.
I’ve only had guys suck probably seven when me and a few other boys started exploring by putting our cocks in each others mouths.
However my first real blow job came at scout camp me 12 him and adult. Loved it! I was definitely willing did not care that he was an adult
By Cummingforyou at 09,Aug,23 23:49 other posts of Cummingforyou 
Nice . My age too
By #665411 at 10,Aug,23 02:00
That’s cool man

By #688177 at 06,Aug,23 18:57
First suck/lick was about 9, after school in her back garden.
Never had a male touch my cock.

By #699038 at 05,Aug,23 05:27
My first blow job was from my best mate in primary school after school one day i grabed his cock and sucked like crazy he then returned favor dam at that young age i didnt get it but knew it was awsome fun so we did that to each other for bout year mmm was awsome

By Cummingforyou at 03,Aug,23 13:11 other posts of Cummingforyou 
Guy . My best friend at the time we were both 16 . watching porn when he took out his cock which was rock hard like my own so I took out my penis and slowly rubbed the foreskin back and forth he did the same . Both uncut he then reached over and grabbed my member giving me incredible sensations. Then he put his mouth over it and sucked me off , then said my turn so had to return the favor. We both took turns when he shot his load into my throat . Was salty and not bad . He then sucked me off to a mind blowing orgasm causing me to arch into his mouth . Never came so much before
By tb1 at 03,Aug,23 18:58 other posts of tb1 
WOW, wish that had been me

By LGA6969 at 14,Jun,23 19:27 other posts of LGA6969 

By boc at 14,Jun,23 16:07 other posts of boc 
Girl, she was a flute player in band. I am a sax player.

By #663407 at 12,Jun,23 03:08

By Urcock at 05,Jun,23 21:11 other posts of Urcock 
A guy (friend), we were schoolmates and about 12 or 11 years old. He sucked mine dick and then I sucked his. I am getting a boner now just by remembering

By Ananas2xLekker at 25,May,23 11:35 other posts of Ananas2xLekker 
Could have been a boy. His mouth was an inch from my dick, then I chickened out.
Then, years later, it was a girl.

By tecsan at 24,May,23 05:57 other posts of tecsan 
A GAL of course, never even want to experience the other. But hey I do not condemn any over preference. Unless they harass me.

By Jamie at 24,May,23 03:57 other posts of Jamie 
A guy was first

By mikeyd270 at 24,May,23 01:50 other posts of mikeyd270 
First was a gal.

By Tempp at 21,May,23 19:09 other posts of Tempp 
A guy, we were both about 10. His idea, on a sleepover. We met up occasionally, until we got caught, then never got together again. But there were others...

By oraljoeforyou at 21,May,23 16:44 other posts of oraljoeforyou 
The second time I ever sucked a dick! I was maybe 12 or 13. I wasn't advanced in the dick area! I had a 4" dick at the time! Well we would always be messing around saying, suck my dick! The standard reply was, whip it out! Well one day my friend Leon, I was at his house! We where in the front room of the apartment sitting at this table! We are joking around when I hear suck my dick! I say well whip it out! The next thing I know he pulled his shorts to the side and his dick was exposed! Nice dick! Maybe 6 inches, not real thick! He was cut and had a nice head! I just felt real flushed! I just kept looking at it and wanted to suck him! I just slide to my knees and took him in my mouth! Was so hot feeling him get harder in my mouth! It just felt so good in my mouth, I just kept licking and sucking him! Had to stop before he came! His parents where in the other room! Never got to continue the adventure with him after that!
By tb1 at 21,May,23 18:27 other posts of tb1 
That is too bad

By Jamie at 21,May,23 18:23 other posts of Jamie 
A guy when I was 16

By oraljoeforyou at 21,May,23 16:32 other posts of oraljoeforyou 
My first was a guy! He was older! He was 15 I was 11. He asked me to go to the storage room with him! I went and he then closed the door. Asked me to lay down and he laid down and took his pants off! He had a fat 6" cock with hairy balls! He asked me to kiss his dick! I kissed it, then he asked me to open my mouth and slid his cock in my mouth! It felt kind of nice! He had me suck his dick and lick his balls! He was jerking off while I was using my mouth on him! I didn't know about guys being able to cum yet! He then says take my dick, suck it good! I was ducking away and the next thing I knew I had this taste in my mouth! Was just strange! He then pulled his pants back on and walked away!

By PAguy570 at 20,May,23 15:00 other posts of PAguy570 
A guy was the first to suck me off

By #682523 at 01,Jan,23 14:36
My cousin's friend. A girl a few years older than me. Looking at it from today's perspective, she was good or almost perfect. Master of the tongueShe really enjoyed watching me reach orgasm and produce a lot of cum

By Texnude at 31,Dec,22 19:43 other posts of Texnude 
A guy as I was the first one to suck myself off.

By jimbo111949 at 22,Dec,22 01:46 other posts of jimbo111949 
A friend of mine when I was 12 and I sucked his too.

By knewbi at 18,Aug,22 20:49 other posts of knewbi 
Gals did for years.. I was in my mid 50's when I started playing with the guys. (stupid me). These days it is guys sucking me about 3 to 1.

By Panda737369 at 18,Aug,22 00:16 other posts of Panda737369 
A friend I met in 10th grade. We were best friends till we graduated!

By TxMeat at 15,Aug,22 19:23 other posts of TxMeat 
Gal. She was 14, I was 7.

By Gntlmn at 15,Aug,22 16:45 other posts of Gntlmn 
My 3 year's younger red haired gf. We'd taken a picnic/blanket setup into the woods. She didn't swallow that first time, but did everytime thereafter. She always sucked me off on every date -and that lasted over 2 years.
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We'd often "park" behind a rural church, between the building and a graveyard. I loved cumming in her mouth during a thunderstorm.
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Of course, cumming in her mouth was just a side benefit. Far more important, was eating out her sweet red-bushed pussy. One night I ate her to orgasm on the golf course, as her drunk girlfriend watched from a bench by the 14th tee. She tasted especially hot, because her luscious young ginger pussy was damp with fresh urine.

By APBay at 15,Aug,22 15:05 other posts of APBay 
A guy here

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